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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-02-20Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>CONTENTS / CONTENU
MIDDAY EXPRESSNews from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefingNouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etbCommunication20/02/06[01] Un million d'offres d'emplois seront mises en ligne pour le lancement de l'Année européenne de la mobilité des travailleursPrès d'un million d'offres d'emplois vacants dans toute l'Union européenne seront publiées aujourd'hui sur un nouveau site web de recherche d'emplois. Ce site sera inauguré dans le cadre du lancement de l'Année européenne de la mobilité des travailleurs par M. José Manuel Barroso, Président de la Commission européenne, M. VladimÃr Å pidla, commissaire à l'Emploi et aux Affaires sociales, et M. Martin Bartenstein, ministre autrichien de l'Economie et de l'Emploi, lors d'une conférence intitulée "La mobilité des travailleurs : un droit, un choix, une opportunité ?" à Bruxelles. L'Année européenne de la mobilité doit permettre de sensibiliser aux avantages du travail à l'étranger ou d'un nouvel emploi, de mieux les faire comprendre, et de mettre l'accent sur l'aide que l'UE peut apporter aux travailleurs en matière de mobilité.[02] EU telecom markets : investments and innovation up, outlook positiveTelecom operators in Europe are investing in new technologies to cut costs and seize new opportunities opened up by the convergence of communication networks, media content and devices. Growing competition, especially in retail markets, is bringing increased consumer benefits and the outlook for innovation and investment within Member States and across borders is positive, says the European Commission's latest Report on European Electronic Communications Regulation and Markets, issued today. Member States have made good progress in implementing the EU telecom rules of 2002, which is opening up markets to new entrants. The report highlights rapid take-up of high-speed "broadband" internet connections. In the mobile phone sector, while take-up of services is still growing, particularly in the new Member States, there are signs that the voice market is maturing. Meanwhile, revenues from traditional voice services remain the largest source of revenue in the fixed line market, despite a gradual decline.[03] Commission clears acquisition of NH Italia by Banca Intesa and NH HotelesThe European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of NH Italia S.r.l. of Italy, currently solely controlled by NH Hoteles, by Banca Intesa S.p.A. of Italy and NH Hoteles S.A. of Spain. Banca Intesa is the holding company of a banking and finance group. NH Hoteles is active in the establishment, development and operation of hotels in several countries. In Italy NH Hoteles is active through NH Italia. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.[04] Commission clears acquisition of HRHT Hellas by BC PartnersThe European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of Hyatt Regency Hotels & Tourism (Hellas) S.A (HRHT Hellas) of Greece by CIE Management II Limited (CIEM) of the Channel Islands), controlled by BC Partners Holdings Limited. BC Partners are active in financial investment. HRHT Hellas is a luxury hotel and casino operator. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.[05] Conference agrees international cooperation to curb green house emission from air conditioning in carsAt the 2006 Mobile Air Conditioning Summit in Saalfelden, Austria, the European Commission, in cooperation with the US EPA Mobile Air Conditioning Climate Protection Partnership, and the California Air Resources Board announced their intention to harmonize Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC) testing and engineering standards. They further agreed to work cooperatively to remove all barriers worldwide to the refrigerants allowed by the European Union "MAC-Directive". Harmonized standards will help protect the climate and will reduce the consumer cost of environmentally superior vehicle mobile air conditioning systems. One immediate goal of this collaboration is to amend the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) refrigerant containment standard to satisfy EU requirements that prescribe maximum refrigerant leakage rates for mobile air conditioners in cars sold in Europe after 2008. For more information on fluorinated greenhouse gases see IP/06/106.[06] Media invitation : Günter Verheugen meets with SME stakeholdersThe European Commission Communication on Modern SME policy, adopted in November 2005, sets out the policy framework for actions to unlock the potential of SMEs for more growth and better jobs in Europe (see IP/05/1404). Time has now come to take concrete steps in implementing modern SME policy. The Commission has upgraded the SME Envoy function to the deputy Director-General level and further strengthened it by a deputy SME Envoy and an efficient support team. Moreover, the Austrian presidency has announced SMEs as a priority area for the Spring Council. In order to discuss the implementation of modern SME policy and the key issues under the Austrian Presidency, key stakeholders for SME policy will meet in Brussels on 28 February 2006, from 2.30pm to 5.30pm in Centre A. Borschette, rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels. The keynote Speech by Mr Günter Verheugen, Vice-President of the Commission, starts at 3pm, followed by a presentation by the Austrian Presidency and by Ms Françoise Le Bail, Deputy Director General of DG Enterprise and SME Envoy. Media who want to attend please confirm to the responsible person in DG Enterprise and Industry, Ms Mechthild Wörsdörfer, by e-mail ( or by fax (+32.2.2994143) by 24 February.[07] Louis Michel à la cérémonie de promulgation de la Constitution de la République Démocratique du CongoLe Commissaire européen au Développement et à l'Aide humanitaire, Louis Michel, a assisté le 18 février à Kinshasa à la cérémonie de promulgation de la Constitution de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Cet événement constitue un pas fondamental dans le processus de transition et de rétablissement de l'Etat de Droit démocratique. Avec €149 millions, la Commission est le premier donateur du processus électoral.[08] Commission and China step up cooperation on clean coal technologies and other energy issuesDuring his visit to China this week, the European Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Chinese government on near-zero emissions power generation technology. The Commissioner will be in China to attend the 6th EU-China Energy conference in Shanghai, which brings together EU and Chinese policy makers and energy industrialists. The conference will address issues such as the security of energy supplies, promoting renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency, strengthening nuclear safety and interaction between energy, research and environment. The MoU will encourage the development of technology allowing the capture and underground storage of carbon dioxide emitted from coal-fired power stations, a matter of potential significance in the fight against climate change. Mr Piebalgs will also meet Chinese energy policy leaders, attend conferences on electricity and natural gas and visit plants which are already applying energy efficient or clean coal technology.[09] Autre matériel diffuséAnnée européenne de la mobilité des travailleursDiscours de M. Vladimir Å pidla à la table ronde sur la libre circulation dans le cadre du lancement de l'Année européenne de la mobilité des travailleurs (! embargo 14h30 !) The European electronic communications regulation and markets 11th report: frequently asked questions Anti-dumping : the basics Avian influenza confirmed in wild duck in France : French authorities applying precautionary measures (17/02) Speech by Günter Verheugen : "Sicherheit - ein Thema für Europa" at SRC’06 – Conference on Security Research (Vienna) Speech by Andris Piebalgs : "Towards a closer EU-China cooperation in the field of Energy" at the China-EU Energy Conference (Shanghai) Speech by Benita Ferrero-Waldner to the General Assembly of the European Jewish Congress (19/02, Vienna)EN Speech by President José Manuel Barroso : "Building for the future: Making a success of the Stabilization and Association Agreement" at Parliament of Albania (18/02, Tirana) Speech by President José Manuel Barroso : "From conflict to consensus:
Reforming for a European future" at Parliament of Former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia (17/02, Skopje)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |