[01] Omilia A. Tsipra sto festibal neolaias
[01] Omilia A. Tsipra sto festibal neolaias
Stis ekloges ths 7h Noembrioy o ellhnikos laos mporei na steilei ena
mhnyma apo ta aristera, tonise o proedros toy SYN A. Tsipras milwntas
apoce sto festibal neolaias toy kommatos sto alsos Goydi, enw aphyqyne
ekklhsh gia enwtiko agwna kyriws gia thn yposthrijh toy k. Alejh
Mhtropoyloy sthn Perifereia Attikhs.
O k. Tsipras eipe oti taytoxrona, to mhnyma qa einai kai mhnyma elpidas
gia thn anatroph toy Mnhmonioy kai mporei na fqasei se olh thn Eyrwph.
O proedros toy SYN askhse drimeia kritikh sthn kybernhsh gia thn
synolikh politikh ths alla ekane kai aytokritikh gia thn poreia ths
O proedros toy SYN epiteqhke sthn kybernhsh gia thn ekpaideytikh ths
politikh kai tis ejaggelies poy eginan thn perasmenh ebdomada stoys
Delfoys, tonizontas oti to dikaiwma ths dwrean paideias allotriwnetai
siga siga ta teleytaia xronia. Megalyteroi tajikoi fragmoi, prosqese,
systhmatikh apajiwsh toy ekpaideytikoy systhmatos, anyparktes ypodomes,
metatroph ths gnwstikhs diadikasias se mia ateleiwth seira ejetasewn.
Kai meta anergia, eteroapasxolhsh kai agwnia. Dekaeties twra, oi
kybernhseis toy PASOK kai ths ND odhgoyn thn paideia se adiejodo, kai
malista en onomati ths antagwnistikothtas kai toy eksygxronismoy.
Proxqes stoys Delfoys, me tis plates toy Dieqnoys Nomismatikoy Tameioy,
paixthke h teleytaia prajh aytoy toy ergoy.
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