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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-25Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] YPEJ HPA - TOYRKIA - KYPRIAKOAkalypto afhse ton Presbh twn HPA sthn Agkyra, Tzeims Tzefri, h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Xilari Klinton, otan apantwntas se erwthsh sth diarkeia xqesinhs kataqeshs ths sth Geroysia, eipe oti oi apoceis poy ekfrasthkan apo ton Presbh Tzefri einai ``dedhlwmenes qeseis ths toyrkikhs Kybernhshs, alla oxi ths amerikanikhs''.H topoqethsh ths k. Klinton afhnei akalypto kai ton ekproswpo toy Steit Ntiparment, o opoios mia mera nwritera dhlwse oti symfwnei me ton k. Tzefri, enw otan rwthqhke gia thn paroysia twn toyrkikwn strateymatwn eipe oti oi HPA koitazoyn to mellon ki oxi o,ti egine prin 35 xronia. ``Se sxesh me thn Kypro, yposthrizoyme enqerma tis synexizomenes diapragmateyseis ypo thn aigida twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn gia dizwnikh dikoinotikh lysh sthn Kypro'', eipe h k. Klinton apantwntas erwthsh toy geroysiasth Rompert Menentez. ``Exoyme egkardiwqei'', synexise, ``apo orismenes apo tis entatikes diaboyleyseis poy synexizontai metajy twn Ellhnokypriwn kai twn Toyrkokypriwn hgetwn, alla ypoleipetai akomh polys dromos. Den mporw na milhsw ek meroys toy presbh mas (sthn Agkyra) alla ypoqetw oti ejeqete thn gnwmh ths toyrkikhs Kkybernhshs. Ayto den mporei na apodoqei se mas, giati emeis epiqymoyme na doyme thn katastash s oloklhrh thn Kypro na epilyetai, alla asfalws antilambanomaste oti ayth htan h dedhlwmenh qesh ths toyrkikhs Kybernhshs ki oxi ths amerikanikhs''. Sthn erwthsh toy pros thn k. Klinton, sth diarkeia ths kataqeshs sthn epitroph Ejwterikwn Sxesewn ths Boylhs, me aformh thn kataqesh toy proypologismoy toy 2011, o dhmokratikos geroysiasths Neas Iersehs, Rompert Menentez eipe: ``Opws gnwrizete, yparxoyn perissotera apo 40.000 toyrkika strateymata poy katexoyn thn Kypro. Kaneis ston kosmo den apodexetai thn ypoqesh oti briskontai ekei gia na prostateysoyn toys T/k apo toys E/k. Akomh kai to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio stis 10 Febroyarioy enekrine chfisma zhtwntas thn amesh apoxwrhsh twn toyrkikwn strateymatwn apo thn Kypro. Alla, kyria Ypoyrge, o Amerikanos Presbhs sthn Agkyra Tzefri eipe prosfata se synenteyjh toy se efhmerida oti h Toyrkia exei anhsyxies gia thn asfaleia sthn Kypro. Asfalws den mporei na yposthrizei ayth th logikh ths diathrhshs toyrkikwn strateymatwn sthn Kypro. Mhpws ypepese se glwssiko olisqhma;'', rwthse o k. Menentez. [02] PAGDATHS - NTOYMPAIO Kyprios antisfairisths Markos Pagdaths antimetwpizei shmera to apogeyma ton Germano Mikael Mperer, 56o sthn pagkosmia katatajh, se agwna gia ta prohmitelika toy toyrnoya antisfairishs toy Ntoympai.O Pagdaths, 37os ston kosmo, prokriqhke xqes stoys ``8`` ths diorganwshs, nikwntas me 3-1 (6-3, 3-6, 6-1) set ton Indo Somnteb Nteberman. O Mperer prokriqhke afoy o antipalos toy Rwsos Nikolai Ntabitenko apoxwrhse me problhma ston aristero karpo. O nikhths toy agwna Pagdath - Mperer qa antimetwpisei ton nikhth ths anametrhshs Ivan Ljubicic - Novak Djokovic. Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |