European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-01-08
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission considers that an excessive government deficit exists in
[02] Commission assesses the German stability programme update (2002-2006)
[03] La Commission évalue le programme de stabilité actualisé de l'Italie
[04] Commission assesses the 2002 update of the stability programme of
Greece (2002-2006)
[05] Commission assesses updated stability programme of Finland (2002-2006)
[06] La Commission évalue l'actualisation 2002 du programme de stabilité de
la France (2004-2006)
[07] Commission assesses the 2002 update of the Swedish convergence
programme (2002-2004)
[08] La législation relative aux comptes séparés pour les entreprises de
service public reste insuffisante dans plusieurs Etats membres
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[09] October 2002 compared to October 2001 : volume of retail trade up by
1.6% in euro-zone ; EU15 up by 2.7%
[10] North Korea : Commission grants €9.5 million in emergency humanitarian
food aid for children
[11] Caucase du Nord : la Commission octroie 3 millions d'€ en faveur des
victimes du conflit en Tchétchénie
Midday Express 08/01/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 08/01/2003[I] Résultats de la Commission
de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Commission considers that an excessive government deficit exists in
The European Commission, in an opinion on the budgetary situation prepared
under the obligations of Article 104.5 of the Treaty and adopted today,
concludes that an excessive deficit exists in Germany. On the basis of
Article 104.6, it recommends to the Council to adopt a similar decision.
Finally, the Commission recommends to the Council to address a
recommendation to Germany, in the sense of Article 104.7. The Commission is
thereby honouring its obligations laid down in Article 104 of the Treaty,
as well as its political commitments given in the European Council
resolution on the Stability and Growth Pact for a strict, timely and
effective functioning of the Pact.
[02] Commission assesses the German stability programme update (2002-2006)
The European Commission has adopted a recommendation for a Council Opinion
on the updated Stability Programme of Germany, which covers the period 2002-
2006. The programme broadly complies with the requirements of the revised
"code of conduct on the content and format of stability and convergence
programmes" is broadly consistent with the 2002 Broad Economic Policy
Guidelines. Under the main scenario of the programme the budget deficit for
2003 is projected to reach some 2¾% based on economic growth of 1½% and on
the assumption of approval by the Bundesrat of the full consolidation
package. In the Commission's view there are risks to this scenario. In the
following years, on the basis of growth rates above potential, the update
projects the deficit to decline steadily and leading to a balanced
budgetary position by 2006. Under this scenario German government finances
will in line with the Commission Communication of 27 November 2002
(IP/02/1742) see an annual improvement in its underlying budgetary position
by more than 0.5% of GDP on average. The update also confirms that in 2002
the debt level has exceeded the 60% of GDP reference value of the Treaty.
Given that the general government deficit for 2002 has exceeded the 3% of
GDP reference value, the Commission has today recommended to the Council to
decide that an excessive deficit exists in Germany (IP/03/xx). In the
Commission's view, the implementation of a consistent budgetary adjustment
programme should be underpinned by far reaching reforms to raise Germany's
growth potential. Moreover, achieving a budgetary position close to balance
and reducing the debt level is essential to strengthen the sustainability
of government finances in view of the budgetary pressures stemming from an
ageing population. On the basis of the Commission's Recommendation, the
Council is expected to adopt an Opinion on the updated German stability
programme on [21 January 2003].
[03] La Commission évalue le programme de stabilité actualisé de l'Italie
La Commission européenne a transmis ce jour au Conseil de l'Union
européenne une recommandation concernant le programme de stabilité
actualisé de l'Italie, qui couvre la période 2002-2006. Ce programme n'est
que partiellement conforme aux grandes orientations de politique économique
pour 2002. L'analyse effectuée par les services de la Commission soulève
certaines réserves quant à la qualité de l'ajustement et met en lumière les
incertitudes qui grèvent la réalisation des objectifs budgétaires
actualisés. En 2003, l'ajustement reposera sur d'importantes mesures
temporaires qui devront être remplacées ultérieurement par des mesures plus
durables. Quant aux incertitudes évoquées ci-dessus, elles concernent plus
particulièrement les projections macroéconomiques du programme tablant sur
une croissance très forte et les mesures d'assainissement budgétaire sous-
jacentes (censées remplacer partiellement les mesures temporaires),
importantes mais non précisées, qui seraient nécessaires à partir de 2004
pour atteindre le niveau de déficit visé. L'absence d'informations
détaillées sur les mesures complémentaires prévues pour réaliser les
objectifs budgétaires au-delà de 2003 est contraire aux prescriptions du
code de conduite actualisé relatif au contenu et au format des programmes
de stabilité et de convergence. La Commission recommande au Conseil
d'inviter l'Italie à fournir d'ici au mois de mars un complément
d'information sur sa stratégie budgétaire et fiscale après 2003. Les
incertitudes pesant sur le budget compromettent évidemment aussi les
objectifs en termes de réduction de la dette publique, conditionnés par une
reprise vigoureuse et par le maintien d'un excédent primaire élevé. La
Commission estime que le ratio d'endettement élevé de l'Italie requiert un
rythme de réduction minimum de la dette nettement supérieur à celui observé
ces dernières années. L'Italie est donc invitée à faire en sorte que sa
dette diminue suffisamment au cours de la période du programme. Sur la base
de la recommandation de la Commission, le Conseil devrait adopter le [21
janvier 2003] un avis officiel sur le programme de stabilité de l'Italie.
[04] Commission assesses the 2002 update of the stability programme of
Greece (2002-2006)
The European Commission made today a recommendation for a Council opinion
on the 2002 updated stability programme of Greece which covers the period
2002-2006. The current update is based on a macroeconomic scenario of
relatively high rates of GDP growth, underpinned by high public and private
investment related to the preparation for the Olympic Games of 2004 and
continuing strong financial inflows from the 3rd CSF until 2006. The 2002
update incorporates the revised government accounts that resulted from
decisions adopted in 2002 in order to ensure compliance with ESA accounting
rules. Following these revisions, the previously estimated government
surpluses for 2000 and 2001 turned into deficits, changing thus
significantly the starting point of the medium term budgetary projections.
In addition, the government debt ratio increased in 2000 and 2001. These
budgetary developments, in particular the slow pace of reduction in the
government debt ratio, in a period when the Greek economy has been growing
at high rates, is a matter of serious concern. They underline also the
urgent need for action to ensure a credible and faster budgetary adjustment
and debt reduction over the update programme period. The programme is
projecting the general government accounts to improve gradually recording a
surplus of 0.2% of GDP in 2005 and 0.6% of GDP in 2006. The cyclically-
adjusted budgetary position should improve coming closer to balanced but
remain in deficit (0.6% of GDP) until the end of the period covered by the
programme. The government debt ratio is projected to fall by over 17
percentage points as compared with 2002, to 87.9% of GDP in 2006. However,
the adjustment effort presented in the programme is strongly back-loaded,
postponed to a large extent to the years beyond 2003. The programme partly
conforms with the 2002 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines. On the basis of
the Commission recommendation, the Council is expected to adopt a formal
opinion on the stability programme of Greece on [21 January 2003].
[05] Commission assesses updated stability programme of Finland (2002-2006)
The European Commission today made a recommendation to the Council of
Ministers on the updated stability programme of Finland, which covers the
period 2002-2006. Finland's stability programme update estimates the
general government surplus in 2002 at 3.8% of GDP and projects surpluses of
above 2% of GDP for the remainder of the programme period. This is based on
the assumption of output growth accelerating from a trough of 0.7% in 2001
to an estimated 2.8% in 2003, and reaching a rate of close to its trend of
some 2½% towards the end of the programme period, which appears plausible.
The sound budgetary position projected in the updated programme is welcome,
but also necessary by the prospect of an exceptionally strong impact on
public finances of population ageing in Finland. Structural reforms,
notably of the pension system system should significantly improve the
sustainability of public finances. The Commission concludes that the
Finnish budgetary position is in compliance with the Stability and Growth
Pact. The economic and budgetary policies presented in the updated
programme are also broadly consistent with the Broad Economic Policy
Guidelines. On the basis of the Commission recommendation, the Council is
expected to adopt a formal opinion on the updated Finnish stability
programme on [21 January].
[06] La Commission évalue l'actualisation 2002 du programme de stabilité de
la France (2004-2006)
La Commission européenne a publié une recommandation pour un avis du
Conseil relatif au programme de stabilité actualisé de la France couvrant
la période 2003-2006. Cette évaluation de l'actualisation 2002 intervient
deux mois après l'adoption par la Commission d'une recommandation au
Conseil en vue de donner un avertissement préventif à la France afin
d'empêcher l'apparition d'un déficit excessif en 2003 (IP/02/1704). La
principale conclusion de l'évaluation de la Commission est que le programme
de stabilité actualisé n'est pas pleinement conforme à la principale
exigence du pacte de stabilité et de croissance, à savoir l'obligation de
parvenir, à moyen terme et sur la période couverte par le programme, à une
situation budgétaire proche de l'équilibre ou excédentaire. Le programme se
conforme partiellement aux recommandations des grandes orientations de
politique économique pour 2002. En 2003, l'effort d'ajustement budgétaire
corrigé des évolutions cycliques s'élève à peine à 0,2% du PIB selon les
calculs de la Commission. En moyenne, la position budgétaire sous-jacente
s'améliorera de seulement 0,5 point de pourcentage sur la période 2002-
2006. Pour la Commission, les autorités françaises devraient intensifier
leurs efforts d'assainissement budgétaire, en particulier sur les années
2003 et 2004. Cela leur permettrait de réduire le risque d'un
franchissement du seuil de référence de 3% du PIB par le déficit en 2003 et
d'achever la transition vers une position budgétaire équilibrée en 2006.
Compte tenu de l'impact prévisible du vieillissement démographique après
2006, la France doit faire preuve d'une plus grande ambition budgétaire.
Enfin, le programme prévoit une augmentation du ratio de la dette publique,
qui passerait de 57,3% du PIB en 2001 à 59,1% en 2003, sans prendre en
compte l'impact d'opérations financières récemment décidées. Sur la base de
la recommandation de la Commission, le Conseil est invité à adopter un avis
sur le programme de stabilité actualisé de la France le [21 janvier 2003].
[07] Commission assesses the 2002 update of the Swedish convergence
programme (2002-2004)
The European Commission has adopted a recommendation to the Council on the
2002 update of the Swedish convergence programme, which was presented on 29
November 2002 and covers the period 2002-2004. The Commission concludes
that the updated programme is in compliance with the requirements of the
Stability and Growth Pact and broadly in line with the Broad Economic
Policy Guidelines. However, the lack of detailed information in the
programme for 2005 is not in line with the revised "code of conduct on the
content and format of stability and convergence programmes". In the 2002
update, GDP growth is forecast to be 2.1% in 2002, 2.5% in 2003 and 2.5% in
2004. The public finances are expected to remain in surplus in each year to
2004. The Commission forecasts lower GDP growth and lower surpluses in the
public finances, both in actual and underlying terms. Indeed, on the basis
of the Commission's calculations the surplus in the underlying budgetary
position would be below the Sweden's 2% of GDP surplus target in 2002-04.
This results from the fact that the considerable fiscal stimulus in 2001
and 2002 is only partially reversed in the following years. Therefore,
maintaining tight expenditure control remains important. Continued fiscal
consolidation is also justified in order to achieve long-term
sustainability of public finances in the light of ageing populations. The
debt-to-GDP ratio fell below the 60% of GDP reference value in 2000 and is
expected to continue on a downward trend over the programme period. Sweden
is expected to continue to fulfil the convergence criteria on inflation and
long-term interest rates. However, the Swedish krona has still not
participated in ERM2 and it has exhibited some volatility against the euro
in the period since the previous update was submitted. Sweden does still
not fulfil the exchange rate criterion. On the basis of the Commission's
recommendation, the Ecofin Council is expected to adopt a formal opinion on
the updated Swedish convergence programme on [21 January 2003].
[08] La législation relative aux comptes séparés pour les entreprises de
service public reste insuffisante dans plusieurs Etats membres
Plusieurs Etats membres n'ont toujours pas transposé les modifications
apportées à la directive dite sur la transparence, en vertu desquelles les
entreprises à qui sont confiées des missions de service public doivent
tenir des comptes séparés pour leurs missions publiques, d'une part, et les
services qu'elles proposent en concurrence sur le marché libre, d'autre
part. La Commission a donc décidé de saisir la Cour de justice pour des
affaires en cours à l'encontre de la Finlande, de la France, de l'Irlande,
de l'Italie, du Portugal et de la Suède. Dans un cas similaire, la
Commission a ouvert une nouvelle procédure à l'encontre de la Belgique et
du Luxembourg.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[09] October 2002 compared to October 2001 : volume of retail trade up by
1.6% in euro-zone ; EU15 up by 2.7%
In October 2002, as compared to October 2001, the volume of retail trade
increased by 1.6% in the euro-zone and by 2.7% in the EU15, Eurostat
estimates today. Compared to September 2002, sales rose by 0.7% in both
zones. In October 2002, as compared to October 2001, retail trade of "food,
drinks and tobacco" increased by 1.9% in the euro-zone and by 2.5% in the
EU15. The non food sector gained 1.6% in the euro-zone and 3.2% in the
[10] North Korea : Commission grants €9.5 million in emergency humanitarian
food aid for children
The European Commission has adopted a humanitarian aid decision worth €9.5
million to help meet the winter needs of pregnant and nursing women and
children in North Korea. The aid is being channelled through ECHO, the
Humanitarian Aid Office of the European Commission, which comes under the
responsibility of Commissioner Poul Nielson. Commenting on the decision, Mr
Nielson said : "A significant proportion of North Korea's population of 23
million faces food shortages and the situation is likely to worsen during
the winter. Children are particularly at risk with many already seriously
malnourished. The aim of this funding is quite simply to save the lives of
people in desperate straits, in keeping with basic humanitarian
[11] Caucase du Nord : la Commission octroie 3 millions d'€ en faveur des
victimes du conflit en Tchétchénie
La Commission européenne a octroyé une aide humanitaire d'un montant de 3
millions d'€ destinée à couvrir les besoins alimentaires des victimes du
conflit en Tchétchénie. Les personnes déplacées et la population locale la
plus vulnérable en Tchétchénie ainsi que les déplacés tchétchènes dans la
république voisine d'Ingouchie, 253.000 personnes au total, bénéficieront
de cette intervention. Les fonds, alloués via l'Office d'aide humanitaire
(ECHO) placé sous la responsabilité du Commissaire Poul Nielson,
permettront au Programme Alimentaire mondial de poursuivre les opérations
nécessaires afin de venir en aide à la population tchétchène durant
l'hiver. Depuis le début de la crise actuelle, à l'automne 1999, plus de 90
millions d'€ ont été alloués par ECHO en faveur des victimes du conflit en
Tchétchénie, faisant de l'UE le plus important bailleur de fonds de la
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