European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-03-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Structural Funds: Commission contributes Euro 2.85 million to a
programme of innovative actions in the West Midlands
[02] Preliminary result of the budget year 2002 : important reimbursements
to the member states
[03] L'UE et les États-Unis vont travailler ensemble dans le domaine de la
recherche sur l'énergie et le changement climatique
[04] EU contributes € 57.75 million to the United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees
[05] Commissioner Poul Nielson to visit Cuba, 1014 March 2003
[06] The Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten today responded
to events in Haifa and Gaza in the past 24 hours
[07] Meeting between External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten and ICTY
chief Proscutor Cara del Ponte
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 07/03/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 07/03/2003
[01] Structural Funds: Commission contributes Euro 2.85 million to a
programme of innovative actions in the West Midlands
Today in Birmingham, Michel Barnier, the Commissioner responsible for
regional policy, officially launched a programme of innovative actions in
the West Midlands region with a contribution from European funds of Euro
2.85 million. The programme is part of the European Union's drive to
encourage the development of new ideas and to help the regions along the
pathway to economic success in a rapidly changing world. Building on the
results of previous European programmes, the new programme will be based on
a widely drawn partnership bringing together the business, community and
public sectors in the region. A particular feature will be the creation of
a "School on Innovation" capable of evaluating and giving advice on
[02] Preliminary result of the budget year 2002 : important reimbursements
to the member states
About € 7 billion have been left over from the budget exercise 2002,
resulting in a reduction of the financing by Member States of around € 6
billion compared to the 2003 EU budget as adopted last December. This
preliminary result can be announced very early thanks to the Commission's
automatic accounting system, which allows consolidation of results from
different spending departments. Budget Commissioner Michaele Schreyer will
present this still preliminary figure to the ECOFIN meeting today: "This
money will reduce the Member States' contributions to the 2003 budget and
thus alleviate the national budgets in these economically difficult times.
Finance Ministers should receive it as good news."
[03] L'UE et les États-Unis vont travailler ensemble dans le domaine de la
recherche sur l'énergie et le changement climatique
Le commissaire européen chargé de la recherche, M. Philippe Busquin, a
rencontré hier à Bruxelles M. Spencer Abraham, secrétaire d'État américain
à l'Énergie. Ils ont discuté de la coopération scientifique entre l'UE et
les États-Unis dans le domaine de la recherche sur le changement climatique
et l'énergie, comme la coopération sur la fusion nucléaire par le biais du
projet ITER (réacteur thermonucléaire expérimental international) et du
programme EURATOM avec la signature d'un accord de coopération, les piles à
hydrogène et la capture et le stockage du CO2. Ils se sont accordés à dire
que les activités de recherche conjointes devaient être développées. Des
universités américaines, des centres de recherche et des entreprises
participeront à des projets dans les domaines de l'environnement et de
l'énergie en application du 6ème programme-cadre de recherche communautaire
(2003-2006), doté d'un budget de 17,5 milliards d'euros. Chacune des
parties supportera ses propres coûts. M. Busquin a également profité de la
visite, le 5 mars, de M. John H. Marburger, conseiller scientifique auprès
du président des États-Unis, pour discuter de la coopération scientifique
entre l'UE et les États-Unis.
[04] EU contributes € 57.75 million to the United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees
The European Commission today approved a contribution of €57.75 million for
the year 2003 to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
Refugees (UNRWA). The EU funds will provide support to the education,
health, relief and social programmes of the UNRWA for registered
Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, the Syrian Arab Republic, the West
Bank and the Gaza Strip.
[05] Commissioner Poul Nielson to visit Cuba, 1014 March 2003
Mr Poul Nielson, European Commissioner in charge of Development and
Humanitarian Aid, will carry out an official visit to Cuba from 10 to 14
March. On the occasion of his first visit to Cuba, Mr Nielson will
officially inaugurate the new EU Delegation office in Havana. Meetings with
key Cuban authorities, representatives of civil society and leading Cuban
dissidents are foreseen. Discussions will focus on strengthening the
political dialogue between the EU and Cuba and improving EU-Cuban
development co-operation. Cuba applied in January 2003 to join the Cotonou
Agreement. Mr Nielson will also visit EU funded projects in the country.
[06] The Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten today responded
to events in Haifa and Gaza in the past 24 hours
"We strongly condemn the contemptible attack in Haifa yesterday. We also
regret the continuing loss of life in the Palestinian Territories. Since
the beginning of the year, there have been almost 300 people dead from the
two communities. This bloodshed must stop. Terror and violence must end. So
must settlement activity. It is imperative that both sides play their part
in creating the conditions in which the peace process ca be relaunched."
[07] Meeting between External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten and ICTY
chief Proscutor Cara del Ponte
The Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for former
Yugoslavia, Carla del Ponte, today met External Relations Commissioner
Chris Patten to discuss the level of cooperation with ICTY by the state of
the Western Balkans. Prosecutor Del Ponte stressed that "cooperation
remained partial and insufficient, in particular by Serbia & Montenegro and
to a certain extent Croatia which, to this day, have not shown any real
commitment to arrest indictees at large on their territory". Commissioner
Patten reiterated the position set out by EU Foreign Ministers at ther
February meeting, that "respect for international law is an essential
element of the Stabilisation and Association process", which sets the
framework for the EU's policy towards the region. He emphasised EU Foreign
Ministers' clear message that "full cooperation with the ICTY is essential
for further movements towards the EU".
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de Mme Reding sur "l'identité culturelle européenne" à la faculté
des Sciences Politiques de Gênes
Speech by Franz Fischler on "Fisheries parntnersip agreements" at the
meeting with ACP Ambassadors
Calendrier du 10 au 14 mars 2003 A disposition au secrétariat de Amelia
Torres (BREY 06/80): Deux notifications préalables d'une opération de
concentration : ADM/Pura
Deutsche Bahn/WestLB/Aurelis/JV
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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