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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 12-02-02Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA
Greentree [01] Dyo olohmeres synedriaseis toy Eqnikoy stis 15 kai 17 FebroyarioyTo Eqniko Symboylio qa synelqei ek neoy stis 15 kai 17 Febroyarioy se olohmeres synedriaseis gia na synexisei th syzhthsh epi olwn twn qematwn poy aforoyn to Kypriako.Opws dhlwse o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy amesws meta th lhjh ths synedriashs toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy, to opoio dihrkhse tesseris wres, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias enhmerwse endelexws, opws kanei kaqe fora, ta melh toy Eqnikoy gia th synanthsh sto Greentree. Se o,ti afora tis epikriseis gia to an o Proedros enhmerwnei h oxi ta politika kommata, o Ekproswpos eipe oti o Proedros ``kai enhmerwnei, kai syzhta kai diaboyleyetai me ta politika kommata kai oi politikes dynameis exoyn kai tis sygkliseis poy epiteyxqhkan sth diadromh twn apeyqeias synomiliwn''. Eipe akomh oti sto Greentree, o Proedros eqese jekaqara tis qeseis ths e/k pleyras kai ekane epishs jekaqaro oti h diadikasia ths syzhthshs toy Kypriakoy den problepei kai oyte einai apodekta apo thn e/k pleyra xronodiagrammata kai epidiaithsia. Gia to zhthma ths dieqnoys diaskechs, o Ekproswpos eipe oti o Proedros Xristofias anefere oti ta chfismata twn HE problepoyn sygkekrimenoys oroys kai proypoqeseis gia th sygklhsh dieqnoys diaskechs gia thn epilysh twn dieqnwn ptyxwn toy Kypriakoy, afoy prohgoymenws yparjei symfwnia stis eswterikes ptyxes. O Ekproswpos eipe akomh oti o Proedros, leitoyrgwntas sto plaisio ths anakoinwshs toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy, yperaspisthke kai ekane jekaqares jana aytes tis sygkekrimenes qeseis. Anaforika me thn apaithsh olwn twn kommatwn plhn toy AKEL gia allagh diapragmateyth ths e/k pleyras sto Kypriako, o k. Stefanoy anefere oti h e/k pleyra istorika perase mesa apo mia ejeliktikh poreia kai katelhje edw kai para polla xronia o Proedros ths Dhmokratias na einai o diapragmateyths ths. ``O Proedros ths Dhmokratias einai o Dhmhtrhs Xristofias, diapragmateyetai to Kypriako kai qa hqela na pw oti o kaqenas qa prepei na einai idiaitera prosektikos otan exei na kanei me tis ejelijeis sto Kypriako, eidika twra poy briskomaste se mia poly lepth kai eyaisqhth fash, na deixnei aytosygkrathsh estw kai an exoyme mprosta mas tis ekloges'', anefere. Prosqese oti o Proedros diapragmateyetai me stoxo thn epiteyjh synolikhs lyshs sto Kypriako sth bash twn chfismatwn kai se ayth thn prospaqeia o Proedros leitoyrgei pantote prolhptika gia thn antimetwpish twn opoiwn kindynwn yparxoyn. Ypenqymise oti o megalyteros kindynos sto Kypriako einai h pagiwsh ths dixotomhshs. Erwthqeis kata poso o Proedros desmeythke shmera na epanalabei ston GG toy OHE tis proypoqeseis gia th sygklhsh ths dieqnoys diaskechs, o Ekproswpos anefere oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias to exei kanei jekaqaro merikes fores kai sthn epistolh poy esteile ston GG prin apo to Greentree kai qa synexisei na to kanei ayto, oxi mono ston GG kai ston OHE alla kai eyrytera. ``Den einai tyxaio to gegonos oti monima melh toy Symboylioy Asfaleias topoqetoyntai me tosh safhneia anaforika me th diadikasia epilyshs toy Kypriakoy, alla kai se o,ti afora thn oysia. Den einai apla epeidh proekyce apo to poyqena ayto to qema. Exei na kanei me th sygkekrimenh doyleia kai th sygkekrimenh drasthriothta poy dieqnws anaptyssoyme, ajiopoiwntas th bohqeia poy prosferoyn files xwres, poly shmantikes, opws einai ta monima melh toy SA'', anefere. Se erwthsh pws qa energhsei o Proedros sthn apaithsh twn kommatwn gia apopomph toy Eidikoy Symboyloy toy GG gia to Kypriako Alejanter Ntaoyner, o k. Stefanoy anefere oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias o,ti exei na pei to leei ston k. Ntaoyner kai ston OHE. Prosqese pws o,ti eixe na pei ston k. Ntaoyner o Proedros, toy to eipe sth xqesinh synanthsh poy eixe mazi toy. Erwthqeis kata poso exoyn apotelesma ayta poy leei o Proedros ston k. Ntaoyner kai ston OHE, o k. Stefanoy eipe oti den epiqymei na syzhthsei dhmosia qemata poy aforoyn ton k. Ntaoyner kai ton OHE eyrytera. Symplhrwse oti ``briskomaste se mia eyaisqhth fash, ginontai leptoi xeirismoi kai o kaqenas leei ayto poy exei na pei analoga me to poso nomizei oti einai ypeyqyno na to leei''. [02] Apogohteysh ekfrazei to ellhniko YPEJ gia elleich proodoy sto GreentreeThn apogohteysh ths Aqhnas gia thn elleich proodoy sth synanthsh poy pragmatopoihqhke metajy toy Proedroy ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, Dhmhtrh Xristofia kai toy T/K hgeth Nterbis Erogloy, paroysia toy GG toy OHE, Mpan Gki-moyn ejefrase shmera, kata th diarkeia dhlwsewn toy stoys dhmosiografoys o ekproswpos toy ellhnikoy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn, Grhgorhs Delabekoyras.O k. Delabekoyras epanelabe oti ``h Ellada yposthrizei th diadikasia diapragmateysewn ston OHE kai hlpize oti qa mporoysan na eixan ginei megalytera bhmata proodoy se ayth th synanthsh''. H Aqhna opws anefere o ekproswpos toy ellhnikoy YPEJ, pisteyei ``oti h elleich proodoy h en pash periptwsei h pollh mikrh proodos, ofeiletai sto gegonos oti h t/k pleyra kaq olh th diarkeia twn diapragmateysewn metajy twn dyo synanthsewn toy Greentree, den antapokriqhke sta symfwnhqenta, enw epipleon me synexeis ypanaxwrhseis apo to symfwnhmeno plaisio kaqista olo kai pio dyskolh th diadikasia diapragmateyshs''. Thn epomenh bdomada, stis 7 Febroyarioy, opws anakoinwqhke apo to ellhniko Ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn, metabainei sth Leykwsia o GG toy Ypoyrgeioy, k. Zepos o opoios qa exei politikes diaboyleyseis me ton Geniko Dieyqynth toy YPEJ ths Kyproy k. Aimilioy. [03] Sthn Kypro o Rwsos Yfypoyrgos EnergeiasSthn Kypro qa brisketai thn erxomenh ebdomada o Rwsos Yfypoyrgos energeias Yury Sentyurin o opoios qa syntonisei syzhthsh me titlo ``Epixeirhmatikes eykairies'' sto plaisio toy Rwso-Kypriakoy Epixeirhmatikoy kai Ependytikoy Foroym poy qa diejaxqei thn erxomenh Paraskeyh, 10 Febroyarioy se jenodoxeio ths Lemesoy.Sto synedrio qa apeyqynei xairetismo o Proedros ths Dhmokratias kai o Presbhs ths Rwsias, kai qa milhsoyn metajy allwn o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn. Se diaskech Typoy thn Pempth sto KEBE gia enhmerwsh se sxesh me to Foroym, o Proedros toy Epimelhthrioy Feidias Phleidhs erwthqeis gia thn paroysia sthn Kypro toy Rwsoy Yfypoyrgoy kai an ayto sxetizetai me ton entopismo prosfata koitasmatwn fysikoy aerioy kai ton deytero gyro adeiodothshs, apanthse oti einai gnwsto pws exei epideixqei arxiko endiaferon apo rwsikes etaireies. Prosqese oti ``to oti apofasise na erqei o Yfypoyrgos energeias ths Rwsias, einai mia endeijh oti toylaxiston ejereynatai h dynatothta''. Eipe oti oxi mono h energeia-poy einai epikairo qema- alla kai ola ta alla qemata poy qa syzhthqoyn sto Foroym einai shmantika gia toys Rwsoys. O k. Phleidhs xarakthrise terastias shmasias th diorganwsh toy Foroym, legontas oti anamenetai na symbalei oysiastika sthn anazwogonhsh ths epixeirhmatikhs drasthriothtas kai genikotera stis prospaqeies poy ginontai gia ejodo apo thn yfesh. [04] Noikokyremenh diaxeirish toy neroy systhnei o Ypoyrgos GewrgiasKaqoloy symfwnos me thn olh eyforia poy yparxei logw ths yperxeilishs twn fragmatwn, dhlwnei o Ypoyrgos Gewrgias Fysikwn Porwn kai Periballontos Sofoklhs Aletrarhs, poy tonise pws ``prepei na meinoyme prosgeiwmenoi kai twra poy exoyme nero na kanoyme perissoterh oikonomia kai noikokyremenh diaxeirish''.O Ypoyrgos Gewrgias anefere pws erwthseis toy typoy gia posa xronia arkoyn ta apoqemata den prepei na apantwntai, dioti prosqese, ``den einai kaqoloy ejypno na adeiasoyme ta fragmata mesa se dyo - tria xronia kai na katalhjoyme sthn katastash toy 2008''. O k. Aletrarhs shmeiwse pws prepei na menei panta mia posothta asfaleias sta fragmata, proeidopoiwntas oti ``qa erqoyn polles jhres xronies kai polles anombries gia tis opoies prepei na eimaste etoimoi kai noikokyremenoi''. Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |