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Greek Government Press Briefing, 99-10-25Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHSAqhna, 25 Oktwbrioy 1999H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWN JENOY TYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO DHMHTRH REPPAGeia sas kai kalh ebdomada. Na sas pw gia to programma twn prosexwn hmerwn toy Prwqypoyrgoy. * Ayth thn wra synergazetai me to Grammatea toy Kinhmatos K. Skandalidh, sto Megaro Majimoy, enocei kai ths synedriashs toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy, meqayrio to apogeyma. * Ayrio to prwi, stis 10, qa proedreysei se syskech, sto Megaro Majimoy, me tis politikes hgesies twn ypoyrgeiwn Eswterikwn kai PEXWDE, thn k. Papandreoy, ton k. Flwridh afenos kai ton k. Laliwth kai ton k. Berelh, afeteroy. Qema ths syzhthshs qa einai o prosfatos seismos kai h antimetwpish twn problhmatwn. Argotera, stis 13.00, qa exei synergasia me thn hgesia toy ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn, ton ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn G. Papandreoy kai ton ypoyrgo anaplhrwth Ejwterikwn Xr. Rokofyllo. * Thn Tetarth, stis 10 to prwi, qa dexqei to dioikhth ths Trapezas ths Ellados k. Loyka Papadhmo, me ton opoio qa exei synergasia. To apogeyma, stis 19.00, qa synedriasei, sta grafeia toy Kinhmatos, to Ektelestiko Grafeio toy PASOK. * To Sabbato, o Prwqypoyrgos qa mas kanei thn timh kai qa mas dwsei megalh xara, na episkefqei perioxes ths Arkadias. Na sas pw kai liga logia gia to programma ths epomenhs ebdomadas. * Thn Tetarth, 3 Noembrioy, qa synedriasei to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, me antikeimeno syzhthshs ton proypologismo. * Thn Pempth kai thn Paraskeyh, 4 kai 5/11, organwnetai sth Boylgaria, sthn polh Mporobets, 80 xiliometra ejw apo th Sofia, h trimerhs balkanikh synergasia Elladas-Boylgarias-Roymanias. Qa organwqei kai sxetikh dhmosiografikh apostolh. Parakalw, osoi endiaferontai na to dhlwsoyn stis armodies yphresies mas. I. KAMPOYRAKHS: Qa paei kata monas sthn Arkadia; REPPAS: Sthn Arkadia qa kanei episkech ws Prwqypoyrgos. Qa episkefqei perioxes ths Arkadias, opws thn patrida toy Alejandroy Papanastasioy, to Lebidi, thn Kandhla, mia agrotikh perioxh kai alles, sxedon olh thn hmera. Oi episkeceis aytes entassontai sto kaqhmerino programma toy Prwqypoyrgoy. Opws o Prwqypoyrgos exei drasthriothtes edw sthn Aqhna, sthn prwteyoysa ths xwras, episkeptetai kai diafores alles perioxes, opoy syzhta me foreis, me toys polites kai enhmerwnetai gia ta problhmata poy yparxoyn se kaqe perioxh. Ayto to lew gia na dhlwsw oti oi episkeceis aytes den einai mia ejodos ek twn teixwn. O Prwqypoyrgos, gnwrizete oti exei kaqhmerino programma, arketa ploysio. Kai sto plaisio aytoy toy kaqhmerinoy programmatos, entassontai kai aytes oi episkeceis. MIXAHL: Plhn twn boyleytwn Arkadias toy PASOK, poioi alloi qa synodeyoyn ton Prwqypoyrgo; REPPAS: O Prwqypoyrgos qa episkefqei, ws Prwqypoyrgos, mia perioxh. Oi ypoyrgoi poy exoyn armodiothta gia qemata ta opoia qa antimetwpisei o Prwqypoyrgos sto plaisio ayths ths episkechs, qa synergastoyn mazi toy kai qa einai parontes. LAZAROPOYLOS: Aytes tis hmeres -qa anaferqw se ena qema poy den exei parei idiaiterh dhmosiothta- blepoyme kapoioys xartes toy Amerikanikoy Pentagwnoy na apeikonizoyn th braxonhsida Zoyrafa kai to kaqestws ths. Diafora senaria bghkan se kapoies efhmerides gia to FIR Aqhnwn, ti isxyei kai giati h kybernhsh toy PASOK den exei zhthsei epektash sta deka naytika milia. Ti akribws symbainei, poies einai oi plhrofories sas kai ti ginetai me ayto to qema; REPPAS: Anafereste se dhmosieymata poy eginan thn prohgoymenh ebdomada kai shmera. Prwta ap` ola, o xwros toy FIR Aqhnwn einai aytos poy exei symfwnhqei me thn teleytaia dieyqethsh poy egine to 1958. Den exei allajei se tipota to eyros toy xwroy toy FIR Aqhnwn. Ayto einai safes. Einai anepitrepto kapoioi, gia logoys oi opoioi einai profaneis, na epixeiroyn se eqniko zhthma, kataskeyazontas kai parapoiwntas stoixeia, na dhmioyrghsoyn problhma sth xwra. Den exei kamia dosh alhqeias oti grafetai se sxesh me allagh toy xwroy, toy eyroys toy FIR Aqhnwn. Ta pragmata paramenoyn ws exoyn edw kai arketes dekaeties. Me ayth thn ennoia, loipon, einai adikaiologhth opoiadhpote anakinhsh qematos ekei poy den yparxei opoiodhpote problhma. Ara, den prokyptei kai opoiodhpote qema. Ayto einai safes. LAZAROPOYLOS: Yparxoyn kapoies plhrofories, mesa sta keimena, oti apostratoi kai kapoioi paragontes ths YPA, exoyn kapoies epafes me stelexh ths N. D. Pisteyete oti ayto einai meros ths antipoliteytikhs taktikhs ths N. D.; REPPAS: Tetoioy eidoys prwtoboylies einai anepitreptes. Apodokimazoyme oloys ekeinoys, oi opoioi epixeiroyn na kataskeyasoyn qemata, se enan tomea idiaitera krisimo, opws einai o tomeas twn eqnikwn qematwn. Poly perissotero otan xrhsimopoioyn kai proballoyn stoixeia, ta opoia einai, prodhlws, kataskeyasmena, den antapokrinontai sthn alhqeia. Einai mia praktikh, h opoia mporei na xarakthristei apolytws anteqnikh. XAN (IRNA): Sxetika me thn prosfath epiqesh enantion twn allodapwn, yparxei mia apoch poy lene oi idioi, oti me ton tropo poy mexri twra ginotan h "skoypa" ths Astynomias enantion twn allodapwn, edwse trofh sta akraia stoixeia na proboyn se ayto to frikto egklhma. Qelw na rwthsw: qa synexistei ayth h "skoypa" me ton idio tropo; REPPAS: H ellhnikh koinwnia exei polles aretes, metajy twn opoiwn jexwristh einai h areth poy afora thn ypodoxh jenwn politwn s` ayth th xwra. H ellhnikh koinwnia den einai aplws mia anektikh se jenoys polites koinwnia. Einai mia koinwnia filojenh. H kybernhsh mas gia na antimetwpisei to pragmatiko problhma poy dhmioyrghqhke -meta thn eisodo sthn Ellada, ta teleytaia xronia, ekatontadwn xiliadwn politwn apo alles xwres- exei proxwrhsei se sygkekrimeno plaisio, to opoio hdh efarmozei. Ayth einai h kalyterh kai pio apotelesmatikh, alla kai diarkhs antimetwpish kai lysh toy problhmatos. Tetoioy eidoys memonwmenes energeies -giati einai memonwmenes aytes oi energeies- oxi aplws tis apodokimazoyme kai tis kaythriazoyme, alla aytoi oi opoioi eyqynontai gi aytes tis energeies, qewroyme oti qa prepei na timwrhqoyn me aysthro kai paradeigmatiko tropo. Ayta ta fainomena prepei na antimetwpizontai en th genesei toys. Gnwrizete oti h qesh ths kybernhshs ston tomea ayto einai staqerh kai atalanteyth. Apo thn prwth stigmh exoyme katadikasei akomh kai fainomena aytodikias, ta opoia parathrhqhkan tis prohgoymenes periodoys, me aformh sxetika epeisodia, ta opoia dhmioyrghsan jenoi polites, poy parepidhmoyn sthn Ellada. H boylhsh mas einai ekfrasmenh. Epanalambanw oti qa epideijoyme aysthrothta kai apotelesmatikothta, oson afora thn antimetwpish aytwn twn fainomenwn. Aytoi poy emforoyntai kai diakinoyn tetoies ratsistikes, akraies idees den exoyn kamia sxesh me ton politismo, thn istoria, thn paradosh mas, alla kai me th sygxronh Ellada kai to mellon ayths ths xwras. Qa prepei na apomonwqoyn kai na apokopoyn apo to swma ths ellhnikhs koinwnias. T. MPERMPERAKHS: H toyrkikh Podosfairikh Omospondia ekane epishmh protash sthn ellhnikh gia koinh ypochfiothta sth diorganwsh toy Eyrwpaikoy Prwtaqlhmatos podosfairoy gia to 2008. Epeidh, h ellhnikh Podosfairikh Omospondia dhlwnei oti blepei qetika thn protash, kat` arxas, alla, to qema parapempetai se politikh apofash, qa hqela na jerw an yparxei sygkekrimenh qesh ths kybernhshs ep` aytoy; REPPAS: Prwta ap` ola ayto den einai politiko zhthma. Gnwrizw oti yparxei epikoinwnia twn epikefalhs twn dyo Aqlhtikwn Organismwn. Pisteyw oti, efoson oi texnikes proypoqeseis to epitrepoyn, mporei na prokycei ayth h symfwnia. Alla, antilambaneste pws qa prepei na antimetwpisoyme kai tis apaithseis, oson afora toys oroys, toys kanones poy qetei h Dieqnhs Omospondia. Einai mia kalh idea, thn opoia qa prepei na epejergastoyn perissotero oi epikefalhs twn dyo Aqlhtikwn Organismwn, prokeimenoy na odhghqoyn se apolyth, plhrh kai telikh symfwnia. As syzhthsoyn kai as kanoyn thn telikh protash toys. MIXAHL: Dhmosieyetai shmera epistolh toy Arxiepiskopoy Xristodoyloy poy exei steilei apo ton Aygoysto ston k. Papandreoy, diamartyromenos gia th synqesh kapoias epitrophs, gyrw apo to ti qa prajei to kratos gia toys Moysoylmanoys sympolites mas ths Dytikhs Qrakhs. Malista to endiaferon ths epistolhs den einai mono to aithma toy Arxiepiskopoy, alla anaferei pws me katanohsh antimetwpizei ayto to aithma toy o k. Papandreoy. Kai erwtw thn kybernhsh: Prwton, ti exei na pei epi ths epistolhs kai an alhqeyei oti ontws to antimetwpizei me katanohsh h politikh hgesia toy ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn; REPPAS: Den einai dynaton na sxoliazoyme tis epistoles poy foreis kai proswpa diakinoyn kai apostelloyn. H politikh ths kybernhshs, oson afora th moysoylmanikh meionothta exei, kat` epanalhch, anaptyxqei kai paramenei h idia. Den xreiazetai peraiterw syzhthsh. Ejasfalizoyme kaqestws isonomias kai isopoliteias stoys Moysoylmanoys, kata to qrhskeyma, Ellhnes sympolites mas. H synergasia toy Makariotatoy Arxiepiskopoy me toys armodioys ypoyrgoys kai tis alles yphresies toy kratoys, einai perissoterh apo ikanopoihtikh. Sto plaisio ayths ths synergasias antimetwpizontai ola ta qemata kai pantote brisketai h kalyterh lysh. Gia ta qemata sta opoia anaferetai o Makariotatos Arxiepiskopos yparxei ayth h epikoinwnia me tis armodies kratikes yphresies, ta armodia ypoyrgeia. O dialogos aytos einai se ejelijh. MIXAHL: To qema den einai an yparxei dialogos. O k. Xristodoylos bazei ena qema. Qa rwtatai o idios gia oti afora Ellhnes polites allwn qrhskeymatwn. Qelei na exei apoch ep` aytoy kai to diatypwnei sthn epistolh toy. Kai oxi mono ayto. Leei sthn epistolh, poy den apeyqynetai mono sta kybernhtika organa alla kai sthn ierarxia, oti to aithma toy ayto o k. Papandreoy to antimetwpise me katanohsh. Kai erwtw poios qa apofasisei, ean gia paradeigma, qa grafoyme kai pws qa grafoyme... REPPAS: Apanthsa k. Mixahl. Ayta antimetwpizontai sto plaisio ths epikoinwnias kai ths synergasias. Mhn anamenete na dwsw apanthseis se epistoles poy stelnontai se dhmosies, se kratikes yphresies h se ypoyrgeia di aytoy toy tropoy. Gnwrizete oti polles epistoles diakinoyntai apo shmantika proswpa. To periexomeno toys apotelei antikeimeno syzhthshs metajy aytwn poy emplekontai se ena qema. Qa to antimetwpisoyme me tropo poy einai o pio prosforos. Eyxaristw poly. 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