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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 02-05-01

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From: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>


  • [01] Nea stoixeia gia th dolofonia ths 13xronhs
  • [02] Kanonika o agwnas Real - Mpartselona
  • [03] Anoigei o dromos gia apeleyqerwsh Arafat;

    [01] Nea stoixeia gia th dolofonia ths 13xronhs

    1/5/2002 8:52:00 mm

    Sto Karteri Qesprwtias entopisthke shmera to meshmeri, to aytokinhto toy Xrhstoy Boylgarakh, patera ths 13xronhs Basilikhs h opoia breqhke nekrh sto dwmatio ths sto spiti ths sto xwrio Pelasgia. H agria dolofonia ths 13xronhs sygklonise thn koinh gnwmh, alla polla erwthmatika dhmioyrghqhkan kai gia ton patera ths kaqws ejafanisthke xwris na dwsei kanena ixnos.

    Telikos proorismos h Italia;

    To xwrio Karteri, brisketai konta ston eqniko dromo poy odhgei apo thn Aqhna sthn Hgoymenitsa kai piqanologeitai oti telikos proorismos toy Boylgarakh h aytwn poy odhghsan to aytokinhto sto shmeio ekeino, htan to limani ap opoy feygoyn synexws ploia pros thn Italia.

    Sto pisw kaqisma toy aytokinhtoy - to opoio den htan kleidwmeno -breqhkan mia koyberta kai mia ajina.

    Isxyres astynomikes dynameis pragmatopoioyn ektetamenoys elegxoys.

    [02] Kanonika o agwnas Real - Mpartselona

    1/5/2002 9:52:00 mm

    Ennea anqrwpoi traymatisthkan apo ekrhjh poy shmeiwqhke konta sto stadio Santiagko Mpernampeoy ths Madriths. Ligo argotera, ejerragh to aytokinhto poy kata pasa piqanothta xrhsimopoihsan oi drastes ws meso diafyghs. Thn eyqynh kai twn dyo epiqesewn anelabe h ETA. Amesws shmane synagermos, afoy h ekrhjh sxetisthke me ton apocino agwna Real-Mpartselona, gia toys hmitelikoys toy Champions League. Kanonika diejagetai to paixnidi, meta apo ektakth synedriash ths Oyefa.

    Kai deyterh ekrhjh

    Dekapente lepta prin thn prwth ekrhjh, me thlefwnhma ths h ETA anelabe thn eyqynh ths epiqeshs. To gegonos ayto, epetrece thn ekkenwsh toy stadioy apo filaqloys, oi opoioi siga siga proserxontan sto ghpedo.

    Ligo argotera, ena pagideymeno me ekrhktika Fornt Eskort, ejerragh se apostash 2 xiliometrwn apo to Stadio Mpernampeoy.

    Endexetai ayto to oxhma na xrhsimopoihsan oi drastes ths prwths epiqeshs ws meso diafyghs.

    Pantws ayth h ekrhjh htan poly mikroterhs isxyws.

    Apo thn prwth ekrhjh poy shmeiwqhke se apostash molis 50 metrwn apo to stadio Santiagko Mpernampeoy, tylixqhkan stis floges alla 10 aytokinhta plhn toy pagideymenoy me ekrhktika.

    Stis 20.00 to brady, h Oyefa pragmatopoihse ektakth synedriash prokeimenoy na diapistwqei an ta metra asfaleias htan eparkh gia th diejagwgh toy agwna.

    [03] Anoigei o dromos gia apeleyqerwsh Arafat;

    1/5/2002 7:29:00 mm

    Se katarxhn symfwnia katelhjan o Giaser Arafat kai oi apestalmenoi twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn kai ths Bretanias gia thn metafora eji kratoymenwn Palaistiniwn, symfwnia, h opoia endexetai na anoijei to dromo gia thn arsh toy apokleismoy toy apo th Ramala. Pantws, me dhlwseis toy sto praktoreio Reuters, o Moxament Rasint, stenos synergaths toy Arafat dhlwse oti den mporei na yparjei symfwnia an oi israhlines dynameis den apoxwrhsoyn apo to arxhgeio toy kai th Ramala.

    O Moxament Rasint, stenos synergaths toy Palaistinioy proedroy, anefere oti h symfwnia den qa oristikopoihqei para mono otan to Israhl aposyrei oles tis dynameis toy apo to geniko epiteleio toy Arafat kai aposyrqei apo thn ypo palaistiniakh dioikhsh polh ths Ramalas sth Dytikh Oxqh.

    O Rasint, poy parakoloyqhse tis synomilies, prosqese oti oi Palaistinioi symfwnhsan na metaferqoyn oi eji katazhtoymenoi apo to Israhl se fylakh ths Ierixoys opoy qa krathqoyn ypo thn epopteia Amerikanwn kai Bretanwn froyrwn.

    " Epityxame mia symfwnia. Eipame stoys Amerikanoys kai toys Bretanoys oti oi tesseris fylakismenoi kai oi dyo kratoymenoi andres qa prepei na metaferqoyn sthn idia fylakh sthn Ierixw" katelhje o Moxamant Rasint.

    Sth Bhqleem, dyo paidakia skotwqhkan apo ekrhjh se palaistiniako astynomiko fylakio poy eixe ekkenwqei kai katalhfqei apo tis israhlines dynameis, enw allos enas Palaistinios traymatisthke sto Nao ths Gennhshs.

    Sto metajy, ta apotelesmata toy tajidioy Papandreoy - Tzem se Tel Abib kai Ramala, oi teleytaies ejelijeis sth Mesh Anatolh kai o apokleismos toy arxhgeioy toy Giaser Arafat kai toy Naoy ths Gennhshs htan ta qemata poy apasxolhsan th syskech toy ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Giwrgoy Papandreoy me toys Arabes presbeis kai epitetrammenoys sthn Aqhna.

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