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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 09-01-02Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Diplwmatikos pyretos gia th GazaIsrahlina teqwrakismena paramenoyn gyrw apo ta synora ths Gazas me to Israhl, etoima gia piqanh xersaia epembash, para tis dieqneis ekklhseis gia amesh katapaysh toy pyros.H Toyrkia, poy askei thn proedria sto Symboylio Asfaleias toy OHE, kalese to Israhl na stamathsei thn epiqesh kai na arei ton apokleismo ths Gazas. Anqrwpistikh organwsh anakoinwse ejalloy oti to Israhl protiqetai na epitrecei se 400 jenoys poy briskontai sth Gaza na egkataleicoyn thn perioxh, shmera Paraskeyh, gegonos poy ermhneyetai ws piqanh proetoimasia gia xersaia epembash. H ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn toy Israhl aperrice th gallikh protash gia ekexeiria 48 wrwn wste na epitrapei h metafora anqrwpistikhs bohqeias sth Gaza, yposthrizontas oti "den yparxei anqrwpistikh krish, ara den yparxei anagkh ekexeirias gia anqrwpistikoys logoys". Apo thn enarjh ths israhlinhs epiqeshs sth Gaza exoyn skotwqei toylaxiston 412 Palaistinioi kai 1850 exoyn traymatistei. Peripoy to ena tetarto twn nekrwn einai amaxoi, symfwna me ektimhseis toy OHE. O israhlinos ypoyrgos Amynas, Exoynt Mparak dietaje to kleisimo gia 48 wres ths Dytikhs Oxqhs, parempodizontas Palaistinioys na eiselqoyn sto Israhl, apagoreysh poy teqhke se isxy apo ta mesanyxta ths prwths Ianoyarioy, anakoinwqhke apo ton israhlino strato. Oi anqrwpistikes bohqeies kaqws kai oloi oi polites poy xreiazontai iatrikh frontida qa epitrepetai na eiselqoyn sth xwra, prostiqetai sthn anakoinwsh toy israhlinoy stratoy. Den doqhke kamia ejhghsh gia to kleisimo ayto, poy genikws eipwqhke oti afora "logoys asfaleias" alla h efhmerida "Tzeroysalem Post" egrace sthn istoselida ths oti h energeia sxetizetai me tis synexeis proeidopoihseis oti moysoylmanoi maxhtes proetoimazontai gia megalhs klimakas epiqeseis se antipoina gia thn israhlinh epiqesh kata ths islamistikhs Xamas sth Lwrida ths Gazas. Se nea israhlinh aeroporikh epiqesh sto notio tmhma ths Lwridas ths Gazas,shmera,skotwqhkan tria adelfia 7 ews 10 etwn poy epaizan se dromo,aneferan traymatioforeis. H epiqesh egine konta sthn polh Xan Gioynis htan mia apo tis panw apo 30 poy pragmatopoihqhkan shmera apo to Israhl poy edw kai mia ebdomada pragmatopoiei synexeis epiqeseis sthn Lwrida ths Gazas enantion enoplwn ths Xamas. Sto metajy, ychlobaqmo stelexos ths Xamas skotwqhke sth diarkeia aeroporikhs epidromhs twn Israhlinwn sth Lwrida ths Gazas. Prokeitai gia to prwto stelexos ths Xamas poy xanei th zwh toy kata th diarkeia ths epiqeshs twn Israhlinwn, poy exei hdh kostisei th zwh perissoterwn apo 400 Palaistiniwn. O Nizar Raian, klhrikos poy qewreitai apo toys pio sklhropyrhnikoys hgetes ths islamikhs organwshs, eixe prosfata zhthsei na ginoyn nees epiqeseis aytoktonias sto Israhl. O qanatos toy epibebaiwqhke apo nosokomeiakes phges, poy aneferan oti apo thn epiqesh ston prosfygiko kataylismo Tzampaligia skotwqhkan epishs dyo apo tis tesseris syzygoys toy kai epta apo ta paidia toy. Ekatontades yposthriktes toy sygkentrwqhkan gyrw apo ta ereipia toy spitioy toy zhtwntas ekdikhsh gia to qanato toy Nizar Raian. "To aima toy seixh Nizar Raian kai to aima twn allwn martyrwn den qa spatalhqei kai o exqros qa plhrwsei bary timhma gia ta egklhmata toy", dhlwse o ajiwmatoyxos ths Xamas, Aiman Taxa. O 49xronos Raian htan klhrikos sto "temenos twn martyrwn" sth Tzampaligia kai polles fores peripoloyse enoplos, mazi me melh ths Xamas stoys dromoys toy kataylismoy. Arga to brady h israhlinh aeroporia bombardise to temenos toy kataylismoy Tzampaligia, poy katastrafhke olosxerws, me to aitiologiko oti htan shmeio synanthshs stelexwn ths Xamas. Diplwmatikos pyretos "Nomizw oti akoma kai twra, liges meres afotoy jekinhse h epixeirhsh exoyme epiferei allages", dhlwse h ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn toy Israhl, Tzipi Libni, meta tis synomilies poy eixe sto Parisi me ton Gallo proedro, Nikola Sarkozi. "Xtyphsame tis ypodomes ths tromokratias entos ths Lwridas ths Gazas kai to erwthma kata poso ayto einai arketo ejetazetai se kaqhmerinh bash", prosqese h Libni. To Israhl qa synexisei thn epiqesh toy kata ths Xamas sth Lwrida ths Gazas mexri poy na ftasei sto shmeio opoy "h epixeirhsh ayth qa toys ejasqenhsei" kai oi maxhtes ths Xamas den qa rixnoyn pyrayloys kata toy ebraikoy kratoys, dhlwse. "Den einai qema xronodiagramatos, alla ena qema stoxwn, kai kaqe hmera poy perna exoyme na antimetwpisoyme mia nea katastash" tonise h k. Libni milwntas sto israhlino thleoptiko diktyo Kanali 2 apo to Parisi opoy synanthqhke me ton proedro ths Gallias, Nikola Sarkozi kai ton gallo omologo ths, Mpernar Koysner. Se erwthsh ean to Israhl perimenei na paradoqei h Xamas, h k. Libni apanthse :"Den perimenoyme, energoyme gi ayto kai kaqe hmera poy energoyme blepoyme diafores". O prwqypoyrgos ths Tsexias, poy askei thn proedria ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, dhlwse shmera pws sxediazei na organwsei mia diplwmatikh apostolh ek meroys ths Enwshs sth Mesh Anatolh, h opoia qa epidoqei sthn epilysh ths sygkroyshs ekei. O Mirek Topolanek, h kybernhsh toy opoioy parelabe shmera ta hnia ths EE apo th Gallia, dhlwse pws h apostolh qa perilambanei ton epikefalhs ths ejwterikhs politikhs ths EE Xabier Solana, thn Epitropo gia tis Ejwterikes Sxeseis Mpenita Ferero-Balntner kai ton tsexo ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Karel Sbartsenmpergk. Qa labei meros o soyhdos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Karl Mpilt, enw qa prosklhqei kai o gallos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Mpernar Koysner. To tajidi qa sympesei me mia episkech toy galloy proedroy Nikola Sarkozi sthn perioxh stis 5 Ianoyarioy, h prwth mias megalhs dynamhs afotoy to Israhl ejapelyse aeroporika plhgmata enantion ths Gazas thn perasmenh ebdomada. O Topolanek dhlwse pws, kaqws o aperxomenos proedros twn HPA Tzortz Mpoys den analambanei hgetiko rolo sth dienejh, epafietai sthn EE na hghqei twn prospaqeiwn gia thn epilysh ths krishs. "To dysaresto einai oti den mporoyme na sthrizomaste sth dioikhsh twn HPA.... Epafietai sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh na analabei thn prwtoboylia", dhlwse o Topolanek se mia synenteyjh sthn tsexikh thleorash. "Epikalyptetai me to tajidi toy Nikola Sarkozi sth Syria kai to Libano.... Milhsa me to Sarkozi gia pollh wra xqes kai asxolhqhkame se leptomereies me to problhma". Den prosdiorise poioi qa einai oi stoxoi ths apostolhs. O toyrkos prwqypoyrgos Retsep Tagip Erntogan proeidopoihse oti h Mesh Anatolh empleketai se "enan kyklo bias" ligo prin jekinhsei thn periodeia toy se tesseris xwres ths perioxhs, arxhs genomenhs apo th Syria, me stoxo na askhsei pieseis sto Israhl na stamathsei tis stratiwtikes epixeirhseis sth Gaza. O k. Erntogan meta tis synomilies poy eixe me ton aigyptio proedro Xosni Moymparak sto Sarm el Seix tonise pws oi maxhtes ths Xamas prepei na stamathsoyn tis ektojeyseis royketwn kata twn israhlinwn polewn kaqws kai kaqe allh epiqesh. ''Prepei na yparjei epeigontws ekexeiria'' eipe o toyrkos prwqypoyrgos. ''Opws exei orisqei sth symfwnia (ekexeirias) ton Ioynio toy 2008, qa arqei o apokleismos'', prosqese. O k. Erntogan eixe epishs synanthseis me toys hgetes ths Iordanias, ths Syrias kai ths Palaistiniakhs Arxhs se mia prospaqeia na termatisqoyn oi irahlines epidromes. ''Deijame thn proqesh mas na metaferoyme to palaistiniako qema sto Symboylio Asfaleias toy OHE me th synergasia kai to syntonismo ths Aigyptoy'', ypogrammise o k. Erntogan kai prosqese pws h Toyrkia einai etoimh na analabei epishs mesolabhtiko rolo anamesa sth Xamas kai ths Fatax toy Maxmoynt Ampas. O ispanos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Migkel Anxel Moratinos tonise pws h dieqnhs koinothta prepei na epimenei gia na petyxei amesws mia monimh ekexeiria anamesa sto Israhl kai sthn Xamas. "Einai mia katastash entashs kai krishs. Prepei na epimeinoyme, na synexisoyme tis ekklhseis gia amesh kai monimh ekexeiria. Ayto prepei na kanoyme", epishmane milwntas sto kratiko ispaniko radiofwno. O proedros toy Iran diemhnyse stis xwres- melh toy Arabikoy Syndesmoy, poy synantwntai shmera, oti qa prepei na drasoyn amesa wste na termatistoyn oi israhlines epiqeseis enantion twn Palaistiniwn sth Gaza kai prosqese oti h systash epitrophs h oi omilies epi toy problhmatos den eparkoyn afoy epitrepoyn sto Israhl na synexizei th drash toy. Anqrwpistikh bohqeia apo thn Ellada Ta dyo aeroskafh ths Polemikhs Aeroporias me 28 tonoys anqrwpistikhs bohqeias poy sygkentrwse to Ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn (Hellenic Aid) gia tis anagkes toy plhqysmoy ths Lwridas ths Gazas apogeiwqhkan to apogeyma ths Pempths apo thn aeroporikh bash Eleysinas. Opws anaferetai kai se anakoinwsh sthn sygkentrwsh ylikoy antapokriqhkan amesa to Ypoyrgeio Ygeias kai Koinwnikhs Allhleggyhs, to Ypoyrgeio Eqnikhs Amynas, o Dhmos Aqhnaiwn, o Ellhnikos Eryqros Stayros, h Mh Kybernhtikh Organwsh `` Giatroi Kardias'' kai alloi organismoi. H bohqeia einai idiaitera shmantikh giati perilambanei ektos apo farmaka kai ygeionomiko yliko kai megalh posothta aimatos kai qa paradoqei, me eyqynh twn Arxwn mas, ston Pagkosmio Organismo Ygeias o opoios qa thn prowqhsei sth Gaza. [02] Diamaxh gia to fysiko aerioOykranikh antiproswpeia qa episkefqei jekinwntas apo thn prosexh Tetarth, prwteyoyses twn xwrwn melwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs gia na anaferqei sto problhma me to aerio, anakoinwqhke xqes apo ton ekproswpo toy oykranikoy ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn, Basili Kiritsix , opws metadidei to praktoreio Interfaj ths Oykranias."Stoxos ths episkechs ths antiproswpeias