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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-06-14Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Meiwsh epitokioy apoplhrwmhs twn 80 dis.``Prasino fws'' gia thn paratash toy xronoy ejoflhshs toy daneioy twn 80 dis. eyrw apo thn eyrwzwnh, alla kai th meiwsh toy epitokioy apoplhrwmhs, elabe h Ellada apo toys etairoys ths sth zwnh toy eyrw.Symfwna me anakoinwsh toy ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikwn, meta kai thn typikh apofash toy Eurogroup stis 16 Maioy (me bash thn apofash ths Synodoy Koryfhs toy Martioy) h xwra mas eklhqh na ypogracei aytes tis hmeres thn tropopoihsh ths daneiakhs symbashs poy allazei toys arxikoys oroys. Twra, prepei na epikyrwqei h symfwnia apo kaqe kratos - melos poy metexei ston daneismo, symfwna me tis eqnikes diadikasies toy kaqenos. Molis oloklhrwqei h epikyrwsh apo ola ta krath, qa ypologistei to meiwmeno epitokio anadromika apo thn ypografh, me ektimwmenh ejoikonomhsh apo tokoys 800 ekat. eyrw to xrono. Eidikotera, h daneiakh symfwnia ycoys 80 dis. eyrw metajy ths Elladas kai ths kratwn- melwn ths zwnhs toy eyrw, poy ypegrafh ton Maio 2010, proeblepe oti h apoplhrwmh toy kefalaioy kaqe tmhmatos toy daneioy efere periodo xaritos trietwn. Oi tokoi qa plhrwnontan kaqe trimhno me kymainomeno epitokio, iso me to Euribor triwn mhnwn pleon periqwrioy 3% gia ta prwta tria eth kai 4% gia ta epomena eth. O arxikos programmatismos proeblepe stadiakh epistrofh ths Elladas stis kefalaiagores apo ta mesa toy 2012, wstoso, h epideinwsh twn synqhkwn daneismoy gia th xwra mas kai tis alles xwres ths eyrwpaikhs perifereias katesthse anagkaia thn pistwsh xronoy, prokeimenoy na oloklhrwqoyn kai na apodwsoyn ta dhmosionomika kai diarqrwtika metra poy phre h Ellada. Me bash th nea symfwnia, h opoia qa perilabei kai ta tmhmata toy daneioy poy exoyn hdh katablhqei: - To periqwrio daneismoy meiwnetai kata 1 monada (apo 3% kai 4% se 2% kai 3% antistoixws) - H periodos xaritos epekteinetai se 4,5 eth - H synolikh diarkeia toy kaqe tmhmatos toy daneioy qa anerxetai se 10 eth Me ton tropo ayto epitygxanetai: 1. Ayjhsh ths meshs diarkeias lhjhs toy daneioy apo 4,5 xronia se 7,5 xronia 2. Meiwsh twn daneiakwn anagkwn gia thn trietia 2011- 2015 kata 48,2 dis. eyrw 3. Epipleon, xarh sth meiwsh toy periqwrioy daneismoy epitygxanetai meiwsh ths tameiakhs ektamieyshs gia tokoys toy daneioy gia thn idia periodo kata 800 ekat. eyrw ton xrono kai kata 4 dis. eyrw sthn 5etia 2011- 15 4. Ejomalynsh twn ethsiwn daneiakwn anagkwn apo tis agores. H tropopoihsh twn orwn daneismoy, poy ypegrafh apo ton ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn, Giwrgo Papakwnstantinoy, qa katateqei sth Boylh gia syzhthsh kai enhmerwsh. Shmeiwnetai oti h symfwnia ayth den exei kamia sxesh me tis syzhthseis poy diejagontai ayth thn periodo gia neo daneio twn pros th xwra mas, prokeimenoy na kalyfqei to xrhmatodotiko keno ths periodoy 2012- 2014. Synedriash Eurogroup Ypo to baros mias akomh ypobaqmishs ths dieqnoys pistolhptikhs ikanothtas ths Elladas, xqes apo thn Standard and Poor's, synerxetai, shmera to apogeyma, stis Bryjelles to Eurogroup me th symmetoxh apo ellhnikhs pleyras toy ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn Giwrgoy Papakwnstantinoy. To zhthma ths kalychs toy ellhnikoy xreoys, me diafainomenh thn adynamia ths Elladas na ``bgei stis agores'' to 2012, anamenetai na breqei sto epikentro twn diaboyleysewn. H germanikh pleyra anamenetai na ejeidikeysei tis protaseis poy mesw ths dhmosiopoihqeisas epistolhs Soimple pros toys omologoys toy, ypebale thn prohgoymenh ebdomada kai stis opoies antedrase arnhtika h Eyrwpaikh Kentrikh Trapeza (EKT), alla kai genikotera oi iqynontes twn Bryjellwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Ektos stoxoy o proypologismos sto prwto pentamhno toy etoysEktos stoxoy kinhqhkan sto pentamhno ta esoda kai oi dapanes toy proypologismoy, symfwna me ta tameiaka stoixeia, poy anakoinwse h Trapeza ths Ellados.To elleimma ths kentrikhs kybernhshs ayjhqhke sto diasthma Ianoyarioy - Maioy kata 6% se sygkrish me perysi kai diamorfwqhke sta 10,1 dis. eyrw. Ta esoda toy Taktikoy Proypologismoy katagrafoyn ptwsh kata 5,6% sta 18,7 dis. eyrw, enw oi dapanes ayjhqhkan kata 8,6% sta 27,4 dis. eyrw. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] ''Probadisma'' Lagkarnt VideoTo Dieqnes Nomismatiko Tameio anakoinwse oti gia thn qesh toy genikoy dieyqynth oi ypochfioi einai dyo, h Gallida Kristin Lagkarnt kai o Mejikanos Agkoystin Karstens, enw apokleietai o Israhlo-amerikanos Stanlei Fiser.To DNT enekrine tis dyo aytes ypochfiothtes "symfwna me thn apofash poy yioqethse to dioikhtiko toy symboylio stis 20 Maioy, h opoia kaqorizei me leptomereies thn diadikasia epiloghs toy neoy genikoy dieyqynth", tonizetai se anakoinwsh. O mejikanos ypochfios, dieyqynths ths Trapezas toy Mejikoy ektimhse oti h antipalos toy gallida ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn exei "poly ayjhmenes" piqanothtes na dioristei sthn qesh ayth. O 67xronos Fiser apokleisthke logw hlikias, afoy to orio einai ta 65 xronia. To dioikhtiko symboylio toy DNT, to opoio apartizoyn ekproswpoi twn 24 xwrwn h omadwn xwrwn, qa apofasisei mexri tis 30 Ioynioy poios qa einai o neos genikos dieyqynths. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Zhmies 1 dis. sth biomhxaniaZhmia anw toy enos dis. eyrw, syrriknwmenh reystothta kai diogkwmenes braxyproqesmes ofeiles, poy thn kaqistoyn akomh pio eyalwth to trexon etos, kategrace to 2010 h ellhnikh biomhxania ws synolo, me bash ta etairika apotelesmata. Zhmiogonos paramenei, epishs, symfwna kai me ta enopoihmena apotelesmata twn epixeirhsewn apo koinoy me tis diafores, biomhxanikes kai emporikes qygatrikes toys. Gia prwth fora meta to 1991 oi zhmies twn etaireiwn poy ekleisan th xrhsh me arnhtika kaqara oikonomika apotelesmata yperisxysan twn kaqarwn kerdwn twn kerdoforwn epixeirhsewn.Ayta prokyptoyn apo thn epejergasia twn etairikwn isologismwn toy etoys 2010 poy dhmosieysan ws tis 10 Ioynioy 2011 oi perissoteres apo 1.500 mesaioy kai megaloy megeqoys biomhxanikes epixeirhseis ths xwras me pwlhseis anw twn triwn ekatommyriwn eyrw, poy antiproswpeyoyn peri to 95% twn synolikwn pwlhsewn toy ellhnikoy biomhxanikoy tomea, kaqws kai alles, mikroteroy megeqoys biomhxanikes epixeirhseis. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Apoqemata ajias 28 dis.Sta 28 dis. eyrw ektimatai h ajia twn metalleytikwn apoqematwn sto ellhniko ypedafos, anefere o yfypoyrgos Periballontos, Energeias kai Klimatikhs Allaghs k. Giannhs Maniaths milwntas sto Ellhno-Kineziko synedrio Epixeirhmatikothtas poy pragmatopoieitai sthn Aqhna, epikaloymenos sxetikh meleth toy IGME.O yfypoyrgos proanhggeile epishs thn prokhryjh dieqnwn diagwnismwn gia th misqwsh dhmosiwn metalleiwn, symfwna me tis protaseis eidikwn gia thn ajiopoihsh toys poy zhthse h kybernhsh. Oi protaseis aforoyn 30 apo ta 100 metalleia toy Dhmosioy, me ajia apoqematwn anw twn 10 dis. eyrw, kai problepoyn thn prokhryjh diagwnismwn gia epta perioxes stoys nomoys Kilkis kai Rodophs, gia koitasmata xalkoy, xrysoy, meikta qeioyxa kai antimonith. Epipleon, mono sth Xalkidikh ta metalleytika apoqemata ektimwntai se 12 dis. eyrw. ``Einai h prwth fora apo systasews ellhnikoy kratoys poy ginetai mia toso sobarh doyleia tekmhriwshs gia ton anajiopoihto orykto ployto ths xwras mas'', tonise o k. Maniaths. Symfwna me ta stoixeia poy paroysiase, oi pwlhseis ths ejoryktikhs biomhxanias (xwris ta adranh ylika) jepernoyn to 1 dis. eyrw ethsiws apo ta opoia ta 800 ekat. einai ejagwges. Symfwna me ta idia stoixeia h Ellada, einai h monadikh xwra paragwghs xoyntith ston kosmo, prwth xwra paragwghs perlith, deyterh xwra paragwghs kisshrhs kai mpentonith, tetarth paragwgos aloyminas sthn E.E., kaqws kai prwth sthn ejagwgh proiontwn leykoliqoy/magnhsith sthn E.E. Epishs, to ellhniko sidhronikelio kalyptei to 7% twn anagkwn ths eyrwpaikhs biomhxanias anojeidwtoy xalyba. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |