[01] Gia toys "8" toy Kypelloy
[01] Gia toys "8" toy Kypelloy
Me to Niko Gewrgea na skorarei gia prwth fora sth 10eth paroysia toy
sthn AEK (52', h Enwsh dielyse 4-0 th Larisa sto "AEL FC ARENA" kai
phre me panhgyriko tropo to eisithrio gia thn prohmitelikh fash toy
Kypelloy Elladas.
Se deytero agwna, stis 12 Ianoyarioy, qa lyqoyn oi diafores toy Eqnikoy
Astera me ton Diagora, alla kai toy Hraklh me thn Kerkyra, kaqws oi
metajy toys anametrhseis gia thn e' fash toy Kypelloy anadeixqhkan
isopales, me to idio skor (1-1).
Ektos apo thn AEK, stoys "8" exoyn, hdh, prokriqei oi Olympiakos,
Panaqhnaikos, PAOK, Olympiakos Boloy kai Atromhtos.-
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