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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in Greek, 08-08-19The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>PERIEXOMENA[01] KosmosSe nea bash oi sxeseis Rwsias - NATOAysthro mhnyma 19/8/2008 20:02:00 (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 19/8/2008 23:29:25) Phgh: NET, NET 105.8, APE Se nea bash tiqentai oi sxeseis ths Rwsias me to NATO, to opoio kathgorei th Mosxa oti parabiase to dieqnes dikaio me thn eisbolh sth Gewrgia. H Rwsia dia stomatos toy ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn, Sergkei Labrof, katalogise sto NATO prokatalhch kai tonise oti epixeirei na diathrhsei kai na enisxysei ena egklhmatiko kaqestws sth Gewrgia. Epishs, ypogrammise oti den aposkopei sthn prosarthsh edafwn ths Gewrgias. Parallhla, o ekproswpos toy Rwsikoy polemikoy naytikoy anakoinwse th mataiwsh ths symmetoxhs ths Rwsias sta koina gymnasia me to NATO poy qa diejaxqoyn sth Baltikh. Nwritera, oi ypoyrgoi ejwterikwn toy NATO se koino anakoinwqen poy ejedwsan anaferoyn oti h Rwsia den mporei na prosdoka omales sxeseis me ta melh ths Boreioatlantikhs Symmaxias oso diathrei tis stratiwtikes dynameis ths sth Gewrgia kai apofasisan anabaqmish twn sxesewn ths Symmaxias me thn Tiflida. Epipleon, o gg ths Symmaxias, Giap nte Xop Sefer, se dhlwsh toy, ypogrammise oti pros to paron den yparxei kamia endeijh gia rwsikh apoxwrhsh apo th Gewrgia. Hnwmenes Politeies kai Bretania hqelan na yioqethqei pio sklhrh grammh, telika, omws apofasisthke na mhn kopoyn oi diayloi epikoinwnias me th Mosxa, mia qesh ths opoias hghqhkan Germania kai Gallia kai symfwnhsan ta perissotera eyrwpaika krath, anamesa toys kai h Ellada. Apo thn pleyra toy o OASE apofasise thn anaptyjh dieqnoys apostolhs parathrhtwn sth Notio Osetia. Prokeitai gia th megalyterh apostolh parathrhtwn toy Organismoy kai me th symfwnh gnwmh Mosxas kai Tiflidas. Thn anagkh ameshs epistrofhs sthn katastash poy epikratoyse sth Gewrgia prin apo thn enarjh twn exqroprajiwn, wste na katastei efikth h enarjh oysiastikwn diapragmateysewn gia thn oristikh lysh toy problhmatos, ypogrammise apo tis Bryjelles h ypoyrgos twn Ejwterikwn, Ntora Mpakogiannh. En tw metajy, o Rwsos proedros Ntimitri Mentbentef dhlwse oti ews tis 22 Aygoystoy h Rwsia qa exei aposyrei pisw stis arxikes toys qeseis-opws problepei h symfwnia katapayshs toy pyros- tis stratiwtikes dynameis ths sth Gewrgia. Anakoinwqen me safh proeidopoihsh Safes mhnyma pros th Rwsia na aposyrei amesa ta strateymata ths apo th Gewrgia, efoson epiqymei thn omalopoihsh twn sxesewn me to NATO, aphyqynan oi ypoyrgoi Ejwterikwn ths Symmaxias, oi opoioi synedriasan ektaktws stis Bryjelles, meta apo aithma twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn gia thn krish ston Kaykaso. "Apofasisame oti den mporoyme na synexisoyme opws synhqws", tonizetai sthn koinh anakoinwsh twn 26 xwrwn toy NATO meta apo thn ektakth synodo toys stis Bryjelles gia thn dienejh sthn Notia Osetia. Jexwrista, symfwnhsan na sygkrothqei ena neo foroym gnwsto ws h Epitroph NATO-Gewrgias gia thn enisxysh twn sxesewn me thn Tiflida. O Bretanos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Nteibint Milimpant dhlwse pws oi symmaxoi toy NATO symfwnhsan kata thn ektakth synodo toys pws h Rwsia parabiase to dieqnes dikaio me th stratiwtikh eisbolh ths sth geitonikh Gewrgia. Nwritera o Bretanos YPEJ eixe dhlwsei pws h Rwsia prepei na katanohsei tis synepeies twn energeiwn ths. "H Rwsia den thrhse tis desmeyseis ths kai ayto exei sobares synepeies sthn empistosynh ths opoias xairei h Rwsia ws dieqnhs etairos", tonise. Sto metajy, o OASE anakoinwse pws h Gewrgia symfwnhse sthn anaptyjh epipleon stratiwtikwn parathrhtwn toy organismoy. "Molis milhsa me ton proedro (Mixahl) Saakasbili kai moy edwse o idios proswpika to prasino fws", dhlwse o Filandos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Alejanter Stoymp, o opoios proedreyei toy OASE. Nwritera o Stoymp, o opoios milhse stis Bryjelles, sto periqwrio ths ektakths synodoy twn ypoyrgwn toy NATO, eixe dhlwsei pws kai h Rwsia edwse to prasino fws gia thn apostolh 20 stratiwtikwn parathrhtwn toy OASE sthn perioxh dipla sth zwnh sygkroyshs sth Notia Osetia, omws o organismos perimene kai thn egkrish apo thn Tiflida. Apanthsh Labrof To anakoinwqen toy NATO gia th syrrajh sth Gewrgia "den einai antikeimenikh ki antanakla thn monomereia", tonise o YPEJ ths Rwsias Sergkei Labrof, o opoios kathgorhse th dytikh stratiwtikh symmaxia oti prospaqei swsei ena "egklhmatiko kaqestws sthn Tiflida. O epikefalhs ths rwsikhs diplwmatias prosqese epishs pws h qesh poy yioqethse to NATO prokeitai na "exei epiptwseis" stis sxeseis toy me th Rwsia, h opoia prokeitai na antlhsei "symperasmata". "H Symmaxia sthn oysia exei parei ypo thn prostasia ths ton Saakasbili. To NATO prospaqei na metatrepei se qyma enan eisbolea kai leykainei ena egklhmatiko kaqestws, diaswzei ena kaqestws ypo katarreysh kai badizei pros thn kateyqynsh toy epanejoplismoy ths paroyshs hgesias sth Gewrgia", prosqese o Labrof. O idios tonise pws h yposthrijh poy prosferei sthn ypochfiothta ths Gewrgias sto NATO synista mia fysei "anti-rwsikh" stash. "H politikh, poy synistatai sthn prosklhsh ths Gewrgias sto NATO den exei na kanei to paramikro me thn ekplhrwsh apo pleyras ths Gewrgias twn krithriwn gia thn entajh, alla ypagoreyetai apo stoxoys, oi opoioi den einai tipote allo plhn antirwsikoi", tonise stoys dhmosiografoys. H Rwsia den endiaferetai na katalabei ta edafh ths Gewrgias, diamhnyei o Labrof, poy prosqese oti ta rwsika strateymata mporei n apoxwrhsoyn apo th Gewrgia mesa se 3, h 4 hmeres, alla ayto qa ejarthqei apo to poso grhgora qa epistrecoyn stis monimes baseis toys kai ta gewrgiana strateymata. H Rwsia den mporei na synergastei me th Symmaxia, ean ayth qelei na "prostateyei toys egklhmaties" dhlwse argotera o ekproswpos ths Rwsias sto NATO, Ntimitri Rogkozin, xarakthrismo poy xrhsimopoihse gia ton proedro ths Gewrgias, Mixahl Saakasbili. Oi ellhnikes qeseis Meta to peras ths Synodoy h ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, Ntora Mpakogiannh dhlwse: "To ektakto Symboylio toy NATO poy syneklhqh shmera edw stis Bryjelles eixe ena kai mono qema. Th megalh krish sth Gewrgia. Eginan analytikes syzhthseis, topoqethseis apo ola ta krath - melh. Yparxei enas diaxytos problhmatismos gia tis ejelijeis. H dikh mas qesh htan safhs. Prepei to taxytero dynaton na perasoyme apo to shmerino stadio ths katapayshs toy pyros sthn epistrofh sto Status Quo Ante, dhladh sthn prohgoymenh katastash. Ayto einai to aparaithto prwto bhma gia thn enarjh oysiastikoy dialogoy me skopo thn oristikh lysh katopin diapragmateysewn. Sto plaisio ayto idiaiterh barythta exei h efarmogh twn sympefwnhqentwn, dhladh h efarmogh twn eji shmeiwn me ta opoia desmeythkan kai h Rwsia kai h Gewrgia kai h aposyrsh twn Rwsikwn strateymatwn. Qelw edw na prosqesw oti o dialogos NATO - Rwsias einai megalhs shmasias. H Ellada etaxqh yper ths synexishs toy dialogoy aytoy se ola ta epipeda, opws kai arketes alles xwres. Pisteyw oti qa prepei na xrhsimopoihsoyme kaqe dynatothta poy mas dinei o qesmoqethmenos dialogos sto Symboylio NATO - Rwsia,gia na staloyn ta aparaithta mhnymata. To basikotero einai oti h sxesh ayth basizetai se orismenes qemeliwdeis arxes. Proejarxoysa qesh exei o sebasmos ths edafikhs akeraiothtas twn kratwn. Allwste h arxh ayth mazi me ekeinh ths mh prosfyghs sth bia apoteloyn staqeres arxes ths ellhnikhs ejwterikhs politikhs. Ektos apo th syzhthsh thn opoia kaname sto NATO eixame mia ektakth sygklish kai ths Troika toy OASE. Opws jerete h Ellada analambanei thn proedria gia to 2009. Syzhthsame tis dynatothtes poy exoyme gia na drasei o OASE kai symfwnhsame oti to prwto stadio, to opoio einai ejairetika shmantiko, einai na pane dieqneis parathrhtes toy OASE sthn sygkekrimenh perioxh. Ta prwta nea einai kala. Qa pane 20 parathrhtes toys opoioys dexqhkan ola ta emplekomena merh. Opws jerete ston OASE symmetexei kai h Rwsia. Qa pane loipon 20 kai elpizoyme oti qa einai h arxh gia na pane kai alloi dieqneis parathrhtes. Qa fqasoyn ston ariqmo twn 100. H Ellada ws h epomenh proedria einai etoimh na symmetasxei drasthria s aythn thn ypoqesh". "Einai profanes oti xreiazomaste enan isxyrotero OHE, mia dieqnh nomimothta ths opoias oi parabates qa timwroyntai kai enan periorismo twn monomerwn energeiwn, dia twn opoiwn epixeireitai h dhmioyrgia tetelesmenwn", tonizei apo to PASOK o Andreas Loberdos . "O ellhnikos laos prepei na stamathsei th stratiwtikh emplokh ths xwras mas sta eyrw-natoika sxedia kata allwn lawn", shmeiwnei se anakoinwsh toy to KKE. Na arnhqoyn th nea dieyrynsh toy NATO kai na symbaloyn stis prospaqeies toy OHE kai toy OASE kalese tis eyrwpaikes xwres o SYN. Rwsikh apeilh kata ths Polwnias To cyxropolemiko klima stis sxeseis Oyasigkton-Mosxas enisxyei h epikeimenh -ayrio Tetarth- ypografh ths symfwnias gia thn egkatastash ths amerikanikhs antipyraylikhs aspidas sto edafos ths Polwnias, opoy metebh h Amerikanida YPEJ, Kontoliza Rais, amesws meta th Synodo stis Bryjelles. An kai oi Hnwmenes Politeies yposthrizoyn pws h anaptyjh oplikwn systhmatwn stis xwres ths prwhn anatolikhs Eyrwphs exei stoxo na anaxaitisei mia endexomenh pyraylikh epiqesh toy Iran, h Rwsia apeilei oti qa stoxeysei me ta dika ths opla thn Polwnia kai thn Tsexia. Kontra gia thn apoxwrhsh Entonh polemikh exei jespasei edw kai ena 24wro metajy Tiflidas kai Mosxas oson afora to qema ayto ths apoxwrhshs twn rwsikwn dynamewn apo th Gewrgia, gia thn opoia exei desmeytei to Kremlino. "Sooy" xarakthrise h Gewrgia thn apoxwrhsh shmera gia th Rwsia falaggas rwsikwn