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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-12-08Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>CONTENTS / CONTENU
MIDDAY EXPRESSNews from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefingNouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb08/12/06[01] La Commission recherche de nouvelles manières de tirer parti du système de navigation GalileoAvec l'avènement du système européen de navigation par satellite Galileo, un nouvel élan sera donné au marché mondial des services de navigation, de positionnement et de datation par satellite. Différents secteurs commerciaux devraient ainsi trouver de nouveaux débouchés, tandis que les citoyens du monde entier verront leur quotidien s'améliorer. Outre qu'il stimulera la mise au point de nouvelles applications par l'industrie européenne, Galileo créera de nombreux emplois dans l'UE. Afin de tirer le plus grand parti possible de cette opportunité et de favoriser un tel développement économique, la Commission européenne a adopté aujourd'hui un Livre vert sur les applications de navigation par satellite. Ce document donnera à toutes les parties intéressées la possibilité de faire connaître leur point de vue sur le développement des applications de navigation par satellite et, plus particulièrement, sur le rôle que pourrait jouer le secteur public à cet égard, comme définir un cadre réglementaire approprié et des objectifs concrets pour ces applications.[02] Danuta Hübner presents implementing rules for Cohesion Policy 2007- 2013 and asks Member States to push forwardThe European Regional policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner has presented the implementing Regulation for the Structural and Cohesion Funds. The Regulation adopted by the Commission today following lengthy discussions with Member States sets out detailed rules on how the Funds will be managed in the 2007-13 programming period. The Commissioner also offered detailed information on the preparations for the new programming period and on the 2006 budget execution including N+2 rule for 2004 budget. Danuta Hübner pointed out that the Commission has worked hard to have a modern, efficient and flexible Cohesion Policy for the European regions. She added that it is now time for the national and regional authorities to deliver their strategic plans and programmes to make this happen.[03] Internal Market : call for evidence on the review of commodity and exotic derivatives businessThe European Commission has launched a call for evidence on a review of the regulatory framework concerning commodity and exotic derivatives business. MiFID and the recast CAD require a review the regulation of the commodity derivatives business. The call for evidence relates to a report that the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament have asked the Commission to make by the end of April 2008. All interested stakeholders, including industry and individuals, are encouraged to reply. The closing date is 30 April 2007.[04] La responsabilité sociale des entreprises progresse en EuropeLa responsabilité des entreprises en matière sociale et environnementale gagne du terrain en Europe. Deux ans après le Forum plurilatéral européen sur la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE), des représentants du monde des affaires, des syndicats, des gouvernements nationaux, du monde universitaire ainsi que d'autres organisations, se sont réunis, à l'initiative de la Commission européenne, pour débattre des progrès réalisés dans la mise en œuvre des recommandations du Forum et explorer des pistes pour l'avenir. Ils ont constaté qu'un nombre croissant d'entreprises européennes adoptent des pratiques socialement responsables et ont invité toutes les parties prenantes à contribuer activement à faire de l'Europe un pôle d'excellence en matière de responsabilité sociale des entreprises. Le vice-président Günter Verheugen et le commissaire aux affaires sociales, Vladimir Špidla, ainsi que quelques membres du Parlement européen et d'autres représentants de haut niveau ont pris la parole au cours de cette réunion. Les participants se sont accordés à reconnaître qu'un renforcement de la coopération entre les différents groupes de parties prenantes peut favoriser le développement des pratiques de RSE. La Commission européenne attache de plus en plus d'importance à un comportement responsable des entreprises en matière sociale et environnementale, et considère la RSE comme une composante essentielle de la stratégie européenne pour une croissance durable et des emplois plus nombreux et de meilleure qualité.[05] Cooperation between employers and trade unions has increasing role in European workplaceHigh quality industrial relations make a significant contribution to economic performance, from company-level to the economy as a whole, says a new European Commission report. The 2006 Industrial Relations in Europe report shows that co-operation between employers and trade unions plays an increasing role in the European workplace and can help to create the right conditions for strong growth.[06] Commission approves proposed acquisition of AOL's UK internet access business by Carphone Warehouse GroupThe European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of the UK internet access business of AOL by Carphone Warehouse Group plc of the UK. The Commission concluded that the transaction would not significantly impede effective competition in the European Economic Area or any substantial part of it.[07] Commission clears acquisition of part of Nortel by AlcatelThe European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of part of the undertaking Nortel Networks Limited (Nortel) of Canada by way of purchase of certain assets related to Nortel's UMTS Radio Access Network (RAN) by Alcatel of France. Alcatel designs, develops and builds communications networks. Nortel supplies UMTS RAN equipment. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.[08] Commission clears acquisition of BAN by GEThe European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of Banque Artesia Nederland NV (BAN) of the Netherlands by General Electric Company (GE) of the US. GE is a diversified manufacturing, technology and services company. BAN is a Dutch medium-sized corporate and retail bank. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.[09] Commission clears acquisition of Tarkett by KKR and SIFThe European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of Tarkett S.A. of France by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co (KKR) of the US and the Deconinck Family (France), via Société d’Investissement Familiale (SIF) of France. KKR is a private equity firm with investments in a range of different businesses. SIF is the holding company owned by the Deconinck Family, who is currently the majority shareholder of Tarkett. Tarkett is a global producer and distributor of flooring products. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.[10] Commission proposes to allow resale of intervention sugar for exportOn 7 December, the sugar management committee voted on a European Commission Regulation to allow the resale of remaining intervention sugar stocks for export. Following the vote, the measure is expected to be adopted by the Commission in the coming days. The new regulation is designed to help clear remaining stocks of intervention sugar, for which the monthly storage costs are very high. The current market situation presents a good opportunity to do this. The European Union needs to make use of its export rights as allowed by the World Trade Organisation. However, the EU only has a limited budget for export refunds, as following the reform, which came into force on 1 July 2006, a large part of the budget is now being spent on compensation to farmers for the sugar price cut.[11] Finnish project wins 2006 Grand Prize in European Enterprise AwardsThe Y4 Committee, which brings together 36 organisations from Central Finland, has today won the Grand Prize in the European Enterprise Awards. A high level jury, made up of independent experts, awarded the prize because Y4 has brought about a cultural change by spreading entrepreneurial thinking in all layers of society’. At the official ceremony of the first European Enterprise Awards in Brussels five other initiatives from local authorities to support entrepreneurship were rewarded in special categories for Enterprise Support, Red Tape Reduction, Investment in People, Responsible Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Trailblazer.[12] Commission to publish annual Lisbon Growth and Jobs Strategy Report on 12 DecemberThe European Commission's Annual Progress Report on the Lisbon Strategy will be adopted and published on Tuesday 12 December. It will include an overall assessment of progress with economic reform across the EU and set out next steps. It will also include country chapters assessing progress in each Member State. Based on that assessment, the Commission will propose country specific recommendations to the Spring European Council, so that Member States can agree on what each needs to do.[13] Joe Borg welcomes call by UN General Assembly to ensure protection of vulnerable marine ecosystemsEuropean Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Joe Borg has welcomed the strong guidance provided by the United Nations' 2006 Sustainable Fisheries Resolution which was adopted yesterday by consensus by the General Assembly. Mr Borg commented: "The United Nations is calling on all responsible fishing nations to make important changes in the way they regulate these activities. This is a true regime shift. The EU must now commit to an effective response to this call and the Commission will not delay in presenting appropriate proposals to the Council." The resolution addresses the main challenges faced today by fisheries management authorities, in particular the need to strengthen Regional Management Organisations (RFMOs), the fight against illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, and destructive fishing practices. With regard to the latter, the General Assembly resolution calls for effective action by RFMOs and Flag States to regulate fishing on vulnerable marine ecosystems. These measures reflect to a large extent the proposals made by the EU (see IP/06/1291 and IP/06/1581). While the Commission had been prepared to support even stronger provisions in certain areas, it is convinced that the resolution still represents a powerful package of measures which should lead to the elimination of destructive fishing impacts on vulnerable habitats, in accordance with the commitments made at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. The General Assembly will review progress made in 2009.[14] Autre matériel diffuséProgramme GalileoCommission Regulation setting out implementing rules for the Structural and Cohesion Funds: the "last piece of the puzzle" Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs: frequently asked questions Note sur la préparation du Conseil Transports Discours du Président José Manuel Barroso : " L'Europe, une idée neuve pour le monde de demain" à l'Institut de l'Europe - Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales HEC (Paris) Speech by Andris Piebalgs : "Energy efficiency: the best way towards a sustainable, competitive and secure energy system" at Round table on Energy Efficiency in the Committee of Regions (07/12) Speech by Danuta Hübner : "Where does Europe stand on the eve of the German Presidency?" at Technische Universität (07/12, Munich) Speech by Benita Ferrero-Waldner : "Remarks on democracy promotion" at Conference organised by the European Parliament's Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (07/12) Calendrier du 11 au 15 décembre 2006
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