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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-02-09Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>CONTENTS / CONTENU
MIDDAY EXPRESSNews from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefingNouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etbCommunication 029 / 02 / 06[01] Child-resistant lighters : Commission gets go ahead to adopt new decisionThe European Commission is set to adopt a Decision requiring all lighters placed on the market in the EU to be child-resistant, following a positive opinion by Member State experts in the General Product Safety Committee. European Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner Markos Kyprianou welcomed the Commission Decision, which is expected to be adopted in a matter of weeks: "Thanks to this new measure, lives will be saved by adding inexpensive child-resistant devices to lighters. This marks a key step forward in the protection of consumers from fires caused by children playing with lighters, which lead to deaths, injuries and material damage. I welcome the industry's willingness to cooperate with the Commission and the Member States on the implementation of this measure. We will be working with Member States to make sure this piece of legislation is complied with." Other countries, such as the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, which have been applying similar measures for many years, have experienced a sharp reduction in casualties thanks to child-resistant lighters. The Commission will be launching shortly a joint project with Member States' customs and market surveillance authorities to ensure full implementation.[02] Margot Wallström se félicite de la ratification de la Constitution européenne par la BelgiqueSuite au vote du Parlement flamand hier soir, Mme Margot Wallström, Vice- présidente de la Commission européenne, a déclaré : "La Commission accueille avec satisfaction le résultat positif de la procédure de la ratification du Traité constitutionnel en Belgique. La Belgique est le quatorzième Etat membre de l'Union avoir ratifié le Traité constitutionnel. C'est un signal fort donné par un des pays fondateurs de l'Union. La Constitution représente l'ambition d'une Europe plus démocratique, plus transparente, plus efficace et plus forte sur la scène mondiale. Mais l'avenir de la Constitution est incertain suite aux « non » de la France et des Pays-Bas. C'est pourquoi nous avons, conformément la volonté de tous les Etats membres exprimée au Conseil Européen de juin 2005, engagé une réflexion profonde sur l'avenir et les défis que notre Union doit relever. Le Conseil de juin prochain aura la tâche de faire le point sur toutes ces réflexions pour permettre l'Union de mieux répondre aux attentes des citoyens."[03] Accounting Standards : Charlie McCreevy and Christopher Cox affirm commitment to elimination of the need for reconciliation requirementsOn the occasion of his visit to Washington DC, the European Internal Market Commissioner Charlie McCreevy and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Christopher Cox took stock of progress on and affirmed their commitment to eliminating the need for reconciliation between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).[04] Statement by European Commission Vice-President Franco Frattini on cartoons issue"Following the publication of an article in the "Daily Telegraph" of today, I want to clarify any possible misunderstandings about my position in regard to the so-called "cartoons" issue. As Commissioner responsible for the respect for and promotion of fundamental rights I have from the very outset underlined that the freedom of press, of expression and speech, including the right to critique, constitutes one of they key pillars upon which the EU is founded. I do not have the legal powers nor did I ever have the political intention to limit this fundamental right in any manner whatsoever. Since September 2005 I am in close contact with various representatives of the media, including the European federation of journalists, on issues linked to freedom of speech. I have offered to facilitate a dialogue between the media representatives and between them and faith leaders if that would be found useful by both parties. In their statement of 7 February 23005 the EFJ stated that it “has encouraged the European Commission to support a professional dialogue among media professional groups and that they welcome the fact that Commissioner Frattini is doing just that”. Such a dialogue would aim at discussing a number of pertinent questions which we are confronted with nowadays. One of them being “How are we to reconcile freedom of expression and respect for each individual's deepest convictions?", a relevant question as formulated by many actors , including the International Federation of Journalists . It is a dialogue on such a question which I would be wiling to facilitate but I will not impose such a role on any party if such a need would not be felt. Finally, I have never suggested imposing a code of conduct on the press, it is up to the media themselves to self-regulate or not, and it is up to the media to formulate such a voluntary code of conduct if it is found necessary, appropriate and useful by them. There have never been, nor will there be any plans by the European Commission to have some sort of EU regulation, nor is there any legal basis for doing so."