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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-06-21Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] "H eqnikh synainesh proypoqesh"Synanthsh me antikeimeno oles tis parametroys ths krishs poy dierxetai h ellhnikh oikonomia logw toy dhmosioy xreoys, eixe, arga xqes to brady, o prwqypoyrgos Giwrgos Papandreoy me ton proedro ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs, Zoze Mparozo. H synanthsh, poy dihrkese peripoy miamisy wra, pragmatopoihqhke se idiaitera filikh atmosfaira - kai einai xarakthristiko oti o k. Mparozo, enw eixe programmatisei na perioristei aplws se mia grapth dhlwsh, telikws synodeyse ton k. Papandreoy ston xwro opoy ginontai oi dhlwseis, prokeimenoy kai na ton jeprobodisei o idios.O Giwrgos Papandreoy, se syntomh dhlwsh toy paroysia toy k. Mparozo, anaferqhke stis krisimes stigmes poy dierxetai h Ellada kai h Eyrwph, opws kai "stis dyskoles diapragmateyseis poy diejagontai metajy twn B¨27B¨, twn B¨17B¨, alla kai peran ths Eyrwphs". Prosqese akomh pws "ki entos ths Elladas ergazomaste gia thn oso to dynaton pio eyreia synainesh", enw ejefrase thn apofasistikothta ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs "na proxwrhsoyme mprosta, fysika kai me th bohqeia ths Enwshs". O Zoze Mparozo, sth grapth toy dhlwsh, ejhre tis prospaqeies toy prwqypoyrgoy kai ths kybernhshs toy to teleytaio etos "na antimetwpisoyn thn poly sobarh dhmosionomikh katastash sthn Ellada". Ta apotelesmata - opws anaferei - "me oroys dhmosionomikhs prosarmoghs ki enisxytikwn ths anaptyjhs metarryqmisewn, yphrjan hdh oysiastika". O proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs prosqetei oti "opws gnwrizoyme oloi, menoyn akomh polla na ginoyn". "Exw apolyth epignwsh - synexizei - twn dyskoliwn poy antimetwpizoyn polloi anqrwpoi sthn Ellada shmera, kaqws h xwra lambanei aytes tis dyskoles, alla apo kairo apaitoymenes apofaseis. 'Opws exw janapei: ean yphrxe enas eykoloteros dromos apo thn krish, qa thn eixame parei. Alla den yparxei. O monos dromos gia thn Ellada na epistrecei sthn anaptyjh kai na dhmioyrghsei qeseis ergasias me diathrhsimo tropo, einai na apokatasthsei thn antagwnistikothta kai na qesei ta dhmosia oikonomika ths se mia staqerh bash. Aythn thn odo exei jekinhsei h Ellada, me thn plhrh yposthrijh kai allhleggyh ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs". Symfwna me ton k. Mparozo, "pisteyw pws h nea kybernhsh qa labei thn empistosynh ths Boylhs ayrio (s.s. shmera). H krisimh chfoforia omws, qa einai sta telh Ioynioy, me thn apofash gia to filodojo paketo twn peraiterw dhmosionomikwn metrwn kai tis metarryqmiseis poy exei ypobalei h kybernhsh toy prwqypoyrgoy Papandreoy ki exei symfwnhqei me thn EE kai to Dieqnes Nomismatiko Tameio" Opws ki o k. Ban Rompai nwritera, o k. Mparozo tonise oti h egkrish aytoy toy paketoy einai proypoqesh gia thn ektamieysh ths epomenhs doshs pros thn Ellada. "Ws ek toytoy - tonise - pisteyw oti oi eklegmenoi antiproswpoi ths Elladas qa yposthrijoyn ayta ta metra thn erxomenh ebdomada, se ena pneyma eqnikhs kai pragmatika eyrwpaikhs ypeyqynothtas". Kai o proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs katelhje: "Aytes oi epiloges den einai eykoles, alla oyte kai ta problhmata poy prepei na antimetwpistoyn einai. Twra den einai o kairos gia na distazoyme. Twra einai o kairos gia na yperdiplasiasoyme tis prospaqeies: gia xarh toy ellhnikoy laoy kai gia oloklhrh thn Eyrwph". Nwritera, to Mesoproqesmo Programma kai h poreia diamorfwshs toy neoy paketoy sthrijhs pros thn Ellada apetelese to kentriko qema ths synanthshs toy prwqypoyrgoy Giwrgoy Papandreoy, me ton proedro toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy, Xerman ban Rompai. "Ejefrasa thn isxyrh yposthrijh moy pros ton prwqypoyrgo kai thn akampth prospaqeia toy gia th metarryqmish ths ellhnikhs oikonomias" dhlwse o proedros toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy, meta th synanthsh toy me ton G. Papandreoy. "Ypogrammisa", prosqese, "thn anagkh h Ellada na kanei peraiterw prospaqeies prosarmoghs, gia na antimetwpisei tis trexoyses proklhseis, anagnwrizontas thn proodo poy exei epiteyxqei ews twra". To plhres reportaz ths Eir. Karanasopoyloy kai toy B. Demirh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Prwta to MesoproqesmoEktakth synedriash toy Eurogroup stis 3 Ioylioy qa sygkalesei o proedros toy Zan Klont Gioynker, prokeimenoy, metajy allwn, na diapistwqei oti exoyn ekplhrwqei oles oi ypoxrewseis gia thn ektamieysh ths 5hs doshs twn daneiwn pros thn Ellada. Ejalloy, opws anakoinwse se synenteyjh Typoy sto Loyjemboyrgo o k. Gioynker, antiproswpeia ths troikas anamenetai shmera sthn Aqhna, me stoxo na epibebaiwqei oti h ellhnikh pleyra kai o dieqnhs paragontas ennooyn ta idia pragmata se sxesh me thn efarmogh toy mesoproqesmoy programmatos. O Z. Gioynker eipe, epishs, oti to qema ths Elladas qa syzhthqei kata th synanthsh toy me ton proedro toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy Xerman Ban Rompai.Th desmeysh twn ellhnikwn arxwn, oti ws to telos Ioynioy qa prowqhsoyn oles tis anagkaies prosarmoges, oytws wste na ejasfalisqei h biwsimothta toy ellhnikoy xreoys kai na oloklhrwqei h syntajh toy neoy mnhmonioy synennohshs ths Elladas me toys daneistes ths, ypogrammisan kata th diarkeia synenteyjhs Typoy poy paraxwrhsan xqes apo to Loyjemboyrgo o proedros toy Eurogroup Zan Klont Gioynker kai o Epitropos Oli Ren. Thn anagkh na anakthsei h Ellada thn ajiopistia ths, ws pros thn efarmogh toy Programmatos, tonise apo to Loyjemboyrgo, opoy ekproswpei thn Ellada sto Symboylio twn ypoyrgwn Oikonomias ths EE, o antiproedros ths kybernhshs kai ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Eyaggelos Benizelos. ``Se antiqesh me thn Irlandia kai thn Portogalia, poy emfanizontai me ychlo baqmo eswterikhs politikhs synaineshs, gia thn Ellada h eqnikh enothta tiqetai ws proypoqesh apo toys etairoys mas, enw eprepe na einai apotelesma toy enstiktoy aytosynthrhshs toy Eqnoys mas'' dhlwse xarakthristika o k. Benizelos, epishmainontas oti ``to proexon einai na diamorfwqei mia kaqarh sxesh empistosynhs, na staqeropoihqei h katastash, na ektamieytei h pempth dosh''. Gia na epiteyxqei ayto, prepei na chfistoyn mexri to telos Ioynioy to Mesoproqesmo Programma kai o efarmostikos nomos, aposafhnise o ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn. Diabebaiwseis oti h eyrwzwnh qa synexisei na xrhmatodotei thn Ellada kai oti proxwroyn oi metarryqmiseis zhtei kai to DNT prin apodesmeysei thn epomenh dosh toy daneioy. To plhres reportaz toy B. Demirh kai toy M. Spinqoyrakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Aposyrontai ta amerikanika strateymata apo to AfganistanO Proedros twn HPA Mparak Ompama, anamenetai na anakoinwsei ton ariqmo twn amerikanikwn strateymatwn poy qa aposyrei apo to Afganistan.H aposyrsh twn amerikanikwn dynamewn qa arxisei ton erxomeno mhna kai, symfwna me amerikanoys ajiwmatoyxoys, h taktikh ths aposyrshs qa oristikopoihqei apo ton Proedro twn HPA, ayrio Tetarth. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Aeroporiko dystyxhma sth Rwsia me 44 nekroysToylaxiston 44 anqrwpoi skotwqhkan xqes to brady kata th syntribh sth diarkeia ths prosgeiwshs rwsikoy aeroskafoys se aytokinhtodromo konta sto Petrozantofsk ths Karelias (notio-dytikh Rwsia), anakoinwse to ypoyrgeio Ektaktwn Katastasewn ths Rwsias."Symfwna me tis teleytaies plhrofories, 52 anqrwpoi epebainan sto aeroskafos, 44 skotwqhkan kai 8 exoyn traymatisqei", anakoinwse ekproswpos toy rwsikoy ypoyrgeioy sto praktoreio eidhsewn RIA Novosti. To aeroskafos, ena Tu-134 , poy anhkei sthn aeroporikh etaireia RussAir, epixeirhse na prosgeiwqei ligo prin apo ta mesanykta se aytokinhtodromo, se apostash enos xiliometroy apo to aerodromio toy Petrozantofsk. Ejaitias toy sok ths proskroyshs, to aeroskafos dierragh kai aneflegh. Oi oktw traymaties toy aeroporikoy dystyxhmatos noshleyontai me egkaymata. Epta briskontai se ejairetika krisimh katastash, dhlwse ekproswpos toy rwsikoy ypoyrgeioy Ektaktwn Katastasewn. Metajy toys, perilambanetai ena paidi 10 etwn. To dystyxhma ofeiletai stis dysxereis metewrologikes synqhkes, symfwna me ton dieyqynth toy aerodromioy toy Petrozantofsk Alejei Koyzmitski. Kata th diarkeia ths prosgeiwshs yphrxe isxyrh broxoptwsh kai pyknh omixlh eixe kalycei thn perioxh. Omws, symfwna me anaplhrwth dieyqynth ths eqnikhs epitrophs ereynas gia ta aeroporika dystyxhmata Alejei Morozof, to dystyxhma einai piqanon na ofeiletai se blabh toy systhmatos prosgeiwshs to aeroskafoys. To aeroporiko dystyxhma einai ena apo ta pleon polynekra twn teleytaiwn etwn sth rwsikh aeroporia, epeita apo th syntribh toy Tu-154 ths rwsikhs etaireias Poulkovo sthn Oykrania to 2006, kata thn opoia skotwqhkan 170 anqrwpoi. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Piesh apo ton FitchO oikos ajiologhshs Fitch anakoinwse shmera oti qa antimetwpisei endexomenh oikeioqelh metakylhsh ths lhjhs ellhnikwn titlwn ws xreokopia kai qa ypobaqmisei analogws thn pistolhptikh ikanothta ths xwras.O Fitch qa antimetwpisei mia tetoia antikatastash titlwn h oikeioqelh metabolh ths diarkeias wrimanshs ws pistwtiko gegonos kai qa proxwrhsei se ypobaqmish ths ajiologhshs ths Elladas", dhlwse o Antrioy Kolkaxoyn, epikefalhs toy Fitch Asias Eirhnikoy kata th diarkeia synenteyjhs Typoy sth Sigkapoyrh. Prin apo enan mhna o Fitch ypobaqmise sto "B+" thn pistolhptikh ikanothta ths Elladas kai proeidopoihse me peraiterw ypobaqmish legontas oti h paratash ths diarkeias twn yparxontwn omologwn qa eklhfqei ws xreokopia. H Standard and Poor's ypobaqmise sto "CCC" apo "B" thn pistolhptikh ikanothta ths Elladas stis 13 Ioynioy kai proeidopoihse oti opoiadhpote apopeira anadiarqrwshs toy ellhnikoy xreoys qa qewrhqei xreokopia. Gia ton Moody's, h Ellada brisketai sthn baqmida "Caa1", h opoia perilambanei 50% piqanothta xreokopias entos triwn ews pente etwn. Ws pros tis Hnwmenes Politeies, o Fitch epanelabe oti antimetwpizei to endexomeno na qesei to xreos toy amerikanikoy omospondiakoy kratoys ypo epithrhsin enocei endexomenhs ypobaqmishs, ean to amerikaniko Kongkreso den ayjhsei to orio toy dhmosionomikoy xreoys. Wstoso, o oikos qewrei oti qa yparjei symfwnia gia thn ayjhsh toy plafon kai oti h ypobaqmish qa apofeyxqei. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. 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