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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-07-05Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Sporoi apo Aigypto "ypoptoi" gia epidhmia E.ColiEna fortio mosxositaroy poy eishxqh to 2009 apo thn Aigypto qewreitai "o pio piqanos syndesmos" anamesa sta kroysmata dhlhthriashs apo to bakthrio E.coli sth Gallia kai th Germania, anakoinwse shmera h eyrwpaikh yphresia asfaleias trofimwn EFSA.H EFSA zhthse apo thn Eyrwpaikh Epitroph na labei ta aparaithta metra gia na apofeyxqoyn nees molynseis kai h aposyrsh twn sporwn poy proerxontai apo to en logw fortio mporei na apofasistei shmera apo thn EE, symfwna me mia eyrwpaikh phgh. H EFSA kalei epishs toys katanalwtes na mhn trwne fytra para monon an exoyn mageireytei epimelws. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Moody's: Trapezikes zhmies apo anaxrhmatodothsh xreoysTo galliko sxedio gia thn anaxrhmatodothsh twn ellhnikwn omologwn mporei na odhghsei se amesh zhmia twn trapezwn, symfwna me enhmerwtiko shmeiwma toy oikoy ajiologhshs Moody's, sto opoio anaferetai h efhmerida Wall Street Journal.Wstoso, opws anaferei to dhmosieyma, o oikos den exei dhlwsei akomh rhta oti to sxedio qa odhghsei se ypobaqmish ths pistolhptikhs ajiologhshs ths Elladas sthn kathgoria ths epilektikhs xreokopias, kati poy ekane xqes me anakoinwsh toy o oikos Standard & Poor's. To praktoreio Roiter anaferei oti se anakoinwsh poy esteile se ayto o oikos Moody's - klhqeis na sxoliasei th gallikh protash - anaferei oti o idios den symmetexei stis syzhthseis gia thn anaxrhmatodothsh toy ellhnikoy xreoys kai prosqetei: "Molis oi arxes oristikopoihsoyn thn apofash toys, oi synepeies oson afora thn pistolhptikh ajiologhsh qa ektimhqoyn me bash tis dhmosiopoihmenes meqodologies kai toys dhmosiopoihmenoys orismoys mas". To Roiter anaferei oti se ekqesh poy dhmosiopoihse thn perasmenh ebdomada o Moody's shmeiwne oti qa qewrhsei ws xreokopia opoiadhpote epiblabh antallagh omologwn, qewrwntas ws epiblabh mia prosfora newn omologwn meiwmenhs oikonomikhs ajias me skopo thn apofygh xreokopias, xwris na anaferqei eidika sth gallikh protash. Stis arxes Ioynioy, prin ypoblhqei h gallikh protash, o epikefalhs toy Moody's eixe dhlwsei oti einai dyskolo na dei kaneis pws mia anakyklwsh toy ellhnikoy xreoys apo idiwtes einai pragmatika eqelontikh kai gia to logo ayto qa synistoyse piqanotata xreokopia. Sto shmeiwma poy esteile shmera o oikos Moody's, anaferei oti to galliko sxedio mporei na shmainei amesh zhmia se sxesh me ta omologa poy diakratoyn oi trapezes sto emporiko xartofylakio toys (diaqesima gia pwlhseis) kai oti zhmia mporei na yparjei kai gia ta omologa poy diakratoyntai ews th lhjh toys. O oikos, prosqese oti h telikh metaxeirish twn omologwn qa ejarthqei apo thn ermhneia poy qa dwsoyn oi trapezes kai oi elegktes toys stoys dieqneis logistikoys kanones. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Diplh bombistikh epiqesh sto Irak me 35 nekroysDiplh epiqesh shmeiwqhke shmera se kybernhtiko ktirio ths irakinhs polhs Tatzi me apotelesma na skotwqoyn 35 anqrwpoi kai na traymatistoyn 28, kat' alles phges 50, dhlwse o yfypoyrgos Ygeias Xamis al-Saant.Pagideymeno aytokinhto kai mia bomba ejerraghsan ston xwro staqmeyshs toy ktirioy sthn Tatzi, h opoia brisketai se apostash peripoy 20 xiliometrwn boreiws ths Bagdaths, dhlwsan phges twn yphresiwn asfaleias ths xwras. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] FT: H EKT qa synexisei na apodexetai ellhnika omologaH Eyrwpaikh Kentrikh Trapeza qa synexisei na apodexetai ellhnika kratika omologa ws eggyhsh gia thn paroxh reystothtas ews otoy to synolo twn oikwn ajiologhshs pistolhptikhs ikanothtas ta katatajoyn se epipedo "xreokopias", epishmainetai shmera se dhmosieyma ths bretanikhs oikonomikhs efhmeridas Financial Times, poy metedwse to praktoreio Roiters.Symfwna me to dhmosieyma, h kinhsh ayth anamenetai na dieykolynei thn epiteyjh symbibastikhs lyshs anaforika me thn ellhnikh krish xreoys, kaqws den einai akomh bebaio oti oloi oi oikoi ajiologhshs pistolhptikhs ikanothtas qa ypobaqmisoyn to ellhniko ajioxreo se kaqestws xreokopias meta thn eqelontikh metakylish xreoys poy katexei o idiwtikos tomeas sto plaisio toy deyteroy xrhmatodotikoy paketoy pros th xwra. Endexomenh arnhsh ths EKT na apodexqei ellhnika omologa gia thn paroxh reystothtas qa mporoyse na shmatodothsei ena neo kyma trapezikhs anataraxhs, kaqws oi ellhnikes trapezes den qa mporoysan na exoyn prosbash stoys poroys ths kentrikhs trapezas H EKT xrhsimopoiei tesseris oikoys ajiologhshs, toys Standard & Poor's, Fitch, Moody's kai DBRS gia ton prosdiorismo ths katallhlothtas twn eggyhsewn gia thn paroxh reystothtas. Opws epishmainetai sto sxetiko dhmosieyma twn Financial Times, "h EKT qa sthrixqei sthn arxh ths kalyterhs diaqesimhs ajiologhshs apo toys Oikoys", dhlwse phgh ths kentrikhs trapezas poy epikaleitai h efhmerida. Mexri stigmhs den exei yparjei epishmos sxoliasmos toy dhmosieymatos apo thn EKT. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Xiliades oi aithseisPerissoteres apo 3.200 aithseis yperxrewmenwn noikokyriwn exoyn katateqei gia dikastikh ryqmish pros ta Eirhnodikeia olhs ths xwras to prwto ejamhno toy etoys. H ''ekrhjh'' twn aithsewn odhghse thn Genikh Grammateia Katanalwth na dhmioyrghsei dyo efarmoges plhroforikhs - ergaleia ypologismoy gia na dieykolynqoyn oi ofeiletes kai oloi oi endiaferomenoi (dikhgoroi, enwseis katanalwtwn, dikastes k.a.) gia thn ajiopoihsh kai efarmogh toy n. 3869/2010.O genikos grammateas Katanalwth k. D. Spyrakos dhlwse sxetika oti ''h prwth apofash poy hdh ekdoqhke epibebaiwnei th realistikh prooptikh diejodoy apo thn yperxrewsh poy prosferei o n. 3869/10 sta noikokyria poy briskontai se monimh adynamia na antapokriqoyn stis ypoxrewseis toys''. O k. Spyrakos gnwstopoihse oti sthn istoselida ths Genikhs Grammateias Katanalwth ( anarthqhkan dyo efarmoges plhroforikhs poy epitrepoyn na ginei mesa se elaxista lepta o akribhs prosdiorismos twn ypoxrewsewn toy ofeileth pros toys pistwtes toy. To plhres keimeno ths E.Papadoshfakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Patatakia san "marixoyana"Dyskola mporei na antistaqei kaneis ston peirasmo na faei mono ena patataki kai syxna katalhgei na katanalwsei olh th sakoyla me ta tsips.Twra, oi episthmones pisteyoyn oti brhkan thn aitia: lipares trofes, opws ta patatakia kai oi thganhtes patates, "pyrodotoyn" sto swma thn paragwgh xhmikwn oysiwn, twn endokanabinoeidwn, poy moiazoyn poly me aytes poy periexontai sthn marixoyana kai prokaloyn eqismo. Oi ereynhtes, me epikefalhs thn kaqhghtria farmakologias Ntaniele Piomeli ths Iatrikhs Sxolhs toy panepisthmioy ths Kalifornia-Irbain, poy dhmosieysan th sxetikh meleth sto periodiko Praktika ths Eqnikhs Akadhmias Episthmwn twn HPA (PNAS), symperanan oti ta endokanabinoeidh sto entero paizoyn shmantiko rolo, kaqws apoteloyn zwtiko kriko enos kykloy poy wqei to atomo na laxtara akoma ena patataki, ki allo ena k.o.k. Symfwna me toys ereynhtes, to lipos sto entero, poy proerxetai apo thn katanalwsh twn tsips, prokalei thn apeleyqerwsh twn endokanabinoeidwn ston egkefalo. Tis idies oysies, poy moiazoyn me thn marixoyana, paragei kai to anqrwpino derma, kaqws to prostateyoyn apo ton anemo kai ton hlio. Ta endokanabinoeidh epishs ephreazoyn thn orejh kai th geysh, symfwna me prohgoymenes ereynes. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |