European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-05-08
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 08/05/2001
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission's 2002 budget proposals : facing short-term problems,
fulfilling long-term commitments
The European Commission has adopted its budgetary proposals for 2002
(Preliminary Draft Budget or 'PDB 2002'). They amount to around euro 100
billion in commitments and almost euro 98 billion in payments, a rise of
3.4% and 4.8% respectively from 2001. Budget Commissioner Michaele Schreyer
declared : "These proposals reflect the Commission's political priorities
while maintaining our commitment to strict budgetary discipline. The Berlin
ceilings are fully respected and we propose to stabilise our payments at
their 2001 level of 1.06% of the EU GNP. The Commission is also committed
to improve its management of these funds by reducing the outstanding
commitments." She noted that : "This PBD arrives at crucial time for
agriculture. 2002 will be the third year of Agenda 2000 reform of the
common agricultural policy. We are also facing the uncertainties and the
risks of the crisis generated by the BSE and the foot-and-mouth disease. I
think that the Commission tackles this challenge with both determination
and prudence by proposing to set a reserve of euro 1 billion in the
agriculture budget and leaving a margin of euro 365 million under the
Berlin ceiling." Mrs Schreyer added that : "These plans also show that we
are living up to our long-term commitments towards non-EU countries and EU-
candidate countries".
[02] La Commission interdit le système de double prix de Glaxo Wellcome en
La Commission européenne a décidé d'interdire le système de double prix que
Glaxo Wellcome (GW) avait introduit pour l'ensemble de ses produits
pharmaceutiques en Espagne. GW avait notifié ce système à la Commission
pour approbation en 1998. Selon ce système de double prix, GW exige de ces
grossistes en Espagne qu'ils payent un prix plus élevé pour les produits
qu'ils exportent vers d'autres Etats membres que pour les mêmes produits
destinés à être revendus sur le marché domestique espagnol. Ce système vise
à limiter le commerce parallèle à l'intérieur du marché unique. Selon la
Commission, ce système porte atteinte à l'objectif de la Communauté, à
savoir l'intégration des marchés nationaux, et réduit la concurrence par
les prix pour les produits de GW. La Commission a également conclu que le
système de double prix ne peut pas être justifié d'un point de vue
économique. GW est tenue de mettre immédiatement un terme à son système de
double prix et d'informer la Commission, dans un délai de deux mois, des
démarches entreprises à cette fin.
[03] Commission sets out strategy on Korean shipbuilding case following
investigation into unfair trade practices
Further to adoption of its fourth report on the state of the EU
shipbuilding industry last week, the European Commission has approved the
strategy it will propose to the Council of Ministers on 14/15 May, in order
to address the persistent problems posed to the European shipbuilding
industry by unfair trade practices by Korean shipyards. The investigation
into subsidies carried out under the Trade Barriers Regulation (TBR) has
established that substantial subsidies have been granted to Korean
shipyards through both export and domestic programmes which contravene the
WTO's 1994 Subsidies Agreement. On this basis, the Commission will
recommend that the matter be taken before the WTO through the initiation of
a dispute settlement procedure by 30 June unless an amicable solution can
be reached in the interim period. In parallel, the Commission will propose
accompanying measures in the form of a temporary support mechanism to
European shipyards for the market segments considerably injured by unfair
Korean trade practices and for the period required for the conclusion of
the WTO procedure. Its entering into force will be simultaneous with the
effective start of the WTO action. After today's meeting, Trade
Commissioner Pascal Lamy said : "Following the results of our investigation
which confirm the suspicions of EU industry, we will recommend to the
Council that the EU should pursue this matter through the WTO by 30 June.
Although we have not closed the door to an amicable solution with the
Korean authorities, the clock is now ticking."
[04] Commission proposes a fresh strategy for promoting Human Rights and
The European Commission has adopted a Communication on "The EU's Role in
Promoting Human Rights and Democratisation in Third Countries".
Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten said : "The EU has always
favoured an approach to promoting human rights based on partnership and
cooperation, rather than sanctions and other negative measures. We want to
work both with governments and civil society to achieve sustainable change.
The moral case for action is unquestionable. But it is also in our
interests. Democratic societies which respect human rights are also the
EU's best trading partners, and the least likely to sink into expensive
conflict. That is why respect for human rights must be a central element of
the EU's approach, and one which we should use our dialogue and co-
operation programmes - including the European Initiative for Democracy and
Human Rights - to pursue".
