European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-11-29
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
Midday Express 29/11/2001
[I] Résultats de la Commission du 28
novembre 2001 - Outcome of Commission meeting of 28 November
(voir aussi see also ME of 28.11)
[01] 2001 review of the EU economy : investing in the future
With the EU economy experiencing a period of slow economic growth, the
"2001 review" reviews "prospects and policy challenges in the EU" and
analyses five topical issues that require the timely attention of European
policy makers : (1) macro-economic developments in the euro area ; (2)
determinants of investment growth in the euro area ; (3) financial market
integration in the EU ; (4) options for pension reforms ; and (5) the
microeconomic impact of ICT in Europe. "The 2001 review aims to focus
policy making on actions needed to achieve a long-lasting, sustained,
domestic-driven recovery. It is essential that Europe invests in the
future", stated Pedro Solbes, European Commissioner for economic and
monetary affairs. "The review provides the necessary analytical background
to various key policy recommendations to be raised in the Broad Economic
Policy Guidelines."
[02] La Commission propose une nouvelle législation pour lutter contre le
bruit des avions
La Commission européenne a adopté une proposition de directive sur la lutte
contre le bruit des avions. La directive est une nouvelle approche pour
contrôler le bruit des avions : elle intègre pleinement le nouveau cadre
international, fondé sur la définition d'une nouvelle norme internationale
et les résolutions de la dernière Assemblée générale de l'Organisation de
l'aviation civile internationale (OACI). Grâce à cette directive, peuvent
être introduites dans les aéroports les plus touchés de nouvelles
restrictions aux opérations d'avions bruyants, y compris l'interdiction
complète. Evidemment, selon les règles internationales, toute nouvelle
restriction aux opérations exigera une analyse exhaustive de la situation
et des solutions possibles. La directive abrogera également le règlement
"Hushkits", ce qui permettra de résoudre le conflit de longue date avec les
Etats-Unis sur ce dossier.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[03] Romano Prodi sera reçu en audience par le Pape
Le Président de la Commission européenne, Romano Prodi, accompagné par le
Commissaire Michel Barnier, sera reçu en audience par Sa Sainteté le Pape
Jean-Paul II au Vatican le vendredi 30 novembre. Ils rencontreront ensuite
Son Eminence le Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Secrétaire d'Etat du Saint-Siège,
afin de discuter des derniers développements de l'Union européenne, en
particulier des réformes institutionnelles, de l'élargissement et des
questions sociales.
[04] Commission Seminar (30/11-01/12)
The European Commission will hold a seminar on Friday evening 30 November
and Saturday 1 December in Knokke-Heist, Belgium. The purpose of the
seminar, which follows the practice of this and previous Commissions, is to
enable the Commission President, Vice-Presidents and Members to exchange
views about the European and world situations away from the normal
pressures of office. While there is no rigid agenda, discussions are
expected to cover the work of the Commission, its achievements so far and
its future priorities, and the forthcoming European Council in Laken.
President Romano Prodi said : "Europeans expect their institutions to
respond to the challenges facing them in their daily lives. This is an
important moment for Europe. A political body like the Commission needs to
take the opportunity from time to time to reflect on the challenges facing
our continent."
[05] La Commission autorise une entreprise commune de télécommunications
entre PPC et Wind
La Commission européenne a donné le feu vert à la création d'une entreprise
commune entre la compagnie grecque d'électricité Public Power Corporation
SA (PPC) et l'opérateur italien Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA (Wind).
L'entreprise fournira des services de télécommunications par
l'intermédiaire d'Evergy SA, une société titulaire d'une licence
l'autorisant à proposer des services de télécommunications et qui,
actuellement, est contrôlée par PPC. La Commission a conclu que cette
opération ne soulèverait pas de problèmes de concurrence.
[06] Commission authorises takeover of DMV by Mannesmannröhren-Werke
The European Commission has authorised the acquisition by Mannesmannröhren-
Werke AG (MRW) of the whole of Dutch firm DMV Stainless B.V., a company
which produces stainless-steel seamless pipes and is currently controlled
by MRW and Italian company Dalmine SpA. The transaction has no adverse
impact on the competitive structure of the market since there are no
additions of market shares.
[07] La Commission autorise la création d'une entreprise commune dans le
secteur de la sidérurgie entre Usinor, Duferco et Sogepa
La Commission européenne a donné le feu vert au projet de création de
Carsid SA, entreprise commune entre Duferco Investment SA, Usinor SA et la
Société wallonne de gestion et de participations (Sogepa). Carsid sera
spécialisée dans la production de brames d'acier au carbone et d'acier
allié, secteur où elle n'aura qu'un rôle de second plan.
[08] First estimates for the third quarter of 2001 : Euro-zone GDP up by
0.1%, EU15 up by 0.2% ; +1.3% and +1.4% respectively compared to the third
quarter of 2000
(! embargo 12 am !) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 0.1 % in the euro-
zone and by 0.2% in the EU15 during the third quarter of 2001, compared to
the previous quarter, according to the first estimates out today from
Eurostat. These results follow a rise of 0.1% in both zones in the second
quarter of 2001. Compared to the third quarter of 2000, GDP grew by 1.3% in
the euro-zone and by 1.4% in the EU15, after an increase of 1.7% in both
areas in the previous quarter.
[09] Lutte contre l'alcool au volant : la Commission co-finance la campagne
"Euro BOB"
La Commission européenne apporte un soutien de plus de 700.000 euros à la
campagne de lutte contre l'alcool au volant "EuroBOB". Le concept du "BOB"
selon lequel la personne qui conduit est celle qui ne boit pas est en effet
une réussite incontestable de sensibilisation des conducteurs et de
mobilisation des professions concernées. "La Commission observe avec
satisfaction qu'un nombre croissant d'Etats adhèrent à ce concept qui a
fait ses preuves, notamment en Belgique. Il est important que cet exemple
soit suivi dans les autres pays de l'Union", a dit Loyola De Palacio, Vice-
Présidente responsable de l'Energie et du Transport.
[10] Social : "Chute libre sociale en Europe ? Non, merci !"
A l'occasion du Conseil des ministres de l'Emploi et des Affaires sociales
du lundi 3 décembre, la Commissaire européenne Anna Diamantopoulou
félicitera les gouvernements des Quinze pour le travail presté jusqu'ici en
matière de réforme du marché de travail, mais elle lancera un avertissement
clair qu'il faudra maintenir le cap de la stratégie européenne de l'emploi
indépendamment du sombrissement du climat économique. Elle constatera avec
satisfaction le fait que, depuis le lancement de la stratégie en 1997, plus
de huit millions nouveaux emplois ont été créés dans l'UE plus de trois
millions dans la seule année 2000 mais qu'il ne faut pas se leurrer. Mme
Diamantopoulou ajoutera : "On attend un taux de croissance dans la zone
euro de seulement 1.6% en 2001, après un taux de 3.4% en 2000. Ceci, jumelé
avec les bloquages toujours importants dans la libéralisation des marchés
des biens et services, s'annonce difficile pour les emplois et pour le
processus de Lisbonne tout entier. Raison de plus pour persister avec la
stratégie européenne de l'emploi qui est une stratégie d'investissement à
moyen et long terme et non pas une politique 'quick-fix' spéculative à
court terme qui est abandonnée quand les nuages conjoncturels
s'amoncèlent." Une note différente, sous forme de MEMO, pour chaque pays
reprend les informations en matière de réforme du marché de travail :
Finlande (MEMO/01/393), Belgique (394), Luxembourg (395), Italie (396),
France (397), Espagne (398), Danemark (399), Portugal (400), Pays-Bas (401),
Irlande (402), Royaume-Uni (403), Grèce (404), Suède (405), Autriche (406)
et Allemagne (407).
[11] Influenza pandemic - Europe has to be prepared
The conclusions of a major conference on "Preparedness planning in the EU :
Influenza and other health threats" strongly emphasised the need to develop
a European action plan to combat pandemic influenza outbreaks by the end of
2002. This plan should identify the most urgent actions and agreed
approaches to be undertaken by Member States and the EU in the case of an
outbreak of a serious flu virus. The actions to be foreseen would need to
address vaccination policy, round-the-clock surveillance, improved
diagnostic capacity, availability of anti-virals and training of front line
public health professionals. The result of the conference ties in closely
with the Commission's efforts to streamline response mechanisms to any
biological threat to health be it from terrorists or natural causes. The
Commission has taken the lead addressing preparedness and co-ordination not
only on EU level, but also world-wide. It has today responded to the
request of the Ghent Summit to provide a comprehensive programme of actions
to ensure civil protection and public health (see IP/1685/01).
[12] Commission plays key role in global tobacco control talks
The European Commission has welcomed progress made during the third round
of negotiations for the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)
which finished in Geneva today. This unique global negotiation, which is
due to conclude in 2003, aims to establish binding international measures
on some of the most difficult issues in tobacco control policy such as
advertising, product regulation and development policy. In the course of
this round, the EU has been taking a proactive role thanks to progress on a
range of key issues from product regulation to advertising. In the light of
the Commission's commitment to table proposals on the phasing out of
tobacco subsidies, future discussions on this difficult issue will take
place in a constructive context. Given its pioneering legislation in
product regulation on issues such as misleading descriptors (the use of
terms like "mild" and "light") and traceability, the EU has been proactive
in encouraging a more progressive agenda in global tobacco control.
[13] Danube River again open for navigation at Novi Sad
Two years after the NATO bombing of three bridges at Novi Sad in the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), the Danube Commission has announced
in Budapest today that regular navigation on the Danube is once again
possible. The European Commission's financial support of some euro 22
million has been instrumental in achieving this. A safe channel for
navigation, a "provisional fairway", has been established and marked
through the Novi Sad stretch of the Danube.
[14] Euro 700,000 in humanitarian aid for displaced and resettled people in
the Jaffna peninsula, Sri Lanka
The European Commission has allocated euro 700,000 to help 900,000
displaced and resettled people in the Jaffna peninsula of Sri Lanka who are
victims of the long-running civil war. The money is channelled through the
Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) which comes under the responsibility of
Commissioner Poul Nielson. The funding will be used to charter a ship
providing medical and other essential supplies to a population of 900,000
which is effectively cut off from the rest of the country. The vessel is
the only means of communication between Jaffna and the outside world and
will also be used to transport 2,500 seriously ill people to other parts of
Sri Lanka where they will be able to receive appropriate medical care. The
project is being implemented by the International Committee of the Red
Cross (ICRC) which is the only organisation having the security guarantees
necessary to undertake voyages in what is an extremely dangerous area.
After many years of conflict, the infrastructure in the Wanni and Jaffna
regions has all but collapsed. Since 1993, ECHO has contributed almost euro
12.5 million to support victims of the civil conflict in Sri Lanka.
[15] Chris Patten speech on Sustainable Development : "From Sound-bite to
Sound Policy"
In a speech today in London at the Forum for the Future Chris Patten,
European Commissioner for External Relations, argues that fundamental
questions of sustainability and equity demand a degree of international
cooperation different from anything the world has witnessed since the years
immediately following the Second World War. "The investment we make in
sustainable development is as much a part of our global security as the
investment we make in our armed forces". The aftermath of 11 September and
the run-up to Johannesburg provide an opportunity to make that investment.
[16] "No more waste of time", Franz Fischler tells Slovakia
Speaking at a press conference in Nitra today, Franz Fischler, European
Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, stressed
that Slovakia has made "tremendous progress", having caught up in many
respects with the "accession frontrunners". "This is mainly due to the
efforts of the Slovak people, who have opened up politically and
economically to the European Union. Unfortunately, progress in the
agricultural sector has been very limited. The question of land ownership
is still not solved. The restructuring of the farms has to continue.
Slovakia cannot afford to waste any more time. The Commission will do all
that is in its powers to successfully close the negotiation process", he
said. Mr Fischler also underlined that an immediate introduction of the
full amount of direct farm payments was not envisaged. "This would not only
cause market and land price distortions; it would also freeze the current
farm structure, thus blocking the necessary restructuring. However, in the
medium term, there cannot be a two-tier Common Agricultural Policy", he
[17] Merger approved under the simplified procedure
Siemens AG (D) / Wiener Stadtwerke Beteiligungsmanagement GmbH (D) / master-
talk Austria Telekom Service GmbH
[18] Autre matériel diffusé
The Afghan crisis : humanitarian response of the EU
Discours de M. Busquin : "La génétique humaine et son cadre éthique" à la
session plénière du PE (Rapport Fiori)
Discours de M. Bolkestein : "The Community Patent : objectives of the
Commission and present situation" (Liège)
Speech by Frits Bolkestein : "The European Union and its ambitions" at the
Adam Smith Club (Zurich, ! embargo 5 pm !)
Discours de M. Solbes : "Régions et passage à l'euro" au Colloque organisé
par le Bureau Aquitaine Europe, Vertretung des Landes Hessen et Regione
Emilia-Romagna (! embargo 12h30 !)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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