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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-07-19Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Me to blemma sth Synodo KoryfhsEnteinontai oi diergasies prokeimenoy na symfwnhqei h lysh gia to ellhniko xreos, enocei ths ektakths Synodoy Koryfhs, thn Pempth. Symfwna me dhmosieyma twn "Financial Times", ayrio anamenetai na pragmatopoihqei thlefwnikh diaskech metajy twn Bryjellwn kai twn xwrwn ths Eyrwzwnhs gia na oristikopoihqei h apofash sxetika me to paketo sthrijhs ths Elladas.H germanikh kybernhsh emfanisthke sigoyrh oti h ektakth Synodos Koryfhs ths Eyrwzwnhs, thn epomenh Pempth, qa symfwnhsei sto deytero paketo sthrijhs ths Elladas kai se ena sxedio gia na diasfalisei th makroproqesmh biwsimothta toy ellhnikoy xreoys. ``Sygkrathmena aisiodojos'' oti sth Synodo Koryfhs ths Pempths ``mporei na breqei sxhma, poy qa ikanopoiei kai ta krath - melh ths eyrwzwnhs kai thn EKT'', sxetika me to neo daneiako programma pros thn Ellada, dhlwse o antiproedros ths kybernhshs kai ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn, Eyaggelos Benizelos. Parallhla, omws, o k. Benizelos, milwntas sthn thleorash toy Skai, epishmane oti ``prepei na eimaste se epagrypnhsh, dioti h opoiadhpote asafeia kai amhxania (ws apotelesma ths Synodoy) qa steilei poly asxhma mhnymata''. ``Qeloyme th biwsimothta toy dhmosioy xreoys''. Sto sygkekrimeno plaisio, o k. Benizelos eixe, symfwna me plhrofories, thlefwnikh epikoinwnia me toys omologoys toy ypoyrgoys Oikonomikwn, ths Germanias, ths Gallias kai ths Italias, enw shmera, qa epikoinwnhsei thlefwnika kai me toys ypoloipoys twn kratwn - melwn ths eyrwzwnhs. Eidika gia tis ellhnikes trapezes, o ypoyrgos eipe oti sthn periptwsh ths symmetoxhs idiwtwn sto neo daneiako programma, aytes qa exoyn katb anagkh megalh symmetoxh, dioti diakratoyn omologa ajias peripoy 40 dis. eyrw (me xroniko orizonta to 2015). Anefere, akomh, oti h piqanh eggrafh zhmiwn, den qa ejartatai apo th symmetoxh toys, alla apo toys dieqneis ektimhtikoys oikoys. Erwthqeis ean qa yparjoyn apolyseis meta to kleisimo twn prwtwn 25 organismwn toy Dhmosioy (me ofelos peripoy 0,2% toy AEP apo meiwsh leitoyrgikoy kai misqologikoy kostoys), epishmane oti ``isxyei o,ti exei chfisqei sto Mesoproqesmo, isxyei h ergasiakh efedreia''. O ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn epanelabe oti to neo forologiko nomosxedio, mesw toy opoioy h kybernhsh yposxetai dikaioterh katanomh barwn, qa chfisqei to fqinopwro kai qa isxysei apo thn 1h Ianoyarioy 2012. Dhlwse, epishs, oti to klimakio ths troikas, poy qa erqei sthn Ellada stis 16 Aygoystoy gia th nea ajiologhsh ths oikonomias, qa ``metrhsei klima kai taseis'' kai ayta qa einai qetika. Sthn erwthsh, pantws, ean desmeyetai oti den qa yparjoyn nea metra, eipe oti ``den qa kanw dhlwsh, pws den qa parw pote nea metra, giati qa thn exete sto binteo kai qa thn paizete synexeia. Stoxos einai na efarmostoyn ta metra poy exoyn chfistei''. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Xwris apolyseis h katarghsh 27 organismwnXwris na anoijei... myth, qa proxwrhsei sthn katarghsh kai sygxwneysh 27 dhmosiwn organismwn, to ypoyrgeio Dioikhtikhs Metarryqmishs. Symfwna me ryqmish poy prowqei se synergasia me to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn, to proswpiko twn 27 organismwn qa metakinhqei, entos 15 hmerwn apo thn chfish toy nomoy, sta ypoyrgeia poy epopteyoyn ta nomika proswpa h stoys neoys foreis poy qa dhmioyrghqoyn, me to idio misqologiko kai asfalistiko kaqestws. Dhladh, xwris apolyseis kai ``ergasiakh efedreia'', oi ergazomenoi qa metakinhqoyn se kenes organikes, h proswpopageis qeseis.Wstoso, problepetai gia to proswpiko me symbaseis idiwtikoy dikaioy aoristoy xronoy, kaqws kai toys monimoys dhmosioys ypallhloys, poy qa metataxqoyn, oti prepei na apodextoyn th metakinhsh toys entos 15 hmerwn apo th dhmosieysh ths prajhs metaforas, alliws qa apolyontai xwris apozhmiwsh. Epishs, symfwna me th ryqmish, oi symbasioyxoi orismenoy xronoy twn ypo katarghsh h sygxwneysh organismwn, kaqws kai twn ypo lysh kai ekkaqarish anwnymwn etaireiwn, kai oi symbasioyxoi ergoy qa apolyontai meta thn oristikh katarghsh twn nomikwn proswpwn, opoy apasxoloyntai. Ejalloy, o ypoyrgos Dioikhtikhs Metarryqmishs, Dhmhtrhs Reppas, epanelabe gia mia akomh fora, se synenteyjh toy sthn efhmerida ``Kosmos toy Ependyth'', pws ``den tiqetai qema apolysewn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn, den to epitrepei to Syntagma, oyte bebaiws einai politikh epilogh oi apolyseis''. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Se diaqesimothta o Limenarxhs ZakynqoyEmplokh sthn ypoqesh twn kyklwmatwn ths nyxtas poy leitoyrgoysan sthn Zakynqo kai thn Aqhna, feretai na exei o limenarxhs Zakynqoy, o opoios teqhke se diaqesimothta apo ton Arxhgo toy Limenikoy Swmatos Kwnstantino Soylh.O limenarxhs, symfwna me plhrofories, eixe synomilies me melh twn kyklwmatwn, kai kathgoreitai gia parabiash toy yphresiakoy aporrhtoy, arqro 252 toy Poinikoy Kwdika. Parallhla me thn diaqesimothta dietaxqh enorkh dioikhtikh ejetash se baros toy. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Egkairh katasbesh fwtias sthn KefaloniaKatasbesthke h fwtia poy jespase xqes se bytioforo kaysimwn thn wra toy efodiasmoy twn dejamenwn benzinadikoy sto xwrio Basilikades ths Erissoy, sthn Kefalonia, meta apo thn egkairh kai apotelesmatikh parembash ths Pyrosbestikhs Yphresias toy nhsioy.© ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Thn Pempth apofasizoyn oi naytergates gia kinhtopoihseisKrisimh ebdomada gia thn aktoploia, kaqws symfwna me plhrofories, thn Pempth anamenetai na synedriasei h Panellhnia Naytikh Omospondia, prokeimenoy na apofasisei th stash poy qa krathsei, meta kai thn prosfath synanthsh poy eixe me ton anaplhrwth ypoyrgo Anaptyjhs Antagwnistikothtas kai Naytilias Xarh Pampoykh, opoy toy teqhkan ta aithmata gia ta asfalistika kai ta syntajiodotika dikaiwmata twn naytikwn poy qigontai apo to mesoproqesmo.H PNO exei proeidopoihsei me apergiakes kinhtopoihseis to trito dekahmero toy Ioylioy, an den yparjei kapoia apanthsh apo pleyras ypoyrgeioy, enw kalesma stoys naytergates, na proetoimastoyn gia apergiakh kinhtopoihsh to trito dekahmero toy Ioylioy, exoyn apeyqynei me anakoinwsh toys ta swmateia: PEMEN (Panellhnia Enwsh Mhxanikwn Emporikoy Naytikoy), STEFENSWN (katwtera plhrwmata mhxanhs), PEEMAGEN(Panellhnia Epaggelmatikh Enwsh Mageirwn Emporikoy Naytikoy), PEPRN (Panellhnia Enwsh plhrwmatwn rymoylkwn nayagoswstikwn), me th symparastash ths PES/NAT (Panellhnias Enwshs Syntajioyxwn NAT) kai ths Epitrophs Anergwn Naytikwn. Symfwna me phges, aktoplooi poy synanthqhkan xqes me ta melh ths PNO, ejefrasan th symparastash toys pros ta dikaia opws ta xarakthrisan aithmata twn naytergatwn, alla parallhla aphyqynan ekklhsh na mh ginei apergia th sygkekrimenh periodo, kaqws qa plhjei anepanorqwta ton aktoploiko klado kai tis oikonomies stis nhsiwtikes perioxes. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Meiwnetai to kostos forhtothtas ariqmwnMeiwmeno kata 44% qa einai apo thn 1h Septembrioy to kostos ths diekperaiwshs twn aithsewn forhtothtas ariqmwn kai etsi apo 3,55 eyrw poy einai shmera diamorfwnetai sto 1,95 eyrw.Opws anakoinwqhke apo thn EETT (Eqnikh Epitroph Thlepikoinwniwn kai Taxydromeiwn), h meiwsh afora sth diadikasia forhtothtas staqerwn kai kinhtwn ariqmwn, h opoia parexei stoys katanalwtes th dynatothta allaghs thlepikoinwniakoy paroxoy kai programmatos, me parallhlh diathrhsh toy thlefwnikoy toys ariqmoy. Symfwna me thn EETT oi diekperaiwmenes aithseis forhtothtas jepernoyn to 1 ekatommyrio to xrono, gegonos poy shmainei oti to ofelos gia thn agora hlektronikwn epikoinwniwn kai kat' epektash gia toys katanalwtes, jeperna ta 4 ekatommyria eyrw gia ta epomena 2,5 xronia. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] Xaker eisballei sthn istoselida ths SunH omada xakers LulzSec eisebale se istoselides meswn enhmerwshs toy omiloy News Corporation toy Roypert Merntok, anamesa toys kai h prwth selida toy bretanikoy tamploint Sun, gia na anarthsoyn ceydh anaggelia toy qanatoy toy megistana toy Typoy.Symfwna me ton istotopo TechCrunch, h omada LulzSec emfanise sthn prwth selida ths Sun thn ceydh plhroforia symfwna me thn opoia "O Roypert Merntok, amfilegomenos megistanas twn meswn enhmerwshs, breqhke, symfwna me orismenes plhrofories , nekros ston khpo toy exontas katanalwsei megalh posothta paladioy, metalloy poy xrhsimopoieitai stoys katalytes twn benzinokinhthrwn kai sta odontiatrika sfragismata. Arga xqes to brady oi xrhstes toy Internet poy hqelan na episkefqoyn thn prwth selida ths Sun pernoysan kateyqeian sto Twitter ths LulzSec gia na diabasoyn to ejhs mhnyma: "exoyme katalabei th Sun/News of the World...den prokeitai para gia thn fash no.1-perimenete na deite th Lulz tis epomenes hmeres". Stis 25 Ioynioy h LulzSec eixe anakoinwsei to telos twn drasthriothtwn ths, analambanontas thn eyqynh gia mia ekstrateia 50 hmerwn poy efere sto fws to poso eyalwta se epiqeseis einai ta systhmata pollwn kybernhtikwn kai idiwtikwn organismwn, opws h CIA kai h bretanikh astynomia. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [08] Ychles qermokrasies kai ygrasiaAntimetwph me ton prwto kayswna diarkeias toy fetinoy kalokairioy einai h xwra. O ydrargyros anamenetai na xtyphsei "kokkino" tis epomenes meres fqanontas toys 41 baqmoys Kelsioy. Symfwna me ektakto deltio ths EMY gia prognwsh epikindynwn kairikwn fainomenwn, o kayswnas qa diarkesei mexri kai thn Tetarth.Sygkekrimena, thn Tetarth o ydrargyros qa ftasei toys 41 baqmoys Kelsioy sthn Qessalia, thn anatolikh Sterea kai thn anatolikh Peloponnhso. Sthn ypoloiph xwra to qermometro qa deijei 40 baqmoys me ejairesh ta Dwdekanhsa, tis Kyklades kai ta nhsia toy anatolikoy Aigaioy, poy qa ftasei toys 38 baqmoys. Shmera, oi qermokrasies qa diathrhqoyn se ychla epipeda. Sth Qessalia, thn Anatolikh Sterea, thn Eyboia kai thn Anatolikh Peloponnhso to qermometro anamenetai na deijei apo 38 ews 39 baqmoys Kelsioy enw kata enan baqmo xamhlotera problepetai na diamorfwqoyn oi megistes times sta hpeirwtika ths ypoloiphs xwras. To ypoyrgeio Periballontos symboyleyei toys polites na meiwsoyn th xrhsh twn I.X. aytokinhtwn kai th xrhsh twn Meswn Mazikhs Metaforas kai na apofygoyn th diakinhsh ygrwn kaysimwn, ektos twn periptwsewn efodiasmoy aerodromiwn kai limaniwn. Epishs, sto plaisio toy dynatoy, toys kalei na apofygoyn th leitoyrgia monadwn kai epixeirhsewn poy ekpempoyn organikoys pthtikoys ydrogonanqrakes (stegnokaqaristhria, epimetallwthria, bafeia). © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [09] Neo ranteboy shmeraNees kinhtopoihseis shmera apo toys idiokthtes taji, oi opoioi qa pragmatopoihsoyn, stis 10 to prwi, sygkentrwsh diamartyrias ejw apo ta grafeia toy SATA sthn odo Marnh. Anamenetai na akoloyqhsei poreia (pezh) pros th Boylh, opws dhlwsan ekproswpoi toy syndikatoy, se mesa enhmerwshs.Xqes, oi tajitzhdes pragmatopoihsan mploka se limania kai aerodromia kai synexeia apekleisan thn plateia Syntagmatos. Sfodrh htan h antiparaqesh kybernhshs kai antipoliteyshs gia tis kinhtopoihseis twn taji. ``Aparadekth'' kai ``xwris oysiastikh aitiologia'' xarakthrise th morfh kinhtopoihshs twn idiokthtwn taji, to ypoyrgeio Ypodomwn, Metaforwn kai Diktywn kai kathgorhse th ND oti "enqarryne politika toys idiokthtes sthn pragmatopoihsh ths apergias". Apantwntas o k. Mixelakhs ekane logo gia "politikh aqliothta", ypenqymizontas pws h ND htan to prwto komma poy espeyse na kalesei toys odhgoys taji na anoijoyn amesws to aerodromio kai to limani toy Peiraia. "Me thn ejontwsh twn mikrwn idiokthtwn taji o stoxos ths kybernhshs einai na balei podi to megalo kefalaio sto fileto ths sygkekrimenhs agoras", anefere to KKE. Sthn kontra Kybernhshs- idiokthtwn taji to dikio einai sthn pleyra twn idiokthtwn taji. Gia o, ti symbei, se mia ejairetika eyaisqhth kai ejoxws toyristikh periodo, thn eyqynh ferei akeraia h Kybernhsh kai o Ypoyrgos Ypodomwn, ypogrammise o LAOS. "Aytoi oi anqrwpoi einai se apognwsh, oxi monaxa giati den exoyn na bgaloyn to merokamato toys, alla giati exoyn parei kai daneia gia na paroyn aytes tis adeies kai exoyn ypoqhkes kai qa xasoyn kai ta spitia toys", dhlwse o k. Al. Tsipras. Gia plhrh asynepeia twn xeirismwn metajy toy prwhn kai toy nyn ypoyrgoy Metaforwn, ekane logo h Dhmokratikh Symmaxia. "Oi idiokthtes twn taji exoyn kaqe dikaiwma sthn apergia. Prepei na synypologizontai, omws, ola ekeina ta stoixeia poy aforoyn sth leitoyrgia ths koinwnias kai ths xwras", symfwna me th Dhmokratikh Aristera. Kaneis den kerdizei apo tetoioy eidoys kinhtopoihseis, dhlwse o ypoyrgos Politismoy kai Toyrismoy Paylos Geroylanos, apeyqynomenos stoys epaggelmaties odhgoys taji, ypogrammizontas oti aytes kanoyn kako kai stoys idioys. Nea arnhtikh eikona gia th xwra kai ton toyrismo, dhmioyrgei h kinhtopoihsh twn idiokthtwn taji, opws shmeiwnei se anakoinwsh toy o Syndesmos Ellhnikwn Toyristikwn Epixeirhsewn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [10] Apeleyqerwsh porwnTelesigrafo pros toys foreis toy dhmosioy tomea, na apeleyqerwsoyn amesa toys poroys toy ESPA, poroi poy paramenoyn egklwbismenoi se erga, poy briskontai sta xartia aphyqyne o ypoyrgos Anaptyjhs, Antagwnistikothtas kai Naytilias, Mixalhs Xrysoxoidhs. Endeiktika o ypoyrgos anefere oti h Perifereia Attikhs, apo ta 3 dis. eyrw poy diaxeirizetai synolika exei "parkarismena" ta misa se nekres ekxwrhseis kai anenerga erga. O k. Xrysoxoidhs anhggeile, epishs, ayjhsh ths symmetoxhs toy idiwtikoy tomea sta programmata toy ESPA, enw paroysiase paketo metrwn me stoxo thn epitaxynsh ths aporrofhshs twn kondyliwn.Se kaqestws epanejetashs tiqentai amesa 4.762 erga ajias 5,5 dis. eyrw gia ta opoia ws to telos Septembrioy qa apofasisqei an qa dhmoprathqoyn gia na proxwrhsoyn, h qa apentaxqoyn apo to ESPA, prokeimenoy oi poroi na kateyqynqoyn se draseis poy einai wrimes kai mporoyn amesa na symbaloyn sthn ayjhsh ths aporrofhshs twn koinotikwn kondyliwn. "Exw proswpikh empeiria", tonise o ypoyrgos, "oti yparxoyn erga poy mporoyn na proxwrhsoyn amesa. Apokleistiko krithrio einai h amesh xrhmatodothsh ths oikonomias. Den exoyme thn polyteleia na afhnoyme xrhmata na kaqontai. Opoios den einai se qesh na ylopoihsei to ergo, poy exei entajei, aporriptetai". Kalese de toys Perifereiarxes, ta ypoyrgeia, toys dhmoys kai loipoys foreis na epitaxynoyn tis sxetikes diadikasies. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [11] Sxoliazoyn tis allagesIsws to prosxedio gia tis allages sthn tritobaqmia ekpaideysh synanthse tis megalyteres tribes kai antidraseis ap' opoiodhpote allo twn teleytaiwn etwn sthn Paideia kai malista se periodo poy ta idrymata einai kleista kai, logika, den qa anemene kaneis toso entones antidraseis. Allwste, meta tis gnwmodothseis kaqhghtwn ths Nomikhs kai Syntagmatologwn oi prytaneis protiqentai, ean chfisqei to nomosxedio, na prosfygoyn sth Dikaiosynh.``H katastash sta Panepisthmia, den paei allo. Briskomaste sto kai pente. Prepei na ginoyn allages. Na ginoyn rizikes allages kai na ginoyn twra''. Einai ta logia toy kaqhghth toy Oikonomikoy Panepisthmioy Aqhnwn, Panoy Tsaklogloy, poy milwntas sto Aqhnaiko Praktoreio Eidhsewn, epishmainei thn anagkh gia ena panepisthmio diaforetiko apo ayto poy einai shmera kai prosanatolismeno sthn kateyqynsh twn megalwn idrymatwn toy ejwterikoy. ``Den einai anagkastika h pleiochfia ayth poy antidra'', tonizei o k. Tsaklogloy kai prosqetei: ``H pleiochfia sta Panepisthmia einai siwphrh. Oi meiochfies, omws, kanoyn poly qorybo kai gi'ayto akoygontai''. Thn ek diametroy antiqeth apoch gia th metarryqmish ``kataqetei'' sto APE-MPE enas apo toys prytaneis ``neas genias'', kaqhghths me pergamhnes spoydwn kai empeiries apo thn ellhnikh pragmatikothta, alla kai apo ta Idrymata toy ejwterikoy. Prokeitai gia ton prytanh toy Panepisthmioy toy Aigaioy, Parh Tsatra, o opoios symperainei oti ``to montelo dioikhshs poy proteinetai apo to Nomosxedio qa prepei na exei ychlotero baqmo nomimopoihshs, perissoteres diklides asfaleias, kyriws mesw twn yparktwn akadhmaikwn organwn toy Panepisthmioy, kai telos na deijei megalyterh empistosynh sta melh DEP twn Ellhnikwn Panepisthmiwn''. To plhres keimeno ths M.Papoytsakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [12] Ws thn akrh toy galajia...H rwsikh Eqnikh Diasthmikh Yphresia Roskosmos eqese se troxia ena radiothleskopio poy qa mporei na parathrei makrina hliaka systhmata kai thn akrh toy Galajia mas.Enas pyraylos poy ektojeythke apo to diasthmiko kentro toy Mpaikonoyr sto Kazakstan eqese to diasthmiko oxhma, poy onomazetai Astrofysiko Parathrhthrio RadioAstron se staqerh alla ejairetika elleiptikh troxia. To baroys 3,8 tonwn thleskopio qa anoijei mia mhkoys 10metrwn keraia kai qa epikoinwnei me epigeioys staqmoys gia na parexei thn ychloterh dynath analysh stis fwtografies, poy den exoyme janadei pote, makrinwn swmatwn sto diasthma, dhlwse o Biktor Xartof, enas ekproswpos ths Roskosmos. Me thn elleiptikh troxia toy, to radiothleskopio RadioAstron, h opws onomazetai sth Rwsia, Spectrum-R, qa kineitai gyrw apo thn gh se diaforetika ycometra. Sto apogeio toy--to shmeio sto opoio to thleskopio qa apexei to perissotero apo th Gh, peripoy 340.000 xiliometra--h barythta ths Selhnhs qa allajei ligo thn troxiakh toy diadromh. To thleskopio poy qa allazei synexws troxiakh diadromh se syndyasmo me th neas genias ypologistikh ikanothta twn epigeiwn staqmwn qa epitrecei sth Roskosmos na anaptyjei eikones makrinwn planhtwn kai hliakwn systhmatwn tetoias poiothtas poy den exoyme janadei mexri shmera, dhlwse o Blantimir Antreanof, enas apo toys sxediastes toy thleskopioy. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [13] ''Swsth politikh''O Mparak Ompama dhlwse oti qelei na diabebaiwsei oti oi foroi misqwtwn yphresiwn den qa ayjhqoyn gia tis amerikanikes oikogeneies ton epomeno xrono kai oti h politikh den qa prepei na apotelesei empodio sto dromo gia thn antimetwpish toy elleimmatos twn HPA."Den mporoyme na afhsoyme thn politikh na mas empodisei na kanoyme to swsto sthn Oyasigkton", dhlwse o proedros twn HPA. O Mparak Ompama anazhta, akoma, "thn eyryterh efikth symfwnia gia th meiwsh toy dhmosioy elleimmatos", tonise o ekproswpos toy Tzei Karnei. "Synexizontai oi synanthseis metajy toy proedroy kai twn hgetwn twn koinoboyleytikwn omadwn sth Boylh twn Antiproswpwn kai sth Geroysia. Qa prepei opwsdhpote na katalhjoyme se enan 'mhxanismo' poy qa apotrecei th stash plhrwmwn toy dhmosioy enanti aneilhmmenwn ypoxrewsewn toy", tonise epishs o ekproswpos. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [14] Xalkino gia thn ElladaMegalh epityxia gia th Mariana Lymperta kai ton ellhniko aqlhtismo, sth Sagkah. H 32xronh aqlhtria toy Olympiakoy termatise sthn trith qesh, sta 10 xlm kolymbhshs se anoixth qalassa, xarizontas sth xwra mas to prwto metallio sto 14o pagkosmio prwtaqlhma ygroy stiboy kai pempto synolika sthn istoria ths diorganwshs.Me thn epityxia ths ayth, h Lymperta ejasfalise parallhla thn prokrish stoys Olympiakoys Agwnes toy Londinoy, to 2012. Nikhtria toy agwna htan h Bretanh Keri An Pein, akoloyqoymenh apo thn Italida Mertina Gkrimalnti. Sthn koyrsa meteixe kai h Kelly Araoyzoy, h opoia katetagh 18h. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |