European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-05-06
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] First application of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy : Commission
proposes long-term recovery plan for cod
[02] La Commission propose d'appliquer la TVA à toutes les prestations de
services postaux
[03] Commission airlifts urgent medical aid to Iraq
[04] Poul Nielson meets ICRC President Kellenberger at Baghdad airport to
discuss humanitarian situation in Iraq
[05] Margot Wallström calls for more stringent measures and policies to cut
EU greenhouse gas emissions
[06] March 2003 : Euro-zone unemployment up to 8.7% ; EU15 steady at 7.9%
[07] Mars 2003 : les prix à la production industrielle en hausse de 0,2%
dans la zone euro et dans l'UE15
[08] Commission clears Thomesto stake in German industrial wood firm SCA
[09] Statement on Deutsche Telekom
[10] Remise des Prix du patrimoine culturel de l'UE / Europa Nostra, le 9
mai à Bruxelles
[11] Loyola de Palacio chairs delivery ceremony of first hydrogen bus of
the CUTE project
[12] Launch of the negotiations of the Political Dialogue and Cooperation
Agreement between the EU and the Andean Community (6-8 May)
[13] Third preliminary statement of the EU Election Observation Mission
(EOM) to Nigeria : State Houses of Assembly elections
Midday Express 06/05/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 06/05/2003
[01] First application of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy : Commission
proposes long-term recovery plan for cod
The European Commission has proposed the establishment of a long-term
recovery plan for a number of cod stocks threatened with collapse. Despite
the measures that have been put in place over the past two years, more cod
continue to be removed from stocks than are replaced by reproduction. After
close consultation with the industry, the Commission is proposing to
replace the current temporary measures with long-term ones on the basis of
a strategy for the recovery of the stocks concerned. As at present, these
measures will involve low catch quotas, limits on fishing effort and
specific control and monitoring rules to ensure their implementation.
However, the difference is that these measures will be taken within the
framework of a long-term strategy that aims to rebuild the cod stock to
sustainable levels. The estimated time frame for achieving the recovery
objectives is 5 to 10 years. This multi-annual plan is the first in a
series of long-term recovery and management plans which the Commission will
propose according to the needs of the stocks concerned. The Commission will
shortly present a separate recovery plan for hake.
[02] La Commission propose d'appliquer la TVA à toutes les prestations de
services postaux
La Commission européenne vient de présenter une proposition visant à
appliquer la TVA à toutes les prestations de services postaux. La
proposition entend éliminer les distorsions de concurrence qui créent
actuellement des difficultés, tant pour les opérateurs nationaux
traditionnels de services postaux, actuellement exonérés de la TVA, que
pour leurs concurrents obligés d'appliquer cette TVA. La libéralisation des
marchés des services postaux devrait encore renforcer ces distorsions. Les
modifications qu'il est proposé d'apporter ne devraient pas avoir d'impact
considérable sur le coût des services postaux pour les consommateurs privés
étant donné que les opérateurs nationaux pourraient, pour la première fois,
déduire la TVA qu'ils doivent eux-mêmes acquitter sur leurs coûts et qu'ils
répercutent sur leurs clients sous forme de TVA cachée. De plus, pour
éviter toute hausse de prix pour les consommateurs privés, les Etats
membres auraient la possibilité d'appliquer un taux de TVA réduit aux
services postaux ordinaires (envois adressés d'un poids maximum de 2 kg).
En ce qui concerne les clients professionnels, l'application de la TVA aux
services postaux fournis par des prestataires nationaux serait avantageuse
étant donné que ces clients pourraient déduire le volet TVA de leurs frais
[03] Commission airlifts urgent medical aid to Iraq
A Belgian military aircraft loaded with essential medical and hygiene
supplies destined for Iraqis in need left Brussels for Baghdad this
morning. European Commission President Romano Prodi, the Belgian Prime
Minister Guy Verhofstadt and the Belgian Minister of Defense André Flahaut
were present at the take-off. The airlift is funded (€10 million) by the
latest package of urgent medical supplies approved by the Commission (see
IP/03/554). This shipment is part of a wider coordinated effort involving
EU Member States and the Commission, launched by President Prodi at the
recent European Council in Athens.
[04] Poul Nielson meets ICRC President Kellenberger at Baghdad airport to
discuss humanitarian situation in Iraq
Mr Poul Nielson, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian
Affairs met today with Jakob Kellenberger, President of International
Committee of the Red Cross, at Baghdad International Airport. Mr Nielson is
on a two-day trip to the Iraqi capital for discussions with humanitarian
agencies and to inspect projects funded by the Commission's humanitarian
aid office (ECHO).
[05] Margot Wallström calls for more stringent measures and policies to cut
EU greenhouse gas emissions
European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström today commented on the
latest data on greenhouse gas emissions released by the European
Environmental Agency. The data reveal that the emissions of greenhouse
gases from the EU have increased for a second consecutive year. The
Commissioner said : "The European Union is moving further away from meeting
its commitment to achieve a substantial emissions cut under the Kyoto
Protocol. The progress we have made already needs to be backed up by
additional measures. Especially the Member States that are not on track in
reaching their targets urgently need to take additional action." The
release of the EEA figures coincides with the publication by the
Commission's environment directorate-general of the second progress report
on the European Climate Change Programme. This report is a good basis for
developing further concrete EU action.
[06] March 2003 : Euro-zone unemployment up to 8.7% ; EU15 steady at 7.9%
Euro-zone seasonally-adjusted unemployment stood at 8.7% in March 2003,
compared to 8.6% in February, Eurostat reports today. It was 8.2% in March
2002. The EU15 unemployment rate was 7.9% in March 2003, unchanged compared
to February. It was 7.5% in March 2002. In March 2003, lowest rates were
registered in Luxembourg (3.4%), the Netherlands (3.6% in February),
Austria (4.3%), Ireland (4.5%), and Denmark (5.0% in February). Spain's
11.5% remained the EU's highest rate.
[07] Mars 2003 : les prix à la production industrielle en hausse de 0,2%
dans la zone euro et dans l'UE15
Au mois de mars 2003, les prix à la production industrielle dans la zone
euro ont augmenté de 0,2% par rapport au mois précédent, selon les
estimations publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. Les prix dans l'UE15 ont
aussi progressé de 0,2%. Au mois de février 2003, les prix avaient augmenté
de 0,4% dans les deux zones. En mars 2003 et par rapport à mars 2002, les
prix à la production industrielle ont augmenté de 2,4% dans la zone euro et
de 2,6% dans l'UE15.
[08] Commission clears Thomesto stake in German industrial wood firm SCA
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of joint control of SCA Holtz GmbH, a company active in
the procurement and trading of industrial wood in Germany and Austria, by
Finnish company Thomesto Ltd and German companies SCA Hygiene Products AG
and SCA Hygiene Products GmbH. SCA Holtz is currently owned by SCA AG and
SCA GmbH, themselves wholly-owned subsidiaries of Sweden's Svenska
Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA group. Thomesto is a subsidiary of Finland's
Metsäliitto group. (The operation, notified on 31 March 2003, was examined
under the simplified merger review procedure)
[09] Statement on Deutsche Telekom
On 5 May the European Commission presented a decision on Deutsche Telekom
to the Advisory Committee - a committee comprising representatives of the
Member States competition authorities. The discussions of this first
meeting of the Advisory Committee focused exclusively on the draft decision
proposed by the Commission. No proposal for a fine was made. No discussions
on a possible fine took place. The issue of a potential fine is never
discussed in the first meeting of the Advisory Committee. There is always a
second meeting to discuss this issue - should the Commission wish to
propose a fine.
[10] Remise des Prix du patrimoine culturel de l'UE / Europa Nostra, le 9
mai à Bruxelles
Viviane Reding, commissaire européenne à l'Education et à la Culture, et
Otto von der Glabentz, président exécutif de la fondation culturelle Europa
Nostra remettront le vendredi 9 mai à 10h15 au Palais d'Egmont les Prix
européens du patrimoine culturel, en présence de Son Altesse Royale le
Prince Lorenz. Six Premiers Prix, d'une valeur de 10.000 € chacun, seront
décernés à des projets remarquables dans les domaines du patrimoine
architectural, des paysages et des collections d'oeuvres. Ils
récompenseront aussi des études culturelles et un service exceptionnel
rendu au patrimoine par un individu ou un groupe. La fondation Europa
Nostra a reçu le soutien du programme "Culture 2000" pour l'organisation de
ces Prix de l'UE.
[11] Loyola de Palacio chairs delivery ceremony of first hydrogen bus of
the CUTE project
The delivery of the first hydrogen bus of the CUTE project took place on 5
May in Madrid, on the occasion of the world conference of the Union
Internationale du Transport Public (UITP). The CUTE project aims to develop
and demonstrate of an Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus system. It started on 23
November 2001 for a 55 month duration and is co-financed by the EU (€18,5
million for a total budget of €52 million). For Loyola de Palacio, European
Commission vice-president in charge of transport and energy, who chaired
this ceremony : "The CUTE project is one of the most innovating projects in
transport and is observed world wide with great interest : it is part of
our energy supply strategy which aims at reducing the emissions and
decreasing our dependency". "The bus is the most visible part of the
project, in particular for European citizens, but our efforts concentrate
on all applications of hydrogen economy, in particular the production and
supply infrastructure of hydrogen. For instance, we'll be able to deliver
the first ever hydrogen-fuelling station of the world before the end of the
year", she explained.
[12] Launch of the negotiations of the Political Dialogue and Cooperation
Agreement between the EU and the Andean Community (6-8 May)
On 6 May 2003, Chris Patten, European Commissioner for External Relations,
opened the first round of negotiations of a new Political Dialogue and
Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the Andean Community
(Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela). Speaking at the opening
ceremony, Mr Patten stated : "Today marks an important step forward in our
relations which will ultimately strengthen our political dialogue and
expand our cooperation to new areas such as conflict prevention, drugs and
good governance. I hope we can conclude the negotiations that we are
opening here today by the end of the year". Commissioner Patten also
referred to the shared belief about the merits of regional integration :
"Politically, regional integration contributes to the stability of the
region and fosters democracy and respect for human rights. In economic
terms, as we have seen in Europe first-hand, integration means development
and growth; we are ready to help others benefit from the same experience."
Prior to the opening of the negotiations, Commissioner Patten and the
Secretary General of the Andean Community Mr De Soto met bilaterally to
review the bi-regional relationship and prospects for its evolution.
[13] Third preliminary statement of the EU Election Observation Mission
(EOM) to Nigeria : State Houses of Assembly elections
On 5 May, European External Commissioner Chris Patten declared : "I believe
that the honest and professional assessment of the election process made by
the European Union Electoral Observation Mission, will contribute to the
process of strengthening democratic values in Nigeria and I would like to
express my gratitude to the leader of the EU observers, MEP Max Van den
Berg, and to his team for their excellent work. I hope that all legitimate
complaints related to these elections will be dealt with according to the
Nigerian legal system. I also hope that the recommendations made by the EU
Mission will be taken into account with a view to improving the election
framework in Nigeria for the future and to putting down ever deeper roots
for Nigeria's democracy."
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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