European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-12-01
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] Commission reports on Greek statistics, starts infringement procedure
[02] La Commission autorise une aide à la restructuration de la société
[03] Commission approves real estate transfer tax exemption for housing
companies in Eastern Germany
[04] La Commission déclare compatibles des aides accordées au titre de
coûts échoués dans le secteur de l'énergie en Italie
[05] Commission opens formal investigation into UK Nuclear Decommissioning
[06] Ouverture d'une enquête à l'égard d'une taxe parafiscale à la
promotion du vin au Portugal
[07] La Commission autorise une aide destinée à faciliter l'élimination
des matériels à risque et à contrer les effets de l'ESB en Italie en 2001
[08] Commission allows Denmark to alter its tax scheme for shipping
[09] Commission approves a new Finnish regime in favour of passenger
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[10] Foreign Minister Nabeel Shaath of the Palestinian Authority visits
[11] Commission clears Körber's acquisition of Winkler + Dünnebier
[12] Commission decides to allow Fortum to increase its shareholding in
Gasum in the Finnish energy sector
[13] Commission consults public on action plan to reduce air pollution
[14] Commission clears acquisition of Lombard and IDH by Friends Provident
[15] Commission indicator forecasts euro area quarterly GDP growth of 0.2%
to 0.6% for the 4th quarter of 2004 and 1st quarter of 2005
[16] October 2004 : Euro-zone unemployment stable at 8.9% ; EU25 down to
[17] First estimates for the third quarter of 2004 Euro-zone and EU25 GDP
up by 0.3% +1.8% and +2.1% respectively compared to the third quarter of
[18] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2004-12-01
Reference: MEX/04/1201
Date: 01/12/2004
EXME04 / 1.12
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] Commission reports on Greek statistics, starts infringement procedure
In a report today to the European Parliament and the Council, the European
Commission identifies weaknesses with regard to the reporting of budgetary
data by the Greek authorities, insufficiencies in the budgetary data
provision by Eurostat, and limits of the budgetary data reporting and
provision system as a whole. The report arises from the revision of the
Greek deficit-to-GDP ratio not only for 2003 but for all years since 1997
which resulted from earlier actions by Eurostat as well as the initiative
taken by the incoming Greek government. The Commission believes that
although the information provided by the Greek authorities has now allowed
to reduce considerably the elements of non compliance with Greece's duty to
provide statistical data in accordance with the EU rules, it still needs to
address a number of problems in its reporting and control of deficit-
related data. The Commission has, therefore, launched an infringement
procedure to prevent incorrect or incomplete data transmission in the
future. The Commission intends to propose concrete measures to ensure the
credibility of the entire statistical system, namely through the adoption
of the highest standards as regards the independence, integrity and
accountability of the national statistics offices and the reinforcement of
the control and inspection capacities of Eurostat, the EU's statistical
[02] La Commission autorise une aide à la restructuration de la société
La Commission européenne a autorisé une aide notifiée par le
gouvernement français en soutien du plan de restructuration de la
société informatique Bull. La France s'engage à ne pas verser cette
ultime aide à la restructuration avant le 31 décembre 2004. En plus,
l'aide ne sera payée qu'après le remboursement de l'aide au sauvetage
accordée en 2001 et 2002. Sous ces conditions, la Commission estime que le
retour à la viabilité est suffisamment garanti et que l'aide, malgré le
montant important, est compatible avec les règles du Traité CE (Article
87) qui imposent que les aides d'Etat ne créent pas de distorsions de
concurrence indues.
[03] Commission approves real estate transfer tax exemption for housing
companies in Eastern Germany
The European Commission has approved under EC Treaty state aid rules a
scheme that temporarily exempts housing companies from the real estate
transfer tax in case of mergers involving property in the 'Neue Länder'.
At the same time, the Commission has decided to open a formal investigation
under the state aid rules with regard to those parts of the scheme that are
related to the labour market region of Berlin.
[04] La Commission déclare compatibles des aides accordées au titre de
coûts échoués dans le secteur de l'énergie en Italie
La Commission européenne a décidé que les subventions accordées par les
autorités italiennes au secteur de l'énergie pour couvrir des coûts
échoués liés au processus de libéralisation étaient compatibles avec
les règles sur les aides d'Etat du traité CE. Ces règles interdisent les
aides d'Etat qui faussent ou qui menacent de fausser la concurrence dans
une mesure contraire à l'intérêt commun. Les coûts échoués
sont des coûts encourus par les sociétés avant la libéralisation du
secteur de l'électricité et dont la récupération est devenue impossible
ou très difficile du fait de la libéralisation.
[05] Commission opens formal investigation into UK Nuclear Decommissioning
The European Commission has opened a formal investigation to check whether
the establishment of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) by the
United Kingdom complies with the EC Treaty rules requiring that state aids
should not distort or threaten to distort competition. The NDA is due to be
established as of 1st April 2005 as a non-departmental public body in
charge of managing most of the nuclear liabilities of the public sector in
the country.
[06] Ouverture d'une enquête à l'égard d'une taxe parafiscale à la
promotion du vin au Portugal
La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir une procédure formelle
d'examen à l'égard de certains aspects des activités de l'Institut de la
Vigne et du Vin (IVV) au Portugal, plus particulièrement les mesures
financées avec le produit de la taxe parafiscale dite "à la promotion du
vin" ainsi que l'éventuelle nature discriminatoire de cette taxe. Cet
examen concerne surtout le fait que cette taxe parafiscale, introduite en
1995 pour financer les activités de l'IVV, frappe aussi les vins venant
des autres Etats membres, sans que, à première vue, ceux-ci puissent
profiter de la même manière que les produits vitivinicoles d'origine
portugais de certains des activités financées avec le produit de cette
[07] La Commission autorise une aide destinée à faciliter l'élimination
des matériels à risque et à contrer les effets de l'ESB en Italie en 2001
La Commission européenne a rétroactivement autorisé l'Italie à accorder
une aide d'Etat de 169 millions d'€ pour couvrir les coûts de la
destruction obligatoire des matériels à risque spécifiés (MRS) et du
stockage des matières à faible risque, ainsi qu'une aide au revenu en
faveur des producteurs de viande bovine afin de contrer les effets de la
crise de l'ESB ("maladie de la vache folle") de 2001. L'aide a été
accordée en 2001 sans l'approbation de la Commission.
[08] Commission allows Denmark to alter its tax scheme for shipping
The European Commission has decided to allow Denmark to alter its tonnage-
based flat-rate tax scheme for shipping companies (also known as Tonnage
Tax). The scheme is being extended to cover revenue from renting out sales
areas on board passenger ships. The sales areas are usually let to entities
which are part of the shipping company concerned or the group to which it
belongs, or to third companies.
[09] Commission approves a new Finnish regime in favour of passenger
The European Commission approved a modification to an existing Finnish
scheme in favour of passenger vessels. Ship-owners operating passenger
vessels regularly calling at Finnish ports will be entitled to an income
tax exemption and to a compensation for the various social contributions
usually borne by maritime companies.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[10] Foreign Minister Nabeel Shaath of the Palestinian Authority visits
The Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister, Nabeel Shaath, will meet the
European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Louis Michel,
in Brussels on 1 December and with Commissioner for External Relations and
European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, on the following
day. The Commission and Minister Shaath will discuss the situation in the
Middle East, the humanitarian situation and plans for the forthcoming
Palestinian Authority Presidential elections. The Commission will confirm
its ongoing support for the Palestinian electoral process and will outline
the objectives of the EU Observation Mission which will be lead by former
French Prime Minister and Member of the European Parliament, Michel Rocard.
The meeting will underline the overall importance the Commission attaches
to EU-Palestinian Authority relations in the context of the Interim
Association Agreement and the European Neighbourhood Policy.
[11] Commission clears Körber's acquisition of Winkler + Dünnebier
The European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the
acquisition of the German company Winkler + Dünnebier AG (W+D), a
manufacturer of specialised paper-products machinery, by Körber AG of
Hamburg, Germany, another engineering group. Although W+D has strong
positions in certain market segments, such as tissue-fold machines for the
production of handkerchiefs and envelope and pocket machines, Körber is
not a direct competitor in these fields. Körber has launched a public take-
over bid for W+D, which is a Frankfurt stock exchange listed company.
[12] Commission decides to allow Fortum to increase its shareholding in
Gasum in the Finnish energy sector
The European Commission has decided under the EU Merger Regulation to allow
the Finnish energy company Fortum Oyj ("Fortum") to increase its
shareholding in Gasum Oy ("Gasum"), the Finnish natural gas company. The
Commission has concluded that the acquisition of the 6% shareholding does
not confer joint or sole control to Fortum over Gasum. The decision
modifies an earlier Commission decision taken in 1998 under the Merger
Regulation to clear the concentration between Neste and Ivo (now Fortum)
subject 'inter alia' to an explicit limit on Fortum's shareholding in Gasum
to 25% (see IP/98/504). The new decision allows Fortum's shareholding
position to increase from 25% to 31% without Fortum acquiring either sole
or joint control over Gasum.
[13] Commission consults public on action plan to reduce air pollution
The European Commission is seeking input from the public on the measures to
be included in a new comprehensive European action plan to reduce air
pollution. This plan, which is due by mid-2005, will have a direct impact
on people's lives. The Commission is therefore launching an internet
consultation in order to reach the largest possible number of people.
Starting today, the consultation will run until 31 January 2005 with
results to be published by March 2005.
[14] Commission clears acquisition of Lombard and IDH by Friends Provident
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of Luxembourg company Lombard
International Assurances SA and Swiss company, Insurance Development
Holdings AG (IDH) by Friends Provident plc. Friends Provident is a listed
UK financial services group whose core business is the provision of group
and individual pension and life insurance products. Lombard is an insurance
group active primarily in life insurance products for high net worth
individuals. IDH is a financial holding company and is Lombard's sister
company, in that the same set of controlling shareholders is common to both
undertakings. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review
[15] Commission indicator forecasts euro area quarterly GDP growth of 0.2%
to 0.6% for the 4th quarter of 2004 and 1st quarter of 2005
The indicator-based model for quarterly GDP growth for the euro area,
developed by the European Commission's Directorate General for Economic and
Financial Affairs, forecasts a range of 0.2% to 0.6% for GDP growth in the
fourth quarter of 2004. The range for the first quarter of 2005 is also 0.2-
[16] October 2004 : Euro-zone unemployment stable at 8.9% ; EU25 down to
Euro-zone seasonally-adjusted unemployment stood at 8.9% in October 2004,
unchanged compared to September, Eurostat reports today. It was also 8.9%
in October 2003. The EU25 unemployment rate was 8.9% in October 2004, down
from 9.0% in September. It was 9.1% in October 2003.
[17] First estimates for the third quarter of 2004 Euro-zone and EU25 GDP
up by 0.3% +1.8% and +2.1% respectively compared to the third quarter of
Euro-zone and EU25 GDP grew by 0.3% in the third quarter of 2004, compared
to the previous quarter, according to first estimates out today from
Eurostat. In the second quarter of 2004, growth rates were +0.5% for the
euro-zone and +0.6% for the EU25. Compared to the third quarter of 2003,
GDP rose by 1.8% in the euro-zone and by 2.1% in the EU25, after +2.1% and
+2.4% respectively in the previous quarter.
[18] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Ján Figel : "Sharpening our vision" at the 7th ECSA World
Conference 'The European Union and Emerging World Orders: Perceptions and
Speech by Markos Kyprianou on HIV/AIDS to mark World AIDS Day (European
Parliament, ! embargo 6 pm !)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/