[05] Vladimir pidla organise une réunion ministérielle pour renforcer la capacité des administrations et des services publicsLes ministres de l'UE responsables des administrations publiques et de la mise en œuvre des fonds structurels se rencontrent aujourd'hui Bruxelles pour discuter des possibilités d'affectation des moyens disponibles au titre du Fonds social européen (FSE) dans le but de réformer et renforcer la capacité institutionnelle des administrations et services publics nationaux. Le projet de règlement relatif au FSE pour la période 2007- 2013 comprend une nouvelle priorité qui permettra de consacrer l'aide financière du FSE l'amélioration de l'efficacité des administrations et services publics.[06] Commission clears acquisition of FERS by Heineman and HDS RetailThe European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of FERS Flughafeneinzelhandelsgesellschaft Relay Services GmbH (FERS) of Germany by Gebr. Heinemann of Germany and HDS Retail Deutschland GmbH (HDS Retail), also of Germany. Heinemann is mainly active in the wholesale and retail of daily consumer goods at airports, borders and on ships. HDS Retail is active in the retail of newspapers and magazines and other consumer goods. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.[07] Aides d'Etat : plan de réforme approuvé par les milieux intéressésLa Commission européenne a publié les résultats de la consultation publique sur le plan d'action dans le domaine des aides d'Etat. Cette consultation a suscité un grand intérêt puisque la Commission a reçu plus de 130 contributions ; il en ressort que les milieux intéressés entérinent en gros les principes et les propositions pratiques présentés dans ce document. La Commission prendra ces contributions en considération dans la réforme des règles sur les aides d'Etat.[08] Commission finds public participation in Austrian securitisation scheme is not State aidThe European Commission has authorised, under EC Treaty state aid rules, the public participation of Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH in a bond portfolio set up by Investkreditbank AG for Austrian enterprises. The public participation will correspond to 10% of a €300 million bond portfolio. The Commission concluded that the public participation does not constitute state aid pursuant to Article 87(1) EC as it is done on terms that would have been acceptable to a market economy investor.[09] Commission closes investigation following changes to Philips CD- Recordable Disc Patent LicensingThe European Commission has closed an investigation into the CD-R Disc Licensing Programmes administered by Philips in Europe following changes to those programmes. The inquiry was launched in 2003, following a complaint by FIPCOM (the Federation of Interested Parties in fair Competition in the Optical Media sector), an association of European manufacturers of CD- Recordable discs. The complaint alleged that the terms and conditions of licensing of the CD-R technology violated the EC Treaty competition rules on restrictive business practices (Article 81) and abuses of dominant positions (Article 82). Philips revised the programmes to ensure that all the necessary information concerning the licensed technology is available and that the programmes are managed in a fair and non discriminatory way. In view of these improvements and the withdrawal of its complaint by FIPCOM subsequent to settlement negotiations, the Commission has decided to close the case.[10] Commission endorses €53.5 million aid to Getrag Ford for new transmission production plant in SlovakiaThe European Commission has authorised, under EC Treaty state aid rules, €53.5 million of aid in the form of a direct grant and tax relief which the Slovak Government plans to provide to GETRAG FORD Transmissions Slovakia for the creation of a new production plant for dual clutch automotive transmissions and motorcycle transmissions in Kechnec, situated in the region of Košice (Eastern Slovakia). The total cost of the investment will amount to €345 million.[11] Commission presents new agricultural market and income forecastsToday the European Commission published a report on "Prospects for agricultural markets and income 2005-2012". This report, which does not take into account the recent decisions adopted in the framework of the WTO negotiations in Hong-Kong in December 2005 and the conclusions of the European Council from December 2005 on the 2007-2013 financial perspectives, shows that the medium-term perspectives for the EU cereals, meat and dairy markets appear relatively favourable. The build-up of high levels of stock in 2004 is expected to continue to leave the cereal markets in a fragile situation over the short-term, with the risk of regional imbalance in the landlocked new Member States of central Europe. In the medium-term, there should be a gradual fall in stock levels supported by further, though moderate demand increases on the domestic market, more favourable conditions on world markets and the better integration of new Member States into the single market. EU meat markets have returned to a more normal situation after the extreme market conditions of the past few years. The current situation in the beef market - where consumption is higher than domestic production - is expected to persist over the 2005-2012 period with a further increase in EU net imports. Pig and poultry production and consumption are expected to keep growing over the medium term, though at a lower pace than in the 1990s. It should be acknowledged that these relatively positive projections for the meat markets do not take into account any effects of avian influenza. The EU dairy sector is foreseen to display a decline in the production of butter and SMP over the medium term as more milk is used for the production of cheese and other high value- added dairy products. These medium-term projections should lead to a 12.8% growth in EU-25 agricultural income between 2004 and 2012 in real terms and per labour unit (6% in the old Member States and a steady 50.3% rise for the new Member States - i.e. +182 % against 2003 before enlargement). If the outlook for EU agricultural markets and income over the next seven years appears relatively favourable, it clearly remains subject to some important uncertainties, in particular the outcome of the Doha Development Round of trade negotiations and the risks linked to animal disease such as Avian Influenza. These perspectives are also provided on a regional basis, together with a regional analysis of alternative decoupling systems. The report is available on the Internet at: <a href="">[12] La Commission et la BEI lancent un fonds fiduciaire pour financer les infrastructures en AfriqueLe Commissaire européen chargé du développement et de l'aide humanitaire, Louis Michel, et le président de la Banque européenne d'investissement (BEI), Philippe Maystadt, ont signé un protocole d'accord relatif la création d'un fonds fiduciaire pour soutenir les infrastructures en Afrique. Ce fonds est un outil financier du partenariat UE-Afrique pour les infrastructures, un des piliers de la nouvelle stratégie de l'Union européenne pour l'Afrique, proposée par la Commission et approuvée par le Conseil européen en décembre 2005. Lors de la phase de lancement (2006/2007), la Commission et la BEI prévoient de mobiliser respectivement près de €60 millions de subventions et 260 millions de prêts pour la gestion du fonds. La participation au fonds fiduciaire est ouverte aux Etats membres de l'UE et leurs agences de développement et institutions financières.[13] EU and Eastern and Southern Africa close first phase of Economic Partnership Agreement negotiationsEuropean Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson met with Ministers from Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) today in Mauritius to launch the second phase of negotiations of the EU-ESA Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). The Economic Partnership Agreement is based on regional integration in the Southern and Eastern Africa region. Talks so far have focussed on the development component of the EPA including access to the EU market, reform of rules of origin, and measures to address technical barriers to trade. The 15 Trade Ministers from the region and the Trade Commissioner agreed that EU-ESA trade can be an effective tool for development.[14] Inauguration of the EAS : The European Administrative School, the first inter-institutional training centre celebrates its official inauguration on 10 February 2006The EAS was created a year ago to provide training for staff of all the European institutions. The aim is to promote cooperation among the institutions in the field of training, to support the spread of common values and good practice, and to create synergies in the use of human and financial resources. The creation of the school was complimentary to the greatly increased emphasis placed on staff training under the Reform.[15] Autre matériel diffuséLe Fonds fiduciaire de la BEI pour le financement des infrastructures en AfriqueSpeech by Günter Verheugen : "Joint Approach to Security Research" at the Research and Technology Conference, European Defence Agency Speech by Joe Borg : "An Overview of the Developments underway towards a Maritime Policy for the European Union" at the inauguration of the 11th Annual EC Maritime Law Course of the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (Malta) Speech by Vladimir pidla : "Beschäftigungs- und sozialpolitische Herausforderungen der erneuerten Lissabonner Strategie" at meeting with Vorstand des Zentralverbandes des Deutschen Handwerks Speech by Viviane Reding : "Towards a true internal market for electronic
communications" to European Regulators Group (08/02, Paris)
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