European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-04-19
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 19/04/2001
[01] La Commission engage la lutte contre les obstacles fiscaux aux
prestations transfrontalières de retraite professionnelle
La Commission européenne a proposé une stratégie globale visant à lutter
contre les obstacles fiscaux susceptibles de décourager les personnes qui
souhaitent contribuer à des régimes de retraite à l'extérieur de leur Etat
membre d'origine et les institutions de retraite qui souhaitent fournir des
prestations de retraite transfrontalières. La Commission passera au crible
les réglementations nationales adoptées par les Etats membres dans ce
domaine et prendra les mesures nécessaires pour assurer leur conformité
avec le Traité, et en particulier avec les règles relatives à la non-
discrimination. Au besoin, la Commission engagera des procédures juridiques
à l'encontre des Etats membres. De plus, la Commission propose d'adopter
des mesures visant à préserver les recettes fiscales des Etats membres pour
les prestations de retraite transfrontalières. Elle propose également une
approche coordonnée pour éliminer les obstacles fiscaux, notamment la
double imposition, découlant de la diversité des régimes d'imposition des
retraites professionnelles des Etats membres. L'initiative avait été
promise par la Commission lors du Conseil européen de Stockholm des 23 et
24 mars dernier et s'inscrit dans le cadre de la nouvelle stratégie
d'ouverture des marchés du travail paneuropéens d'ici 2005, adoptée par la
Commission le 28 février (voir IP/01/276). Cette nouvelle initiative dans
le domaine fiscal complète la proposition de Directive concernant les
retraites professionnelles, destinée à faciliter les prestations de
retraite et les investissements transfrontaliers (voir IP/00/1141).
[02] FMD : results of the Standing Veterinary Committee
The Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) yesterday voted in favour of a
European Commission proposal to allow, under certain conditions, the
consignment of fresh meat and meat products, milk and milk products and
other animal products from animals susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease
(FMD) from the southern and western parts of the Netherlands. The dispatch
of live susceptible animals from anywhere in the Netherlands and the
consignment of products from the other parts of the country continue to be
prohibited unless these products are treated appropriately. The Committee
also gave a favourable opinion on a proposal to extend the protective
measures in Northern Ireland.
[03] La Commission ouvre une enquête approfondie sur l'entreprise commune
entre De Beers et LVMH
La Commission européenne a ouvert une enquête approfondie sur un projet
d'entreprise commune entre le groupe De Beers et LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis
Vuitton pour la vente au détail de joaillerie de diamant. La Commission
craint que l'entreprise commune, qui sera appelée Rapids World Limited, ne
renforce la position de De Beers sur les marchés en amont de la fourniture
de diamants bruts.
[04] Commission launches in-depth investigation into acquisition of Addtek
by CRH in the construction sector
The European Commission has today decided to open an in-depth investigation
into the planned acquisition by Ireland's CRH Plc of Finnish-based Addtek
International Oy Ab. At this stage, the Commission has concerns that the
deal could significantly reduce competition and, therefore, translate in
higher prices in a number of products, mainly in precast concrete floors in
Finland and in the Netherlands.
[05] March 2001 - Euro-zone annual inflation stable at 2.6% ; EU15 stable
at 2.3%
(! embargo 12 am ! ) Euro-zone annual inflation was 2.6% in March, the same
rate as in February, Eurostat reports today. A year earlier the rate was
2.1%. Eurozone core inflation (i.e. excluding energy, food, alcohol and
tobacco) is provisionally estimated at 1.8% in March, up from 1.7% in
February. EU15 annual inflation was 2.3% in March, the same rate as in
February. A year earlier the rate was 1.9%. In March, highest annual rates
were in Portugal (5.1%), the Netherlands (4.9%) and Ireland (4.1%) ; lowest
rates were in France (1.4%), Sweden (1.7%) and Austria (1.9%). Compared
with February 2001, annual inflation rose in five Member States, fell in
five and was unchanged in four. Compared with March 2000, the biggest
relative rises were in Portugal (1.4% to 5.1%) and the Netherlands (1.6% to
4.9%) ; the biggest relative falls were in Denmark (3.0% to 2.2%) and
Finland (3.2% to 2.5%).
[06] Euro-denominated bond issuance rebounds strongly in the first quarter
of 2001
(! embargo 12 am !) According to the European Commission's latest quarterly
note, euro-denominated bond issuance rebounded strongly in the first
quarter 2001, totalling in excess of euro 440 billion. Issuance was
significantly higher than in the same period of 1999 and 2000 and the euro
regained ground on the US dollar in terms of international bond issuance.
Sovereigns remain the dominant issuers in euro. Nevertheless, financial and
corporate issuers have begun the year strongly, overtaking issuers of asset
backed securities such as Pfandbriefe. As issuing conditions improved in
the first quarter, the market re-opened for low-rated issuers from the
corporate sector. In addition, the number of large issues (i.e. above euro
2 billion) rose significantly over the period. The quarterly note on the
euro-denominated bond markets is available at the following internet
address : http://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance/document/eurobond/eurobondidx_en.htm
[07] La Commission octroie 2,6 millions d'euros d'aide humanitaire aux
réfugiés et aux déplacés de l'Afghanistan et du Pakistan
La Commission européenne a adopté une décision de 2.585 millions d'euros
destinée à assurer le suivi des opérations humanitaires en cours en
Afghanistan et au Pakistan. Gérés par l'Office d'Aide Humanitaire (ECHO),
les fonds serviront à assister les réfugiés et les déplacés touchés par la
sécheresse et les combats, qui ont fait fuir près de 500.000 personnes
depuis l'été. Ces deux derniers mois, la détérioration de la situation en
Afghanistant provoque des déplacements de population vers le Pakistan.
[08] Commission provides euro 2 million in humanitarian assistance for
Mozambique flood victims
The European Commission has released details of humanitarian aid it is
providing to help people in Mozambique cope with the aftermath of the
recent flooding. It is estimated that more than 320,000 people have been
affected, including many living temporarily in camps.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur la préparation du Conseil informel Ecofin (20-22, Malmö)
Note sur la visite de Pascal Lamy en Arabie saoudite et au Bahrein
Discours de M. Patten : "Sovereignty, democracy and constitutions - finding
the right formula" à la 2001 Schuman Lecture (Australian National
University, Canberra)
Discours de M. Fischler : "The European and Indian Models of Agriculture -
What we share, where we differ" à la Confederation of Indian Food Trade and
Industry (CIFTI) (17/04, New Delhi)
Discours de M. Fischler : "India and Europe - Partners for the future of
agriculture ?") à la Punjab Agricultural University (18/04, Punjab, India)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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