European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-03-22
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] Commission confirms quality of European GMO legislative framework
[02] Public procurement : Commission acts on Greek legislation excluding
certain companies from public contracts
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[03] Les partenaires sociaux saluent la révision de la stratégie de
Lisbonne par la Commission
[04] Commission clears acquisition of KPG by Kodak
[05] Commission clears acquisition of SIT by Banca Intesa, IFIL,
Marcegaglia and Sviluppo
[06] Internal market : infringement cases against the UK, Portugal, Denmark,
Austria, Sweden and Finland
[07] EU sustainable development strategy : sustainable development in
figures - 120 indicators available on-line on the Eurostat website
[08] "Space has a security dimension, security has a space dimension"
[09] Benita Ferrero-Waldner attends Arab League Summit
[10] La Commission assure de son plein soutien la médiation du Président
Mbeki en Côte d'Ivoire
[11] Joe Borg : Boulogne montre l'importance de la politique commune de la
pêche (PCP)
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-03-22
Reference: MEX/05/0322
Date: 22/03/2005
EXME05/ 22.3
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] Commission confirms quality of European GMO legislative framework
The European Commission has taken stock of the EU legislative framework on
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). During the debate, the Commission
confirmed its full confidence in the existing regulatory framework on GMOs,
one of the strictest in the world, which provides for a high level of
scientific assessment and at the same time safeguards the consumers' right
to choose. The Commission concluded that it would continue to comply fully
with its legal obligations and proceed with the approval of pending
authorisations as appropriate. While continuing to fulfil the
responsibilities imposed on it by the EU legislative framework, the
Commission has reflected on the need to develop consensus between all
interested parties.
[02] Public procurement : Commission acts on Greek legislation excluding
certain companies from public contracts
The European Commission has decided to ask Greece for its observations on
the compatibility with EU law of Greek national law preventing companies
"interconnected" with Greek mass media businesses from obtaining public
contracts. The Commission's request takes the form of a letter of formal
notice, the first stage of the infringement procedure under Article 226 of
the EC Treaty.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[03] Les partenaires sociaux saluent la révision de la stratégie de
Lisbonne par la Commission
La Commission européenne a obtenu aujourd'hui l'appui des partenaires
sociaux européens (UNICE/UEAPME et CEEP pour les employeurs et
CES/Eurocadres pour les syndicats) pour officialiser la révision de sa
stratégie de Lisbonne, qui traduit l'importance de l'emploi et de la
croissance dans l'Union européenne. Le sommet social européen tripartite
s'est tenu à Bruxelles avec les représentants de la Commission et des
présidences actuelle et future de l'UE.
[04] Commission clears acquisition of KPG by Kodak
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of Kodak Polychrome Graphics
(KPG) of the US by Eastman Kodak Company (Kodak) also of the US. Kodak
produces and sells variable images printing equipment. KPG provides graphic
arts products (film, printing plates, etc.). KPG consists of two legal
entities, one operating in the US (KPG LLC) and one in the rest of the
world, including the EEA (KPG Ltd). KPG is a joint venture currently
controlled by Kodak (50%) and Sun Chemical (50%). The creation of this
joint venture was cleared by the Commission in January 1998. Sun Chemical
intends to withdraw from the joint venture and Kodak intends to acquire Sun
Chemical's equity interest, thus acquiring sole control over KPG. The
operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
[05] Commission clears acquisition of SIT by Banca Intesa, IFIL,
Marcegaglia and Sviluppo
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of Sviluppo Italia Turismo
S.p.A. (SIT) of Italy by Italian companies Banca Intesa S.p.A., Marcegaglia
S.p.A. and Sviluppo Italia S.p.A. and IFIL Investissements S.A. (IFIL) of
Luxembourg. SIT is a subsidiary of Sviluppo Italia, charged with the
development of tourism in remote areas. Currently it owns and rents to tour
operators several holiday centres in the South of Italy. Banca Intesa is
the holding company of a banking and financial group. IFIL, controlled by
Giovanni Agnelli e C. S.a.p.a., is a holding company of a group active in
different sectors, including tourism through the Alpitour group.
