European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-10-26
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 26/10/2001
[01] Consultation publique sur la révision de la définition des petites et
moyennes entreprises (PME)
La Commission européenne a rappelé aujourd'hui à toutes les parties
concernées qu'elles ont jusqu'au 9 novembre 2001 pour émettre des
observations concernant la proposition visant à actualiser la définition
des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME). La définition en vigueur
actuellement est tirée d'une recommandation de 1996 de la Commission et est
notamment employée pour déterminer si les entreprises peuvent bénéficier de
mesures d'aide communautaires ou nationales, ainsi que dans le cadre des
aides d'Etat. L'ancienne définition des PME doit être actualisée afin de
l'adapter à l'évolution de la réalité économique et de prévenir
l'utilisation abusive des aides d'Etat, des fonds structurels de l'UE et du
programme-cadre communautaire de recherche et développement. La proposition
ne modifiera cependant pas le critère principal de la définition, à savoir
le nombre de salariés (250 au maximum). La plupart des changements proposés
visent à rendre la définition plus précise afin d'assurer un traitement
équitable, de faciliter la mise en œuvre dans les Etats membres de l'UE,
d'empêcher toute erreur d'interprétation et d'accroître la sécurité
juridique. Les entreprises familiales et les artisans, notamment, devraient
tirer avantage d'une définition plus précise des microentreprises.
[02] Dangerous preparations : Commission Directive restricts creosote
The European Commission today adopted a new Directive banning the sale to
consumers of the wood preservative creosote, after an EU scientific
committee concluded from a recent study that creosote has a greater
potential to cause cancer than previously thought, and exceeds the limits
permissible under existing legislation. The ban, which takes effect from 30
June 2003 at the latest, also applies to creosote-treated wood. Creosote
may still be used for industrial applications, e.g. railway sleepers and
telegraph poles, but with tougher restrictions on its composition.
[03] Commission provides further euro 12 million to support implementation
of the Framework Agreement in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The European Commission adopted this week a programme worth euro 12 million
for the return of refugees and internally displaced people due to the
recent security crisis in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. These
funds are the latest of the Commission's contribution to assist in the
implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement signed on 13 August by all
the main political parties in the country. The programme will focus on
repair/reconstruction of local infrastructure and housing and cash payments
to families hosting internally displaced people. Its implementation will be
conditional upon full ratification of all constitutional amendments and a
new law on local government.
[04] La Bolivie et l'UE signent un Protocole d'Accord (Memorandum of
Understanding) - Coopération pour 126 millions d'euros jusqu'en 2006
Le Ministre des Relations extérieures bolivien, S.E. Gustavo Fernandez
Saavedra, et la vice-Présidente de la Commission européenne, Mme Loyola de
Palacio, actuellement en visite officielle en Bolivie, signeront le
Protocole d'Accord entre l'Union européenne et la République de Bolivie
relatif aux orientations pluriannuelles pour la mise en œuvre de la
coopération communautaire, dans un acte qui aura lieu le 26 octobre à 10h
(16h CET) au Palais du Gouvernement, en présence du Président de la
République, M. Jorge Quiroga Ramirez.
[05] Poul Nielson and Philippe Busquin address 'Health Care for All'
Conference outlining EU support for the fight against HIV/AIDS,
tuberculosis and malaria
Speaking today at the 'Health Care for All' Conference organised by the
Belgian EU Presidency and the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp,
the European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Mr Poul
Nielson, calls for a massive increase in support for improving the health
of poor people in the world. He highlights the need to continue supporting
the building of strong health systems, to provide universal access to
effective health care, and for additional support for targeted actions that
complement longer-term efforts. Mr Nielson uses this occasion to outline
current and future Community support to confront the major communicable
diseases of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, including the euro 120
million Commission pledge to the Global Health Fund. In presenting an
overview of Community investment in improving health, he stresses the
importance of addressing the wider determinants of health, particularly
through fighting poverty and providing education. In his speech, Research
Commissioner Philippe Busquin stresses that research into those three
diseases is both part of the problem (because there is too little of it)
and part of the solution. In the past three years the Commission has spent
around euro 120 million on research into causes and therapies for AIDS,
malaria and tuberculosis but it is now time to move into a higher gear. Mr
Busquin clearly sees the need to concentrate efforts and to reach a
critical mass of knowledge and funding in Europe. A first step in this
direction is the coordination of public and private funds in the form of a
European platform for operating and funding clinical trials in developing
countries. This platform, which is currently being set up, is also a
showcase for Mr Busquin's strategy of creating European Research Area open
to the world.
[06] Frits Bolkestein : "Implementation of Financial Services Action Plan
more important than ever"
"In the wake of the terrorist attacks that occurred in the US, and in the
present unstable international political and economic climate,
implementation of the Lisbon agenda and therefore of the Financial Services
Action Plan appears more important than ever", insisted European Internal
Market Commissioner Frits Bolkestein in a speech to the European Banking
Federation in Brussels today. "Efficient financial markets underpinned by
robust prudential supervision will help the EU becoming a pole of stability
capable of responding to external shocks. This will allow the EU to reap
the full benefits of the euro. A sound and stable EU regulatory framework
is also of paramount importance to cope with any stability risk that may
emerge in a enlarged Union. Pro-active fight against financial crime is
another key for stability and a high priority on the Commission's agenda.
The adoption of a second anti-money laundering Directive will be an
important step. In the next few months, we must also find agreement on the
proposal for a Market Abuse Directive. And technical work is underway to
determine whether further improvements can be made to the EU legislative
anti-money laundering framework. Together with the Council Presidency
troika, the Commission has decided to initiate a high-level Mid-Term Review
of the FSAP in the first quarter of 2002 to re-inject the necessary
political energy and will."
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Romano Prodi to the House of Representatives in Cyprus (25/10)
Speech by Pedro Solbes : "The repercussions of the launching of the Euro
for the Mediterranean" at the EIB Forum (Sorrento)
Calendrier du 29 octobre au 1er novembre
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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