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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-06-22Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Synedriazoyn Ypoyrgiko, Kybernhtikh EpitrophSynedriazei shmera to ypoyrgiko Symboylio, ypo thn proedria toy prwqypoyrgoy Giwrgoy Papandreoy. Basiko qema qa einai o efarmostikos nomos toy mesoproqesmoy sxedioy, o opoios, opws dhlwse o antiproedros ths kybernhshs kai ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Eyaggelos Benizelos, qa chfistei mexri to telos toy mhna. Qa syzhthqei epishs o neos tropos ekdoshs poleodomikwn adeiwn. Nwritera, qa pragmatopoihqei h prwth synedriash ths Kybernhtikhs Epitrophs.Xqes brady, h Boylh, me tis qetikes chfoys 155 boyleytwn toy PASOK, enanti 143 arnhtikwn apo thn antipoliteysh, ananewse thn empistosynh ths pros thn kybernhsh. ``Ta katafernoyme me opoies dyskolies kai me opoia laqh. Stekomaste sta podia mas me opoio kostos kai qysies'', tonise o prwqypoyrgos G. Papandreoy. Video Ekloges zhthse o proedros ths ND Antwnhs Samaras kai aperrice kathgorhmatika to dhmochfisma poy prowqei h kybernhsh. Video Ws enan ekbiasmo me diakybeyma thn pempth dosh toy Mnhmonioy periegrace ta teleytaia "telesigrafa" apo thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, thn eyrwzwnh kai ton k. Soimple pros th xwra mas, h Genikh Grammateas toy KKE Al. Paparhga. Video ``Pash qysia prepei na broyme tropo synennohshs, yparxoyn kales protaseis apo ola ta kommata se ayto to plaisio prepei na proxwrhsoyme'' ypogrammise o proedros toy LAOS G. Karatzaferhs. Video ``H kybernhsh me thn anoxh ths ND kai toy LAOS qysiazei th dhmosia perioysia akomh kai thn idia thn paratajh poy apotelese kormo toy dhmokratikoy xwroy prokeimenoy na proxwrhsei se ayto to migma politikhs poy katastrefei th xwra'' tonise kata thn omilia toy o proedros toy SYRIZA Alejhs Tsipras. Video © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Oi Fileleyqeroi apeiloyn na aporricoyn kaqe metarryqmish toy Symfwnoy StaqerothtasO epikefalhs twn Fileleyqerwn toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy Gki Ferxofstant se synenteyjh toy poy dhmosieyetai shmera sth germanikh efhmerida Die Welt diabebaiwnei oti oi eyrwboyleytes qa aporricoyn kaqe metarryqmish toy Symfwnoy Staqerothtas poy den problepei aytomates kyrwseis kata twn xwrwn me dhmosionomika problhmata."Ean oi eyrwpaikes kybernhseis de symfwnhsoyn stis aytomates kyrwseis stis periptwseis newn xrewn, to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio qa aporricei kaqe nomoqetikh protash gia th metarryqmish toy Symfwnoy Staqerothtas", tonizei o belgos eyrwboyleyths. "Kalytera na mh ginei kamia metarryqmish apo to na ginei mia kakh metarryqmish poy qa yfistato amesws tis kyrwseis twn xrhmatagorwn", prosqetei. "Exoyme anagkh apo ena qarraleo Symfwno Staqerothtas me ena mhxanismo aytomatwn kyrwsewn, o opoios den qa einai pleon ypo ton elegxo twn kybernhsewn. Oi egklhmaties den aytotimwroyntai pote. To idio isxyei kai gia tis kybernhseis sthn Eyrwph", epishmainei o prwhn prwqypoyrgos toy Belgioy. Oi kybernhseis twn 27 xwrwn melwn ths EE kai to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio symfwnoyn stis genikes grammes twn eji nomoqetikwn protasewn poy aposkopoyn sth diaswsh toy mellontos toy eyrw me thn apofygh newn krisewn xreoys. Wstoso, yparxoyn diafwnies gia to qema twn aytomatwn kyrwsewn stis xwres me megala dhmosionomika elleimmata kai xreh. To paketo ayto twn eji nomoqetikwn protasewn eprokeito na egkriqei pron apo ta telh Ioynioy, wstoso h piqanothta ayth einai ypo amfisbhthsh logw twn synexizomenwn diafwniwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] H chfoforia sth Boylh "prwto qema" sth jenh eidhseografiaH xqesinh chfoforia ths ellhnikhs Boylhs poy eixe ws apotelesma thn ananewsh ths empistosynhs ths pros thn kybernhsh toy Giwrgoy Papandreoy, ekane to gyro toy kosmoy mesa apo ta jena praktoreia eidhsewn.Ektenh reportaz kalyptan ta tektainomena toso entos toy Koinoboylioy, oso kai ektos aytoy, paraqetontas apospasmata twn omiliwn toy Prwqypoyrgoy, twn arxhgwn twn politikwn kommatwn kai twn boyleytwn, alla kai twn antidrasewn twn "Aganaktismenwn" politwn poy paremeinan mexri tis prwtes prwines wres sto Syntagma kai kata th diarkeia ths onomastikhs chfoforias apodokimazan toys boyleytes poy edinan chfo empistosynhs sthn kybernhsh. To Roiters egrafe xarakthristika oti h kybernhsh epibiwse me thn chfo empistosynhs poy elabe kai epeshmane pws h xqesinh chfoforia htan kaqoristikhs shmasias, enw to galliko praktoreio metedwse pws to apotelesma ths chfoforias den apotelese ekplhjh kai pws apodokimasthke apo merikes xiliades diadhlwtwn poy diamartyrontan ejw apo th Boylh gia thn politikh litothtas kai idiwtikopoihsewn ths kybernhshs. To germaniko praktoreio eidhsewn epeshmane oti h ellhnikh kybernhsh jeperase to prwto empodio wste na mporesei na kerdisei neo paketo oikonomikhs bohqeias. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Chfiopoihsh qhsayrwn ths Eqnikhs BiblioqhkhsH chfiopoihsh twn qhsayrwn ths Eqnikhs Biblioqhkhs, wste na einai sth diaqesh ths neas genias, einai to ergo poy prowqeitai apo to ypoyrgeio Paideias, to opoio apofasise na ginei ``hlektronikh'' kai h Eqnikh Biblioqhkh ths xwras mas, enw ypo kataskeyh brisketai kai hlektronikh monada diasyndeshs olwn twn Biblioqhkwn ths xwras se ena Eniaio Eqniko Systhmatos Biblioqhkwn.To neo eforeytiko symboylio ths Eqnikhs Biblioqhkhs synanthqhke xqes me thn ypoyrgo Paideias, Anna Diamantopoyloy, h opoia dhlwse oti etsi ``qa mporei kaqe maqhths kai kaqe neos na exei thn Eqnikh Biblioqhkh se ena ''flasaki''''. Neos proedros toy eforeytikoy symboylioy ths Eqnikhs Biblioqhkhs qa einai o Xaralampos Moytsopoylos, kaqhghths Iatrikhs sto Panepisthmio Aqhnwn. H ypoyrgos Paideias anaferqhke sto neo rolo poy kaleitai na diadramatisei h Eqnikh Biblioqhkh. Gia thn ylopoihsh aytoy toy stoxoy h Anna Diamantopoyloy eqese tesseris proypoqeseis: - Thn chfiopoihsh oloy toy ylikoy ths Eqnikhs Biblioqhkhs - Th dhmioyrgia katallhlhs chfiakhs ypodomhs gia th syllogh kai diathrhsh toy chfiakoy periexomenoy poy paragetai sth xwra mas, - Th dhmioyrgia Eniaioy Eqnikoy Katalogoy kai ``ejypnhs'' mhxanhs anazhthshs toy ylikoy kai - Thn kataskeyh Hlektronikhs Monadas Diasyndeshs olwn twn Biblioqhkwn ths xwras pros thn kateyqynsh ths ylopoihshs toy Eniaioy Eqnikoy Systhmatos Biblioqhkwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] "Syntagmatiko to Mnhmonio"``Abrexto'' perase to Mnhmonio apo thn plhrh Olomeleia toy Symboylioy ths Epikrateias, kaqws kriqhke apo toys dikastes, oi opoioi akoloyqhsan tis eishghseis ths Mairh Sarp kai ths Spyridoylas Xrysikopoyloy, oti den proskroyei stis syntagmatikes epitages, sthn Eyrwpaikh Symbash Dikaiwmatwn toy Anqrwpoy (ESDA) kai tis Dieqneis Symbaseis.Oi 55 symboyloi Epikrateias tonisan oti oi perikopes stis apodoxes, syntajeis k.lp. poy eginan me to Mnhmonio einai