[05] Commission authorises aid to Holzmann
The European Commission has concluded its investigation and authorised
restructuring aid for Philipp Holzmann AG. According to the Commission, the
company's restructuring plan is basically conducive to restoring its long-
term viability. To achieve that end, however, it will also be crucial to
implement the measures still outstanding rapidly. The Commission considers
that the amount of aid is relatively small in proportion to the total
financing package, and that the resultant distortions of competition will
be offset by a clear reduction in the company's market presence. In its
proceedings the Commission also examined and approved the credit line
granted by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau at the end of 2000 for one
year as part of a revised plan.
[06] Commission raises no objection to State aid in favour of Wacker Chemie
The European Commission has decided not to raise objections with regard to
proposed State aid amounting to euro 119 million in favour of Wacker Chemie
GmbH Nünchritz (German Land of Saxony), for the extension and modernisation
of the former Hüls AG silicone plant.
[07] Commission requests Germany to bring State guarantees for public banks
into line with EC law
After intensification in the recent months of the contacts with the German
Government on the system of State guarantees for public law credit
institutions ("Anstaltslast" and "Gewährträgerhaftung"), the European
Commission adopted today a decision, proposing to the German Government so-
called "appropriate measures" in order to render the guarantee system
compatible with the State aid rules of the EC Treaty. The German Government
is requested to submit by the end of September of this year its proposals
for the concrete changes to be carried out.
[08] Fisheries : Commission opens investigation into Dutch and Italian aid
The European Commission has opened a formal investigation into state aid
schemes in Italy and the Netherlands which provide for compensation to the
fishing industry for last year's increase in fuel prices. The Italian
scheme relates to compensation measures and rebates on contributions and
tax, while the Netherlands propose to reimburse fishermen for the social
contributions they paid in 2000. After a preliminary assessment of these
schemes, the Commission has doubts about their compatibility with EU rules
governing state aid.
[09] La Commission approuve une partie des aides à la restructuration à
'Brittany ferries'
La Commission européenne a décidé d'approuver une partie de l'aide reçue
par le groupe 'Brittany Ferries' dans son processus de restructuration. En
effet, la Commission estime que 316 millions de FF (48 millions d'euros)
d'aides octroyés au groupe vont permettre à 'Brittany Ferries' de retrouver
une viabilité durable après avoir mis en œuvre un programme de
restructuration, et que les prévisions annoncent déjà un résultat net
positif du groupe pour 2002/2003. Ce programme comprend notamment le
redimensionnement de ses activités, la réorganisation de la desserte de ses
lignes, la mise en œuvre d'un plan social et la réduction de ses coûts
d'exploitation. Par contre, la Commission considère que la tranche d'aide
additionnelle pour un montant de 80 millions FF (12 millions d'euros) est
potentiellement créatrice de distorsions de la concurrence et n'est pas
nécessaire pour redresser la situation du groupe, et par conséquent n'a pas
été autorisée.
[10] Commission authorises the United Kingdom to grant aid amounting to £25
million to the UK coal industry
The United Kingdom is allowed to grant £25 million (euro 40 million) in
operating aid to be shared between four coal mines to cover operating
losses in 2001.
[11] La Commission décide de saisir la Cour de Justice pour non-
transposition par la France de la Directive gaz
La Commission européenne a décidé d'engager un recours à l'encontre de la
France auprès de la Cour de Justice européenne pour non-application de la
Directive "Gaz" avant la date butoir du 10 août 2000. Cette Directive a
pour objet d'ouvrir à la concurrence le marché du gaz naturel dans l'Union
[12] Alain Marcilhacy, ancien Directeur à IBM France, est nommé comme
membre externe du Comité de Suivi de l'Audit interne de la Commission
Alain Marcilhacy, Délégué Général de l'Institut Français de l'Audit Interne
de 1992 à 2001 et ancien Directeur d'IBM/France pour les systèmes de
contrôle, participera comme membre à part entière aux réunions du Comité de
Suivi de l'Audit interne (CSA) de la Commission européenne. Le CSA, mis en
place dans le contexte de la réforme de la gestion financière, du contrôle
et de l'audit à la Commission, a pour mission d'assurer que les
recommandations des rapports d'audit soient suivies d'effet et mises en
oeuvre correctement, et supervise la qualité des activités d'audit interne.
Le comité est présidé par la Commissaire au Budget Michaele Schreyer. Le
Vice-Président Neil Kinnock est membre de droit, aux côtés de Viviane
Reding et Antonio Vitorino, nommés par le Collège.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[13] Commission provides carers of the blind, deaf and mentally handicapped
with euro tokens for familiarisation
With a view to helping the groups of population suffering from sensory or
intellectual disabilities to familiarise themselves with the euro coins,
the European Commission has produced 37,000 sets of eight euro tokens each,
corresponding to the denominations of the euro coins. Pedro Solbes,
Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, handed the first of these
sets to representatives of these groups of population at a special ceremony
today in Brussels. The euro tokens will be distributed, through the Member
States, to trainers of these groups.
[14] La Commission met fin à la procédure antitrust ouverte à l'encontre de
banques néerlandaises et belges, celles-ci ayant décidé de modifier leurs
commissions de change
La Commission européenne a décidé de clore la procédure antitrust
concernant les commissions de change pour les monnaies de la zone euro
qu'elle avait engagée à l'encontre des banques néerlandaises ABN AMRO,
Fortis Bank Nederland, GWK, ING Bank et Postbank, ainsi que des banques
belges ABN AMRO Belgium, BBL (Banque Bruxelles Lambert) et Caisse Privée
Banque, ces deux dernières appartenant au groupe ING. Cette mesure fait
suite à la décision prise individuellement par ces banques de réduire
sensiblement, avec effet immédiat, les commissions de change applicables au
public et d'instaurer, dans le courant de l'année, la gratuité du service.
Ces banques fixent ainsi leurs prix indépendamment d'autres banques
néerlandaises et belges que la Commission soupçonne de fixer des tarifs
pour les opérations de change en espèces. Les consommateurs bénéficieront
ainsi d'un service moins coûteux et concurrentiel avant la période des
vacances d'été.
[15] Statement by European External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten on
events in Banja Luka
"I strongly condemn the violence by a crowd of Bosnian Serb thugs in Banja
Luka yesterday. It takes a particularly sick cast of mind to attack old
women attending a ceremony that was supposed to symbolise peace and
reconciliation. We look to the Republika Srpska authorities to find those
responsible and to make sure they face justice. EU taxpayers are spending
huge sums to assist Bosnia and Herzegovina including the Republika Srpska :
the sort of medieaval behaviour we saw yesterday has no place in modern
[16] Augmentation du revenu agricole réel de 1,9% en 2000
(! embargo 12h00 !) En 2000, le revenu agricole réel par actif a augmenté
de 1,9% dans l'UE15, selon les estimations révisées publiées aujourd'hui
par Eurostat, l'Office statistique des Communautés européennes à
Luxembourg. Dans la zone euro, l'augmentation du revenu a été de 2,3%.
L'accroissement du revenu par actif dans l'UE15 en 2000 est essentiellement
dû à la réduction continue du volume de la main-d'œuvre agricole (-3,0%).
Les estimations montrent une grande diversité dans la variation du revenu
agricole réel par actif selon les Etats membres. Le revenu agricole était
supérieur aux niveaux de 1999 dans onze Etats membres (Finlande, Danemark,
Belgique, Luxembourg, Allemagne, Irlande, Espagne, Pays-Bas, Grèce,
Autriche et France). Les taux de croissance s'échelonnaient de +24,8% en
Finlande et +23,8% au Danemark à +1,3% en France. En revanche, le revenu
agricole a diminué en Suède (-1,1%), en Italie (-2,8%), au Royaume-Uni (-8,
0%) et au Portugal (-9,3%).
[17] Commission gives euro 4.5 million in humanitarian aid to Guinea
The European Commission is providing humanitarian aid worth euro 4.5
million to help victims of the fighting in frontier areas of Guinea
adjacent to Sierra Leone and Liberia. The aid is earmarked principally for
health care, water and food. It is being channelled by the Humanitarian Aid
Office (ECHO) through partner organisations working in the region.
[18] From research to action Conference on sciences and sustainability
Tomorrow, European Commissioners Philippe Busquin (Research) and Margot
Wallström (Environment) will participate in a conference addressing the
question of whether the time lag between research results and political
action in the field of sustainable development can be shortened. The
conference entitled 'Bridging the gap between research and policy' is
organised jointly by the Swedish presidency and the Commission from the 9th
to the 11th of May in Stockholm. Discussions on the first day will
concentrate on research and environment policies. Commissioner Busquin and
Kjell Larsson, Swedish Minister for the Environment will participate in a
press conference at 12h30 on Wednesday, 9th. The second day will feature
workshops on a wide range of issues such as health and environment; climate
change and transport/energy ; sustainable development and global trade/the
citizen ; greening agriculture ; information technology, and the
precautionary principle. On the third day, the conclusions will be
presented in a panel discussion chaired by Achilleas Mitsos, Director
General of the EU Research Directorate General.
[19] Premier sommet européen sur le eLearning à Bruxelles (10-11 mai)
Viviane Reding, Commissaire européenne responsable de l'Education et de la
Culture, organise avec l'industrie le premier sommet sur le eLearning à La
Hulpe, Bruxelles, à la fin de cette semaine. Des ministres et des
représentants de grandes entreprises dans les domaines des TIC et du
multimédia étudieront les partenariats possibles entre public et privé pour
la mise en œuvre du Plan d'action eLearning adopté par la Commission le 28
mars. Le Plan d'action vise à encourager la coopération entre institutions
européennes, Etats membres, praticiens de l'éducation et de la formation et
acteurs économiques pour l'utilisation à l'école des nouvelles technologies
de l'information et de la communication.
[20] Daring to risk going bust : Commission and stakeholders discuss how to
handle business failure
In many parts of Europe, business failure still attracts stigma. This
serves not only as a barrier to abandoning a loss-making business in time,
but also works as a deterrent to restarting a business. Encouraging more
positive cultural attitudes to entrepreneurial risk-taking and failure will
not only help raise public awareness of the nature of entrepreneurship, but
also foster the entrepreneurial talent needed to create jobs and sustain
economic growth. The Business Failure seminar (Noordwijk, the Netherlands,
10 and 11 May 2001) will draw a comprehensive picture of the impact of
business failure on entrepreneurship. This joint initiative by the European
Commission and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs will provide a forum
for sharing and comparing good enterprise policy practice and initiating
dialogue. Participants will include entrepreneurs, business associations,
national and European small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) organisations,
financial institutions, universities, legal experts and civil servants.
[21] Margot Wallström visits Moscow for talks on strengthening EU-Russia
environmental cooperation
European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström will visit Moscow on 9-
11 May for high-level talks on strengthening EU-Russia dialogue and
cooperation on environmental issues. Commissioner Wallström's discussions
in Moscow will help defining the common priorities that should be included
in a Communication to be adopted during the autumn setting out ideas and
options for further discussion between the EU and Russia in the field of
environment. Speaking about her visit, Margot Wallström said : "Russia is
hugely important to the global and European environment. The EU and Russia
face a range of common environmental concerns such as energy/climate change,
ozone depletion, loss of biodiversity, nuclear safety, air and water
pollution and the Baltic, Barents and Black Seas. Environmental interaction
between the EU and Russia and the need for cooperation - will grow steadily
as the EU enlarges to the east and the economic transformation of central
Europe and Russia proceeds."
[22] Europe Day Hotline on free movement for students, trainees, volunteers
and job seekers
From the 9th May, European Citizen Action Service and the European Youth
Forum are setting up a telephone and electronic hotline. Students, trainees,
volunteers and newly qualified job seekers will be able to ask questions
about their right of free movement within the European Union and about
educational and training programmes. Young people from all over Europe are
invited to call + 32 2 548 04 94 or to e-mail (ecas@ecas.org) questions
related to mobility. Lawyers can answer questions in English, French,
German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Greek and Swedish. Problems are likely to
include visas, residence permits, medical cover, recognition of academic
and professional qualifications, access to information on jobs in other EU
countries, EU programmes in the fields of education, vocational training
and youth. This free service will be available until the end of May. It
completes existing EU services such as "Europe Direct" or the EURES-
[23] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur les résultats du Conseil Ecofin (aspects marché intérieur)
Note sur les cas 'Ciel Ouvert' au Tribunal
Discours de M. Busquin : "ERA as a support for the sustainable development"
à la Conférence 'Bridging the gap' (Stockholm, ! embargo 09/05, 10 am !)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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