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Greek Government Press Briefing, 99-07-22Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHSAqhna, 22 Ioylioy 1999H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWN JENOY TYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO DHMHTRH REPPAGeia sas. Akoyw tis erwthseis sas. STAMATOPOYLOS: Meta kai to xqesino epeisodio h kybernhsh qa proxwrhsei se dialogo me thn Toyrkia; REPPAS: O dialogos qa ginei opws exei programmatistei. H Ellada askei mia politikh arxwn. Gnwrizete poly kala oti, kata kairoys, h Toyrkia dhmioyrgei problhmata stis ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis. Prospaqei na kallierghsei kai na synthrhsei thn entash kai syxna yponomeyei kaqe prospaqeia gia thn epiteyjh sxesewn kalhs geitonias. Emeis qa prepei na askoyme thn ejwterikh politikh mas, me gnwmona to symferon ths xwras mas. Den qa prepei na apoprosanatolizomaste, den qa prepei na antidroyme spasmwdika se prwtoboylies h kinhseis poy isws exoyn skopo na mas ektrecoyn apo thn poreia mas. Eimaste xwra-melos ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs kai toy NATO. O rolos mas einai poly shmantikos gia th dhmioyrgia synqhkwn staqerothtas kai asfaleias sthn eyryterh perioxh. Qa synexisoyme na diadramatizoyme enan tetoio rolo kai qa antimetwpizoyme me synesh, cyxraimia alla kai apofasistikothta kai apotelesmatikothta opoiadhpote energeia kai epiboylh se baros mas. STAMATOPOYLOS: Ti allo prepei na ginei, dhladh, gia na mh ginei aytos o dialogos. Einai ligo ayto poy egine xqes, ypoyrgos ths kybernhshs, sxedon na ton stamatoyn ta F-16 ths Toyrkias ston aera kai na ton parenoxloyn; REPPAS: Sthliteysame, kataggeilame kai katadikasame ayth thn epikindynh kai proklhtikh energeia. Pisteyoyme oti den prepei na synexisei h Toyrkia na antidra me enan tetoio tropo, stis prwtoboylies poy analambanontai, prokeimenoy na doqei lysh se kapoia problhmata ta opoia yparxoyn, opws einai to Kypriako, opws einai h antimetwpish me politika mesa toy koyrdikoy problhmatos, opws einai kai oi ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis. An kati tetoio epidiwkoyn aytoi poy empneontai kai kaqodhgoyn tetoioy eidoys energeies, asfalws kai qa prepei na laboyn apanthsh. Apo thn allh, epanalambanw, emeis qa prepei na exoyme mia staqerh grammh pleyshs sthn ejwterikh politikh mas, prokeimenoy na prowqoyme kai na epitygxanoyme toys stoxoys mas. H Ellada qa synexisei na askei politikh arxwn. Qa antimetwpizei me ton analogo tropo aytoys oi opoioi epiboyleyontai thn akeraiothta ths h probainoyn se proklhtikes kai epiqetikes energeies se baros mas. Ayto, omws, den shmainei oti qa perielqoyme se kaqestws akinhsias h aixmalwsias. Kaqe fora, dhladh, na eimaste desmioi energeiwn h prwtoboyliwn allwn xwrwn. Antiqetws, qa antimetwpizoyme aytes tis energeies kai aytes tis prwtoboylies kai thn politikh qa thn xarazoyme emeis, me gnwmona to eqniko symferon kai aytes tis arxes kai me thn epidiwjh na symbaloyme sth dhmioyrgia synqhkwn staqerothtas kai asfaleias sthn perioxh. STAMATOPOYLOS: Dyo fores eipate th lejh h Toyrkia "yponomeyei" kaqe prospaqeia. Efoson yponomeyei giati emeis phgainoyme se dialogo; REPPAS: Apanthsa se ola ayta. Mporw na prosqesw mono mia protash: Gia oles aytes tis ejelijeis, efoson den einai qetikes, olo to kostos - diplwmatiko kai politiko- to analambanei h Toyrkia. Kai ayto prepei na katastei safes se oloys. MHLAKAS: Sxetika me to tajidi toy Prwqypoyrgoy sto Oyrosebats, qa hqela na rwthsw ean h ellhnikh kybernhsh exei erqei se epafh me thn kybernhsh ths Gioygkoslabias gia thn pragmatopoihsh ayths ths episkechs kai an den exei erqei se epafh, mesa apo poia diadikasia organwqhke ayto to tajidi; Dhladh, an oxi apo poion phre thn adeia, na to pw etsi; REPPAS: Gnwrizete oti ayth h episkech exei enan poly idiaitero, enan poly eidiko xarakthra, den einai mia episkech sto plaisio dimerwn sxesewn. H episkech toy Prwqypoyrgoy sxetizetai me thn ekei paroysia ths stratiwtikhs eirhneytikhs dynamhs ths xwras mas. H Ellada sth diarkeia ths krishs sth Gioygkoslabia diadramatise enan poly qetiko rolo, prokeimenoy na jeperastei ayth h krish me politika mesa. To endiaferon mas paramenei entono, gia na oloklhrwqei, xwris ajeperasta problhmata, h eirhneytikh diadikasia poy brisketai se ejelijh. H ekei paroysia toy Prwqypoyrgoy, peran toy oti qa dwsei th dynatothta ston idio na synanthsei, na synomilhsei, na xairetisei toys andres ths ellhnikhs dynamhs, poy brisketai ekei sto plaisio ths dieqnoys eirhneytikhs apostolhs, periexei kai ena poly shmantiko mhnyma gia to endiaferon ths kybernhshs, ths xwras mas synolika, gia tis ejelijeis sthn eyryterh perioxh. Opws htan qetikos o rolos mas olh ayth thn periodo poy prohghqhke, epiqymoyme na eimaste parontes me energo kai prwtagwnistiko rolo kai sthn periodo ths eirhnhs. Ayto einai to nohma ths episkechs. Ta organwtika qemata antimetwpisthkan mesw twn armodiwn paragontwn twn dyo xwrwn. Oi synennohseis eginan apo toys armodioys stratiwtikoys paragontes. Gnwrizete oti polloi paragontes ths dieqnoys koinothtas exoyn episkefqei ayth thn perioxh, prokeimenoy na erqoyn se epafh me toys andres twn stratiwtikwn dynamewn ths xwras toys. Ara, loipon, oi stratiwtikes, politikes kai diplwmatikes yphresies exoyn to logo, sth sygkekrimenh periptwsh, gia th diorganwsh aytoy toy tajidioy. PODHMATA: Diaforoi ajiwmatoyxoi allwn xwrwn me thn eykairia ths episkechs toys stis stratiwtikes dynameis twn xwrwn toys, pragmatopoioyn kai synanthseis me diaforoys topikoys h kai dieqneis paragontes. Einai stis proqeseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy na exei tetoies epafes sth diarkeia ths paramonhs toy sthn perioxh; REPPAS: H paramonh toy Prwqypoyrgoy kai ths ellhnikhs antiproswpeias ekei qa diarkesei liges wres. Ayto to opoio problepetai sto programma ths episkechs einai h synanthsh toy me toys andres ths ellhnikhs stratiwtikhs dynamhs. BITSENTZOY: Me aformh shmerino dhmosieyma ths efhmeridas "BHMA", qelw na rwthsw pws skopeyei na apanthsei h ellhnikh pleyra sto aithma ths Toyrkias na desmeysei perioxes toy Aigaioy gia th diejagwgh askhsewn entos toy Aygoystoy kai pws sxoliazete ayth thn proqesh ths Agkyras na aqethsei to isxyon moratorioym; REPPAS: Oson afora to deytero erwthma sas, mporw kallista na epanalabw shmeia ths apanthshs poy edwsa se prohgoymena erwthmata, oti h aqethsh apo thn pleyra ths Agkyras enos kaqestwtos moratorioym, to opoio exei kaqierwqei ta teleytaia xronia, apokalyptei thn adynamia ths na antapokriqei se mia proklhsh, na symbalei, dhladh, kai h idia sthn ejomalynsh twn ellhnotoyrkikwn sxesewn. Oson afora to prwto qema, gnwrizete oti sta dieqnh ydata, sto dieqnh enaerio xwro, diejagontai askhseis, efoson akoloyqoyntai oi problepomenes diadikasies. Xorhgoyntai oi sxetikes adeies, ekdidontai oi antistoixes NOTAM kai, bebaiws, oi askhseis aytes diejagontai pantote se armonia me toys kanones poy isxyoyn, opws problepetai se aytes tis periptwseis. Kai twra h Toyrkia diejagei texnikes askhseis sthn perioxh, notioanatolika ths Rodoy, askhseis ereynas kai diaswshs, opws tis onomazei. Apo kei kai pera, to oti mesa ston Aygoysto zhta na kanei askhseis, einai kati to opoio qa antimetwpistei analogws apo th dikh mas pleyra. Qa epishmanqei, dhladh, oti ayto -efoson empiptei mesa sta xronika oria poy isxyoyn gia to legomeno moratorioym- apotelei mia prajh, h opoia den einai se armonia, alla antiqetws einai se plhrh dysarmonia me th desmeysh ayth poy exei kai h Toyrkia. BITSENTZOY: Dhladh, qa apanthsete katafatika; REPPAS: Qa dhlwsoyme th qesh mas, h opoia einai ayth opws thn aneptyja en oligois molis prin. PODHMATA: Den einai safes opws apanthsate. REPPAS: Emeis sebomaste ayto to legomeno moratorioym. Qa to sebastoyme kai pali kai kaloyme kai thn Toyrkia na kanei to idio kai na apofygei th diejagwgh askhsewn. Alla, einai kai alles energeies, opws h shmerinh, ths Toyrkias poy deixnoyn oti den sebetai orismenoys kanones kai orismenes arxes. Gi ayto milhsa gia politiko kai diplwmatiko kostos, to opoio analambanei h Toyrkia giati ths anhkei ej oloklhroy. MOYRTHS: Mhpws h energeia ayth ths Toyrkias ofeiletai sto gegonos oti fetos den anakoinwqhke apo to NATO, opws egine persi, h symfwnia gia to dimhno moratorioym; Isxyei h den isxyei to moratorioym; REPPAS: Pisteyw oti h genikoterh sygkyria einai ayth, h opoia odhgei thn Toyrkia sto na antidra me ayto ton tropo. Giati ayth thn periodo, gnwrizete oti einai se ejelijh oi prwtoboylies gia thn antimetwpish qematwn poy aforoyn thn Toyrkia. Oson afora twra to idio to moratorioym, to oti fetos den anakoinwqhke, htan kati to opoio h Toyrkia zhthse kai den shmainei oti den isxyei. Giati, bebaiws, omologhqhke apo tis dyo pleyres oti sthn oysia to moratorioym yparxei, isxyei. Ara, milame gia moratorioym. Kai den milame qewrhtika, milame sthn prajh gia moratorioym poy prepei na ginei sebasto. Kai den ginetai sebasto apo thn pleyra ths Toyrkias. KARGOYDH: Dedomenwn twn ejelijewn kai ths episkechs toy Prwqypoyrgoy sto Saragebo, protiqetai o Prwqypoyrgos na dieyrynei thn atzenta twn syzhthsewn me toys politikoys Arxhgoys, peran twn qematwn ths egklhmatikothtas kai ths laqrometanasteyshs; REPPAS: Stis syzhthseis me toys politikoys Arxhgoys qa syzhthqei to qema, to opoio apotelese kai to enaysma, to ereqisma gia na ginoyn aytes oi synanthseis. Tipota allo. FILHS: Gia th synanthsh toy Proedroy me ton Prwqypoyrgo exoyme kapoia enhmerwsh; REPPAS: Entassetai sto plaisio twn taktikwn synanthsewn poy exei, kaqe mhna, o Prwqypoyrgos me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. O Prwqypoyrgos enhmerwse ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias gia tis ejelijeis sto eswteriko kai ejwteriko metwpo. Einai mia taktikh, synhqismenh synanthsh twn dyo andrwn, sthn opoia syzhthqhkan qemata poy aforoyn th xwra mas kai thn koinwnia mas. FILHS: Me dedomeno oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias einai kai Proedros ths Eqnikhs Epitrophs gia thn Olympiada toy 2004 kai synepws, exei kai qesmiko rolo na syzhthsei, toylaxiston, apofaseis poy aforoyn th diorganwsh, o Prwqypoyrgos enhmerwse, shmera, ton Proedro gia tis skeceis toy sxetika me thn antikatastash toy k. Strathgh; REPPAS: O Proedros ths Dhmokratias dikaioytai kai nomimopoieitai na syzhta gia ola ta qemata me toys politikoys -kai bebaiws, me ton Prwqypoyrgo- me toys opoioys synantatai. O Prwqypoyrgos enhmerwse ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, syzhthse mazi toy ta qemata poy apasxoloyn th xwra kai thn kybernhsh. Den gnwrizw ayth thn wra poia, akribws, qemata syzhthsan. Gnwrizw, omws, oti h syzhthsh aforoyse qemata ths epikairothtas. An kat` oikonomia twn pragmatwn ypoqesw oti kai ayto einai ena qema ths epikairothtas, asfalws, kai ayto exei th qesh toy se mia tetoia syzhthsh. Den gnwrizw an to exei egeirei o Prwqypoyrgos h an exei qesei sxetiko erwthma o Proedros ths Dhmokratias. Einai ena qema poy mporei na syzhthqhke. Einai kati poy den apokleietai. FILHS: Pote problepetai o Prwqypoyrgos na labei tis apofaseis toy kai na tis anakoinwsei, sxetika me to qema ths antikatastashs toy k. Strathgh; REPPAS: To qema ayto to xeirizetai o Prwqypoyrgos. Ekeinos pairnei thn apofash. Ekeinos exei kai thn eyqynh na epilejei, peran toy proswpoy, kai to xrono oristikopoihshs ths epiloghs toy ayths, thn opoia kai qa anakoinwsei. FILHS: Kai mia teleytaia erwthsh h opoia afora tis dhlwseis toy k. Arsenh, sxetika me thn epilogh, mesw ths diadikasias toy ASEP, twn kaqhghtwn twn idiwtikwn sxoleiwn. H kybernhsh qa epimeinei s` ayth thn kateyqynsh meta tis antidraseis twn idiwtikwn sxoleiwn; REPPAS: Prwta ap` ola, gia to qema ayto dinei, ayth thn wra, synenteyjh o armodios yfypoyrgos k. Anqopoylos. Qa exete apo ekei plhreis apanthseis sta erwthmata poy tiqentai. Mporw na pw, omws, oti h ryqmish ayth den einai adikh, den einai paralogh. Einai mia ryqmish h opoia epanalambanei to kaqestws to opoio isxye kai me to N. 682/77. Leei, aplws, oti me ta idia typika prosonta poy proslambanontai oi kaqhghtes gia th dhmosia ekpaideysh, qa proslambanontai kai gia ta sxoleia ths idiwtikhs ekpaideyshs. Kati analogo problepei o N. 682. Ayth h ryqmish epanalambanetai me allh diatypwsh. Den allazei to kaqestws. Isws yparxei kapoia paranohsh, h opoia pisteyw oti qa dialyqei poly eykola kai poly grhgora, efoson to sygkekrimeno qema syzhthqei metajy toy ypoyrgeioy kai twn armodiwn forewn. Hdh, ayth thn wra poy syzhtoyme, logw toy oti o k. Anqopoylos dinei apanthseis, mporei to qema ayto na mhn yparxei, pleon. MPEKAS: Yparxei qema anasxhmatismoy;. REPPAS: Den apasxolei ton Prwqypoyrgo kai thn kybernhsh tetoio qema. Sas eyxaristw. Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |