European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-07-08
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Green light for €1.8 billion for food sector and rural development
in Poland
[02] La Commission expose ses griefs neuf grandes banques françaises et
au Groupement des cartes bancaires "CB"
[03] Commission approves acquisition of Dynamit Nobel by Rockwood
Specialties Group
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Grohe by TPG Partners and Credit
[05] Enregistrement de six dénominations de produits agricoles portugais
[06] Water policy : Commission takes legal action against 13 Member States
[07] Qualité de l'air ambiant : la Commission demande neuf Etats membres
de réduire la pollution
[08] Pension taxation : Commission refers Spain to Court and requests UK to
end discrimination
[09] Fiscalité : la Commission invite la Grèce mettre fin la
discrimination l'encontre des fonds d'investissement établis dans les
pays de l'AELE membres de l'EEE
[10] Public procurement : Commission decides to refer Italy to Court over
supply of helicopters
[11] EU to present coordinated approach to confront the threat of an
HIV/AIDS epidemic in Europe
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2004-07-08
Reference: MEX/04/0708
Date: 08/07/2004
EXME04 / 8.7
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] Green light for €1.8 billion for food sector and rural development
in Poland
The European Commission has approved Poland's Sectoral Operational
Programme for Restructuring and Modernisation of the Food Sector and Rural
Development for the period 2004-2006. The programme includes a broad range
of ambitious rural development measures. The focus is on the modernisation
of the farming sector, improvement of the processing sector, and the
encouragement of rural development. The EU contribution from the European
Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, Guidance Section amounting to
€1.192 billion for the period 2004-2006, will be complemented by national
public funding of €591 million.
[02] La Commission expose ses griefs neuf grandes banques françaises et
au Groupement des cartes bancaires "CB"
La Commission a adressé une "communication des griefs" neuf grandes
banques ainsi qu'au Groupement des cartes bancaires "CB". Ces griefs
portent sur un accord secret dans le secteur des cartes bancaires de
paiement par lequel les banques, avec l'aide du GCB, répartissent le
marché de l'émission des cartes CB en France, afin de freiner la
concurrence de nouveaux entrants comme les banques de la grande
distribution et certaines banques petites et moyennes, notamment
étrangères. Selon la Commission, l'accord limite fortement la baisse du
prix des cartes CB et l'innovation technologique.
[03] Commission approves acquisition of Dynamit Nobel by Rockwood
Specialties Group
The European Commission has cleared the proposed acquisition of Dynamit
Nobel AG, a German-based chemical company, by a Luxembourg-based subsidiary
of US company Rockwood Specialties Group Inc. (USA).
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Grohe by TPG Partners and Credit
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of full control of German bathroom fixture maker Grohe
AG by TPG Partners IV, L.P. and DLJ Merchant Banking III. Inc., which
belongs to the Credit Suisse Group. (The operation, which was notified on
June 4, was examined under the simplified merger review procedure)
[05] Enregistrement de six dénominations de produits agricoles portugais
La Commission européenne a ajouté six dénominations de produits
portugais base de viande la liste des indications géographiques
protégées (IGP). Il s'agit des produits suivants : "Paia de Toucinho de
Estremoz e Borba", "Chouriço de Carne de Estremoz e Borba", "Paia de Lombo
de Estremoz e Borba", "Morcela de Estremoz e Borba", "Chouriço grosso de
Estremoz e Borba" et "Paia de Estremoz e Borba". Les six dénominations
s'ajoutent la liste d'environ 650 produits déj protégés en vertu de
la législation sur la protection des indications géographiques, des
appellations d'origine et des spécialités traditionnelles. Des
renseignements sur les produits de qualité ainsi que la liste des
dénominations protégées sont disponibles sur l'internet l'adresse : <a
[06] Water policy : Commission takes legal action against 13 Member States
The European Commission is taking legal action against 13 Member States for
non-compliance with two important EU laws on water. These laws seek to
improve the quality of all waters in Europe, from lakes and rivers to
coastal waters, for the benefit of Europe's citizens and environment. Nine
Member States - Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Sweden - have received final
written warnings, which call on them to urgently put in place all the
necessary national legislation to comply with the EU Water Framework
Directive. This milestone law is aimed at ensuring good quality of all
water resources in the EU through a new, integrated cross-border approach
to water management. It had to be transposed into national law by December
2003. The Commission has also sent first written warnings to France, Greece,
Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom for failing to meet
a December 2000 deadline for installing proper treatment for waste-water
discharges from cities and towns with more than 15,000 inhabitants.
Inadequate waste-water treatment is a major cause of water pollution and
represents a serious risk to human health and the environment. Through its
action, the Commission helps ensuring citizens a high level of water
quality across the EU.
[07] Qualité de l'air ambiant : la Commission demande neuf Etats membres
de réduire la pollution
La Commission européenne a adressé un premier avertissement l'Allemagne,
l'Autriche, l'Espagne, la France, l'Irlande, l'Italie, au
Luxembourg, au Portugal et au Royaume-Uni, les enjoignant de prendre des
mesures plus efficaces pour lutter contre la pollution atmosphérique dans
un grand nombre de zones urbaines de leur territoire respectif. Les
polluants atmosphériques en cause, le dioxyde d'azote et les particules,
sont nocifs pour l'homme, surtout pour certains groupes sensibles de la
population tels que les enfants. Les particules en particulier aggravent
les maladies respiratoires et peuvent même entraîner des décès
prématurés. En vertu de la législation européenne dans le domaine de
l’environnement, ces neuf Etats membres auraient dû établir des plans
de réduction de la pollution pour les zones forte concentration de
dioxyde d'azote et de particules avant la fin décembre 2003. Ces plans
doivent décrire les mesures que les Etats membres ont l'intention de
prendre pour réduire la pollution. Le choix des mesures revient aux Etats
membres, et celles-ci peuvent consister, par exemple, en restrictions de la
circulation et en délocalisations des installations polluantes.
L'initiative de la Commission contribuera a faire régner un air plus pur
dans les villes européennes, dans l'intérêt des citoyens.
[08] Pension taxation : Commission refers Spain to Court and requests UK to
end discrimination
The European Commission has decided to refer Spain to the Court of Justice
because pension contributions paid to non-Spanish funds are not tax
deductible while contributions paid to domestic funds are. Although Spain
has admitted in the previous correspondence that the legislation is
incompatible with EU law, it is not willing to modify its legislation until
the implementation of the Pension Fund Directive which is foreseen for 23
September 2005. This proposed timetable is not acceptable. The Commission
has also decided to send a formal request to the United Kingdom to amend
its legislation. The Commission considers that the beneficial tax treatment
of domestic schemes is incompatible with the freedoms mentioned in the EC
Treaty (Articles 39, 49 and 56). This is a follow-up to the action taken by
the Commission in February 2003 (see IP/03/179), July 2003 (IP/03/965) and
December 2003 (IP/03/1756) in accordance with the April 2001 Communication
on the elimination of tax obstacles to the cross-border provision of
occupational pensions (see IP/01/575 and MEMO/01/142).
[09] Fiscalité : la Commission invite la Grèce mettre fin la
discrimination l'encontre des fonds d'investissement établis dans les
pays de l'AELE membres de l'EEE
La Commission européenne a officiellement invité la Grèce mettre fin
la discrimination dont font l'objet les fonds d'investissement établis
dans les pays de l'AELE membres de l'EEE. La Commission estime que le
traitement fiscal des plus-values réalisées sur les ventes de parts de
fonds d'investissement établis dans les pays de l'AELE membres de l'EEE
est incompatible avec la libre prestation de services et la libre
circulation des capitaux (articles 30 et 40 de l'accord sur l'EEE). Après
un premier contact, la Grèce a modifié sa législation de manière
appliquer aux fonds d'investissement des autres Etats membres de l'UE le
régime fiscal préférentiel initialement réservé aux fonds
d'investissement grecs. Elle ne l'a toutefois pas étendu aux fonds des
pays de l'AELE membres de l'EEE. La requête de la Commission se présente
sous la forme d'un 'avis motivé' au titre de l'article 226 du Traité CE.
Si l'Etat membre ne répond pas de manière satisfaisante l'avis, la
Commission peut saisir la Cour de justice.
[10] Public procurement : Commission decides to refer Italy to Court over
supply of helicopters
The European Commission has decided to refer Italy to the European Court of
Justice because of the Italian Government's longstanding policy of awarding
contracts, directly and without competition, to the Italian company Agusta,
for the supply of helicopters for civilian use by various public services.
The Commission considers that such direct awards of contracts are in
violation of the EU Directive on the procurement of supplies (93/36/EEC).
Although the Directive does allow direct award of contracts, without the
publication of a tender notice, in certain specific circumstances, none of
these conditions are met in the case of these helicopter supply contracts.
[11] EU to present coordinated approach to confront the threat of an
HIV/AIDS epidemic in Europe
Health ministers and experts from across Europe are to meet in Vilnius,
Lithuania, on 16-17 September to debate a package of EU actions to tackle
the spread of HIV/AIDS in the EU and its eastern neighbours. A report
published by the United Nations' AIDS agency (UNAIDS) this week highlighted
the spread of the disease in parts of the EU and neighbouring countries,
putting the number of people now infected at 1.3 million compared with just
160,000 in 1995. A number of the new Member States, who joined on 1 May
this year, are identified by UNAIDS as being amongst the worst affected
countries. Meanwhile, the EU's own analysis shows cause for concern about
growing numbers of HIV/AIDS infections in the 15-25 age group across the
whole of the EU. In early September European Commissioners David Byrne and
Pavel Telička will outline the Commission's input to address this
situation. The aim of the Vilnius conference, which is being jointly
organised by the Lithuanian government and the Commission, is to refocus
political attention and to build a consensus in favour of Europe-wide
actions with all involved working together in partnership. The conference
will be opened by the Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Brazauskas and
Commissioner Pavel Telička. Senior representatives from the UN, the WHO
and from the worlds of science and academia will participate in the
conference alongside health ministers. The Vilnius Conference follows up on
the Ministerial Conference on HIV/AIDS organised in Dublin on 23-24
February this year during the Irish Presidency of the EU.
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Le Prix Prince des Asturies "Coopération internationale" attribué au
programme Erasmus - réactions du Président Prodi et de Viviane Reding
Note sur la réunion informelle du Conseil Emploi et Affaires sociales (08-
10/07, Maastricht)
EU action against HIV/AIDS
Speech by Mario Monti : "Access to content and the development of
competition in the New Media market- the Commission's approach" at Workshop
on access to quality audiovisual contents and development of New Media
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/