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Cosmos FM: News in Greek, 97-06-06

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From: G.A.E.P.I.S. <>

* Prosfora toy mh kerdoskopikoy organismoy Meswn Enhmerwshs G.A.E.P.I.S.*

* - Tel 718 728-1500, P.O. BOX 828 Suffern, NY 10901 *

Elpides gia thn apokomidh twn xiliadwn tonnwn aporrimmatwn, poy briskontai diaskorpismena stoys dromoys ths Aqhnas, me ameso kindyno gia th dhmosia ygeia, diafainontai meta th synanthsh poy eixan to apogeyma o ypoyrgos Eswterikwn, Alekos Papadopoylos kai o dhmarxos Aqhnaiwn, Dhmhtrhs Abramopoylos. Sth synanthsh symfwnhqhke na kinhtopoihqei to monimo proswpiko twn dhmwn, poy den apergei kai me th bohqeia astynomias kai thn parembash eisaggelea na bgoyn stoys dromoys ta aporrimmatofora kai na arxisei h apokomidh twn skoypidiwn apo tis oxtw to brady. Parallhla, o dhmos Aqhnaiwn qa kataqesei aithsh asfalistikwn metrwn, zhtwntas na khryxqei paranomh kai kataxrhstikh h apergia twn ektaktwn ypallhlwn kaqariothtas stoys dhmoys, oi opoioi meta th shmerinh akarph synanthsh me stelexh toy ypoyrgeioy Eswterikwn anakoinwsan oti qa synexisoyn tis kinhtopoihseis toys me th morfh 48wrwn epanalambanomenwn apergiwn. To meshmeri, h ekrhktikh katastash poy exei dhmioyrghqei me ta skoypidia, prokalese thn parembash ths dikaiosynhs h opoia askhse poinikh diwjh kata toy dhmarxoy Aqhnaiwn, Dhmhtrh Abramopoyloy kai pantos alloy ypeyqynoy. O k. Abramopoylos, prin th synanthsh toy me ton ypoyrgo Eswterikwn, eixe kalesei thn kybernhsh na askhsei to dikaiwma poy ths parexei to Syntagma kai na proxwrhsei se politikh epistrateysh twn apergwn.

Sta ixnh kyklwmatos emporias brefwn, me edra th Qessalonikh kai h drasthriothta toy jeperna ta ellhnika synora, brisketai h Asfaleia meta th syllhch triwn tsigganwn kai toy dikhgoroy Alejandroy Xatzhalejandroy, sto grafeio kai to spiti toy opoioy sth Qessalonikh, katasxeqhkan 273 fakelloi kai dyo disketes, poy aforoyn ypoqeseis yioqesiwn. Oi perissoteres apo tis yioqesies aytes, poy anaferontai stoys fakelloys, exoyn hdh ginei, enw enas megalos ariqmos eprokeito na ginei syntoma. Ta brefh einai tsigganakia apo thn Ellada, enw alla proerxontai apo xwres ths prwhn Sobietikhs Enwshs, thn Albania, th Boylgaria kai th Roymania. Ta brefh dioxeteyontan se oikogeneies apo thn Ellada, th Germania, tis Hnwmenes Politeies kai th Soyhdia. Toso o dikhgoros, oso kai oi treis tsigganoi odhghqhkan shmera ston 23-o anakrith na apologhqoyn, meta th diwjh se baqmo kakoyrghmatos, poy askhse enantion toys o eisaggeleas. Meta thn apologia ths kriqhke profylakistea h Paraskeyh Latifh, mhtera toy brefoys, o dikhgoros Alejandros Xatzhalejandroy afeqhke eleyqeros me xrhmatikh eggyhsh enos ekat. drx. enw to zeygari Dhmhtrhs kai Eirhnh Latifh zhthsan proqesmia kai q'apologhqoyn th Deytera.

Dyo oysiastikes diafores, alla kai arketes symptwseis apocewn, diapistwnontai stis protaseis toy PASOK kai ths Neas Dhmokratias, gia thn anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos, poy katateqhkan hdh sth boylh. H shmantikoterh diafora exei sxesh me thn eklogh toy proedroy ths Dhmokratias, kaqws to PASOK proteinei meiwmenh pleiochfia 151 boyleytwn, sthn trith chfoforia, wste na apofeygetai to endexomeno prowrhs prosfyghs stis kalpes se periptwsh adynamias ths boylhs na eklejei proedro ths Dhmokratias. Antiqeta, h ajiwmatikh antipoliteysh epimenei sthn enisxymenh pleiochfia twn 180 chfwn kai proteinei enisxysh twn armodiothtwn toy proedroy ths Dhmokratias. H deyterh diafora exei sxesh me to arqro 16 toy Syntagmatos, opoy to PASOK epimenei sto dhmosio kai dwrean xarakthra ths tritobaqmias ekpaideyshs, enw h Nea Dhmokratia proteinei thn idrysh mh kratikwn Anwtatwn Ekpaideytikwn Idrymatwn mh kerdoskopikoy xarakthra. Kata ta alla kai ta dyo kommata symfwnoyn sthn prostasia toy polith apo to hlektroniko fakellwma, sthn katarghsh ths qanatikhs poinhs, sth diafaneia stis dapanes kommatwn kai boyleytwn, sthn allagh toy tropoy epiloghs ths hgesias ths dikaiosynhs, sto dikaiwma stoys dhmosioys ypallhloys na synetairizontai, sthn anejarthsia ths leitoyrgias toy radiothleoptikoy symboylioy kai sthn anamorfwsh toy kaqestwtos astikhs kai poinikhs eyqynhs ths kybernhshs kai twn ypoyrgwn. Opws dhlwse o kybernhtikos ekproswpos thn prosexh Tetarth qa syzhthqei sth boylh h protash twn boyleytwn toy PASOK gia anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos, h opoia, opws eipe, exei stoxo na ejasfalisei thn politikh staqerothta kai omalothta, enw h kybernhsh epidiwkei th synainesh olwn twn kommatwn sthn proteinomenh anaqewrhsh.

Diadoxikes synanthseis me toys omologoys toy ths Bretanias, Toni Mpler kai ths Gallias, Lionel Zospen, eixe o prwqypoyrgos, Kwstas Shmiths, sto periqwrio twn ergasiwn ths synodoy toy Eyrwpaikoy Sosialistikoy Kommatos, sto Malme ths Soyhdias. O k. Shmiths eixe epishs idiaiterh synanthsh me ton prwhn proedro ths Komision, Zak Ntelor, kaqws kai me ton proedro toy germanikoy sosialistikoy kommatos, Oskar Lafonten. Antikeimeno twn synanthsewn htan qemata poy aforoyn th Diakybernhtikh Diaskech, thn poreia ths eyrwpaikhs enopoihshs, kaqws kai th dieyrynsh ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs kai toy NATO. O k. Shmiths dhlwse oti oi sosialistes prepei na prowqhsoyn mia pollaplh drasthriothta gia th dhmioyrgia mias neas Eyrwphs kai xarakthrise eynoikh th sygkyria meta tis nikes twn sosialistwn sth Gallia kai twn Ergatikwn sth Bretania. Sthn parembash toy sth synodo o Ellhnas prwqypoyrgos edwse idiaiterh emfash sthn anagkh ejeyreshs biwsimwn kai makroproqesmwn lysewn gia thn empedwsh ths eirhnhs sthn Eyrwph legontas xarakthristika oti h Ellada brisketai sto epikentro mias poly taragmenhs perioxhs.


Thn apoxwrhsh toy kommatos ths apo ton kybernhtiko synaspismo proanhggeile h ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Tansoy Tsiler ean o prwqypoyrgos Netsmetin Ermpakan den ths paraxwrhsei th qesh toy ews tis 18 Ioynioy. H Tsiler milwntas se syskech stelexwn toy Kommatos toy Orqoy Dromoy proeidopoihse ton Ermpakan pws h qa paraxwrhsei th prwqypoyrgia h qa aposyrei thn yposthrijh ths apo thn kybernhsh. H Tsiler kai o Ermpakan, anakoinwsan thn perasmenh Kyriakh oti katelhjan se symfwnia gia thn prokhryjh prowrwn eklogwn, se hmeromhnia poy den exei prosdiorisqei akoma, kai gia thn paraxwrhsh ths prwqypoyrgias sthn nyn ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn entos toy Ioynioy. Ejalloy, o Toyrkos stratiwtikos ekproswpos dhlwse shmera oti oi Koyrdoi antartes xrhsimopoihsan ejeligmenoys antiaeroporikoys pyrayloys gia na katarricoyn dyo elikoptera toy stratoy, poy pragmatopoioysan apostolh sto boreio Irak.

Synexizetai to mparaz twn bombistikwn epiqesewn sthn Albania, peripoy 20 meres prin tis ekloges. Bomba ejerragh to prwi se sxoleio toy Dyrraxioy, xwris na prokalesei traymaties, para mono ylikes zhmies. Oi ekrhjeis, oi farses gia bombes, ta enopla epeisodia exoyn pollaplasiasqei tis teleytaies hmeres sthn Albania, opoy exei arxisei h proeklogikh ekstrateia. Sto metajy, aisqhsh prokalese stoys Monimoys Antiproswpoys toy Symboylioy Eyrwphs h epistolh toy ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Qodwroy Pagkaloy oti h ellhnikh kybernhsh qa eggyhqei thn eleyqerh metabash sthn Albania kai epistrofh sthn Ellada twn Albanwn metanastwn poy briskontai nomima kai mh sth xwra mas, wste na mporesoyn na askhsoyn to eklogiko toys dikaiwma.

Oi ekloges teleiwsan me thn anakoinwsh twn apotelesmatwn sthn Algeria, alla h antiparaqesh anamesa ston kosmiko proedro ths xwras kai toys Islamistes fainetai oti qa synexistei gia poly akoma. Symfwna me ta apotelesmata to synthrhtiko komma toy Eqnikoy Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy, poy proskeitai ston proedro ths xwras kai to Eqnikoapeleyqerwtiko Metwpo apespasan thn apolyth pleiochfia sthn algerinh eqnosyneleysh me 219 apo tis 380 edres, enw h symetoxh eftase sto 65%. Wstoso, o metriopaqhs islamisths hgeths Maxfoynt Naxna dhlwse oti qa prosfygei sto Syntagmatiko Symboylio, diamartyromenos, oti h htta toy kommatos toy ofeiletai se noqeia. Pantws, o idios tonise pws qa synexisei thn eirhnikh politikh toy. Sto metajy, to komma toy Eqnikoy Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy, poy proskeitai ston proedro Zeroyal, anakoinwse oti h nikh toy kommatos toy htan plhgma gia toys islamistes antartes.

Me anakoyfish egine dekth apo ta kommata ths antipoliteyshs h epishmh anakoinwsh ths ypochfiothtas toy Slompontan Milosebits gia to ajiwma toy proedroy ths Omospondiakhs Dhmokratias ths Gioygkoslabias. Kai ayto dioti ta perissotera kommata ektimoyn oti o ypochfios toy kybernwntos Sosialistikoy Kommatos gia thn proedria ths Serbias qa einai pio eykolos antipalos stis epikeimenes proedrikes ekloges.

Epta atoma skotwqhkan kai toylaxiston dwdeka traymatisthkan, meta apo ekrhjh bombas poy topoqethsan, shmera, se lewforeio sth boreia India aytonomistes, opws ektimoyn oi arxes. H ekrhjh shmeiwqhke thn wra poy to lewforeio diesxize agora sthn polh Paqankot, sto kratidio Pantzamp kai kateyqynotan sthn polh Tzamoy, toy kratidioy Tzamoy kai Kasmir. Kanenas den exei analabei mexri stigmhs thn eyqynh gia thn ekrhjh, alla h astynomia pisteyei oti einai ergo Six h aytonomistwn apo to Kasmir poy maxontai gia anejarthta krath sto Pantzamp kai to Kasmir. Perissotera apo 20. 000 atoma exoyn skotwqei ta deka teleytaia xronia apo thn drash twn aytonomistwn Six sto kratidio Pantzamp.


Poinh fylakishs triwn etwn me anastolh, epebale to aytofwro dikasthrio twn Iwanninwn sto dieyqynth ths neyroxeiroyrgikhs klinikhs toy panepisthmiakoy nosokomeioy ths polhs, Swthrh Tsemetzh, poy kathgoreitai oti phre fakellaki 300. 000 drx apo Albano, gia na xeiroyrghsei syggeniko toy proswpo. O idios dhlwse sto dikasthrio oti prokeitai gia skeywria, enw askhse efesh kai afeqhke eleyqeros.

Epibebaiwse o kybernhtikos ekproswpos thn yparjh epistolhs ths Dhmhtras Lianh - Papandreoy, pros ton prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Shmith, sxetika me ta arxeia toy Andrea Papandreoy. O k. Reppas dhlwse oti h epistolh epidoqhke sto grammatea toy PASOK, Kwsta Skandalidh, o opoios qa th diabibasei ston prwqypoyrgo. Symfwna me plhrofories h kyria Papandreoy anakoinwnei thn proqesh ths na diaqesei ta arxeia toy Andrea Papandreoy, se idryma poy qa ferei to onoma toy, xwris h idia na kanei logo gia symmetoxh ths sto dioikhtiko symboylio toy idrymatos.

Thn apokalych oti exei dexqei kroyseis apo palaioys synadelfoys toy, na epistrecei sth Nea Dhmokratia, kanei o proedros ths Politikhs Anoijhs, Antwnhs Samaras, se synenteyjh toy sto periodiko TEMPO - NIOYS GOYIK, poy kykloforei ayrio. O k. Samaras shmeiwnei oti exei filikes sxeseis me ton Kwsta Karamanlh, alla, opws tonizei, den mperdeyei pote th filia me tis politikes toy apofaseis. Epanalambanei oti to politiko skhniko ths xwras brisketai se plhrh sygxysh, apodidei ston prwqypoyrgo alazoneia kai dogmatismo anaforika me thn oikonomikh politikh poy akoloyqei, kathgorei ton k. Pagkalo gia elleich politikhs eyaisqhsias se eqnikes epiloges kai epikrinei ton Kwnstantino Mhtsotakh oti katoikei sth xwra toy xqes.

Polemos exei jespasei metajy ths kybernhshs kai twn idiokthtwn idiwtikwn sxoleiwn kai IEK, anaforika me tis ayjhseis sta didaktra gia th nea sxolikh xronia. H kybernhsh apofasise na balei plafon 4% stis ayjhseis, enw oi idiokthtes zhtoyn ayjhsh ths tajhs toy 10%. H stash poy qa thrhsoyn oi idiokthtes, kaqws kai o tropos antidrashs toys qa kaqorisqei ayrio, enw oi idiokthtes den apokleioyn to endexomeno na prosfygoyn sta ellhnika kai eyrwpaika dikasthria.

Ton proedro toy DHKKI Dhmhtrh Tsobola, enhmerwse o ypoyrgos ejwterikwn Qeodwros Pagkalos gia ola ta qemata ths ejwterikhs politikhs kai kyriws gia ta ellhnotoyrkika. Meta th synanthsh o k. Tsobolas ejefrase tis anhsyxies toy gia to endexomeno diolisqhshs se dialogo me thn Toyrkia, poy mporei na metatrecei tis aparadektes toyrkikes diekdikhseis se ellhnotoyrkikes diafores. O proedros toy DHKKI dhlwse antiqetos kai me thn ellhnikh qesh gia prosfygh sth Xagh, prokeimenoy na ryqmistei to kaqestws twn Imiwn - h gia opoiodhpote allo qema ektos apo thn orioqetish ths yfalokrhpidas toy Aigaioy.

Me ton proedro toy kommatos ths Mhteras Patridos kai prwhn ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn, Mesoyt Gilmaz, synanthqhke to meshmeri sthn Agkyra o prwhn prwqypoyrgos Kwnstantinos Mhtsotakhs, poy brisketai sthn Toyrkia, me thn eykairia ths paralabhs toy brabeioy IPEKTSI. Sth synexeia o k. Mhtsotakhs egine dektos apo ton proedro ths Toyrkias, Soyleiman Ntemirel. O k. Mhtsotakhs dhlwse pws exoyn dhmioyrghqei oi katallhles synqhkes gia thn proseggish twn dyo xwrwn.

Eleyqeroi afeqhkan oi dyo kthnotrofoi apo th Qesprwtia poy eixan apaxqei apo oxtw enoploys Albanoys, afoy prohgoymenws oi syggeneis toys katebalan ta lytra twn 30 ekatommyriwn draxmwn, poy zhtoysan oi apagwgeis. H apeleyqerwsh twn kthnotrofwn Lewnida Tsepa 41 etwn kai Gewrgioy Prokopioy, 23 etwn, apo th Sagiada, egine sta ellhnoalbanika synora sthn perioxh Sagiada Qesprwtias. Oi dyo kthnotrofoi eixan apaxqei stis 20 Maioy ston ormo Ftelia, konta sth Sagiada, apo toys enoploys, oi opoioi toys odhghsan stoys Agioys Saranta, opoy toys kratoysan mexri xqes.

Gia polles periptwseis karkinoy toy mastoy den xreiazetai pleon h olikh afairesh toy sthqoys, yposthrijan episthmones sto 7o Paneyrwpaiko Synedrio Xeiroyrgikhs, poy pragmatopoieitai sthn Aqhna. To elpidoforo ayto mhnyma einai apotelesma teleytaiwn episthmonikwn ereynwn, an kai o ariqmos twn newn kroysmatwn karkinoy toy mastoy ayjanetai stis perissoteres xwres kai kyriws stis xwres me dytiko tropo zwhs, kaqws akoma einai agnwsto ti prokalei thn asqeneia. Gia thn antimetwpish toy karkinoy toy mastoy xreiazetai h egkairh diagnwsh, gi' ayto se arketes xwres exei arxisei se eqnikh klimaka o prolhptikos mastografikos elegxos twn gynaikwn, poy exoyn ayjhmeno kindyno.


O Amerikanoispanos mpasketmpolistas ths Balenqia, Tzoni Rotzers, einai h prwth metagrafh toy Olympiakoy gia th nea sezon. Thn apokthsh toy anakoinwse epishma shmera to eryqroleyko TAK. O 34xronos forgoyornt ypegrace symbolaio dietoys synergasias me toys Prwtaqlhtes Eyrwphs, enw o Olympiakos espase to symbolaio toy me th Balenqia, katabalontas 700. 000 dollaria.

Me prostimo 1. 2 ekatommyriwn draxmwn, timwrhqhke apo ton aqlhtiko dikasth toy mpasket, to TAK AEK. Aitia, ta epeisodia poy dhmioyrghsan opadoi ths kitrinomayrhs omadas sto paixnidi me ton Olympiako gia ton tetarto teliko toy prwtaqlhmatos mpasket ths A1 Eqnikhs kathgorias.

Entypwsiase h prwtaqlhtria mas toy mhkoys Nikh Janqoy me thn emfanish ths sto dieqnes mitingk ths Rwmhs, opoy katekthse ws gnwston to xryso metallio. H Ellhnida prwtaqlhtria, poy htan tetarth stoys Olympiakoys Agwnes ths Atlanta, prwteyse me alma 6 metrwn kai 84 ekatostwn kai apedeije gia mia akomh fora oti qa einai apo ta fabori gia thn katakthsh toy xrysoy metallioy kai sto pagkosmio prwtaqlhma poy qa ginei ton Aygoysto sthn Aqhna.

O Bretanos Olympionikhs twn dromwn hmiantoxhs, Sempastian Kooy, o opoios dietelese yfypoyrgos periballontos sthn Kybernhsh toy Tzon Meitzor, ekfrasthke yper ths ypochfiothtas ths Aqhnas gia toys Olympiakoys Agwnes toy 2004.


Isxyroys kradasmoys dexqhke shmera h xrhmatisthriakh agora logw ektetamenwn pwlhsewn apo megala qesmika xartofylakia. O genikos deikths timwn ypoxwrhse katw apo to fragma twn 1600 monadwn kleinontas stis 1592,35 monades me megalh ptwsh se pososto 3,18%. Xrhmatisthriakoi pragontes apodidoyn th shmantikh ypoxwrhsh twn timwn twn metoxwn stis reystopoihseis megalwn xartofylakiwn me skopo na apokthsoyn reystothta gia na eggrafoyn sthn ekdosh toy OTE. H ajia twn synallagwn kymanqhke sta 22,2 dis. drx. Oi epimeroys deiktes paroysiasan tis ejhs metaboles: Trapezes ptwsh 3,30%, Lhzingk ptwsh 3,39%, Asfaleies ptwsh 0,20%, Ependyseis ptwsh 3,08%, Biomhxanies ptwsh 3,47%, Kataskeywn ptwsh 3,54%, Symmetoxwn ptwsh 2,68%, Diafores ptwsh 3,20%. Me shmantikh ypoxwrhsh 1,71% ekleise o deikths ths Parallhlhs Agoras.


Astatos qa einai kai ayrio o kairos s'oloklhrh sxedon th xwra, me liges nefwseis sto Ionio, alla broxes kai sporadikes kataigides sto Aigaio kai thn hpeirwtikh xwra. Oi anemoi qa einai boreioi asqeneis kai topika metrioi. H qermokrasia sta boreia qa kymanqei 13 me 26 baqmoys, sta ypoloipa hpeirwtika 15 me 28 kai sta nhsia 17 me 27 baqmoys Kelsioy. Astato kairo me broxh h kataigida alla kai diasthmata me hliofaneia, asqeneis anemoys kai qermokrasia 17 me 28 kai 15 me 25 antistoixa, qa exoyn ayrio Aqhna kai Qessalonikh.

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