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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-07-05Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Nea meiwsh kataqesewn ton MaioSynexisthke me ameiwto ryqmo h aposyrsh twn kataqesewn kai ton Maio. Symfwna me ta stoixeia poy dhmosiopoihse h Trapeza ths Ellados, oi kataqeseis epixeirhsewn kai noikokyriwn meiwqhkan ton Maio kata 4,9 dis. eyrw.H nea ayth ekroh anebazei tis synolikes apwleies poy exoyn ypostei oi trapezes apo thn arxh toy etoys sta 17,8 dis. eyrw. H ejelijh kaqista dyskoloterh thn apejarthsh twn ellhnikwn trapezwn apo th reystothta poy prosferei h Eyrwpaikh Kentrikh Trapeza. Ypenqymizetai oti to xreos twn ellhnikwn trapezwn ayjhqhke ton Maio sta 97,5 dis. eyrw apo 86,8 dis. eyrw poy htan ton Aprilio. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Thn amesh dialeykansh twn "sthmenwn" zhta apo thn EPO h UEFA VideoO Sofoklhs Pilabios proanhggeile se xqesinobradynh thleoptikh ekpomph, oti shmera qa dwsei sthn dhmosiothta thn epistolh poy toy apesteile h UEFA kai poy afora sthn ypoqesh me toys ``sthmenoys'' agwnes. Prin apo ligo, o proedros ths EPO, ekane prajh thn yposxesh toy kai h epistolh poy ypografetai apo ton Italo, Geniko Grammatea ths eyrwpaikhs omospondias, Tziani Infantino, brisketai se koinh qea.Sta shmantikotera shmeia ths epistolhs toy Italoy paragonta, anaferetai h epiqymia ths UEFA gia amesh kai eggrafh enhmerwsh ths apo thn EPO, sxetika me thn ejelijh ths sygkekrimenhs ypoqeshs, enw ginetai eidikh anafora ston Olympiako Boloy kai thn symmetoxh toy sto Europa League, me aformh thn diwjh kai thn profylakish toy - tews pleon - proedroy ths PAE, Axillea Mpeoy. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Oygko Tsabes: "Akomh den kerdisa th maxh me ton karkino" VideoO proedros ths Benezoyelas Oygko Tsabes milwntas stoys xiliades yposthriktes toy poy sygkentrwqhkan ejw apo to proedriko megaro sto Karakas, tonise pws den exei akoma kerdisei "th maxh toy" enantion toy karkinoy kai toys zhthse na deijoyn dynamh kai ypomonh."Eimai sigoyros oti katalabainete tis dyskolies ayths ths maxhs. Kaneis den prepei na pisteyei pws h paroysia moy edw shmainei oti kerdisame th maxh", epishmane o Tsabes. O proedros ths Benezoyelas eipe akoma pws qa synexisei na akoloyqei ena aysthro programma qerapeias kai zhthse apo to plhqos na ton synodeysei "ws thn telikh nikh" kata ths asqeneias. O 56xronos Tsabes epestrece thn Deytera sthn patrida toy meta thn paramonh enos mhna sthn Koyba. Stis 20 Ioynioy xeiroyrghqhke sthn Abana gia thn afairesh karkinikoy ogkoy apo thn perioxh ths lekanhs. O idios tonise pws "ezhse dyskoles stigmes", alla prosqese pws pisteyei oti qa kerdisei th maxh. "Qa zhsoyme kai qa kerdisoyme", katelhje sthn omilia toy. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] "Kleidi" h meiwsh forwnMeiwseis forwn kai anaptyjiaka metra gia na bgei h Ellada apo thn krish, proteinei o Antwnhs Samaras me synenteyjh toy sthn Wall Street Journal.O proedros ths ND xarakthrizei apotyxhmeno to programma litothtas sthn Ellada kai zhta thn amesh epanejetash toy. "Pisteyw oti oi pistwtes mas qa prepei na allajoyn politikh. To erwthma moy einai giati qa prepei na katrakylhsoyme ki allo; Se treis mhnes qa zhtame jana xrhmata", anaferei kai epanalambanei tis qeseis toy yper ths meiwshs twn forwn. "Anti na "straggalizei" thn ellhnikh oikonomia me ayjhseis forwn, h Eyrwph kai to Dieqnes Nomismatiko Tameio qa prepei na epitrecoyn sthn Ellada na meiwsei toys foroys gia thn epanekkinhsh ths anaptyjhs", dhlwnei. Epishs o k. Samaras, gnwstopoiei ti eipe sth Germanida kagkelario Aggela Merkel sthn prosfath synodo toy ELK stis Bryjelles: "Eipa sth Merkel: Koita, an to sxedio soy exei apotelesma, tote eimai laqos. Omws, an den exei apotelesma, tote qa xreiasteis ena neo sxedio kai egw eimai aytos poy mporei na to efarmosei". © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Ploysio kallitexniko "menoy""Iera terata" apo ton xwro toy qeatroy, opws o Phter Mproyk poy qa paroysiasei ton diko toy "Magiko Aylo", ths moysikhs, opws h monadikh Marqa Argkerix, poy fqanei me toys filoys ths - anamesa toys o Gioyri Mpasmet, o Sthben Kobasebits, o Misa Maisky, h Ntora Mpakopoyloy k.a. - gia na mas katakthsei me to talento kai to paqos ths, orxhstres poy exoyn anagnwrisqei ws koryfaies ston kosmo, opws h Filarmonikh ths Biennhs kai h Kontsertxempaoy toy Amsterntam, lyrikoi tragoydistes, poy apoqewnontai sta megalytera qeatra toy kosmoy, opws o Gionas Kaoyfman, o Kristof Pregkarntien, h Marlis Petersen h ermhneytes, opws o pianistas Zan-Yb Timpwnte, o spoydaios tselistas Piter Bispelbey, h diashmh pianista Elen Gkrimw kai polloi alloi, einai merika mono apo osa perilambanei h kallitexnikh periodos 2011-2012 toy Megaroy Moysikhs Aqhnwn.To plhres programma toy Megaroy Moysikhs gia thn erxomenh xronia paroysiasthke apo ton kallitexniko dieyqynth toy Megaroy, Niko Tsoyxlo, paroysia arketwn ekproswpwn apo ton xwro toy politismoy. ``H sezon 2011-2012 einai xronia empedwshs twn ajonwn, poy xaraxthkan perysi. To kallitexniko programma anaptyssetai se 19 qematikoys kykloys ki enw h klasikh moysikh kyriarxei, opws einai fysiko, perilambanontai, wstoso, oles oi ekfraseis toy anejantlhtoy kosmoy ths moysikhs, apo thn paradosiakh, thn entexnh h thn tzaz mazi me ekdhlwseis apo ton xwro toy qeatroy, toy xoroy kai twn eikastikwn'', anefere o Nikos Tsoyxlos. To plhres keimeno ths Nantias Mpakopoyloy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Tram kai podhlato...Thn eykairia na apolaysoyn mia bolta sthn paralia me podhlato dinei h etairia poy diaxeirizetai to tram stoys epibates toy.To epityxhmeno ``prasino'' programma, me titlo ``Tram - Podhlato, Parallhles Diadromes'', efarmozetai gia deyterh synexh xronia apo th STASY A.E., thn etaireia poy diaxeirizetai th leitoyrgia toy tram. To programma parexei th dynatothta se osoys apo toys epibates toy mesoy epiqymoyn na pane sthn paralia me to tram, na kanoyn bolta ekei me podhlato. Ta podhlata kai o sxetikos ejoplismos asfaleias parexontai entelws dwrean apo thn etaireia, se eidika periptera sthn perioxh toy Floisboy. H dwrean diaqesh podhlatwn jekinaei thn Tetarth 6 Ioylioy. Oi wres diaqeshs twn podhlatwn einai apo tis 17:30 ews tis 20:30. To programma qa diarkesei ews tis 30 Septembrioy. Oi epibates me thn epideijh toy eniaioy eisithrioy meswn metaforas, akyrwmenoy ews kai miamish wra nwritera, kai thn kataqesh astynomikhs taytothtas h diplwmatos odhghshs stoys ypallhloys ths etaireias, qa mporoyn na paralambanoyn ta podhlata gia miamish wra. Ta eggrafa qa epistrefontai me thn paradosh twn podhlatwn. To plhres keimeno toy D. Kampash sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] "Xeirofreno" ayrio sta tajiSe poreia sygkroyshs odhgoyntai oi sxeseis twn odhgwn taji kai toy ypoyrgeioy Ypodomwn, Metaforwn kai Diktywn. To D.S. ths Panellhnias Omospondias Taji, synedriase shmera ektaktws kai apofasise omofwna thn pragmatopoihsh 24wrhs panelladikhs apergias. Etsi ta taji olhs ths xwras, qa parameinoyn akinhtopoihmena apo tis 5 ta jhmerwmata ths Tetarths, ews tis 5 ta jhmerwmata ths Pempths.Adeia taji me ena aplo aithma Thn Deytera, o ypoyrgos Ypodomwn G. Ragkoyshs anakoinwse oti me ena aplo aithma sthn Perifereia kai thn katabolh enos xamhloy antitimoy, kaqe endiaferomenos qa mporei na apokthsei adeia taji, opws anakoinwse enw jekaqarise oti den qa ypogracei to proedriko diatagma poy eixe etoimasei o prokatoxos toy, D. Reppas kaqws opws tonise den proekypte h dynatothta ekdoshs newn adeiwn se Aqhna kai Qessalonikh, opoy to epaggelma ejakoloyqoyse na einai kleisto. Ypogrammise epishs oti to parabolo gia thn apokthsh adeias taji qa einai "ejairetika xamhlo" enw to epomeno diasthma qa kaqoristoyn kai oi periorismoi gia th xorhghsh adeias taji, opws p.x. to leyko poiniko mhtrwo. G. Mixelakhs: O enas gkremizei oti extize o allos "Skorpoxwri" xarakthrise thn kybernhsh o ekproswpos ths ND Giannhs Mixelakhs, me aformh thn apeleyqerwsh twn taji. "O enas gkremizei osa extize o allos. Xarakthristiko paradeigma o ypoyrgos Ypodomwn, Metaforwn kai Diktywn k. G. Ragkoyshs poy akyrwnei etsiqelika kai xwris kamia synennohsh me kanena osa symfwnhse kai prowqoyse, ws pros thn apeleyqerwsh twn "taji", o prokatoxos toy k. D. Reppas" anefere o k. Mixelakhs. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |