European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-08-28
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] WTO farm talks: Commission presents info pack for Cancún
[02] Commission acts to break the stranglehold of state railways on
international passenger services
[03] Afrique australe: la Commission accorde une nouvelle aide humanitaire
de 25 millions d'euros
[04] WTO talks: EU steps up bid for better protection of regional quality
[05] Quarterly note on the euro-denominated bond markets
Midday Express 28/08/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 28/08/2003
[01] WTO farm talks: Commission presents info pack for Cancún
Today, the European Commission presented an agriculture information pack
for the upcoming WTO Ministerial meeting in Cancún, Mexico from 10 to 14
September 2003. The information material contains facts and figures about
the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its history of reforms, the EU's
approach for Cancún, especially regarding developing countries and non-
trade concerns and a glossary which helps to decipher WTO- and euro-speak.
The press pack is available in English, French and Spanish on paper and on
the internet at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/external/wto/backgrou/index_en.htm
[02] Commission acts to break the stranglehold of state railways on
international passenger services
The European Commission has adopted a decision requiring Ferrovie dello
Stato (FS), the Italian State-owned railway company, to allow new train
operators to provide cross-border passenger services into Italy. The
decision finds that FS has prevented Georg Verkehrsorganisation (GVG), a
small German railway operator, from providing passenger services from
Germany to Milan, by refusing to enter into a so-called international
grouping, by refusing to discuss terms for access to the track and by
refusing to provide traction services. This has deprived rail passengers of
the benefits of price competition and customer choice. With a view to
settling the case, FS has made substantial commitments, granting GVG access
and opening the market for other railway operators too. The decision
illustrates the Commission's determination to apply the competition rules
as a tool to ensure effective market opening in the EU railway sector.
[03] Afrique australe: la Commission accorde une nouvelle aide humanitaire
de 25 millions d'euros
La Commission européenne a approuvé l'octroi de 25 millions € destinés à
aider les victimes de la crise humanitaire qui frappe l'Afrique australe.
Ces ressources contribueront à répondre aux besoins - nourriture, eau,
équipements sanitaires et soins - de populations vulnérables dans 9 pays.
Cette aide passera par le canal de l'Office d'aide humanitaire (ECHO),
placé sous l'autorité du commissaire Poul Nielson. Ce dernier a commenté en
ces termes la nouvelle décision de financement: “Des millions de personnes
se trouvent actuellement dans une situation désespérée en Afrique australe
et la Commission est fermement résolue à leur porter assistance. L'aide
humanitaire fournie par ECHO s'adresse en toute impartialité à ceux qui en
ont le plus besoin, quels que soient leur nationalité, leur origine
ethnique, leur sexe et leur religion".
[04] WTO talks: EU steps up bid for better protection of regional quality
EU Member States cleared a short list of 41 EU regional quality products
whose names the EU wants to recuperate. This list will be negotiated in the
agriculture negotiations within the Doha Development Agenda. Today's
shortlist contains well established European quality products whose names
are being abused today, such as Roquefort cheese, Parma ham or Rioja wine.
In order to prevent current non-abused geographical indications (GIs) being
usurped in the future, the EU is also negotiating the establishment of a
multilateral register of GIs as well as the extension of the protection
foreseen for wines and spirits to products other than wines and spirits.
[05] Quarterly note on the euro-denominated bond markets
In line with global developments, euro-denominated government bond yields
fell to historically low levels in mid-June and the euro yield curve
shifted progressively downward over Q2/2003. Total gross issuance of euro-
denominated bonds reached €484bn in Q2/2003. This is a decline compared to
the record quarterly issuance volume of €515bn in Q1/2003 although still
much more than in previous years and in line with the usual seasonal
pattern. The main sources of issuance were central government and financial
institutions, but corporate issuance has clearly rebounded since the
beginning of 2003. Copies of the report are available in the secretariat of
Gerassimos Thomas, Brey 06/85 and on the following link : http://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance/publications/bondmarkets_en.htm
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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