European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-09-05
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Romano Prodi met Colin Powell during the World Summit in Johannesburg
[02] EU : Now we must turn World Summit agreement into concrete results
[03] Entreprises européennes 2002 : atouts et faiblesses des entreprises de
[04] La Commission organise une consultation en ligne sur la réglementation
applicable aux dépositaires d'OPCVM
[05] Anna Diamantopoulou to visit Israel and the Palestinian Territories
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 05/09/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 05/09/2002
[01] Romano Prodi met Colin Powell during the World Summit in Johannesburg
The President of the European Commission Romano Prodi and the US Secretary
of State Colin Powell welcomed the results achieved at the Summit and
agreed on the need to implement Johannesburg Plan of Implementation fully
and without delay. President Prodi expressed his concern over the
increasing divide between North and South. He agreed with Secretary Powell
that this must be a matter of common concern and that the answer must be
found through resolute implementation of a multilateral agenda. President
Prodi stressed that the old approach (Trade not Aid) must be abandoned and
replaced by Trade and Aid. They also discussed the situation in the Middle
East and Iraq. On the Middle East they shared their concerns about
standstill in the Peace Process and stressed the importance of
international cooperation. They agreed that Iraq must comply with relevant
UN resolutions and must allow the disarmament inspectors to operate without
any restriction. Secretary Powell agreed with President Prodi that this is
a multilateral problem. On the International Criminal Court there was
common understanding on the need to continue working together to find a
solution to American concerns without undermining the principles and
objectives of the Court.
[02] EU : Now we must turn World Summit agreement into concrete results
The European Union yesterday welcomed the results of the World Sustainable
Development Summit in Johannesburg as a success and underlined Europe's
determination to lead the way in turning the Summit's action plan into
concrete results on the ground. European Commission President Romano Prodi
said : "We came to Johannesburg to launch a North-South pact which also
encompasses the results of the Doha and Monterrey conferences. I welcome
this relaunch of multilateralism which puts sustainable development firmly
on the global agenda. Naturally we cannot be happy with everything we
achieved but the results take us in the right direction. Reaching agreement
is important but without implementation it means nothing. The EU will take
the lead in implementing the outcome of Johannesburg because we are
strongly committed to fighting poverty through trade and aid while
protecting the environment. We owe it to the world to deliver."
[03] Entreprises européennes 2002 : atouts et faiblesses des entreprises de
Rassemblant l'essentiel de l'information statistique disponible sur les
activités industrielles et de services de l'UE, "Entreprises européennes,
faits et chiffres 2002", publié aujourd'hui par Eurostat répond à nombre de
questions que les acteurs de la vie économique se posent. La publication
présente un aperçu global de l'évolution de l'activité des entreprises
européennes d'industrie et de services (sur la période 1995 à 2000) et
aborde quelques sujets qui les concernent toutes : la mondialisation,
l'innovation, la diffusion des technologies de l'information et de la
communication, etc.
[04] La Commission organise une consultation en ligne sur la réglementation
applicable aux dépositaires d'OPCVM
Les services de la Commission européenne ont lancé, sur la base d'un
questionnaire consultable par voie électronique, une consultation publique
concernant la réglementation applicable aux dépositaires qui, dans les
différents Etats membres, conservent des actifs pour le compte des
investisseurs des fonds collectifs de placement (fonds communs et SICAV).
Ces fonds sont regroupés sous l'appellation d'"organismes de placement
collectif en valeurs mobilières" (OPCVM). Ils sont présents dans tous les
Etats membres et pèsent environ 35% du PIB de l'UE. Outre la conservation
des actifs, les dépositaires d'OPCVM assurent une certaine protection des
intérêts des investisseurs, en veillant à ce que les gestionnaires des
fonds collectifs respectent leurs obligations légales et réglementaires.
Cette consultation fait suite à une invitation du Conseil des ministres des
finances de juin 2001 ; elle vise à déterminer comment, selon les parties
intéressées, la réglementation applicable aux dépositaires d'OPCVM peut
renforcer la protection des investisseurs ainsi que le système financier.
Les règles actuelles découlent du dispositif communautaire mis en place par
la directive 85/611/CEE. Le questionnaire peut être consulté sur le site
Web Europa à l'adresse suivante: http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/ucitsconsultation.htm.
La date limite pour participer à la consultation est le 30 octobre 2002.
[05] Anna Diamantopoulou to visit Israel and the Palestinian Territories
Anna Diamantopoulou, European Commissioner for Employment and Social
Affairs, will visit Israel and the Palestinian Territories from 8-10
September. The objective of the visit is to explore with prominent
personalities, including women politicians, peace activists and
representatives of NGOs, the role that women can play in moving out of the
present crisis. Discussions will also extend to women's rights in general
both in the EU and in Israel and the Palestinian Territories including
trafficking in women. In addition, Mrs Diamantopoulou will have meetings
with Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, Palestinian Minister of Labour
Ghassan Khatib and Sari Nusseibeh, leading member of the Israeli-
Palestinian Peace Coalition and PLO Commissioner for East Jerusalem. The
Commissioner will visit women's organisations at the refugee camp in
Ramallah. She will meet the EU-Israel Forum Press Club and representatives
of the Palestinian media. Concerning the current situation in Israel and
Palestine, Mrs Diamantopoulou said : "A conflict is the manifestation of a
shared problem. In order to resolve it, there needs to be dialogue. I came
here to meet with those that even in the present difficult circumstances
still believe that the initiative to renew a dialogue with the other side
should not be left entirely in the hands of the political leaders. In order
to have a real political impact, this dialogue should involve all sectors
of society as a collective, shared effort. Local communities and other
interest groups need to participate in the process of peace building, and
to feel a share of responsibility for the future of their society".
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur la préparation du Conseil informel Ecofin (06-07, Copenhague)
Speech by Chris Patten on Afghanistan at the plenary session of the
European Parliament (04/09, Strasbourg)
Speech by Chris Patten on ASEM at the plenary session of the European
Parliament (04/09, Strasbourg)
Speech by Anna Diamantopoulou : "Policies, partners, people: an integrated
approach to fighting poverty" at the Danish Presidency Conference on Social
Inclusion (Skagen, DK)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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