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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 06-08-24The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>PERIEXOMENA[01] KoinwniaGia thn ejafanish toy mikroy AlejEreynoyn kai sejoyalika kinhtra 24/8/2006 10:25:00 mm Phgh: NET Gia prwth fora, o ypoyrgos Dhmosias Tajhs afhse anoixto to endexomeno na yparxoyn kai sejoyalikes ptyxes sthn polykroth ypoqesh ths ejafanishs toy mikroy Alej. O k. Byrwn Polydwras se grapth anakoinwsh toy anaferei oti mexri stigmhs, den yparxoyn sygkekrimenes kathgories, alla, par' ola ayta, h Astynomia, me meqodikothta kai epaggelmatismo, ejetazei kaqe martyria. Aformh gia thn anakoinwsh toy ypoyrgeioy Dhmosias tajhs htan dhmosieyma toy periodikoy "Politika Qemata" ths 21hs Aygoystoy poy askoyse kritikh gia toys xeirismoys ths Astynomias sto qema ths ejafanishs toy 11xronoy. Dhmosiografikoi kykloi ths Beroias, yposthrizoyn oti yparxoyn toylaxiston treis kataggelies poy aforoyn sto qema ths paiderastias kai h mia apo aytes mporei na syndeetai me thn ejafanish toy 11xronoy. O ogkwdhs fakelos ths proanakritikhs diadikasias perilambanei mexri stigmhs 350 martyrikes kataqeseis kai 262 eggrafa. [02] KoinwniaSto SyntagmaSyllalhthrio diamartyrias 24/8/2006 9:51:00 mm Syntakths: Anna Koyrth Phgh: APE-MPE, NET Antipolemikes organwseis pragmatopoihsan to apogeyma ths Pempths syllalhthrio diamartyrias sto Syntagma, gia th symmetoxh ths xwras mas sthn polyeqnikh dynamh toy OHE. Oi diadhlwtes sygkentrwqhkan apenanti apo th Boylh twn Ellhnwn, epi ths odoy Amalias kai pragmatopoihsan poreia sthn plateia Syntagmatos, sthn B. Sofias kai sto Ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn opoy qyrokollhsan sxetiko antipolemiko chfisma. To idio chfisma qyrokollhsan kai sthn Edra ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs sthn Aqhna. Meta thn oloklhrwsh ths poreias gyrw stis 21.00 arxisan na dialyontai eirhnika. To syllalhthrio diamartyrias eixe ws basika synqhmata "Ejw to Israhl apo ton Libano", "Kammia symmetoxh se dynamh katoxhs", "Afopliste to Israhl kai oxi thn Xezmpolax, me thn sthrijh twn syndikatwn, ths GSEE, ths ADEDY kai toy EKA, ths Libanezikhs kai ths Pakistanikhs Koinothtas kai ths Moysoylmanikhs Enwshs sthn Ellada. Plhrh arnhsh "Oi ergazomenoi diadhlwnoyme thn antiqesh kai thn plhrh arnhsh mas sth symmetoxh ths xwras mas me strato jhras, qalasshs h aeros", tonise ston xairetismo poy aphyqyne sto Syntagma o ekproswpos twn syndikatwn Dhmhtrhs Tsoykalas. Apo thn pleyra toy, o ekproswpos ths Symmaxias Giannhs Shfakakhs, o opoios symmeteixe sth Dieqnh synanthsh antipolemikwn kinhmatwn sthn Aigypto "Kampania Kairoy", anakoinwse tis sxetikes apofaseis twn kinhtopoihsewn poy exoyn programmatistei. Stis 28 Septembrioy ena ploio qa anaxwrhsei apo thn Alejandreia ths Aigyptoy me proorismo th Bhryto prokeimenoy na spasei ton naytiko apokleismo toy Libanoy, enw prokeitai na pragmatopoihqei mia taytoxronh antipolemikh diadhlwsh se polles poleis toy kosmoy sthn opoia qa symmetasxoyn kai ta antipolemika kinhmata ths xwras mas stis 30 Septembrioy sthn Aqhna. Telos, exei apofasistei sto plaisio ths dieqnoys antipolemikhs apostolhs sto Libano, opws eipe o ekproswpos ths Prwtoboylias Genoba 2001 Petros Kwstantinoy, o opoios symmeteixe se aythn, oti qa pragmatopoihqei mia pagkosmia synanthsh twn kinhmatwn sto Libano stis 22-26 Noembrioy. Sxetikes Eidhseis: "Mia eykairia sthn eirhnh" [03] KoinwniaSynexizontai oi prosagwgesEleyqeroi oi eji ypoptoi 24/8/2006 8:59:00 mm Phgh: NET Eleyqeroi afeqhkan oi tesseris Ellhnes, o enas ek twn opoiwn einai agiografos kai oi dyo allodapoi, enas Germanos kai enas Elbetos, poy eixan prosaxqei thn Tetarth ws ypoptoi gia thn kloph ths qaymatoyrghs eikonas ths Panagias ths Brefokratoysas sto Lewnidio Arkadias. Apo thn proanakrish den proekycan eis baros toys stoixeia gia emplokh sthn ypoqesh. Pantws, enas apo toys prosaxqentes kathgoreitai gia katoxh narkwtikwn oysiwn, poy breqhke sto spiti toy stoys Molaoys Lakwnias. Sto metajy oi Arxes me nees prosagwges kai me taytopoihsh apotypwmatwn, poy breqhkan sth Monh, epixeiroyn na ftasoyn stoys drastes. Sthn asfaleia Attikhs, sto plaisio ths ereynas, eginan dyo prosagwges atomwn poy palaiotera eixan apasxolhsei tis Arxes gia emplokh se kyklwmata arxaiokaphlias. Ejalloy, oi Arxes exoyn sth diaqesh toys stoixeia gia toylaxiston enan apo toys drastes ths klophs ths eikonas, kaqws sto sxoini poy xrhsimopoihqhke breqhke biologiko yliko poy odhgei, mesw ths taytopoihshs toy genetikoy ylikoy, sthn taytothta toy drasth. Parallhla, symfwna me plhrofories, oi astynomikoi ektimoyn oti h eikona einai krymmenh kapoy sthn Peloponnhso kai oi ereynes epikentrwnontai stoys Nomoys Arkadias, Lakwnias kai Argolidas. Sxetikes Eidhseis: Prosagwges ypoptwn [04] KoinwniaLamia: Pyrkagia se apoqhkh xartikwn24/8/2006 8:54:00 mm Syntakths: Anna Koyrth Phgh: APE-MPE Pyrkagia se apoqhkh xartikwn jespase to meshmeri ths Pempths sto kentro ths Lamias, me apotelesma na parei megales diastaseis. Meta apo treis wres synexoys prospaqeias oi pyrosbestes katorqwsan na periorisoyn thn estia ths fwtias apotrepontas na epektaqei sto ypoloipo ktirio. Symfwna me tis ektimhseis twn pyrosbestwn oi zhmies ths apoqhkhs xartikwn toy Iwan. Kopanh einai anypologistes, afoy oi apoqhkes htan gemates me emporeyma kai eyflekta ylika. Dyo katoikoi apo tis geitonikes polykatoikies prospaqhsan na paremboyn gia na stamathsoyn tis floges, me apotelesma na traymatistoyn elafra. Sth perioxh espeysan 15 oxhmata ths pyrosbestikhs kai 35 andres kai ydrofores toy dhmoy Lamias. Thn wra poy jespase h pyrkagia den htan kaneis apo toys ypallhloys toy katasthmatos alla kai toys idiokthtes to ktirio afoy eixan apoxwrhsei mia wra prin. Oi ajiwmatikoi ths pyrosbestikhs poy diejagoyn thn proanakrish gia na diapistwqoyn ta aitia ths pyrkagias den mporoyn pros to paron na bgaloyn kapoia symperasmata, enw oi prwtes ektimhseis syneklinan se piqano braxykyklwma. [05] Koinwnia"Efyge" o Qwmas Mixalakos24/8/2006 9:13:00 mm Phgh: APE-MPE Exase th maxh me thn eparato noso o dhmosiografos Qwmas Mixalakos, se hlikia 48 etwn. Syllhphthria stoys oikeioys toy ejefrasan o ypoyrgos Epikrateias kai kybernhtikos ekproswpos Qeodwros Roysopoylos,o proedros toy Synaspismoy Alekos Alabanos kai h Kentrikh Politikh Epitroph toy Synaspismoy. To D.S. ths ESHEA syllypeitai toys oikeioys toy kai apoxaireta enan ajio synadelfo poy yphrethse me ajiosynh kai entimothta to dhmosiografiko epaggelma. H khdeia toy qa ginei stis 12 to meshmeri toy Sabbatoy apo to A' Nekrotafeio Aqhnwn. O Qwmas Mixalakos gennhqhke to 1957 ston Kotrwna Lakwnias. Afoy oloklhrwse tis gymnasiakes toy spoydes apofoithse apo to Ergasthri Dhmosiografias. Ergasthke sthn efhmerida EQNOS, sthn efhmerida "H PRWTH", sthn efhmerida "AYGH", sto 5o programma ths Ellhnikhs Radiofwnias kai sth NET 105,8 opoy synexize na ergazetai mexri thn teleytaia stigmh, kalyptontas to politiko reportaz. Htan eklegmeno melos toy teleytaioy 4oy Taktikoy Panelladikoy Synedrioy ths POESY kai eixe diatelesei melos toy Genikoy Symboylioy ths POESY. O Qwmas Mixalakos yphrje enas anqrwpos eygenhs kai idiaitera agaphtos stoys synadelfoys toy, poy diakriqhke gia to hqos kai thn eysyneidhsia toy. [06] KosmosAfeqhsan oi 12 ypoptoi24/8/2006 9:51:00 mm (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 24/8/2006 10:25:22 mm) Phgh: APE Eleyqeroi afeqhsan kai oi 12 epibates ths amerikanikhs aeroporikhs etaireias "Northwest", poy synelhfqhsan sto Amsterntam thn Tetarth, kaqws oi synepibates toys, toys kathggeilan gia ypopth symperifora kata th diarkeia ths pthshs. H ollandikh dikaiosynh poy diereynhse to kata poson tekmhriwnetai h kathgoria "telesh biaihs energeias, ikanhs na qesei se dokimasia thn asfaleia ths pthshs" katelhje sto symperasma oti h kathgoria ayth den eystaqei. To peristatiko synebh enw to aeroskafos ths "Northwest", ekteloyse pthsh apo to Amsterntam sth Bombah. Enw to aeroskafos briskotan panw apo ton enaerio xwro ths Germanias, synepibates twn 12 kathggeilan oti oi 12 epibates ecaxnan mesa se plastikes sakoyles, eixan energopoihsei ta kinhta toys thlefwna h kinoyntan, xwris adeia, mesa sto aeroplano, opws dhlwse sta ollandika MME, enas apo toys kataggellontes. Tote o pilotos zhthse adeia apo tis arxes toy Sipxol sthn ollandikh prwteyoysa kai prosgeiwqhke jana sto ollandiko aerodromio. H astynomia toy aerodromioy proxwrhse sth syllhch twn 12 epibatwn, olwn indikhs yphkoothtas. Sxetikes Eidhseis: Synagermos sto Amsterntam [07] M. AnatolhSto LibanoEnisxyetai h eirhneytikh dynamh 24/8/2006 11:11:00 mm Syntakths: Anna Koyrth Phgh: Reuters, APE-MPE Thn apostolh 1.600 stratiwtwn sto Libano anakoinwse to brady ths Pempths, o Gallos proedros Zak Sirak anebazontas ton synoliko ariqmo twn Gallwn poy qa anaptyxqoyn sthn perioxh se 2.000 antres. Se thleoptiko diaggelma toy o Sirak tonise oti to Parisi einai etoimo na synexisei na askei th dioikhsh ths proswrinh eirhneytikh dynamh toy OHE (Finul). Akomh, o Gallos Proedros diabebaiwse oti oi 1.700 andres poy symmeteixan sthn aero-naytikh epixeirhsh apomakrynshs twn Gallwn kai allwn jenwn yphkown apo to Libano kata th diarkeia twn sygkroysewn "qa parameinoyn sthn perioxh". Proqymh na analabei th dioikhsh ths Finul emfanizetai kai h Rwmh poy protiqetai na steilei sto Libano 2.000 me 3.000 andres. H anaptyjh dieqnoys dynamhs problepetai apo thn apofash 1701 toy Symboylioy Asfaleias toy OHE, h opoia epetrece thn epiteyjh ekexeirias, stis 14 Aygoystoy, meta apo ena mhna polynekrwn epiqesewn sto Libano. Sxetikes Eidhseis: "Pyretos" diapragmateysewn [08] Podosfairo (Dieqnes)Se Olympiako kai AEKH klhrwtida xamogelase 24/8/2006 8:11:00 mm (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 24/8/2006 11:18:48 mm) Me thn tyxh sto meros toys, Olympiakos kai AEK emaqan toys omiloys kai tis antipaloys toys sto Champions League. Oi "eryqroleykoi" qa briskontai sto 4o omilo me antipaloys thn ispanikh Balenqia, thn italikh Roma kai thn oykranikh Saxtar toy Ntonetsk . Oi "kitrinomayroi" me th seira toys briskontai ston 8o omilo kai qa exoyn ws antipaloys ths italikh Milan, th gallikh Lil kai th belgikh Anterlext. To prwto paixnidi toy Olympiakoy qa einai sto Karaiskakh me antipalo th Balenqia, enw h AEK qa tajidecei sthn Italia gia na antimetwpisei th Milan. Aisiodojia ston Olympiako H klhrwsh gia