symbates me to Syntagma, thn ESDA kai tis Dieqneis Symbaseis katw apo tis sygkekrimenes sygkyries, poy epikratoyn sthn Ellada kai en ocei ths anagkhs apofyghs ths xreokopias. Se periptwsh, de, poy yparxei neo Mnhmonio kai qa epibalei nees perikopes apodoxwn, k.lp., tote to StE qa krinei ek neoy me tis synqhkes kai sygkyries, poy qa epikratoyn sto xroniko ekeino shmeio. Eidikotera, oi symboyloi Epikrateias ekrinan oti to mnhmonio den xreiazotan na chfistei apo th Boylh me thn pleiochfia twn 3/5, kaqws den apotelei dieqnh symbash. Akomh, h plhrhs Olomeleia toy Anwtatoy Akyrwtikoy Dikasthrioy apofanqhke oti oyte me to Mnhmonio anagnwrizontai ejoysies se organa dieqnwn organismwn, oi opoies periorizoyn kaq' oiondhpote tropo thn askhsh ths eqnikhs kyriarxias, enw taytoxrona h kybernhsh diathrei thn kat' arqro 82 toy Syntagmatos ejoysia ths gia th xarajh ths genikhs politikhs ths xwras, alla kai h entajh ths Elladas sto Dieqnes Nomismatiko Tameio den periorizei thn askhsh ths eqnikhs ths kyriarxias. Sto Anwtato Akyrwtiko Dikasthrio exoyn prosfygei o Dikhgorikos Syllogos Aqhnwn (DSA), h ADEDY, h ESHEA, oi syntajioyxoi kai oi alloi foreis, epeita apo prwtoboylia toy tote proedroy toy DSA, Dhmhtrh Pajinoy. Malista, oi dikastes ekrinan, kata pleiochfia, oti o DSA exei ennomo symferon na prosfygei sto StE kata toy Mnhmonioy. To plhres reportaz toy Pan. Tsimpoykh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Katalhch sto ypoyrgeio YpodomwnKatalhch sto ypoyrgeio Ypodomwn ekanan shmera to prwi syndikalistes ths GENOP, se endeijh diamartyrias gia tis ofeiles toy ypoyrgeioy pros th DEH, enw qa proxwrhsoyn kai se diakoph ths hlektrodothshs toy ypoyrgeioy.H GENOP anaferei oti thn wra poy kobetai to reyma stoys ftwxoys, toys anergoys kai toys syntajioyxoys, h Politeia einai o xeiroteros kakoplhrwths ths DEH, xrwstwntas 135 ekat. eyrw, me prwto to ypoyrgeio Ypodomwn. Kai qetei to erwthma, an qa yphrxan oi ofeiles aytes sthn periptwsh poy h DEH htan idiwtikh etairia. En tw metajy, synanthsh me ton ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn E.Benizelo zhthse h GENOP prokeimenoy opws anaferei ``estw kai twra na stamathsei h sygkroysh''. To plhres reportaz toy K.Boytsadakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] Epanejelegh o Mpan Ki MoynO Notiokoreaths Mpan Ki Moyn, 67 etwn, ejelegh apo thn Genikh Syneleysh toy OHE gia mia deyterh pentaeth qhteia ws genikos grammateas toy Organismoy me dia bohs chfoforia.H eklogh toy htan sxedon bebaih, kaqws o Mpan Ki Moyn den eixe antipalo, enw eixe ejasfalisei thn yposthrijh kai twn dekapente melwn toy Symboylioy Asfaleias. H trexoysa qhteia toy lhgei stis 31 Dekembrioy toy 2011. H deyterh qhteia toy qa diarkesei apo thn 1h Ianoyarioy 2012 ews thn 31h Dekembrioy 2016. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [08] Apodokimasies sto ``nai''Me apodokimasies ``ypodexqhkan'' thn chfo empistosynhs pros thn kybernhsh oi ``Aganaktismenoi'', poy paremeinan mexri arga th nykta sygkentrwmenoi sthn Plateia Syntagmatos mprosta apo to ktirio ths Boylhs.Se kaqe qetikh chfo boyleyth, to onoma toy opoioy akoygotan apo megafwno poy exei sthqei ejw apo to koinoboylio, oi sygkentrwmenoi fwnazan ``anepiqymhtos''. Me to telos ths chfoforias kai gia liga lepta, mprosta ston frakth, poy einai topoqethmenos gia na empodizei thn prosbash ston proaylio xwro ths Boylhs, dhmioyrghqhke mikroentash, otan merida twn sygkentrwmenwn ektojeye mpoykalia me nero pros to eswteriko toy proaylioy toy Koinoboylioy. H katastash, wstoso, ektonwqhke me thn epembash twn cyxraimoterwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [09] ''Pragmatikh diagrafh''O sosialdhmokraths prwhn ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn ths Germanias Peer Stainmprik zhthse mia ``pragmatikh diagrafh xreoys'' ths Elladas kai mia ``aspida diaswshs'' gia episfaleis trapezes.``Mia bhpiab anadiarqrwsh mesw epimhkynshs toy xronoy apoplhrwmhs h meiwshs twn epitokiwn qa dwsei mono mia mikrh anasa'', leei o k. Stainmprik sthn shmerinh ekdosh ths ebdomadiaias efhmeridas DIE ZEIT . ``Apo kairo pleon to zhthma den einai to beanb alla to 'pws' gia mia pragmatikh diagrafh xreoys'', leei o k. Stainmprik, shmeiwnontas oti xwris diagrafh xrewn h Ellada ``den qa mporesei na apallagei apo tis symfores ths''. O sosialdhmokraths politikos epikrinei thn kentrodejia kybernhsh ths kagkelarioy Merkel gia mia ejada ``apodeijimes metastrofes h piroyetes'' sthn eyrwpaikh ths politikh, ejaitias twn opoiwn oi xrhmatagores den phran safh mhnymata, opws leei. O prwhn ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn proteinei mia ``prwtoboylia ameshs diasfalishs'' twn eyrwpaikwn pistwtikwn idrymatwn, wste na mhn plhgoyn toso sklhra apo endexomenh diagrafh toy ellhnikoy xreoys. Ayto ``mporei na apodeixqei perissotero symferon apo mia synexh daneiodothsh ths Elladas me ayjhmena riska mh apoplhrwmhs'', yposthrizei o k. Stainmprik. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [10] ``Etsi eimai ''To Festibal Kinhmatografoy Qessalonikhs symmetexei sto Festibal twn Pagkosmiwn Agwnwn Special Olympics Aqhna 2011 (26 Ioynioy - 3 Ioylioy), mesa apo to afierwma ``Etsi eimai - Anatrepontas prokatalhceis''.Se olh th diarkeia ths agwnistikhs periodoy, qa problhqoyn 21 ntokimanter gyrw apo tis anagkes kai thn kaqhmerinothta twn sygkekrimenwn atomwn kai toy yposthriktikoy periballontos toys kai kyriws ton agwna twn idiwn kai twn syggenwn toys kata toy stigmatos kai ths prokatalhchs poy diakatexei thn koinwnia se tetoies periptwseis.Asqeneies opws o aytismos, to syndromo Down, atoma me nohtikh kaqysterhsh, oi dyskolies apokatastashs twn atomwn me eidikes anagkes, prwtagwnistoyn stis tainies apo tis opoies tesseris einai ellhnikes. H Prigkipissa Xristinh (2007) ths Iridas Zaxmanidh, h Parastash (2003) toy Nikoy Aleyra, ``Maqhmata - Paqhmata: Ti qa ginei o Dhmhtrhs;'' (2006) twn Balery Kontakoy kai Giannh Misoyridh kai ``H faka'' (2010) ths Marinas Danezh. To afierwma ``Etsi eimai - Anatrepontas tis prokatalhceis'', pragmatopoihqhke sth diarkeia toy 13oy Festibal Ntokimanter Qessalonikhs. Symmetexoyn jenes tainies. Endeiktika anaferontai: ``Oi Neyrotypikoi'' (2010) toy Antam Larsen, poy ejereyna th diaxwristikh grammh metajy twn orwn ``fysiologikoi'' kai ``aytistikoi'', ``Tb onoma ths einai Sampin'' (2007), skhnoqetiko ntempoyto ths hqopoioy Santrin Mponer, panw se ena proswpiko dokimio-martyria, alla kai mia kataggelia gia thn elleich synepoys kai katallhlhs periqalchs twn atomwn me dianohtika problhmata (apespase to brabeio Fipresci sto Festibal Kanwn toy 2007), to ntokimanter ``To agori kai to alogo'' (2009) toy Misel Oraion Skot, opoy me ajona th sxesh goniwn kai aytistikwn paidiwn, o skhnoqeths apodidei me fwteina xrwmata th gennaia maxh twn oikogeneiwn. H tainia basizetai sto omotitlo biblio toy I. Roypert. To plhres reportaz ths N.Domnakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |