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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 03-06-21The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>PERIEXOMENA[01] ''Epitaxynete th metarryqmish ths KAP'', lene oi HPA21/6/2003 11:37:00 mmEkklhsh pros thn EE na epitaxynei th diadikasia metarryqmishs ths agrotikhs ths politikhs, wste na proxwrhsoyn oi synomilies gia tis pagkosmies emporikes synallages, aphyqyne o ekproswpos twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn, Rompert Zelik, sth synodo toy Pagkosmioy Organismoy Emporioy poy diejagetai sto aigyptiako qeretro Sarm El Seix. "Enw syzhtame tropoys gia na proxwrhsoyme tis diapragmateyseis, kaqistatai safes oti h proodos h h telmatwsh twn synomiliwn ejartatai apo thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh", dhlwse o ekproswpos twn HPA. [02] Synodos ''koyartetoy'' gia diaswsh toy ''odikoy xarth''21/6/2003 10:59:00 mmYpo ton titlo "Pagkosmia synodos symfiliwshs" synerxetai to Sabbato sto Aman h ektakth trihmerh synanthsh toy Pagkosmioy Oikonomikoy Foroym, me basika qemata thn anoikodomhsh toy Irak kai thn eirhneytikh diadikasia sth Mesh Anatolh. Sto plaisio ths Synodoy qa pragmatopoihqei to apogeyma ths Kyriakhs synanthsh toy "koyartetoy" (OHE, Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, Rwsia, HPA), se mia ystath prospaqeia na diaswqei o "Odikos Xarths" gia thn eirhneysh sth Mesh Anatolh, para to neo kyma bias sthn perioxh. Sto metajy, h aimatoxysia sta palaistiniaka efadh synexizetai. Hgetiko stelexos ths islamikhs organwshs Xamas ths Dytikhs Oxqhs skotwqhke to brady toy Sabbatoy apo epiqesh israhlinwn stratiwtwn sth Xebrona, enw thn Paraskeyh nekros apo israhlina pyra epese enas 25xronos Palaistinios, sto Xan Gioynes, sth lwrida ths Gazas. To Aman kentro toy dialogoy gia to ''mesanatoliko'' Sth synanthsh me ton geniko grammatea toy OHE k. Kofi Anan kai toys ypoyrgoys Ejwterikwn ths Rwsias kk Igkor Ibanof kai twn HPA Kolin Paoyel, thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh qa ekproswphsei o Ellhnas ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn kai proedreywn toy Symboylioy twn ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn ths EE k. Giwrgos Papandreoy, o opoios anaxwrhse arga to apogeyma toy Sabbatoy apo th Qessalonikh gia to Aman. O k. Papandreoy qa symmetasxei epishs mazi me toys omologoys toy ths Aigyptoy, ths Iordanias, toy Israhl kai ths Palaistiniakhs Arxhs se panel me qema "to mellon ths Meshs Anatolhs". To rolo ths Eyrwphs sth Mesh Anatolh qa syzhthsoyn sto plaisio ths Synodoy o ypatos ekproswpos ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs gia thn Ejwterikh Politikh k. Xabier Solana, h proedros ths Letonias kyria Baira Bike- Freimpergka, oi ypoyrgoi Ejwterikwn ths Germanias, Gioska Fiser kai ths Ispanias, ka Ana Palaqio kai o Amerikanos geroysiasths k. Tzozef Mpainten. Sthn ektakth synodo symmetexoyn perissoteroi apo 1.100 politikoi, epixeirhmaties, stelexh epixeirhsewn kai analytes. H synodos filojeneitai se jenodoxeiako sygkrothma konta sth Nekra Qalassa kai oi diorganwtes ektimoyn oti qa yparjei poly mikros ariqmos organwmenwn diadhlwtwn. ''Epontai dyskoles apofaseis kai gia tis dyo pleyres'' Thn Paraskeyh, o Amerikanos YPEJ dhlwse, stis synanthseis poy eixe jexwrista me toys prwqypoyrgoys toy Israhl kai twn Palaistiniwn, oti qa prepei twra na laboyn dyskoles apofaseis. Epishs, o epikefalhs ths amerikanikhs diplwmatias katadikase thn organwsh Xamas, xarakthrizontas thn exqro ths eirhnhs. H Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, me th seira ths, kalese th Xamas na khryjei ekexeiria, giati daforetika, opws anefere, qa thn khryjei ws tromokratikh organwsh. Pantws, opws epishmainoyn polloi analytes, h episkech Paoyel den katafere na odhghsei sthn arsh adiejodoy. [03] Sthn Korsikh o prwqypoyrgos ths Gallias21/6/2003 10:47:00 mmO prwqypoyrgos ths Gallias Zan Pier Rafaren metebh aeroporikws to Sabbato sthn Korsikh prokeimenoy na dhlwsei thn yposthrijh ths kybernhshs toy sthn prospaqeia aytonomhshs toy nhsioy kai na teqei etsi ena telos sth bia poy talaipwrei thn Korsikh edw kai dekaeties. H kybernhsh exei anakoinwsei oti thn 6h Ioylioy qa diejaxqei dhmochfisma sthn Korsikh etsi wste na ths doqei megalyteros elegxos sta qemata energeiakhs politikhs, stis metafores kai sto dhmosionomiko tomea. Ean oi 191.000 chfoforoi ths Korsikhs chfisoyn "nai" sthn protash, to nhsi qa ginei to protypo sta sxedia ths kentrodejias kybernhshs gia thn apokentrwsh ths Gallias kai thn paroxh perissoterhs aytonomias se perioxes ths gallikhs epikrateias. O prwtos staqmos ths episkechs Rafaren htan h polh Mpastia sta boreia ths Korsikhs, opoy nwritera eixan jespasei taraxes apo thn pleyra twn ekpaideytikwn oi opoioi antedrasan sto sxedio ths gallikhs kybernhshs gia metarryqmiseis sthn ekpaideysh. Oi ekpaideytikoi fwnazan antikybernhtika synqhmata kai dialyqhkan meta thn epembash ths astynomias, prin thn enarjh ths programmatismenhs omilias toy Galloy prwqypoyrgoy. O Rafaren etyxe qermoterhs ypodoxhs sto Aiakeio kai ekei aphyqyne ekklhsh stoys katoikoys na metasxoyn kai na sthrijoyn to dhmochfisma. Ton Gallo prwqypoyrgo synodeyei o ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Nikola Sarkozi. [04] ''Sigh asyrmatoy'' se aeroskafos panw apo to Belgio21/6/2003 8:07:00 mmDyo belgika, stratiwtika aeroskafh shkwqhkan to Sabbato gia na anaxaitisoyn emporiko aeroskafos poy eixe eiselqei ston enaerio xwro toy Belgioy, alla jafnika shmeiwqhke sigh asyrmatoy, to deytero epeisodio toy eidoys poy katagrafetai mesa se diasthma dyo hmerwn. Wstoso ta polemika aeroskafh epetrecan sto emporiko aeroskafos na synexisei thn pthsh toy molis apokatastaqhke h epikoinwnia me ayto. To praktoreio Belgka metedwse oti to aeroplano eixe proorismo to aerodromio Loyton ths Bretanias kai eixe apogeiwqei apo thn Ellada. Thn Pempth, ena libaneziko epibathgo aeroskafos exase epishs thn epafh toy me ton pyrgo elegxoy, alla kai s' ayto epetraph na synexisei to tajidi toy molis apokatesthse thn epikoinwnia toy me toys elegktes enaerioy kykloforias toy Belgioy. Na shmeiwqei oti oi arxes ths xwras briskontai se synexh epifylakh gia kaqe endexomenh apeilh apo ton aera meta tis tromokratikes epiqeseis ths 11hs Septembrioy 2001 [05] Thn trith qesh katelabe to Peristeri21/6/2003 10:18:00 mmMe ton kalytero tropo elhje h fetinh xronia gia to Peristeri. H omada toy Argyrh Pedoylakh epikrathse toy Olympiakoy me 76-66 ston tetarto agwna ths seiras gia thn 3h qesh, kai afhse toys "eryqroleykoys" sthn tetarth qesh toy baqmologikoy pinaka me skor 3-1. [06] Bolei: Tsexia-Ellada 3-1 sto Pagkosmio Ligk21/6/2003 9:19:00 mmThn htta me 3-1 set, poy oysiastika ths sterei to dikaiwma na diekdikhsei thn prwth qesh toy D' Omiloy sto Pagkosmio Ligk, gnwrise sthn Ostraba, h eqnikh mas omada bolei twn andrwn, apo thn antistoixh ths Tsexias. Ta set: 21-25, 25-16, 25-20, 25-13. H eqnikh mas an kai prohghqhke 1-0 set exase telika me 3-1 sto prwto paixnidi toy teleytaioy dihmeroy ths prokrimatikhs fashs toy Pagkosmioy Ligk. Para thn htta ths elpizei akomh se prokrish sta telika alla pleon den krataei thn tyxh sta xeria ths. Sygkekrimena gia na perasei sta telika ths diorganwshs qa prepei ayrio stis 5 m.m. (topikh wra) na nikhsei me opoiodhpote skor toys Tsexoys kai taytoxrona h Gallia, poy nikhse xqes thn Iapwnia na xasei apo toys Asiates. Se ayth thn periptwsh h Eqnikh mas qa parei thn deyterh qesh ston Omilo, afoy thn prwth thn ejasfalise kai maqhmatika h Tsexia kai qa elpizei na einai mia apo tis treis kalyteres deyteres apo toys tesseris Omiloys twn prokrimatikwn (pernoyn oi prwtoi kai oi treis kalyteroi deyteroi). Oson afora to shmerino paixnidi to Eqniko mas sygkrothma apo to deytero set kai epeita eixe polla problhmata. Den mporese na antidrasei sto serbis twn Tsexwn, den leitoyrghse sto mplok kai moiraia exase to paixnidi me toys Tsexoys na pianoyn megalh apodosh se ena ekplhktiko koino poy toys edwse ftera paroti jekinhsan straba ton agwna. Dikaiologhmena einai ta parapona ths Eqnikhs gia thn diaithsia toy Portogaloy A. Azebento (prwtos diaithths), poy ekane adikaiologhta laqh gia tetoio epipedo kai se kapoio shmeio ekneyrise toys dieqneis. Omws den htan aytos poy ekrine to teliko apotelesma. Ellada: Roymeliwths 17, Tsakiropoylos 9 (1 aso), Pantalewn 10 (1 aso), Mpaef 9 (3 asoys), Kyriazhs 5 (1 aso) (Stefanoy\4 amynes), Lappas 6, Proysalhs, Smaragdhs, Ntragkobits, Karypidhs. Tsexia: Lempl 22 (2 asoys, 6 mplok), G. Nobotni 18 (2 asoys), Rak 10 (1 aso), Koympala 5, Zapletal 4, Stanek (Ontmpzalek/4), Platenik 5, M. Nobotni 4, Ntoymps 1. "Sygxairw thn Tsexia gia thn prokrish ths sta telika toy Pagkosmioy Ligk. Htan h omada toy Omiloy me thn pio staqerh apodosh alla kai h pio freskia. Shmera nikhse dikaia alla den xreiazotan kan thn bohqeia ths diaithsias. Me bash ta problhmata poy exoyme ayton ton kairo eimai eyxaristhmenos apo thn prospaqeia poy kaname sta tria prwta set. Ayrio qa prospaqhsoyme na diorqwsoyme ta laqh mas kai na paijoyme kalytera", dhlwse meta to telos toy agwna o omospondiakos proponhths Stelios Prosalikas enw o Tsexos Pabel Remparek dhlwse: "Xairome gia thn prokrish sta telika ths diorganwshs. Kaname to bhma poy perimename kai paijame kala kontra se mia omada poy hqele kai ayth thn nikh. Deijame dynamh sto paixnidi mas kai eixame poly kalh cyxologia gegonos poy mas bohqhse na jeperasoyme to kako mas jekinhma". [07] Erxetai ston Panaqhnaiko o Zoytaoytas21/6/2003 9:14:00 mmMesa stis epomenes 48 wres, anamenetai na oristikopoihqei kai h deyterh fetinh metagrafh toy Panaqhnaikoy h opoia den einai allh apo ayth toy Raimontas Zoytaoytas. Malista, oi plhrofories qeloyn ton arxhgo ths eqnikhs Liqoyanias na brisketai hdh sthn Aqhna wste na balei thn ypografh toy sto symbolaio kai sthn synexeia na anaxwrhsei gia thn patrida toy. [08] Sthn Peroytzia qa agwnistei o gios toy Kantafi21/6/2003 9:12:00 mmSthn Peroytzia,qa metabei o Saanti Kantafi, gios toy Libyoy hgeth Moyamar Kantafi stis 29 Ioynioy prokeimenoy na ypogracei symbolaio synergasias diarkeias enos xronoy. Arxika o Saanti, ton opoio exei kerdisei to podosfairo kai oxi h politikh, eixe anakoinwsei oti prwta qa symmeteixe stis proponhseis ths Peroytzia prin parei thn oristikh toy apofash na ypogracei, alla symfwna me ton ekproswpo toy, Tzianloyka Nti Karlo, allaj gnwmh kai telh toy mhna metabainei sthn Italia gia na balei kai epishma thn ypografh toy. Malista opws grafoyn oi italikes efhmerides, brisketai hdh se anazhthsh spitioy sthn Peroytzia gia na diamenei to diasthma, poy qa agwnizetai sthn omada ths polhs. O 30xronos Kantafi, poy anhkei sthn omada Al-Itixant ths Tripolhs, agwnizetai sto xwro toy kentroy. Parallhla einai antiproedros ths Omospondias Podosfairoy ths Libyhs kai ypochfios gia thn proedria ths afrikanikhs synospondias. Parallhla feretai idiokthths kata 7,5% twn metoxwn ths Gioybentoys, enw katexei kai to 33% ths Triestina poy agwnizetai sth B' kathgoria. The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |