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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-02-28

Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next Article

From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>


  • [01] European Commission proposes increased Protection of Freight Transport against Terrorism
  • [02] February 2006: Business Climate Indicator for the euro area improved
  • [03] February 2005: Economic sentiment continues to improve in both the EU and the euro area
  • [04] Mergers: Commission approves acquisition by T-Systems of IT service provider Gedas
  • [05] January 2006 (new reference year 2005=100 for the HICP1) -Euro-zone annual inflation up to 2.4% - EU25 up to 2.2%
  • [06] Statement by Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn, on the adoption of the Aid Regulation for the Turkish Cypriot community by the Council
  • [07] Rédiffusion
  • [08] Commission unveils € 120 million package for the Palestinians
  • [09] Autre matériel diffusé Midday Express of 2006-02-28 Reference: MEX/06/0228 Date: 28/02/2006 EXME06 / 28.2


    News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing

    Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etb



  • [01] European Commission proposes increased Protection of Freight Transport against Terrorism

    The European Commission proposed new European rules to protect freight transport better against terrorist attacks. These rules will enhance the security of the supply chain in land transport. The rules will allow operators which participate in the scheme to enjoy benefits in the area of security control and give such operators an enhanced security standing in their relations with commercial partners, including insurance companies.

    [02] February 2006: Business Climate Indicator for the euro area improved

    The Business Climate Indicator (BCI) for the euro area resumed its upward trend in February after a marginal decline in January. The BCI, which has been above its long term average since September of last year, reached its highest level in five years in February. The improvement of the indicator suggests that industrial production growth has picked up further since the start of this year. The increase of the BCI was largely due to a rise in industry managers’ assessment of the production trend observed in recent months. The assessment of total order books and export order books also improved. Managers’ production expectations for the months ahead, as well as their assessment of stocks of finished products, improved only marginally

    [03] February 2005: Economic sentiment continues to improve in both the EU and the euro area

    The upward trend of the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) that began in the summer of 2005 continued in February. Compared with January, the indicator improved by a robust 1.8 points in the EU and by 1.2 points in the euro area. In both areas, the indicator is now considerably above its long term average.

    [04] Mergers: Commission approves acquisition by T-Systems of IT service provider Gedas

    The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition by T-Systems (headquartered in Germany) of German IT service provider Gedas AG. The Commission concluded that the transaction would not significantly impede effective competition in the European Economic Area (EEA) or any substantial part of it.

    [05] January 2006 (new reference year 2005=100 for the HICP1) -Euro-zone annual inflation up to 2.4% - EU25 up to 2.2%

    Euro-zone annual inflation was 2.4% in January 2006, up from 2.2% in December 2005. A year earlier the rate was 1.9%. Monthly inflation was - 0.4% in January 2006. EU25 annual inflation was 2.2% in January 2006, up from 2.1% in December 2005. A year earlier the rate was 2.0%. Monthly inflation was -0.4% in January 2006. EICP annual inflation was 2.2% in January 2006. These figures come from Eurostat.

    [06] Statement by Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn, on the adoption of the Aid Regulation for the Turkish Cypriot community by the Council

    The Commission welcomes today’s decision of the General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) to adopt the Regulation establishing an instrument of financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community. Adopting this Regulation enables the EU to bring assistance where it is urgently needed in fields such as energy and environment. Many concrete projects can now be realised which bring the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the European Union. The Aid Regulation will also allow the Commission to prepare the Turkish Cypriot community for the future application of EU Law following a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem. The adoption of the aid package should be seen as a first step by the EU towards putting an end to the isolation of the Turkish Cypriot community and facilitating the reunification of Cyprus as laid down in the conclusions of the General Affairs and External Relations Council on 26 April 2004. The Commission encourages the Council to move towards adoption of the proposal made in 2004 on trade between the EU and the Turkish Cypriot community. In line with its long-standing position, the Commission remains fully committed to supporting a resumption of UN-led talks for a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus issue as soon as possible

    [07] Rédiffusion

    [08] Commission unveils € 120 million package for the Palestinians

    The European Commission today unveils a package worth more than €120 million to meet the basic needs of the Palestinian population and to help stabilise the finances of the current caretaker government. €40 million will be earmarked to ensure the continued and uninterrupted supply of essential public services such as electricity and water. €64 million will be allocated to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). This emergency relief will help alleviate the hardships of the most vulnerable people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In addition, the European Commission is supporting the release of some of the money held over from 2005 in the World Bank Reform Trust Fund, in order to help the caretaker government meet obligations including salary payments. This package is independent from any future decisions on support for the incoming Palestinian Authority, which will be reviewed once the new government is in place, in the light of the principles set out in the Quartet statement of 30th January

    [09] Autre matériel diffusé

    Speech by Danuta Hübner in Berlin “Shaping Structural Funds programmes in Germany for the next programming period 2007-2013”

    Speech by M. Charlie McCreevy at the Limerick City Council on “The future of Europe” From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at

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