stratiwtikwn oxhmatwn apo ta perixwra ths gewrgianhs polhs Gkori, thn opoia parakoloyqhsan polloi dhmosiografoi. Htan "ena sooy poy aposkopoyse sth dhmioyrgia mias ceydaisqhshs apoxwrhshs", dhlwse o ekproswpos toy gewrgianoy ypoyrgeioy Eswterikwn Sota Oytiasbili. "Kanena arma maxhs, kanenas Rwsos stratiwths den egkateleice th Gewrgia", prosqese. "H apoxwrhsh twn rwsikwn dynamewn exei hdh arxisei" eixe epanalabei nwritera sto radiofwniko diktyo France Inter o monimos ekproswpos ths Rwsias sto NATO Ntmitri Rogkozin . O Gallos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, Mpernar Koysner , dhlwse sto telos ths ektakths natoikhs Synodoy oti to Parisi "einai poly apogohteymeno" (...) "epeidh h Rwsia den sebasthke th desmeysh ths, na aposyrei tis stratiwtikes ths dynameis apo thn Gewrgia" (...) "para tis yposxeseis, epishs, poy edwse (h Rwsia)". Epishmane, de, me tropo xarakthristiko oti me th stash ayth ths Rwsias arxizei "na amfiballei kai gia ton eayto toy". En tw metajy, symfwna me to praktoreio Reuters, ekdoqhke arga to brady apofash toy Symboylioy Asfaleias toy OHE gia th Gewrgia poy apaitei th symmorfwsh me toys oroys ths ekexeirias kai thn amesh apoxwrhsh twn rwsikwn strateymatwn stis grammes poy htan prin thn enarjh twn sygkroysewn. [02] Russia-NATO Relations on New BasisStern Message19 Ayg 2008 20:02:00 (Last updated: 19 Ayg 2008 23:11:04) Sources: NET, NET 105.8, ANA Relations between Russia and NATO are entering a fresh phase, as the latter is accusing Moscow of having violated international law with its invasion of Georgia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov from his side accused NATO of being prejudiced, stressing that it is trying to support a criminal regime in Georgia. In parallel, the Russian Navy spokesman announced that cancellation of Russias participation in joint military exercises with NATO due to be held in the Baltic Sea. Earlier, the NATO Foreign Minister had issued a communiqué, as per which Russia cannot expect smooth relations with the Alliance for as long as it keeps its military forces in Georgia. In parallel, they decided to upgrade their relations with Tbilisi. Moreover, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer stressed that so far there is no indication from Russia on withdrawing its troops from Georgia. At the same time, OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) has decided to deploy international observers in South Ossetia. This will constitute the biggest dispatch of OSCE observers with Moscow and Tbilisis approval. Although the US and Britain wished to adopt a harder line with Moscow, finally Germany and Frances position to maintain contact with Moscow prevailed. Most European countries, including Greece agreed with Germany and France. Finally, Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis proposed from Brussels the immediate return to situation prior to the crisis in Georgia, so that substantial negotiations commence and a final solution to the problem is reached. Greek Positions After the end of the NATO meeting, Ms Dora Bakoyannis stated that Greece believes that both countries should return to Status Quo Ante, as this is the first step necessary for a substantial dialogue for final solution. Within this framework, the six points agreed by Russia and Georgia for the withdrawal of the Russian troops is of utmost importance. Furthermore, Greece supports the continuation of the dialogue between NATO and Russia and denounces violence. Greece has agreed for the dispatch of OSCE international observers to the region. In the first phase 20 observers will visit the region, hoping their number rises to 100. PASOK (Socialists) MP Andreas Loverdos said that it is evident that the UN should become stronger, punishing law violators and restricting unilateral actions, through which fail accompli are attempted. Finally, in its statement, KKE (Communist Party of Greece) reports that the Greek people should stop Greeces military implication in Euro-NATO plans against other peoples. Translated by John Crystallidis Related News: NATO Extraordinary Meeting [03] Kosmos43 nekroi, 38 traymaties se epiqesh aytoktoniasLoytro aimatos sthn Algeria 19/8/2008 21:36:00 (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 19/8/2008 21:45:11) Phgh: APE Epiqesh aytoktonias mprosta apo mia sxolh ths Xwrofylakhs sto Iser (60 xlm. anatolika toy Algerioy) stoixise shmera, Trith, th zwh se 43 anqrwpoys kai prokalese ton traymatismo 45, symfwna me teleytaio apologismo. Symfwna me aytoptes martyres, enas kamikazi erije to aytokinhto toy, poy htan pagideymeno me ekrhktika, sthn kyria eisodo ths sxolhs, opoy perimenan ypochfioi gia na perasoyn eisagwgikes ejetaseis. Prokeitai gia thn pio fonikh epiqesh poy exei ginei edw kai polloys mhnes sthn Algeria. O apologismos twn qymatwn ths einai megalyteros apo ekeinon twn taytoxronwn epiqesewn poy pragmatopoihqhkan stis 11 Dekembrioy sto Algeri enantion dhmosiwn ktiriwn kai eixan stoixisei th zwh se 41 anqrwpoys. Symfwna me thn kybernhsh, h epiqesh mporei na apotelei antipoina gia thn enedra toy stratoy kata thn opoia skotwqhkan 12 antartes sthn perioxh ths Kampylias th nykta ths 7hs pros thn 8h Aygoystoy. [04] PolitikhNea pyra Karximakh19/8/2008 21:08:00 (Teleytaia enhmerwsh: 19/8/2008 21:16:53) Phgh: NET Nea pyra kata toy ypoyrgoy Oikonomias ejapelyse o Mixalhs Karximakhs, mia mera meta thn agwgh gia ejybrish kai sykofantikh dysfhmish poy kateqese enantion toy o Giwrgos Alogoskoyfhs. O boyleyths toy PASOK, exontas dipla toy ton ekproswpo Typoy ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs, kathgorhse ton ypoyrgo gia xaristikes ryqmiseis yper megalwn oikonomikwn symferontwn. O yp. Oikonomias diateinetai oti elegxei th dikaiosynh proanaggellontas thn apofash ths, dhlwse se synenteyjh Typoy o boyleyths toy PASOK Mixalhs Karximakhs me aformh thn eis baros toy agwgh apo ton Giwrgo Alogoskoyfh gia thn tekmhriwmenh politikh kritikh-opws eipe- poy askei sto plaisio toy koinoboyleytikoy elegxoy. "O ypoyrgos Oikonomias proxwrhse sthn kataqesh agwghs kata toy Mixalh Karximakh gia toys prwtognwroys ybristikoys kai sykofantikoys xarakthrismoys poy xrhsimopoihse enantion toy kai oxi gia thn koinoboyleytikh toy drash" ypogrammizetai apo to ypoyrgeio Oikonomias. To politiko zhthma poy dhmioyrgeitai einai h kalych toy arxhgoy toy PASOK", katalhgei h sxetikh anakoinwsh. The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |