European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-09-11
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 11/09/2001
[01] "Écologisation" de la Commission européenne : décision sur la mise en
œuvre du système de management environnemental et d'audit (EMAS)
La Commission européenne a décidé aujourd'hui de prendre de nouvelles
mesures pour "écologiser" l'institution en adoptant une décision en vue de
mettre en œuvre le système communautaire de management environnemental et
d'audit (EMAS). Ce système donnera à la Commission un aperçu exact de son
impact environnemental, améliorera ses performances environnementales et
procurera des avantages tant organisationnels que financiers. Mme Margot
Wallström, commissaire chargé de l'environnement, a fait la déclaration
suivante : "La Commission européenne va montrer l'exemple. Avec l'EMAS,
nous voulons constituer un exemple pour les autres pouvoirs publics et les
agents économiques. Notre objectif final est d'en arriver à un
enregistrement EMAS pour la Commission européenne". M. Neil Kinnock, vice-
président de la Commission, a déclaré : "La Commission a manifesté sa prise
de conscience du besoin d'action concrète lorsqu'elle a lancé son programme
en vue d'une gestion respectueuse de l'environnement en 1997. L'application
de l'EMAS va renforcer notre engagement d'assurer une administration
respectueuse de l'environnement."
[02] Frits Bolkestein discusses takeovers with Parliament's Legal Affairs
European Internal Market Commissioner Frits Bolkestein briefed the European
Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee in Brussels on 10th September
concerning the Commission's plans to introduce a new proposal for a
Directive on takeover bids. He emphasised that everyone agreed a Directive
was needed as soon as possible and that he had told Finance Ministers
earlier in July that he intended to put forward a revised proposal early
next year. As a first step, a Group of High Level Experts was recently set
up to advise on issues of concern (see IP/01/1237) and their report is
expected by the end of 2001.
[03] Classical swine fever in Spain : further reduction of the restricted
The Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) today voted in favour of a European
Commission proposal to reduce the area in Spain from which the export of
live pigs and porcine semen, ova and embryos are banned in response to
outbreaks of classical swine fever (CSF). The restrictions in the provinces
of Valencia, Cuenca and Teruel, the second area where outbreaks of CSF were
confirmed, have been lifted. However, during the next thirty days, Spain
will send only live pigs from these areas to other Member States if they
come from holdings which have been subject to a serological monitoring for
CSF with a negative result. The existing restrictions in parts of the
province of Lerida (The comarcas of Pla d'Urgell, Urgell, Noguera, Segrià,
Garrigues and Sagarra) remain in place. The proposal will now be formally
adopted by the Commission in the next few days and is applicable until 15
[04] BSE - Scientific Steering Committee publishes new opinions
The Scientific Steering Committee which advises the European Commission on
multidisciplinary scientific matters has today published opinions related
to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). The scientists adopted an
opinion on the safety of cattle materials used in medical devices and
medicinal products originating from countries where it is highly unlikely
that BSE is present (classified as Geographical BSE Risk level I). They
consider that cattle materials sourced from these countries are safe for
the manufacture of medical devices and products provided the basic
precautions such as ante- and post mortem inspection of animals at
slaughter and proper animal identification and tracing rules are respected.
The Committee is also publishing a preliminary opinion open for public
consultation and comment on the risk presented by certain stunning methods
used to slaughter cattle. Subject to confirmation of the very few available
data, these methods may under certain conditions pose a risk of
dissemination of brain particles into the blood, lungs and heart of the
slaughtered animal. Comments are to be sent in before 26 October 2001. The
opinion is expected to be adopted by the SSC at its meeting of December
2001. The full text of the opinions is available at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/sc/ssc/outcome_en.html#opinions
[05] Franz Fischler souligne en Grèce la nécessité d'une plus grande
détermination et d'un renforcement de la coopération pour sauver la pêche
Dans le cadre de rencontres avec des représentants des pêcheurs grecs, le
commissaire européen, Franz Fischler, responsable de l'agriculture, du
développement rural et de la pêche, a appelé à une approche plus déterminée
dans la gestion de la pêche méditerranéenne. Il a souligné la volonté de la
Commission de promouvoir et de renforcer la coopération internationale en
Méditerranée en vue d'une activité de pêche durable dans la région. Les
pêcheurs ont selon lui également un rôle important à jouer pour atteindre
cet objectif. "La pêche joue en Grèce un rôle socio-économique de premier
plan. Afin d'assurer son avenir, toutes les parties concernées doivent
faire preuve d'une plus grande détermination, nous devons disposer de
données scientifiques plus précises, le contrôle des activités de pêche
doit être renforcé, ainsi que le respect de la réglementation, et la
coopération entre toutes les parties intéressées doit être améliorée. Les
efforts de ceux qui appliquent des mesures de conservation ne doivent pas
être compromis par ceux qui ne le font pas. Nous avons l'intention
d'aborder toutes ces questions, y compris celles du rôle accru du secteur
de la pêche grecque dans les propositions de réexamen de la politique
commune de la pêche qui seront présentées par la Commission d'ici la fin de
l'année", a indiqué le Commissaire Fischler.
[06] Commission sends an extra euro 1 million in emergency aid for the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The European Commission has earmarked an additional euro 1 million in
emergency aid to help people who have been displaced as a result of the
conflict in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). This new
decision will benefit 45,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 6,000
families hosting them. The aid will be channelled through the Humanitarian
Aid Office (ECHO) which comes under the responsibility of Commissioner Poul
[07] Commission allocates euro 350,000 for victims of flooding in Serbia
The European Commission has announced euro 350,000 in emergency aid to help
flood victims in the Sabac region of Central-Western Serbia. A number of
rivers burst their banks following heavy rains, resulting in widespread
damage to homes and water supply systems, as well significant crop losses.
Channelled through the Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) which comes under the
responsibility of Commissioner Poul Nielson, the funds will be used to
rehabilitate houses damaged in the flooding which are occupied by the most
vulnerable families, and to repair a number of water supply networks. The
affected region has a resident population of some 270,000 and also plays
host to 30,000 refugees and Internally Displaced Persons ECHO's
implementing partner for this operation is the Italian NGO Movimondo/MOLISV.
On 6 August, the Commission allocated euro 750,000 in humanitarian
assistance to neighbouring Bosnia & Herzegovina, also seriously affected by
the floods. So far this year, euro 45.3 million has been earmarked to meet
the continuing humanitarian needs in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
following recent conflicts.
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Mario Monti : "Defining the boundaries of competition policy in
high tech sectors" (Barcelona)
Discours de Mme Reding : "L'espace éducatif européen" à l'Ecole supérieure
de Commerce de Paris Ecole européenne des Affaires (ESCP/EAP)
Opening statement by Pascal Lamy at third ASEM Ministerial (Hanoi)
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