Marcegaglia is mainly active in steel manufacturing. The Marcegaglia group
is also active in several other sectors, including tourism, through the
management of two holiday centres (in Albarella near Venice and Pugnochiuso
in Puglia). Sviluppo Italia is an Italian agency for enterprise to
encourage investment development. The operation was examined under the
simplified merger review procedure.
[06] Internal market : infringement cases against the UK, Portugal, Denmark,
Austria, Sweden and Finland
The European Commission has decided to send a letter of formal notice
asking the UK for full information on its execution of a European Court
judgement requiring it to implement EU law on reorganisation and winding-up
of insurance undertakings. It has also decided to ask Portugal formally, by
means of a reasoned opinion, to remove a requirement for architects holding
qualifications from other Member States to take an examination before they
can practise in Portugal. Finally, the Commission has decided to issue
reasoned opinions, the second stage of the infringement procedure, to
Denmark, Austria, Finland and Sweden because their Bilateral Investment
Treaties (BITs) with non-EU countries are incompatible with the EC Treaty.
If no satisfactory reply to a reasoned opinion is received within two
months, the Commission may decide to refer the Member States concerned to
the Court.
[07] EU sustainable development strategy : sustainable development in
figures - 120 indicators available on-line on the Eurostat website
To coincide with the European Council meeting of 22 and 23 March 2005,
which will cover, amongst other topics, the revision of the sustainable
development strategy adopted by the European Union in Gothenburg in 2001,
Eurostat is making available to all users on its website the sustainable
development indicators recently adopted by the European Commission. Some
120 indicators are currently available, for the most part since 1990. They
reflect the various priorities adopted in Gothenburg (climate change,
public health, management of natural resources, transport, ageing society,
social exclusion and poverty) and subsequently in Barcelona in 2002 (global
partnership for sustainable development), as well as the commitments which
the EU made at the Johannesburg summit on sustainable development, again in
2002 (patterns of production and consumption, good governance).
[08] "Space has a security dimension, security has a space dimension"
The global security environment has undergone dramatic, fundamental and
profound change in recent years. Space technologies can make a significant
contribution to how we face a wide range of threats, from natural disasters
to terrorist attacks. These are the main findings of a report by the Space
and Security Panel of Experts on the security issues on European Space
Policy the Commissionn published today. It recommends setting up a coherent
European framework to contribute to the space-based elements of a global
situation awareness system.
[09] Benita Ferrero-Waldner attends Arab League Summit
The European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood
Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner will attend the Arab League Summit in Algiers
on 22 March 2005. This meeting will bring together heads of state and
senior officials from the 22 Member States of the Arab League along with
representatives from the European Union and United Nations. Commissioner
Ferrero-Waldner will underline the Commission's support for the Arab League
and for the current political momentum in the region.
[10] La Commission assure de son plein soutien la médiation du Président
Mbeki en Côte d'Ivoire
Le Commissaire européen au Développement et à l'Aide humanitaire, Louis
Michel, a marqué son plein soutien aux efforts du médiateur de l'Union
africaine, le Président de l'Afrique du Sud, M. Tabo Mbeki, et a lancé un
appel au dialogue politique lors de sa visite en Côte d'Ivoire.
[11] Joe Borg : Boulogne montre l'importance de la politique commune de la
pêche (PCP)
S'adressant à la filière pêche et autres secteurs concernés à Boulogne-
sur-Mer (France) le 21 mars, le Commissaire européen pour la Pêche et les
Affaires maritimes Joe Borg a souligné que Boulogne et la zone
environnante avaient mis en évidence le rôle joué par la politique
commune de la pêche dans l'économie locale. "La PCP assure l'accès aux
ressources halieutiques essentielles pour la flotte locale ; elle établit
les règles nécessaires pour assurer l'avenir de la pêche et facilite
l'approvisionnement en produits de la mer par des règles communes de
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Questions et réponses sur la réglementation des OGM dans l'UE
Speech by Vice-President Jacques Barrot : "Air transport" at the European
Institute (Washington, ! embargo 16h00 !)
Speech by Viviane Reding : "Convergence and Innovation: the New Agenda for
Growth and Jobs" at meeting of the Council of Presidents of UNICE (21/03)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/