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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-07-17Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Sthn Aqhna h Xilari KlintonSthn Aqhna brisketai h ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn twn HPA Xilari Klinton, meta thn episkech ths sthn Toyrkia, opoy symmeteixe sth synodo ths omadas Epafhs gia th Libyh.Kata thn paramonh ths sth xwra mas, h k.Klinton qa exei synanthseis, shmera, me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, ton prwqypoyrgo, ton omologo ths ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn, ton ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn kai ayrio me ton arxhgo ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs. Sth qematologia twn syzhthsewn poy qa exei h k.Klinton me thn ellhnikh politikh hgesia, basiko rolo qa exoyn ta zhthmata poy sxetizontai me thn oikonomikh krish kai tis ependyseis. Oi ejelijeis sth Libyh (idiaitera meta apo thn apofash ths Kwnstantinoypolhs, opoy h Omada Epafhs nomimopoihse ws dieqnh synomilhth to metabatiko Eqniko Symboylio, airontas th nomimopoihsh ths apo ton M.Kantafi), alla kai sto Mesanatoliko - opoy sth synodo toy Koyartetoy diefanh oti den yparxoyn prooptikes anaqermanshs twn eirhneytikwn synomiliwn - qa einai epishs dyo apo ta basika qemata twn syzhthsewn. Sto epikentro qa breqoyn kai ta zhthmata poy idiaiterws endiaferoyn th xwra mas. To Kypriako, enocei ths trimeroys synanthshs me ton GG toy OHE ton Oktwbrio sth N.Yorkh, ta ellhnotoyrkika, alla kai oi ejelijeis poy sxetizontai me thn PGDM. Telos, oi ejelijeis sto Afganistan, einai qema pros syzhthsh. Ajizei na shmeiwqei, oti h Amerikanida ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn episkeptetai thn Ellada se mia idiaitera lepth fash twn ejelijewn poy aforoyn th diaxeirish ths krishs, poy omws sympiptei kai me mia ejisoy dyskolh sygkyria gia thn kybernhsh Ompama. Dedomenoy, oti ws tis 2 Aygoystoy qa prepei na exei symfwnhqei me toys Repoymplikanoys sto Kogkreso, to anwtato orio omospondiakoy daneismoy, alliws eperxetai paysh plhrwmwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Ektakth synodos gia to xreosO proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, Xerman Ban Rompai, anakoinwse thn Paraskeyh oti sygkalese ektakth synodo koryfhs twn xwrwn ths eyrwzwnhs gia tis 21 Ioylioy me qema thn krish xreoys kai th bohqeia pros thn Ellada."Apofasisa na sygkalesw synodo twn hgetwn twn xwrwn-melwn ths eyrwzwnhs stis 21 Ioylioy, stis 12:00 stis Bryjelles (13:00 wra Elladas), anaferei o Rompai sthn istoselida toy sto Twitter. Opws shmeiwnei, sthn atzenta twn synomiliwn qa teqoyn "h dhmosionomikh staqerothta ths eyrwzwnhs sto synolo ths kai h mellontikh xrhmatodothsh toy ellhnikoy programmatos". H epikeimenh ektakth synodos koryfhs ths EE qa prepei na steilei ena "safes mhnyma yper ths Eyrwphs", qewrei o ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Germanias, Gkinto Besterbele. Ayto einai pros to symferon kai ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs kai pros to symferon ths Germanias, ektimhse, symfwna me diplwmatikes phges, o k. Besterbele kata th diarkeia episkechs toy sto Mejiko. Sto metajy, koryfaioi Germanoi eyrwboyleytes piezoyn gia mia taxeia epilysh ths krishs. Sto metajy, to germaniko ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn ektima oti h Ellada qa mporoyse na meiwsei to xreos ths kata 20 disekatommyria eyrw, ean agorasei h idia ta omologa ths, se ena apo ta senaria poy ejetazei to Berolino, grafei to ebdomadiaio periodiko Der Spiegel sto teyxos toy poy kykloforei thn Deytera. Sto ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn ektimoyn oti ayto to senario einai ekeino poy qa mporoyse kalytera na tairiajei ayth th stigmh "sthn Eyrwph", prosqetei to periodiko. To Eyrwpaiko Tameio Xrhmatopistwtikhs Staqerothtas (ETXS), " qa daneisei xrhmata sthn Ellada gia na mporesei na epanagorasei h idia apo idiwtes pistwtes stis times ths agoras" grafei to Spiegel. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Xwris taji apo ayrioXwris taji qa parameinei apo th Deytera h Aqhna meta thn apofash twn idiokthtwn taji, oi opoioi antidroyn sthn plhrh apeleyqerwsh toy epaggelmatos toys, na proxwrhsoyn se 48wrh apergia.H apergia qa jekinhsei apo tis 5 ta jhmerwmata ths Deyteras 18 Ioylioy kai qa diarkesei ews tis 5 ta jhmerwmata ths Tetarths 20 Ioylioy. Oi idiokthtes taji proeidopoioyn kai gia apergia diarkeias. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Kyriakatiko sxoleioEji xronia leitoyrgias kleinei fetos to Kyriakatiko Sxoleio Metanastwn. Apo ta qrania toy -kaqe Sabbato apogeyma kai Kyriakh- exoyn perasei 3.500 maqhtes kai polles ekatontades daskalwn. Ekei paradidontai dwrean maqhmata ellhnikwn, se enhlikoys metanastes kai prosfyges, apo Ellhnes daskaloys, filologoys, metaptyxiakoys foithtes, syntajioyxoys ekpaideytikoys.``Se synqhkes anyparjias ekpaideytikwn domwn gia enhlikoys metanastes, to Kyriakatiko Sxoleio Metanastwn (KSM) einai enas apo toys ligoys qesmoys poy parexei eqelontika stoys allodapoys th dynatothta na maqoyn thn ellhnikh glwssa, aparaithto oplo gia na entaxqoyn sthn ellhnikh koinwnia'' leei sto APE-MPE, o ekpaideytikos Qanashs Koyrkoylas, apo toys prwtergates toy KSM kai symplhrwnei: ``Den eyelpistoyme oti qa lysoyme emeis to problhma, alla qeloyme na apotelesoyme to enaysma gia na kanoyn oi foreis kai to kratos o,ti mporoyn''. Ta maqhmata glwssas ginontai se eji epipeda, ejhgei h Eyh Makrh, poy symballei systhmatika sth leitoyrgia toy sxoleioy ta teleytaia tria xronia. ``Jekiname apo ton syllabismo kai to alfabhto sto prwto epipedo kai fqanoyme mexri to ekto epipedo, opote mporoyn na dwsoyn ejetaseis gia ptyxio ellhnomaqeias. Ta maqhmata toy prwtoy epipedoy einai afierwmena sto alfabhto kai ton syllabismo, poy einai dyskolh ypoqesh gia osoys miloyn farsi, oyrntoy, mpagkla, arabika. Stis glwsses aytes den yparxei h ennoia ths syllabhs, ta fwnhenta den grafontai, alla orizontai apo tonoys, h grafh kai h antilhch ths glwssas einai teleiws diaforetikes apo twn indoeyrwpaikwn glwsswn. S' ayto to epipedo dieykolynontai mono osoi hdh gnwrizoyn agglika'' © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Me odhgo tis eidhseisEna myqistorhma basismeno se istorika stoixeia exei panta endiaferon. H anasynqesh mias epoxhs, akoma ki an den stoxeyei sthn ermhneia twn pragmatwn, einai mia proklhsh gia ton anagnwsth, enas epipleon logos gia na to epilejei. Poso mallon otan h periodos poy perigrafei einai mia apo tis pio sygklonistikes sthn istoria ths xwras mas.To ergo ``Mayrh Petra'' toy qessalonikioy syggrafea Giannh Grhgorakh sygkatalegetai sb ayth thn kathgoria. H proklhsh wstoso den estiazetai mono sta tragika gegonota ths epoxhs, poy ektylissontai ligo prin to jespasma toy A' Pagkosmioy Polemoy. Enas epipleon logos gia na paroysiasoyme th ``Mayrh Petra'' htan o idios o hrwas toy biblioy, o Aggelos Siganos, enas dhmosiografos toy Aqhnaikoy Praktoreioy Eidhsewn, to opoio apotelese kai th shmantikoterh phgh plhroforhshs toy syggrafea. ``Hqela na gracw ena biblio gia to pws gennhqhke o Eqnikos Dixasmos, poy toso talanise th xwra gia ejhnta oloklhra xronia. Alla me apasxoloyse h optikh gwnia, h domh ths afhghshs, o elasswn topos ston opoio qa zoysan oi hrwes thn istoria toys. Exei megalh shmasia h pistothta toy fontoy, otan prokeitai gia istoriko myqistorhma, alliws ola paramenoyn proqeseis'', dhlwnei sto APE-MPE, perigrafontas to bmonopatib poy ton odhghse sto Praktoreio. ``Kapoia stigmh anakalyca oti to Aqhnaiko Praktoreio stegazotan ekeinh thn epoxh sthn plateia Klayqmwnos h ston Khpo Klayqmwnos, opws legotan. Ayth h plhroforia prokalese ena eswteriko ``mpigk mpangk'' apo to opoio anadyqhke to sympan toy biblioy. Synebhsan polla sthn plateia Klayqmwnos tis epimaxes meres twn Noembrianwn, prin kai meta'', ejhgei. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Oi prwtes endeijeisOi ptwseis einai perissotero synhqismenes se atoma poy paroysiazoyn tis prwtes organikes endeijeis oti exoyn prosblhqei apo th noso toy Altsxaimer, symfwna me meleth poy paroysiasqhke shmera sto Parisi me thn eykairia ths Dieqnoys Diaskechs ths Enwshs Altsxaimer."Kaq' oson gnwrizoyme, einai h prwth meleth poy entopizei oti h ayjhsh toy kindynoy ptwsewn syndeetai me thn proklinikh diagnwsh ths nosoy", dhlwse h epikefalhs ths Enwshs Soyzan Stark epikefalhs ths edras ergoqerapeias kai neyrologias toy Washington University toy Sent Loyis. Kata thn ereyna, poy dihrkese oktw mhnes, parakoloyqhqhkan 125 hlikiwmenoi, xwris gnwstika problhmata. Ypoblhqhkan se spinqhrografhma egkefaloy me pozitronia (Pet Scan) me th bohqeia ths oysias PiB poy bohqa ston entopismo plakwn amyloeidoys poy syndeontai me th noso toy Altsxaimer. Oi ereynhtes diapistwsan oti mia apeikonish me qetiko PiB shmaine kindyno ptwshs 2,7 megalytero gia kaqe monada ayjhshs ths sygkentrwshs amyloeidoys. "Ta apotelesmata ayths ths meleths deixnoyn oti se orismena atoma, oi metaboles poy aforoyn to badisma kai thn isorropia synteloyntai prin apo th metabolh twn gnwstikwn toys leitoyrgiwn", dhlwnei h dr. Maria Karigio, dieyqyntria armodia gia tis sxeseis toy Enwshs Altsxaimer me thn iatrikh kai thn episthmonikh koinothta. "Symfwna me th meleth, h ptwsh enos hlikiwmenoy, o opoios den exei prodiaqesh gia ptwseis, qa mporoyse na einai enas paragontas ekkinhshs gia mia diagnwsh ths nosoy Altsxaimer", dhlwnei h Maria Karigio se anakoinwsh poy ekdoqhke apo thn Enwsh Altsxaimer. Symfwna me toys ereynhtes, to apotelesma ths meleths "sympiptei me prohgoymenes meletes gia ta kinhtika problhmata atomwn poy paroysiazoyn prowra symptwmata ths nosoy h elafra gnwstika problhmata ". © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] "Dialysh" ths aytokratoriasO hgeths twn Ergatikwn Ent Milimpant zhthse na dialyqei h bretanikh qygatrikh toy omiloy twn MME News Corp., toy megistana Roypert Merntok, meta to skandalo twn ypoklopwn poy diepratte mia apo tis efhmerides toy, h News of the World.``Qewrw'' eipe sthn efhmerida Observer o arxhgos ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs sth Bretania ``oti mia tetoia sygkentrwsh ejoysias sta xeria enos anqrwpoy einai anqygieinh kai jekaqara odhghse se kataxrhseis ths ejoysias toy organismoy toy''. ``Qewrw'' anefere o Milimpant ``oti prepei na epanejetasoyme me prosoxh to gegonos oti ena atomo mporei na elegxei panw apo to 20% ths agoras'' toy Typoy. ``Aytoy toy eidoys h sygkentrwsh ejoysias einai alhqina epikindynh'', ektimhse. Meta to jespasma toy skandaloy ths News of the World, o Milimpant teqhke epikefalhs ths epiqeshs enantion toy aystraloamerikanoy megistana. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |