European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-03-15
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Epidémie d'obésité : Markos Kyprianou annonce des mesures alors que
les chiffres indiquent une augmentation de la surcharge pondérale chez les
[02] Microsoft and Time Warner abandon acquisition of control in
ContentGuard as Thomson purchases a one third stake
[03] La Commission approuve l'opération EuroSystems entre BAE Systems et
Finmeccanica dans le secteur de la défense
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Aggregate Industries by Holcim
[05] La Commission adopte une proposition de règlement instituant une
procédure européenne pour les demandes de faible importance
[06] Fourth quarter 2004 compared to fourth quarter 2003 : Euro-zone labour
costs up by 2.2% ; EU25 up by 2.6%
[07] Nobel Prize winners visit Commission
[08] Dialogue with President Barroso and NGOs on sustainable development
[09] EC-Mongolia Joint Committee meets in Brussels on 15 March 2005
[10] Annual meeting of the college and the Court of Auditors on March 16
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-03-15
Reference: MEX/05/0315
Date: 15/03/2005
EXME05 / 15.3
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] Epidémie d'obésité : Markos Kyprianou annonce des mesures alors que
les chiffres indiquent une augmentation de la surcharge pondérale chez les
Markos Kyprianou, Commissaire européen en charge de la santé et de la
protection des consommateurs, annonce une action commune avec l'industrie,
les associations de consommateurs, les spécialistes de la santé et les
responsables politiques pour lutter contre l'épidémie d'obésité en
Europe, alors que les chiffres publiés aujourd'hui indiquent que le nombre
d'écoliers de l'UE présentant un excès pondéral augmente de 400.000 par
an environ. Les chiffres de l'International Obesity Task Force (IOTF)
montrent que l'étendue du problème d'obésité en Europe pourrait avoir
été sous-estimée en raison d'une sous-notification dans certains pays et
que plus de 200 millions d'adultes travers l'UE pourraient être atteints
d'une surcharge pondérale ou d'obésité. "L'obésité progresse
rapidement et la prise de poids de l'Europe a des conséquences
dévastatrices pour la santé publique et un coût économique
considérable. Notre continent est confronté une épidémie d'obésité
en tout point aussi grave que celle qui touche l'Amérique du Nord. Je suis
particulièrement inquiet de l'augmentation constante du surpoids et de
l'obésité dans la population scolaire", a déclaré le commissaire. "La
plateforme d'action de l'UE que nous lançons aujourd'hui est la
contribution de l'Europe la lutte contre ce problème. Les entreprises,
la société civile et les pouvoirs publics doivent travailler ensemble
pour enrayer la progression de l'obésité chez nos enfants."
[02] Microsoft and Time Warner abandon acquisition of control in
ContentGuard as Thomson purchases a one third stake
Microsoft and Time Warner have informed the European Commission that
Thomson is acquiring a 33% stake in ContentGuard. Although this acquisition
by Thomson was announced in November 2004, it only took place on 14 March
2005. As the original operation, whereby Microsoft and Time Warner acquired
joint control of ContentGuard, has been abandoned, the companies have
withdrawn their notification under the Merger Regulation. ContentGuard is
one of the main Digital Rights Management (DRM) patent holders. The
Commission launched an in-depth investigation on 25 August 2004 (see
IP/04/1044), in particular over the possibility for Microsoft to block
competitors' access to ContentGuard's patents. The Commission considers
that following a substantial change in ContentGuard's governing rules and
the entry of a new key shareholder (Thomson), Microsoft will no longer have
the ability to impose in ContentGuard a licensing policy that would put its
rivals in the Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions market at a
competitive disadvantage. The Commission has carefully reviewed whether the
transaction involving Thomson would fall under the EU Merger Regulation.
Through the conjunction of Thomson's acquisition of an equity stake, and of
changes in ContentGuard's governance structure, no shareholder will have
control over ContentGuard. Thus, this transaction is not subject to EU
merger rules.
[03] La Commission approuve l'opération EuroSystems entre BAE Systems et
Finmeccanica dans le secteur de la défense
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement communautaire
sur les concentrations, le projet d'acquisition de l'activité "avionique
et communications" de BAE Systems, une entreprise britannique du secteur de
la défense, par la société italienne du secteur de la défense
Finmeccanica, ainsi que la scission de leur entreprise commune, AMS. Ces
concentrations s’inscrivent dans le cadre de l’opération dite
"EuroSystems", que les parties ont conclue en janvier 2005. La Commission
estime que ces opérations n'entraîneront pas de problèmes de concurrence
en Europe, dans la mesure où les chevauchements sont limités et où
d'autres opérateurs importants et performants sont en concurrence avec les
parties pour ces équipements militaires. C'est pourquoi elle est parvenue
la conclusion que l'opération n'entravera pas de façon sensible une
concurrence effective dans l'espace économique européen (EEE) ou dans une
partie substantielle de celui-ci.
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Aggregate Industries by Holcim
The European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the
acquisition by which Holcim Participations (UK) Ltd acquires control of
Aggregate Industries plc in the field of construction materials. The
Commission has concluded that concluded that the operation will not
significantly impede effective competition in the European Economic Area
(EEA) or any substantial part of it.
[05] La Commission adopte une proposition de règlement instituant une
procédure européenne pour les demandes de faible importance
La Commission européenne a adopté aujourd'hui une proposition de
règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil instituant une procédure
européenne pour les demandes de faible importance. Cette proposition a
pour objectif de simplifier et d'accélérer le règlement des litiges
relatifs des demandes de faible importance et d'en réduire les coûts en
instituant une procédure européenne pour les demandes de faible
importance laquelle les justiciables peuvent recourir parallèlement aux
procédures actuellement prévues par les législations des Etats membres,
qui demeurent inchangées.
[06] Fourth quarter 2004 compared to fourth quarter 2003 : Euro-zone labour
costs up by 2.2% ; EU25 up by 2.6%
Total hourly labour costs in the whole economy of the euro-zone grew by
2.2% in nominal terms in the fourth quarter of 2004 compared to the fourth
quarter of 2003, reports Eurostat. In the third quarter of 2004 the
increase was 1.8%. In the EU25 the annual rise was 2.6% in the fourth
quarter of 2004, compared to 2.4% in the previous quarter. Among the Member
States for which data are available in the fourth quarter of 2004, the
smallest annual rises were recorded in Italy (1.4%), Germany (1.7%), the
Netherlands (2.0%), Luxembourg (2.5%), France and Sweden (both 2.6%). The
highest increases were observed in Latvia (12.7%), Slovenia (12.3%),
Lithuania (6.4%) and Estonia (5.3%). In industry, hourly labour costs rose
by 2.5% in the euro-zone and by 2.7% in the EU25. Among the Member States
for which data are available, annual changes ranged between +1.8% in
Germany and +14.8% in Slovenia.
[07] Nobel Prize winners visit Commission
On 14 and 15 March, European Commission President Barroso met with a group
of European winners of Nobel Prizes in Physiology/Medicine, Chemistry and
Physics. As the Commission renews its focus on knowledge and innovation for
growth and jobs, the time is right to hear the views of a group with
considerable experience of the worlds of education and science. With his
Commission colleagues Janez Potočnik, Commissioner for Science and
Research, and Jan Figel', Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and
Multilingualism, President Barroso discussed the current proposals on the
table for the mid term review of the Lisbon Strategy, the future actions of
the EU in the areas of science and education, and ways in which knowledge
can best be used to foster growth and jobs.
[08] Dialogue with President Barroso and NGOs on sustainable development
European Commission President José Manuel Barroso will today meet with
leading environmental and health NGOs in Brussels to discuss the EU's
sustainable development agenda. The NGOs participating in the dialogue will
include The World Wildlife Fund, The European Environmental Bureau, Friends
of the Earth and The European Public Health Alliance – Environment
Network. These organisations form part of the G9, a group of Brussels based
environmental and health NGOs. Key issues to be discussed at the meeting
will include: the role of sustainable development in key Commission
initiatives such as the Lisbon Strategy and the Financial Perspectives;
sending the right market signals using environmental tax reform and the
removal of environmentally harmful subsidies to promote eco-innovations and
reduce environmental impacts; and the widespread support shown in opinion
polls for EU level action on environment and development. Speaking before
the meeting President Barroso said : "This is an essential dialogue and I
am delighted to be involved. The future of the EU does not just hinge on
growth, but also on protecting the European social model and protecting the
environment. All three have the same goal – improving citizen's living
conditions and welfare. Through effective partnerships with industry, trade
unions, NGOs and consumer interests, the EU can turn the need to protect
the environment and for social cohesion into opportunities for innovation,
job creation and growth."
[09] EC-Mongolia Joint Committee meets in Brussels on 15 March 2005
The EC-Mongolia Joint Committee will hold its 8th meeting today in Brussels
to discuss bilateral relations, development cooperation and progress on
trade issues. Discussion will include recent EU and Mongolian developments,
the new GSP scheme and prospects for market economy status. The state of
play and way forward for EU financial assistance to the country will also
be reviewed. The European delegation will be led by Hervé Jouanjean, the
Commission's External Relations Deputy Director General for Asia and Latin
America, and the Mongolian side by Chultem Ulaan, Deputy Prime Minister.
During his visit Mr Ulaan will also meet with Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner
to discuss the growing relations between Mongolia and the EU. Interested
media is invitated to a cocktail after the meeting at 17:45 in the
Charlemagne Building, Salon rouge, 1st floor, Rue de la Loi 170. Please
contact: Concha Fernández de la Puente, 02-29.52977, 0498.952977.
<a href="http://europa.eu.int/comm/external_relations/mongolia/intro/index.htm">http://europa.eu.int/comm/external_relations/mongolia/intro/index.htm
[10] Annual meeting of the college and the Court of Auditors on March 16
The President of the European Commission with the college will meet on
Wednesday 16th of March the Court of Auditors and its new President elected
in January, Mr Hubert Weber. Three main issues are on the agenda of this
meeting: the follow-up to the implementation of the Commission's reform
initiated in 2000, the presentation of the Commission's proposal for a
roadmap to a positive DAS (declaration of positive assurance) and the state
of play of the successful introduction of ABAC (accrual based accounting
system), the new accounting system of the Commission.
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health : questions
and answers
Speech by Markos Kyprianou : "Empowered Consumers and Sustainability" at
the European Consumer Day
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/