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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-02-14

Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next Article

From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>


  • [01] José Manuel Barroso and Olli Rehn in the Western Balkans (15-18/02)
  • [02] Benita Ferrero-Waldner to visit South Caucasus (16-17/02)
  • [03] EU-Russia Foreign Ministers Troika meeting
  • [04] Commission provides emergency aid for Sahrawi refugee camps in Algeria
  • [05] La Commission consacrera €6 millions à la préparation aux catastrophes naturelles en Asie du Sud
  • [06] La Commission approuve l'acquisition conjointe d'Erdemir par Arcelor et par le fonds turc Oyak
  • [07] WTO condemns US tax subsidies ; EU calls on US to end illegal tax breaks for Boeing ; others
  • [08] Estimations rapides pour le quatrième trimestre 2005 : le PIB de la zone euro en hausse de 0,3% et celui de l'UE25 de 0,4% ; +1,7% et +1,8% respectivement par rapport au quatrième trimestre 2004
  • [09] Autre matériel diffusé Midday Express of 2006-02-14 Reference: MEX/06/0214 Date: 14/02/2006 EXME06 / 14.2


    News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing

    Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etb



  • [01] José Manuel Barroso and Olli Rehn in the Western Balkans (15-18/02)

    The European Commission President José Manuel Barroso will make his first official visit to the Western Balkans on 15-18 February 2006, accompanied by Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn. They will travel to Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro (including Kosovo), the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    [02] Benita Ferrero-Waldner to visit South Caucasus (16-17/02)

    The European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, will make her first bilateral visit to the three countries of the South Caucasus on 16 and 17 February. Her visits to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia demonstrate the Commission's commitment to lay the foundations for a deeper relationship between the EU and the South Caucasus, through the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and to support these partner countries’ own reform programmes. While visiting the capitals Yerevan, Baku and Tbilisi, Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner will meet with the Heads of State of all three countries (Presidents Kocharian, Aliyev and Saakashvili) as well as with leading politicians, including the respective Ministers for Foreign Affairs and the Speakers of Parliament in all three countries. She will discuss current consultations preparing ENP Action Plans with each country, the "frozen conflicts" in the region, and topical issues related to energy security.

    [03] EU-Russia Foreign Ministers Troika meeting

    The European Commissioner for External Relations and Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, will participate in an EU-Russia Foreign Ministers Troika in Vienna on 15 February, together with Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik and Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja. The Russian side will be represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Nearly a year after the EU and Russia agreed road maps for four "common spaces", the Troika meeting is an opportunity to give new impetus to the implementation of the spaces before the Russia Summit in Sochi in May. Discussions are also expected to focus on international issues such as Ukraine, Moldova, South Caucasus, the Middle East, Iran, the Western Balkans and Belarus.

    [04] Commission provides emergency aid for Sahrawi refugee camps in Algeria

    The European Commission grants €900,000 of emergency humanitarian aid to the Sahrawi refugees in the camps in the region of Tindouf (Algeria). Three of the four camps were devastated end of last week by heavy rains and floods.

    [05] La Commission consacrera €6 millions à la préparation aux catastrophes naturelles en Asie du Sud

    La Commission européenne a débloqué une enveloppe d'aide humanitaire de €6 millions pour poursuivre et développer ses activités de préparation aux catastrophes naturelles en Asie du Sud. Ces fonds sont alloués par l'intermédiaire du service d'aide humanitaire de la Commission européenne (ECHO), sous la responsabilité du commissaire Louis Michel. L'assistance fournie par ce troisième plan d'action DIPECHO vise à renforcer la capacité de réponse des populations vulnérables vivant dans une des régions du monde les plus exposées aux risques de catastrophes naturelles.

    [06] La Commission approuve l'acquisition conjointe d'Erdemir par Arcelor et par le fonds turc Oyak

    La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement communautaire sur les concentrations, le projet d'acquisition de la société turque Eregli Demir ve Celik Fabrikalari T.A.S (Erdemir) par la société luxembourgeoise Arcelor AS (Arcelor) et le fonds turc Ordu Yardimlasma Kurumu (Oyak). La Commission a estimé que le projet d'opération n'entraverait pas de façon significative une concurrence effective dans l'Espace Economique Européen ou dans une partie substantielle de celui-ci.

    [07] WTO condemns US tax subsidies ; EU calls on US to end illegal tax breaks for Boeing ; others

    The WTO Appellate Body backed on 13 February EU condemnation of US federal tax subsidies for exporters in the FSC dispute. A WTO Panel had previously found in favour of the EU by concluding that despite some changes to its domestic legislation the US has yet to abide by earlier rulings and recommendations of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body on its payments of export tax subsidies preserved in the "transition" and "grand-fathering" provisions of the revised Jobs Act that have been judged to violate WTO rules. Once the Appellate Body report has been adopted by the WTO in thirty days time the US will have 60 days to bring its legislation into line with its WTO obligations. After that time EU retaliatory measures will be re- imposed, unless the US has complied in the meantime.

    [08] Estimations rapides pour le quatrième trimestre 2005 : le PIB de la zone euro en hausse de 0,3% et celui de l'UE25 de 0,4% ; +1,7% et +1,8% respectivement par rapport au quatrième trimestre 2004

    Au cours du quatrième trimestre 2005, le PIB de la zone euro a augmenté de 0,3% et celui de l'UE25 de 0,4% par rapport au trimestre précédent, selon les estimations rapides publiées par Eurostat. Au cours du troisième trimestre 2005, la croissance avait été de 0,6% dans les deux zones.

    [09] Autre matériel diffusé

    Speech by Vladimir Å pidla : "Together in Europe, together in North Rhine- Westphalia - Equality and diversity in businesses, associations and public administration" at the European Symposium organised by the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia (13/02) From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at

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