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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 05-05-05

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] Synexizontai oi polynekres epiqeseis sto Irak
  • [02] Ekloges shmera sthn Bretania me tis dhmoskophseis na ``bgazoyn'' nikhth ton Mpler
  • [03] To ypoyrgeio Dhmosias Tajhs episkefqhke o prwqypoyrgos
  • [04] Klimakio toy DNT shmera sthn Aqhna
  • [05] Synanthsh Karamanlh me G.Soyflia-Sto yp.Dhmosias Tajhs to prwi o prwqypoyrgos.
  • [06] Ekrhjh apo aytosxedia bomba, sto bretaniko projeneio sth N.Yorkh.
  • [07] Genikh apergia thn 11h Maioy khryjan GSEE kai ADEDY.
  • [08] G. Koymoytsakos gia synanthsh Diabalkanikhs Synergasias.

    [01] Synexizontai oi polynekres epiqeseis sto Irak

    Eikosi pente anqrwpoi skotwqhkan se epiqeseis enantion twn irakinwn dynamewn asfaleias shmera to prwi sth Bagdath, anakoinwsan astynomikes phges.

    "Dekapente anqrwpoi skotwqhkan ligo meta tis 8:00 to prwi se epiqesh aytoktonias enantion kentroy katatajhs toy irakinoy stratoy sto prwhn aerodromio Moytana", sto kentro ths Bagdaths, dhlwse ekproswpos toy ypoyrgeioy Eswterikwn.

    Symfwna me ton idio ajiwmatoyxo, thn epiqesh pragmatopoihse kamikazi poy odhgoyse pagideymeno me ekrhktika aytokinhto. Mexri twra den exei ginei gnwstos o ariqmos twn traymatiwn.

    Ennia astynomikoi skotwqhkan se dyo diaforetikes epiqeseis dyo wres nwritera sthn anatolikh kai dytikh Bagdath, symfwna me allh phgh toy ypoyrgeioy.

    Telos, enas astynomikos poy froyroyse thn katoikia anwteroy ypallhloy toy ypoyrgeioy Eswterikwn skotwqhke kai alloi pente polites traymatisthkan se epiqesh me pagideymeno aytokinhto, prosqese h idia phgh.

    [02] Ekloges shmera sthn Bretania me tis dhmoskophseis na ``bgazoyn'' nikhth ton Mpler

    Oi Bretanoi chfoforoi proserxontai shmera stis kalpes gia na anadeijoyn thn nea Boylh ths xwras, me ton prwqypoyrgo Toni Mpler na emfanizetai etoimos na kerdisei mia trith synexomenh qhteia sthn Ntaoynigk Strht para thn entonh antidrash poy exei prokalesei stoys sympatriwtes toy h yposthrijh toy ston polemo sto Irak.

    Oi kalpes anoijan stis 09.00 (wra Ellados) kai qa kleisoyn stis 24.00(wra Ellados),opote kai qa anakoinwqoyn ta prwta apotelesmata apo ta exit polls toy BBC kai toy ITV.

    Meta apo dyo sarwtikes nikes to 1997 kai to 2001 oi dhmoskophseis deixnoyn oti o Mpler qa einai o prwtos Ergatikos hgeths sthn istoria ths Bretanias poy qa kerdisei mia trith synexomenh qhteia sthn prwqypoyrgia, an kai to eyros ths nikhs toy anamenetai na einai pio periorismeno.

    Tesseris dhmoskophseis poy dhmosieyontai shmera se isariqmes bretanikes efhmerides dinoyn ston Mpler probadisma triwn ews eji posostiaiwn monadwn enanti toy antipoliteyomenoy Synthrhtikoy kommatos toy Maikl Xaoyarnt.

    Dhmoskophsh ths etairias Populus gia toys Taims dinei stoys Ergatikoys probadisma me

    37,9% enanti 31,7% gia toys Synthrhtikoys. Ena tetoio pososto qa edine ston Mpler koinoboyleytikh pleiochfia 100 ews 130 edrwn apo tis 161 poy eixe sthn aperxomenh boylh.

    Oi alles treis dhmoskophseis dinoyn stoys Ergatikoys pososta 36 ews 38% kai stoys Synthrhtikoys 32 ews 33 %.

    To basiko problhma poy antimetwpizei pantws o bretanos prwqypoyrgos akoyei sto onoma "apoxh" ,kaqws oi dhmoskophseis deixnoyn oti arketoi chfoforoi twn Ergatikwn endexetai na mhn askhsoyn to eklogiko toys dikaiwma. An h symmetoxh einai mikrh kai oi Ergatikoi den ta pane poly kala se orismenes perifereies -kleidia ,endexetai to eyros ths nikhs toy Mpler na einai poly mikrotero apo tis prohgoymenes anametrhseis.

    Otan o Mpler apespase thn ejoysia gia prwth fora to 1997,to pososto symmetoxhs htan 71% enw to 2001 meiwqhke sto 59%,poy htan kai to xamhlotero apo ton Prwto Pagkosmio polemo.

    O bretanos prwqypoyrgos, poy giortazei ayrio ta 52a geneqlia toy, qa askhsei to eklogiko toy dikaiwma sthn eklogikh toy perifereia sto Sentzfilnt, sth boreia Agglia kai qa perimenei prwta na dei ta proswpika toy pososta ,prin epistrecei arga th nyxta sto Londino.

    To prwto meteklogiko kaqhkon toy Mpler qa einai fysika o sxhmatismos ths neas kybernhshs,sthn opoia to mono sigoyro einai oti o panisxyros ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn kai piqanos diadoxos toy, Gkornton Mpraoyn qa parameinei sth qesh toy. Oi perissoteroi analytes pisteyoyn malista oti o Mpler qa paraithqei yper toy Mpraoyn prin oloklhrwsei thn trith qhteia toy, idiaitera an htthqei sto programmatismeno gia to 2006 dhmochfisma gia to eyrwsyntagma.

    [03] To ypoyrgeio Dhmosias Tajhs episkefqhke o prwqypoyrgos

    "H Ellada einai mia apo tis asfalesteres xwres kai oi Ellhnes polites einai kai prepei na aisqanontai apolytws asfaleis", tonise o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Karamanlhs meta thn episkech toy sto ypoyrgeio Dhmosias Tajhs, opoy enhmerwqhke gia ta qemata toy ypoyrgeioy, apo thn politikh kai fysikh hgesia ths astynomias.

    H synanthsh toy me ton ypoyrgo Dhmosias Tajhs k.Boylgarakh krathse peripoy dyo wres kai amesws meta o k. Karamanlhs proebh se dhlwseis stis opoies tonise oti sto ypoyrgeio Dhmosias Tajhs kai sthn Astynomia ginetai poly kalh doyleia me safh, metrhsima, poiotika kai posotika xarakthristika.

    O prwqypoyrgos eipe akomh oti ston tomea toy ypoyrgeioy Dhmosias Tajhs h kybernhsh doyleyei me sxedio kai ta qetika apotelesmata fainontai hdh sthn kaqhmerinothta toy polith.

    Stoxos einai to kratos na einai diafano,ajiopisto kai panta sthn yphresia twn politwn, eipe kai tonise th qetikh symbolh ths astynomias sthn asfalh diejagwgh twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn. Prosqese oti h texnognwsia poy apokthqhke apo toys Olympiakoys hdh exei teqei sthn yphresia toy polith kai ena xarakthristiko paradeigma apotelesmatikothtas einai h antimetwpish ths prosfaths lewforeiopeiratias.

    O prwqypoyrgos edwse sygxarhthria sto astynomiko kai politiko proswpiko toy ypoyrgeioy Dhmosias Tajhs gia thn aqorybh prospaqeia poy ginetai gia thn antimetwpish toy organwmenoy egklhmatos kai proanhggeile anadiarqrwsh twn yphresiwn toy Ypoyrgeioy me proteraiothtes sthn antimetwpish toy organwmenoy egklhmatos, toy hlektronikoy egklhmatos kai thn agrotikh asfaleia, opoy qa kalyfqei to ergo poy pareixe prin h agrofylakh.

    Anaferqhke epishs sthn kalh prospaqeia poy ekane h astynomia gia thn ejodo toy Pasxa, kaqws me ta syntonismena metra stis eqnikes odoys apo ta antistoixa tmhmata troxaias meiwqhkan ta troxaia atyxhmata.-

    [04] Klimakio toy DNT shmera sthn Aqhna

    Empeirognwmones toy Dieqnoys Nomismatikoy Tameioy (DNT) qa episkefqoyn thn Ellada apo shmera ews tis 18 Maioy 2005, prokeimenoy na prosferoyn texnikh bohqeia gia th diaxeirish twn dhmosiwn dapanwn. To klimakio twn empeirognwmonwn erxetai sth xwra mas meta apo prosklhsh toy ypoyrgoy Oikonomias kai Oikonomikwn k. Giwrgoy Alogoskoyfh .Skopos ths episkechs twn empeirognwmonwn toy DNT einai na beltiwqei h apotelesmatikothta ths diaxeirishs twn dhmosiwn dapanwn, wste na prokycei h megisth dynath wfeleia gia toys polites, symfwna kai me thn kybernhtikh ejaggelia gia thn antimetwpish ths spatalhs sto dhmosio tomea.

    [05] Synanthsh Karamanlh me G.Soyflia-Sto yp.Dhmosias Tajhs to prwi o prwqypoyrgos.

    Synergasia me ton ypoyrgo Periballontos G. Soyflia eixe sto Megaro Majimoy o prwqypoyrgos kai syzhthsan gia ola ta qemata.

    Sth synomilia poy eixe o k. Soyflias me toys dhmosiografoys kai erwthqeis me aformh dhmosieyma ths efhmeridas "Apogeymatinh" gia to Proedriko Diatagma poy kwdikopoiei th nomoqesia sxetika me tis armodiothtes toy prwqypoyrgoy, o k. Soyflias anefere to diatagma den anaferetai sth synqesh ths kybernhshs, alla sthn kybernhtikh leitoyrgia.

    Se allh erwthsh an prepei na qesmoqethqei qesh antiproedroy ths kybernhshs, o k. Soyflias shmeiwse oti einai armodiothta toy prwqypoyrgoy kai pws ola ayta problepontai apo to Syntagma.

    O ypoyrgos Periballontos anefere akomh sto erwthma an blepei anasxhmatismo pws "osonoypw den blepw alla mexri to fqinopwro afoy h kybernhsh exei symplhrwsei enamish xrono einai logiko na ginei".

    O ypoyrgos Periballontos erwthqeis gia to endexomeno mikroy kai eyeliktoy ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy anefere pws edw kai xronia yparxei ayth h syzhthsh kai pws kati tetoio problepetai sto kybernhtiko programma ths ND, alla prosqese pws gia to qema ayto apofasizei o prwqypoyrgos.

    Symfwna me plhrofories, to Proedriko Diatagma ekdoqhke meta thn kwdikopoihsh ths nomoqesias sthn opoia proxwrhse epitroph h opoia eixe systaqei to 2003 gia to skopo ayto kai ta melh ths paremeinan ta idia.

    Synergates toy prwqypoyrgoy aneferan oti to qema ayto den sxetizetai me opoiadhpote apofash h proqesh gia anasxhmatismo.

    To ypoyrgeio Dhmosias Tajhs episkefqhke o prwqypoyrgos

    "H Ellada einai mia apo tis asfalesteres xwres kai oi Ellhnes polites einai kai prepei na aisqanontai apolytws asfaleis", tonise o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Karamanlhs meta thn episkech toy sto ypoyrgeio Dhmosias Tajhs, opoy enhmerwqhke gia ta qemata toy ypoyrgeioy, apo thn politikh kai fysikh hgesia ths astynomias.

    H synanthsh toy me ton ypoyrgo Dhmosias Tajhs k.Boylgarakh krathse peripoy dyo wres kai amesws meta o k. Karamanlhs proebh se dhlwseis stis opoies tonise oti sto ypoyrgeio Dhmosias Tajhs kai sthn Astynomia ginetai poly kalh doyleia me safh, metrhsima, poiotika kai posotika xarakthristika.

    O prwqypoyrgos eipe akomh oti ston tomea toy ypoyrgeioy Dhmosias Tajhs h kybernhsh doyleyei me sxedio kai ta qetika apotelesmata fainontai hdh sthn kaqhmerinothta toy polith.

    Stoxos einai to kratos na einai diafano,ajiopisto kai panta sthn yphresia twn politwn, eipe kai tonise th qetikh symbolh ths astynomias sthn asfalh diejagwgh twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn. Prosqese oti h texnognwsia poy apokthqhke apo toys Olympiakoys hdh exei teqei sthn yphresia toy polith kai ena xarakthristiko paradeigma apotelesmatikothtas einai h antimetwpish ths prosfaths lewforeiopeiratias.

    O prwqypoyrgos edwse sygxarhthria sto astynomiko kai politiko proswpiko toy ypoyrgeioy Dhmosias Tajhs gia thn aqorybh prospaqeia poy ginetai gia thn antimetwpish toy organwmenoy egklhmatos kai proanhggeile anadiarqrwsh twn yphresiwn toy Ypoyrgeioy me proteraiothtes sthn antimetwpish toy organwmenoy egklhmatos, toy hlektronikoy egklhmatos kai thn agrotikh asfaleia, opoy qa kalyfqei to ergo poy pareixe prin h agrofylakh.

    Anaferqhke epishs sthn kalh prospaqeia poy ekane h astynomia gia thn ejodo toy Pasxa, kaqws me ta syntonismena metra stis eqnikes odoys apo ta antistoixa tmhmata troxaias meiwqhkan ta troxaia atyxhmata.-

    [06] Ekrhjh apo aytosxedia bomba, sto bretaniko projeneio sth N.Yorkh.

    Ekrhjh ejw apo to bretaniko projeneio sth Nea Yorkh shmeiwqhke shmera ligh wra afotoy anoijan sth Bretania oi kalpes, apo tis opoies symfwna me tis dhmoskophseis o Toni Mpler anamenetai na ejasfalisei mia trith diadoxikh qhteia sthn prwqypoyrgia.

    Symfwna me thn astynomia, h ekrhjh proklhqhke apo aytosxedia bomba h opoia prokalese mikres ylikes zhmies sto polyorofo ktirio toy projeneioy, to opoio stegazei epishs kai grafeia arketwn epixeirhsewn.

    H katastash paramenei pantws sygkexymenh ws pros ton ariqmo twn ekrhjewn. Nwritera ekproswpos toy Forein Ofis sto Londino eixe kanei logo gia dyo asqeneis ekrhjeis, kaqws kai to CNN epikaloymeno ekproswpo ths astynomias.

    Wstoso symfwna me neoterh anakoinwsh ths astynomias ths Neas Yorkhs poy ereyna to peristatiko, an kai breqhkan dyo ekrhktikoi mhxanismoi, shmeiwqhke mia kai monadikh ekrhjh, h opoia synodeythke apo isxyrh hxw.

    [07] Genikh apergia thn 11h Maioy khryjan GSEE kai ADEDY.

    Genikh apergia khryjan shmera thn 11h Maioy h GSEE kai h ADEDY, kaqws th mera ayth metaferetai o eortasmos ths hmeras ths Ergatikhs Prwtomagias.

    Kyria aithmata ths kinhtopoihshs poy qa ginei stis 10.30, sto Pedion toy Arews thn erxomenh Tetarth, einai h amesh lhch metrwn gia thn antimetwpish ths akribeias kaqws opws eipe o proedros ths GSEE, me thn prosfath ayjhsh toy FPA oi times epibarynqhkan kata 15% ews 20% enw to eisodhma meiwqhke kata 1,5% gia to 2005.

    O proedros ths GSEE apekleise kaqe syzhthsh gia to asfalistiko kai tis ergasiakes sxeseis, ypogrammizontas oti h kybernhsh qa brei antimetwpa ta syndikata an proxwrhsei monomerws se ryqmiseis poy na epideinwnoyn th shmerinh pragmatikothta enw sth synexeia epekrine thn kybernhsh giati opws eipe, ofeile gia logoys sebasmoy kai timhs stoys agwnes ths ergatikhs tajhs na orisei ws epishmh argia thn 11h Maioy.

    O k.Polyzwgopoylos anefere sxetika oti me thn elleich apofashs gia kaqorismo argias thn 11h Maioy wfeloyntai oi epixeirhmaties kata 125 ekat.eyrw poy erxontai na prosteqoyn opws eipe, sta 800 ekatommyria eyrw, poy toys "xaristhkan" me tis foroapallages, poy doqhkan ton perasmeno xrono.

    Ek meroys ths ADEDY milhse o proedros ths Spyros Papaspyros, o opoios eqese epishs ws proteraiothta gia diekdikhseis twn ergazomenwn to qema ths xrhmatodothshs ths koinwnikhs asfalishs zhtwntas na antlhqoyn poroi me eyqynh toy kratoys apo to idiwtiko kefalaio, proeblece oti qa yparjoyn pio sklhres eisodhmatikes politikes sto mellon, enw xarakthrise ta metra gia thn apasxolhsh kai thn anergia, ws mh apotelesmatika.

    O k.Papaspyros proteine "h diaxeirish ths hmeras ths Prwtomagias na fygei apo to kratos kai apo thn ergodosia kai na anhkei sthn apolyth armodiothta twn syndikatwn poy na thn khryssoyn ws apergia xwris parakrathsh twn amoibwn toys".

    O proedros ths ADEDY dieceyse plhrofories poy ton eferan na eixe symfwnhsei me ton k.Andreoylako gia th ryqmish poy epiteyxqhke sto dhmosio tomea gia ton eortasmo ths Ergatikhs Prwtomagias.

    Telos o anaplhrwths proedros ths GSEE Alekos Kalirhs, epishmane oti yparxei kindynos apoprosanatolismoy ths shmasias ths epeteioy ths Ergatikhs Prwtomagias, anaferontas oti einai mera apergias h 11h Maioy kai ypogrammise oti thn hmera ayth qa ekfrasqei h antiqesh twn ergazomenwn me th neofileleyqerh politikh poy epi xronia antimetwpizoyn.

    O anaplhrwths proedros ths GSEE anakoinwse akomh oti stis 11 Maioy to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio prokeitai na egkrinei odhgia gia epimhkynsh toy xronoy ebdomadiaias ergasias se 65 wres kai qa epitrepei me atomikes symbaseis na dieyqeteitai o ethsios xronos ergasias.

    Kai ta tria syndikalistika stelexh epanelaban thn ekklhsh toys gia to giortasmo enwtikhs Prwtomagias kaqws opws einai gnwsto to PAME prokeitai na diorganwsei jexwristh sygkentrwsh kai poreia stis 11 Maioy sto Syntagma.

    [08] G. Koymoytsakos gia synanthsh Diabalkanikhs Synergasias.

    To perifereiako periballon sta Balkania exei shmantika metablhqei me th dromologhsh twn prosxwrhsewn ths Kroatias, Boylgarias kai Roymanias sthn EE kai me th dromologhsh ths eyrwpaikhs prooptikhs ths Toyrkias, epeshmane shmera o ekproswpos Typoy toy ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn Giwrgos Koymoytsakos, anaferomenos sthn prosexh synanthsh Koryfhs ths Diabalkanikhs Synergasias kai tis basikes ejelijeis poy anamenontai sth xronia poy erxetai kai sth diarkeia ths opoias h Ellada qa askhsei thn Proedria ths Synergasias.

    O k. Koymoytsakos den pareleice epishs na ypogrammisei oti h xronia ayth qa einai shmantikh gia tis ejelijeis sto Kossyfopedio. H ekqesh toy genikoy grammatea gia thn katastash sto Kosobo qa syzhthqei stis 27 Maioy sto Symboylio Asfaleias toy OHE.

    Oi treis ajones kai basikes epidiwjeis ths ellhnikhs Proedrias ths Diabalkanikhs qa einai:

    Prwton, h anaptyjh ths synergasia kai h prosarmogh ths sto neo eyrwpaiko periballon me th metejelijh ths se basiko oxhma ths enswmatwshs sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh.

    Deyteron, h prowqhsh ths systashs ths grammateias ths Diabalkanikhs Synergasias kai

    Triton, h qesmikh ths anabaqmish.

    H Synodos Koryfhs ths Diabalkanikhs qa pragmatopoihqei stis 11 Maioy sto Boykoyresti se epipedo arxhgwn-kratwn kai kybernhsewn, enw qa prohghqei stis 10 Maioy, Synodos twn ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn.

    Erwthqeis gia dhlwseis toy Boylgaroy proedroy k. Parbanof sxetika me th symmetoxh ths Elladas sth synergasia Roymanias-Boylgarias-Toyrkias, o k. Koymoytsakos eipe oti epishmws h Aqhna den exei plhroforhqei to periexomeno ayths ths protashs.

    Ta sxedia synergasias exoyn mia istoria pollwn etwn kai h Ellada pantws dinei idiaitero baros sth Diabalkanikh Synergasia ws to oxhma ths perifereiakhs synergasias.

    Klhqeis na sxoliasei dhlwseis epishmwn ths PGDM oti h ellhnikh proqesh na empodisei thn Eyrwatlantikh poreia ths geitonos erxetai se antiqesh me thn endiamesh symfwnia Aqhnwn - Skopiwn, o ekproswpos toy ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn ypogrammise oti h Ellada den exei pei oti qa parempodisei thn eyrwatlantikh poreia twn Skopiwn, alla oti h poreia ayth qa exei antikeimenika empodia, kati poy qa prepei na lhfqei ypoch kai apo thn allh pleyra.

    O k. Koymoytsakos, prosqese, oti ginetai parermhneia toy arqroy 11 ths endiameshs symfwnias.

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