European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-01-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La proposition de système d'information sur les visas (VIS) renforce
la sécurité et facilite les déplacements dans l'UE
[02] Data protection : Commission approves new standard clauses for data
transfers to non-EU countries
[03] Commission's report indicates that governments should do more to
implement energy market opening measures
[04] Novembre 2004 : le chômage dans la zone euro et l'UE25 stable à 8,9%
[05] November 2004 compared to November 2003 : volume of retail trade up by
0.4% in euro-zone ; EU25 up by 2.3%
[06] Statement from European Commissioner in charge of Education, Training,
Culture & Multilingualism Ján Figel' on the launch of "Cork 2005, European
Capital of Culture"
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-01-07
Reference: MEX/05/0107
Date: 07/01/2005
EXME05 / 7.1
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] La proposition de système d'information sur les visas (VIS) renforce
la sécurité et facilite les déplacements dans l'UE
La Commission européenne a adopté une proposition de règlement
concernant le système d'information sur les visas (VIS) et l'échange de
données entre les Etats membres sur les visas de court séjour. Le VIS
sera un système d'échange d'informations en matière de visas entre les
Etats membres et offrira un instrument destiné à soutenir la politique
commune en matière de visas. Il facilitera également les contrôles aux
frontières extérieures et dans les Etats membres, l'application du
règlement de "Dublin" relatif à la détermination de l'Etat responsable de
l'examen d'une demande d'asile ainsi que l'identification et le retour des
personnes en situation irrégulière. Le VIS comportera une base de
données centrale européenne, connectée aux systèmes nationaux, qui
permettra aux consulats et aux autres autorités compétentes des Etats
membres de saisir et de consulter des données sur les demandes de visas et
les décisions y relatives.
[02] Data protection : Commission approves new standard clauses for data
transfers to non-EU countries
The European Commission has approved a new set of standard contractual
clauses which businesses can use to ensure adequate safeguards when
personal data is transferred from the EU to non-EU countries. The new
clauses, submitted by a business coalition, will be added to those already
available under the Commission's June 2001 decision (see IP/01/851). Use of
standard contractual clauses offers companies and other organisations a
straightforward means of complying with their obligation, under the 1995 EU
Data Protection Directive, to ensure "adequate protection" for personal
data transferred outside the EU.
[03] Commission's report indicates that governments should do more to
implement energy market opening measures
Governments need to step up efforts to implement the market opening
measures in the gas and electricity Directives. Only greater integration of
national markets can bring the required improvements to competition in the
Energy internal market. These are the main conclusions of the annual report
on the functioning of the internal market in electricity and gas, which the
European Commission issued on Wednesday 5 January.
[04] Novembre 2004 : le chômage dans la zone euro et l'UE25 stable à 8,9%
Le taux de chômage de la zone euro, corrigé des variations saisonnières,
s'est élevé à 8,9% en novembre 2004, inchangé par rapport au mois
d'octobre, selon les données publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. Il était
également de 8,9% en novembre 2003. Le taux de chômage de l'UE25 a été
de 8,9% en novembre 2004, inchangé par rapport à octobre. Il était de 9,
1% en novembre 2003. En novembre 2004, les taux les plus bas ont été
enregistrés en Irlande (4,3%), au Luxembourg (4,4%), en Autriche (4,5%),
au Royaume-Uni (4,5% en septembre) et aux Pays-Bas (4,6% en octobre). Les
taux de chômage les plus élevés ont été observés en Pologne (18,4%),
en Slovaquie (17,3%), en Grèce (10,7% en mars), en Espagne (10,5%) et en
Allemagne (9,9%).
[05] November 2004 compared to November 2003 : volume of retail trade up by
0.4% in euro-zone ; EU25 up by 2.3%
In November 2004, compared to November 2003, the volume of retail trade
increased by 0.4% in the euro-zone and by 2.3% in the EU25, according to
the first estimates out today from Eurostat. Compared to October 2004, the
retail sales index remained unchanged in the euro-zone and rose by 0.4% in
the EU25. In November 2004, compared to November 2003, retail trade of
"food, drinks and tobacco" grew by 0.2% in the euro-zone and by 1.4% in the
EU25. The non food sector increased by 0.4% and 2.9% respectively. Among
the Member States for which data are available, total retail trade
increased in Denmark (+13.1%), Sweden (+8.0%), the United Kingdom (+5.9%),
Poland (+5.7%), Luxembourg (+4.9%), France (+3.5%), Spain (+3.2%), Belgium
(+2.3%) and Portugal (+1.5%). A decrease was observed in Germany (-3.0%).
[06] Statement from European Commissioner in charge of Education, Training,
Culture & Multilingualism Ján Figel' on the launch of "Cork 2005, European
Capital of Culture"
"20 years ago, the European Community launched what has since become one of
its most popular actions, the 'European Capital of Culture'. Since Athens
in 1985, some 30 European cities -including Dublin in 1991- have already
been the 'European Capital of Culture'. Now it's Cork's turn and on the eve
of this week-end of celebrations to mark the opening of the year, I want to
send my best wishes to the city and its inhabitants. This action celebrates
the richness and diversity of European cultures and, at the same time,
highlights our common heritage. Being the 'European Capital of Culture' for
twelve months is a great symbolic achievement for a city. It also brings a
huge impact on its social and economic life since it generates a great
interest throughout the EU, and beyond. The event is partly financially
supported by the European Commission, and I certainly intend to visit the
city in the course of the year. Until then, go néirà go geal libh, a
mhuintir Chorcaà !"
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Frequently asked questions on standard contractual clauses for the transfer
of personal data to third countries
Calendrier du 10 au 14 janvier 2005
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/