einai na exei diaboyleyseis me tis kybernhseis twn xwrwn ths EE gia th dieyqethsh toy yparxontos problhmatos me to aerio, dhladh toy problhmatos paradoshs rwsikoy aerioy sthn Eyrwph" anefere o k. Kiritsix. Symfwna me ton idio h antiproswpeia, epikefalhs ths opoias qa einai o ypoyrgos Energeias, Gioyrti Prontan qa exei kat arxhn synanthsh me ton tsexo prwqypoyrgo, Mirek Topolanek, h xwra toy opoia exei analabei apo thn prwth Ianoyarioy thn kyliomenh proedria ths EE. Shmeiwnetai oti h Rwsia diekoce thn paradosh aerioy sthn Oykrania meta apo thn apotyxia twn diapragmateysewn metajy twn etaireiwn aerioy twn dyo xwrwn. O rwsikos omilos Gazprom ayjhse apo xqes thn timh toy aerioy sta 250 dolaria ta xilia kybika metra aerioy, xwris ayjhsh ths tarifas metaforas, mia protash poy den egine dekth apo thn oykranikh pleyra. H kratikh oykranikh etairia ydrogonanqrakwn Naftogaz anakoinwse oti diapistwse hdh meiwsh stis stoys agwgoys ths fysikoy aerioy meta thn diakoph ths paroxhs apo th rwsikh Gazprom kai oti qa antlhsei apo ta apoqemata ths. H Oykrania exei eggyhqei th metafora rwsikoy fysikoy aerioy apo ta edafh ths pros thn Eyrwph, poy, symfwna me thn rwsikh etairia Gazprom, h opoia exei to monopwlio ejagwgwn, ginetai mesw alloy agwgoy. H Naftogaz yposthrizei oti diaqetei 17 disekatommyria kybika metra h peripoy to 20% ths ethsias paragwghs ths se apoqemata fysikoy aerioy. H Rwsia anakoinwse oti ayjhse tis promhqeies fysikoy aerioy pros toys pelates ths sthn Eyrwph meta thn diakoph ths paroxhs sth geitonikh Oykrania. "Oi paradoseis stis ejagwges ayjhqhkan kata 326 ekatommyria kybika metra thn hmera", dhlwse se synenteyjh Typoy o Sergkei Koyprigianof, ekproswpos ths Gazprom, ths rwsikhs etairias fysikoy aerioy, h opoia exei to monopwlio. O idios eipe oti h Mosxa epiqymei thn epanenarjh toy dialogoy me thn Oykrania gia thn ypografh neas symfwnias. " Yposthrizoyme th synexish twn diapragmateysewn", eipe o Koyprigianof. H Eyrwpaikh Enwsh aphyqyne ekklhsh gia peraiterw diapragmateyseis prokeimenoy na epilyqei h diamaxh anamesa sth Rwsia kai thn Oykrania gia thn promhqeia fysikoy aerioy. "H proedria (ths EE) kai h Epitroph kaloyn kai ta dyo merh kai tis kybernhseis toys na synexisoyn tis diapragmateyseis kai na katalhjoyn syntoma se ena epityxes apotelesma etsi wste na mhn ephreastei h paroxh aerioy sthn Eyrwph", aneferan se koinh dhlwsh toys h proedreyoysa ths EE Tsexia kai h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph. Oi HPA kalesan th Rwsia kai thn Oykrania na epilysoyn th diamaxh toys gia to fysiko aerio me "diafanh kai emporiko tropo". Se anakoinwsh poy ekdoqhke apo to Steit Ntipartment anaferetai oti oi HPA "anhsyxoyn" epeidh h rwsikh etairia Gazprom diekoce thn paroxh fysikoy aerioy sthn Oykrania. " Oi HPA enqarrynoyn th Gazprom kai (thn oykranikh) Naftogaz na epanalaboyn tis diapragmateyseis gia thn ejeyresh lyshs poy qa diasfalizei thn paroxh fysikoy aerioy sthn Oykrania kai sthn Eyrwph", anaferetai sthn anakoinwsh toy Steit Ntipartment. To Kiebo exei zhthsei th mesolabhsh twn Eyrwpaiwn gia thn epilysh ths diamaxhs me th Mosxa, kaqws to 80% twn ejagwgwn fysikoy aerioy apo th Rwsia pros thn Eyrwph ginetai mesw agwgwn poy pernoyn apo to oykraniko edafos. Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |