Athens Macedonian News Agency: News in Greek, 16-04-30
[01] Pr. Paylopoylos: Megalo xreos olwn mas h yperaspish toy Anqrwpoy
kai ths ajias toy
[01] Pr. Paylopoylos: Megalo xreos olwn mas h yperaspish toy Anqrwpoy
kai ths ajias toy
Sth shmasia ths yperaspishs twn Anqrwpoy, ths ajias toy kai ths eleyqerhs
anaptyjhs ths proswpikothtas toy, anaferqhke o Proedros ths Dhmokratias
Prokophs Paylopoylos se dhlwsh toy meta thn Anastasimh Akoloyqia thn
opoia parakoloyqhse apo ton Iero Mhtropolitiko Nao Ypapanths toy Swthros
sthn Kalamata.
Se eyxes toy meta thn Anastash o k. Paylopoylos tonise: ``H Stayrwsh kai
h Anastash toy Qeanqrwpoy einai gia thn Xristianosynh h Qeia Spondh yper
toy Anqrwpoy kai ths telikhs toy katajiwshs, wste na katastei eikona
kai omoiwsh toy Dhmioyrgoy toy. Eyxomai to Anespero Fws ths Anastashs
toy Kyrioy na deijei s? olh thn Anqrwpothta, kai idiws sthn Eyrwpaikh
mas Oikogeneia, to dromo toy megaloy xreoys olwn mas. Poy den einai
allo apo thn yperaspish toy Anqrwpoy, ths ajias toy kai ths eleyqerhs
anaptyjhs ths proswpikothtas toy''.