toys "eryqroleykoys" htan kalh afoy "glitwse" sto na antimetwpisei ta "megaqhria" toy Eyrwpaikoy podosfairoy. O proponhths toy Olympiakoy, Tron Solint, se dhlwseis toy amesws meta eipe pws einai dyskolo na krineis ton omilo. Xarakthrise ena apo ta fabori th Balenqia, enw tonise pws qa protimoyse na ginei to prwto paixnidi sthn Ispania me thn Balenqia kai oxi sto Karaiskakh. Sygkekrimena o Norbhgos texnikos eipe: "Einai poly dyskolo na krinw ayton ton omilo. Oles einai kales omades. Th Saxtar thn jerw poly kala, giati exoyme paijei dyo fores se prokrimatiko me ayth thn omada, otan ergazomoyn sthn Mpriz. H Balenqia kai h Roma den exoyn arxisei to prwtaqlhma toys ki ayto pisteyw oti einai ena abantaz gia emas. H Balenqia einai ena apo ta fabori, giati einai apo tis koryfaies omades ths Ispanias. H seira twn agwnwn qa paijei kapoio rolo. Qa protimoysa na arxiza tis ypoxrewseis toy Olympiakoy me th Balenqia sthn Ispania anti gia to Karaiskakh". Xamogela sthn AEK Mono qetikh mporei na qewrhqei kai h klhrwsh gia thn AEK. O arxhgos ths "Enwshs", amesws meta se dhlwseis toy tonise pws me ejairesh th Milan, oi alles dyo omades einai sta metra ths omadas toy. Sygkekrimena o "Kolossos" eipe: "An ejairesw th Milan, poy einai poly megalh omada, oi alles dyo omades einai sta metra mas. Prepei aytes tis omades na tis kerdisoyme sthn edra mas kai, efoson kataferoyme, na paroyme kapoioys baqmoys ektos. Prepei na doylecoyme poly gia na ftasoyme sto stoxo mas. Qa metrhsoyn se ola ayta ta mats kai oi filodojies poy exoyme kai emeis oi podosfairistes. H AEK q` agwnistei me diaforetikh nootropia. Ta apotelesmata qa fanoyn mesa sto ghpedo. Exoyme doylecei poly kala. O arxiko stoxos me th Xarts epeteyxqh. Twra qa allajoyme proswpo, gia na paroysiastoyme pio dynatoi toso sthn Eyrwph, oso kai sthn Ellada. Qewrw oti to prwtaqlhma einai o prwtarxikos stoxos ths efetinhs AEK". Oi oktw omiloi Oi oktw omiloi toy Tsampions Ligk, opws proekycan apo thn klhrwsh poy egine shmera sto Monako, exoyn ws ejhs: 1os omilos Mpartselona (Ispania) Tselsi (Agglia) Bernter Bremhs (Germania) Lefski Sofias (Boylgaria) 2os omilos Inter (Italia) Mpagern Monaxoy (Germania) Sportingk Lisabonas (Portogalia) Spartak Mosxas (Rwsia) 3os omilos Liberpoyl (Agglia) Aintxofen (Ollandia) Mpornto (Gallia) Galatasarai (Toyrkia) 4os omilos Balenqia (Ispania) Roma (Italia) OLYMPIAKOS Saxtar Ntonetsk (Oykrania) 5os omilos Real Madriths (Ispania) Lion (Gallia) Steaoya Boykoyrestioy (Roymania) Ntinamo Kieboy (Oykrania) 6os omilos Mantsester Gioynaitent (Agglia) Seltik (Skotia) Mpenfika (Portogalia) Kopegxagh (Dania) 7os omilos Arsenal (Agglia) Porto (Portogalia) TSSKA Mosxas (Rwsia) Amboyrgo (Germania) 8os omilos Milan (Italia) Lil (Gallia) AEK Anterlext (Belgio) To agwnistiko programma 1os omilos 1h hmera -12 Septembrioy Tselsi (Agglia)-Bernter Bremhs (Germania) Mpartselona (Ispania)-Lefski Sofias) 2h hmera - 27 Septembrioy Lefski Sofias (Boylgaria)-Tselsi (Agglia) Bernter Bremhs (Germania)-Mpartselona (Ispania) 3h hmera - 18 Oktwbrioy Bernter Bremhs (Germania)-Lefski Sofias) Tselsi (Agglia)-Mpartselona (Ispania) 4h hmera - 31 Oktwbrioy Lefski Sofias (Boylgaria)-Bernter Bremhs (Germania) Mpartselona (Ispania)-Tselsi (Agglia) 5h hmera - 22 Noembrioy Bernter Bremhs (Germania)-Tselsi (Agglia) Lefski Sofias (Boylgaria)-Mpartselona (Ispania) 6h hmera - 5 Dekembrioy Tselsi (Agglia)-Lefski Sofias (Boylgaria) Mpartselona (Ispania)-Bernter Bremhs (Germania) 2os omilos 1h hmera - 12 Septembrioy Mpagern Monaxoy (Germania)-Spartak Mosxas (Rwsia) Sportingk Lisabonas (Portogalia)-Inter (Italia) 2h hmera - 27 Septembrioy Inter (Italia)-Mpagern Monaxoy (Germania) Spartak Mosxas (Rwsia)-Sportingk Lisabonas (Portogalia) 3h hmera - 18 Oktwbrioy Inter (Italia)-Spartak Mosxas (Rwsia) Sportingk Lisabonas (Portogalia)-Mpagern Monaxoy (Germania) 4h hmera - 31 Oktwbrioy Mpagern Monaxoy (Germania)-Sportingk Lisabonas (Portogalia) Spartak Mosxas (Rwsia)-Inter (Italia) 5h hmera - 22 Noembrioy Inter (Italia)-Sportingk Lisabonas (Portogalia) Spartak Mosxas (Rwsia)-Mpagern Monaxoy (Germania) 6h hmera - 5 Dekembrioy Mpagern Monaxoy (Germania)-Inter (Italia) Sportingk Lisabonas (Portogalia)-Spartak Mosxas (Rwsia) 3os omilos 1h hmera - 12 Septembrioy Galatasarai (Toyrkia)-Mpornto (Gallia) Aintxoben (Ollandia)-Liberpoyl (Agglia) 2h hmera - 27 Septembrioy Mpornto (Gallia)-Aintxoben (Ollandia) Liberpoyl (Agglia)-Galatasarai (Toyrkia) 3h hmera - 18 Oktwbrioy Galatasarai (Toyrkia)-Aintxoben (Ollandia) Mpornto (Gallia)-Liberpoyl (Agglia) 4h hmera - 31 Oktwbrioy Liberpoyl (Agglia)-Mpornto (Gallia) Aintxoben (Ollandia)-Galatasarai (Toyrkia) 5h hmera - 22 Noembrioy Mpornto (Gallia)-Galatasarai (Toyrkia) Liberpoyl (Agglia)-Aintxoben (Ollandia) 6h hmera - 5 Dekembrioy Galatasarai (Toyrkia)-Liberpoyl (Agglia) Aintxoben (Ollandia)-Mpornto (Gallia) 4os omilos 1h hmera - 12 Septembrioy Roma (Italia)-Saxtar Ntonetsk (Oykrania) OLYMPIAKOS-Balenqia (Ispania) 2h hmera - 27 Septembrioy Saxtar Ntonetsk (Oykrania)-OLYMPIAKOS Balenqia (Ispania)-Roma (Italia) 3h hmera - 18 Oktwbrioy OLYMPIAKOS-Roma (Italia) Balenqia (Ispania)-Saxtar Ntonetsk (Oykrania) 4h hmera - 31 Oktwbrioy Roma (Italia)-OLYMPIAKOS (ELLADA) Saxtar Ntonetsk (Oykrania)-Balenqia (Ispania) 5h hmera - 22 Noembrioy Saxtar Ntonetsk (Oykrania)-Roma (Italia) Balenqia (Ispania)-OLYMPIAKOS 6h hmera - 5 Dekembrioy Roma (Italia)-Balenqia (Ispania) OLYMPIAKOS-Saxtar Ntonetsk (Oykrania) 5os omilos 1h hmera - 13 Septembrioy Ntinamo Kieboy (Oykrania)-Steaoya Boykoyrestioy (Roymania) Lion (Gallia)-Real Madriths (Ispania) 2h hmera - 26 Septembrioy Real Madriths (Ispania)-Ntinamo Kieboy (Oykrania) Steaoya Boykoyrestioy (Roymania)-Lion (Gallia) 3h hmera - 17 Oktwbrioy Ntinamo Kieboy (Oykrania)-Lion (Gallia) Steaoya Boykoyrestioy (Roymania)-Real Madriths (Ispania) 4h hmera - 1 Noembrioy Lion (Gallia)-Ntinamo Kieboy (Oykrania) Real Madriths (Ispania)-Steaoya Boykoyrestioy (Roymania) 5h hmera - 21 Noembrioy Real Madriths (Ispania)-Lion (Gallia) Steaoya Boykoyrestioy (Roymania)-Ntinamo Kieboy (Oykrania) 6h hmera - 6 Dekembrioy Ntinamo Kieboy (Oykrania)-Real Madriths (Ispania) Lion (Gallia)-Steaoya Boykoyrestioy (Roymania) 6os omilos 1h hmera - 13 Septembrioy Kopegxagh (Dania)-Mpenfika (Portogalia) Mantsester Gioynaitent (Agglia)-Seltik (Skotia) 2h hmera - 26 Septembrioy Mpenfika (Portogalia)-Mantsester Gioynaitent (Agglia) Seltik (Skotia)-Kopegxagh (Dania) 3h hmera - 17 Oktwbrioy Seltik (Skotia)-Mpenfika (Portogalia) Mantsester Gioynaitent (Agglia)-Kopegxagh (Dania) 4h hmera - 1 Noembrioy Mpenfika (Portogalia)-Seltik (Skotia) Kopegxagh (Dania)-Mantsester Gioynaitent (Agglia) 5h hmera - 21 Noembrioy Mpenfika (Portogalia)-Kopegxagh (Dania) Seltik (Skotia)-Mantsester Gioynaitent (Agglia) 6h hmera - 6 Dekembrioy Kopegxagh (Dania)-Seltik (Skotia) Mantsester Gioynaitent (Agglia)-Mpenfika (Portogalia) 7os omilos 1h hmera - 13 Septembrioy Porto (Portogalia)-TSSKA Mosxas (Rwsia) Amboyrgo (Germania)-Arsenal (Agglia) 2h hmera - 26 Septembrioy Arsenal (Agglia)-Porto (Portogalia) TSSKA Mosxas (Rwsia)-Amboyrgo (Germania) 3h hmera - 17 Oktwbrioy TSSKA Mosxas (Rwsia)-Arsenal (Agglia) Porto (Portogalia)-Amboyrgo (Germania) 4h hmera - 1 Noembrioy Arsenal (Agglia)-TSSKA Mosxas (Rwsia) Amboyrgo (Germania)-Porto (Portogalia) 5h hmera - 21 Noembrioy Arsenal (Agglia)-Amboyrgo (Germania) TSSKA Mosxas (Rwsia)-Porto (Portogalia) 6h hmera - 6 Dekembrioy Porto (Portogalia)-Arsenal (Agglia) Amboyrgo (Germania)-TSSKA Mosxas (Rwsia) 8os omilos 1h hmera - 13 Septembrioy Milan (Italia)-AEK Anterlext (Belgio)-Lil (Gallia) 2h hmera - 26 Septembrioy AEK-Anterlext (Belgio) Lil (Gallia)-Milan (Italia) 3h hmera - 17 Oktwbrioy Anterlext (Belgio)-Milan (Italia) Lil (Gallia)-AEK 4h hmera - 1 Noembrioy Milan (Italia)-Anterlext (Belgio) AEK-Lil (Gallia) 5h hmera - 21 Noembrioy AEK-Milan (Italia) Lil (Gallia)-Anterlext (Belgio) 6h hmera - 6 Dekembrioy Milan (Italia)-Lil (Gallia) Anterlext (Belgio)-AEK Sxetikes Eidhseis: Oi antipaloi toy Olympiakoy Oi antipaloi ths AEK Sarwse h Mpartsa ta brabeia [09] Podosfairo (Dieqnes)Oi antipaloi toy Olympiakoy24/8/2006 11:13:00 mm Syntakths: Basilhs Kalpinos Omilos fwtia den yphrje ston Olympiako. Oi "eryqroleykoi" qa exoyn na antimetwpisoyn ths Balenqia, Roma kai thn Saxtar toy Ntonetsk. Sigoyra oxi "eykolh apostolh" gia thn omada toy Tront Solint, poy omws me thn apofygh twn megaqhriwn toy qesmoy stoys omiloys, mporei na kanei thn yperbash kai na proxwrhsei pio chla sthn Eyrwph. Oi "nyxterides" Isws to pio megalo onoma toy omiloy. Omada me synoxh kai staqerh ajia sto ispaniko prwtaqlhma, h Balenqia fantazei ws mia apo tis omades poy mporei na parei thn prokrish sthn epomenh fash ths koryfaias diasyllogikhs diorganwshs. Sto Champions League exei deijei ta diapisteythria ths kaqws exei ftasei dyo fores kai malista synexomenes sto prosfato parelqon se teliko Champions League, alla exei kai to arnhtiko pws kai tis dyo fores htthqhke kai den mporese "na piei na nero apo thn phgh". Twra, briskontas thn eykairia, deixnei etoimh na kanei kai pali mia analogh poreia kai na ftasei poly chla. Oi "nyxterides" sto prwtaqlhma Ispanias katelaban thn 3h qesh kai xreiasthke na perasoyn apo ton 3o prokrimatiko gyro, opoy antimetwpisan thn Saltsmpoyrgk, apo thn opoia htthqhkan me 1-0 ektos edras, alla kataferan na paroyn to eisithrio gia toys omiloys, nikwntas me 3-0. Oi titloi ths Balenqia Prwtaqlhmata Ispanias: 1941/42, 1943/44, 1946/47, 1970/71, 2001/02, 2003/04 Kypella Ispanias: 1941, 1949, 1954, 1967, 1979, 1999 Super Cup Ispanias: 1999 Kypella UEFA: 1961/62, 1962/63, 2003/2004 Kypella Kypelloyxwn: 1979/1980 Eyrwpaika Super Cup: 1980/81, 2004/05 H omada erwthmatiko H deyterh antipalos toy Olympiakoy einai h Saxtar Ntonetsk. To megalo ths onoma einai o proponhths, poy den einai allos apo ton Mirtsea Loytseskoy, gnwsto kai ws "alepoy twn pagkwn ths Roymanias". H oykranikh omada exei arketa megalo mpatzet, exontas stis tajeis ths paikths opws o Pletikosa kai o Borompei, enw ena apo ta arnhtika gia ton Olympiako, einai kai oi polikes qermokrasies poy qa exei na antimetwpisei. Oi titloi ths Saxtar Prwtaqlhmata Oykranias: 2002, 2005, 2006 Kypella Oykranias: 1995, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004 Kypella Sobietikhs Enwshs: 1961, 1962, 1980, 1983 Stoys omiloys logw Calciopolis H 3h antipalos toy Olympiakoy einai h Roma. Paradosiakh dynamh sto italiko podosfairo poy pote omws den exei mporesei na kanei thn yperbash ston eyrwpaiko xwro. Oi "Rwmaioi" katelaban thn 5h qesh sto italiko prwtaqlhma kai ypo kanonikes synqhkes den qa epairne meros sto Champions League, omws to skandalo Motzi efere ton syllogo ths Rwmhs sthn koryfaia diasyllogikh diorganwsh, kaqws Gioybentoys, Fiorentina kai Milan exasan qeseis ston baqmologiko pinaka, me apotelesma na parei ekeinh to polypoqhto eisithrio. To megalo onoma kai asteri ths Roma einai o Frantsesko Totti, enw o Olympiakos qa exei na antimetwpisei kai thn poly kayth edra twn "Rwmaiwn", to "Olympiko", ths Rwmhs. Oi titloi ths Roma Prwtaqlhmata Italias: 1941/42, 1982/83, 2000/2001 Kypella Italias: 1963/64, 1968/69, 1979/80, 1980/81, 1983/84, 1985/86, 1990/91 [10] Podosfairo (Dieqnes)Oi antipaloi ths AEK24/8/2006 10:41:00 mm Syntakths: Basilhs Kalpinos H klhrwtida gia thn AEK mono ws kalh mporei na xarakthristei. Peran bebaia toy megaloy onomatos ths Milan poy fantazei to aklonhto fabori gia thn katakthsh ths prwths qeshs ston 8o omilo, oi Lil kai Anterlext apoteloyn men ypologisimoys antipaloys, alla einai omades poy mporoyn qewroyntai sta metra ths "Enwshs" gia na mporesei na kanei to bhma. To fabori Prwth antipalos gia thn AEK h Milan. Polla logia den xreiazontai gia ton megalo italiko syllogo, afoy kai mono ta tropaia ths, deixnoyn to megalo demas ths ajias ths. Sto Champions League alla kai to palai pote Kypello Prwtaqlhtriwn Eyrwphs metraei 6 katakthseis kai mono apo ayto katalabaineis to megeqos. Sigoyra h "Enwsh" qa exei dyskolo ergo kontra stoys "rosoneri". Edra ths Milan, einai to qryliko San Siro (Tzoyzepe Meatsa gia thn Inter) kai proponhth ton Karlos Antseloti. Oi titloi ths Milan Prwtaqlhmata Italias: 1950/51, 1954/55, 1956/57, 1958/59, 1961/62, 1967/68, 1978/79. 1987/88, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94, 1995/96, 1998/99, 2003/04. Kypella Italias: 1966/67, 1976/77, 1971/72, 1972/73, 2002/03 Champions League : 1962/63, 1968/69, 1988/89, 1989/90, 1993/94, 2002/03 Eyrwpaika Super Cup: 1989, 1990, 1995, 2003. Dihpeirwtika Kypella: 1969, 1989, 1990 Monimh prwtaqlhtria Deyterh antipalos ths AEK einai h belgikh Anterlext. Proponhths ths omadas o Frank Bertoker. Katakthths 28 prwtaqlhmatwn Belgioy alla kai me eyrwpaikes diakriseis, otan kai katekthse mia fora to Kypello OYEFA to 1983, enw metraei kai dyo Kypella Kypelloyxwn to 19776 kai to 1978. Oi titloi ths Anterlext Prwtaqlhmata Belgioy: 1947, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1972, 1974, 1981, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006. Kypella Belgioy: 1965, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1988, 1989, 1994 Super Cup Belgioy: 1985, 1987, 1993, 1995, 2000, 2001 Kypello UEFA: 1983 Kypello Kypelloyxwn: 1976, 1978 Eyrwpaika Super Cup: 1976, 1978 Trith fora sto CL H gallikh Lil den metraei eyrwpaikoys titloys. Kanei gia 3h fora thn paroysia ths se omiloys toy Champions League. H AEK qa antimetwpisei ton "diko mas" Staqh Taylaridh, ontas paikths Gallikhs omadas. Sigoyra h Lil den einai "amelhtea posothta", afoy apotelei mia staqerh omada sto Galliko prwtaqlhma, enw katafere na parei th qesh ths stoys omiloys katalambanontas thn 3h qesh sto Sampiona. Prwtaqlhmata Gallias: 1946, 1954 Kypella Gallias: 1946-1947-1948-1953-1955 [11] Podosfairo (Dieqnes)Sarwse h Mpartsa ta brabeia24/8/2006 9:27:00 mm Syntakths: Basilhs Kalpinos Tesseris apo toys pente paiktes ths Mpartselona anadeixthkan polytimoteroi paiktes, gia to Champions League ths prohgoymenhs periodoy, otan kai oi Katalanoi ketekthsan to tropaio. Polytimoteros paikths ths diorganwshs gia th sezon 2005-06 anadeixthke o Ronalntinio. H Mpartselona katekthse to tropaio kai o Brazilianos mesoepiqetikos htan to megalo "asteri" ths. Einai h prwth fora poy katakta ayth th diakrish, kaqws eixan prohghqei oi Ronalnto (1998), Mpekam (1999), Redondo (2000), Efenmpergk (2001), Zintan (2002), Mpoyfon (2003), Nteko (2004) kai Tzerarnt (2005). Kalyteros epiqetikos o Eto, mesos o Nteko, o opoios eixe katakthsei ton titlo kai to 2004, ontas paikths ths Porto kataktwntas kai to Champions League, amyntikos o Karles Poygiol, enw kalyteros termatofylakas anadeixthke o portiero ths Arsenal, Gens Leman. Analytika oi koryfaioi: TERMATOFYLAKAS: Gens Leman (Arsenal) Ypochfioi: Tzianloyitzi Mpoyfon (Gioybentoys), Gkregkori Koype (Lion) AMYNTIKOS: Karles Poygiol (Mpartselona) Ypochfioi: Fampio Kanabaro (Gioybentoys - apo fetos Real Madriths), Emanoyel Empoye (Arsenal) MESOS: Nteko (Mpartselona) Ypochfioi: Zoyninio Pernampoykano (Lion), Xoyan Roman Rikelme (Bigiareal) EPIQETIKOS: Samoyel Eto (Mpartselona) Ypochfioi: Tieri Anri (Arsenal), Ronalntinio (Mpartselona) [12] TexnologiaTon kataxwrhsan ws "planhths nano"Planhtiko "empargko" ston Ploytwna 24/8/2006 10:48:00 mm Phgh: APE, NET Gnwstos apo to 1930 ws planhths, o Ploytwnas den anhkei pleon stoys planhtes toy Hliakoy mas systhmatos. H Genikh Syneleysh ths Dieqnoys Enwshs Astronomias apefanqh thn Pempth sthn Praga yper ths afaireshs apo ton Ploytwna ths idiothtas toy planhth, kati poy meiwse toys planhtes toy Hliakoy mas systhmatos se oktw, ton Ermh, thn Afrodith, th Gh, ton Arh, to Dia, ton Krono, ton Oyrano kai ton Poseidwna. H chfoforia egine dia anatasews ths xeiros kai o Ploytwnas, afoy den exei ola ta aparaithta xarakthristika gia na qewreitai planhths, "ypobibasthke" sthn kathgoria twn "planhtwn nanwn". To basiko stoixeio poy ton diaforopoiei einai to gegonos oti exei elleiptikh troxia. H apofash ayth odhgei sthn anagkastikh epanekdosh ekatommyriwn sxolikwn bibliwn, syggrammatwn kai egkyklopaideiwn, se oloklhro ton kosmo. Eixe "paidecei" toys eidikoys O Ploytwnas anakalyfqhke to 1930 apo Amerikanoys astronomoys. Einai mikroteros apo th Selhnh, peristrefetai akanonista gyrw apo ton Hlio kai brisketai toso makria, sta apwtata oria toy Hliakoy mas systhmatos poy akomh kai to panisxyro diasthmiko thleskopio Xampl dyskoleyetai na ton entopisei. Apo to 1930 poy anakalyfqhke exei dixasei toys episthmones. Arxika pisteyan oti eixe to megeqos ths Ghs kai gi ayto to logo xarakthristhke planhths. Sta xronia poy akoloyqhsan anakalyfqhkan treis doryforoi toy, o Xarontas, h Nyj kai h Ydra ki etsi o Ploytwnas edraiwse th qesh toy ws planhths. Oxi omws gia poly Ta nea diasthmika thleskopia diapistwsan oti sth gyrw perioxh briskontai polla analoga oyrania swmata. Etsi arxise ek neoy h amfisbhthsh toy. To zhthma syzhteito diejodika edw kai panw apo mia ebdomada sth Genikh Syneleysh ths Dieqnoys Enwshs Astronomwn poy diejagetai sthn Praga. Oi astronomoi apofasisan epishs na kaqierwsoyn treis kathgories gia ta oyrania swmata. Etsi, ektos apo toys planhtes kai toys "planhtes nanoys" sto hliako mas systhma yparxoyn kai alla swmata poy sto ejhs qa onomazontai "mikra swmata". The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |