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OMOGENEIAKA NEA (96-10-21)Macedonian Press Agency Expatriates News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: Macedonian Press Agency <>"NEA THS OMOGENEIAS"ENHMERWTIKO DELTIO TOY MAKEDONIKOY PRAKTOREIOY EIDHSEWNDeytera 18 Oktwbrioy 1996TITLOI EIDHSEWN
OI EIDHSEIS ANALYTIKA[01] IKANOPOIHSH STHN ELLHNOAMERIKANIKH HGESIA APO TIS YPOSXESEIS KLINTON -GIA EIRHNIKH EPILYSH STA ELLHNOTOYRKIKA KAI EMFASH STO KYPRIAKO DESMEYETAI O AMERIKANOS PROEDROSMe idiaiterh ikanopoihsh dexqhke h ellhnoamerikanikh koinothta thn anoixth epistolh toy Amerikanoy Proedroy Mpil Klinton, me thn opoia ekfrazei tis qeseis kai tis epiloges ths kybernhshs toy anaforika me ta eqnika mas qemata kai h opoia apotelei oysiastika thn apanthsh toy sthn ekqesh poy toy apesteilan sth diarkeia ths 12hs Diaskechs ths Ellhnikhs Hgesias sta telh Septembrioy o Proedros toy Symboylioy Apodhmoy Ellhnismoy(SAE) k. Antrioy Aqens, o Proedros ths Pagkosmias Syntonistikhs Epitrophs Kypriakoy(PSEKA) k.Filip Kristofer kai o ypeyqynos ths Eqnikhs Syntonistikhs Prospaqeias k.Anty Manatos."Xairetoyme th dhlwsh toy proedroy Klinton gia ta qemata poy aforoyn thn Ellhnoamerikanikh Koinothta. Eimaste eidika eyxaristhmenoi me thn epaneilhmmenh anafora toy sthn epilysh toy kypriakoy problhmatos ws "megalh proteraiothta ths ejwterikhs toy politikhs" opws epishs kai me th dhlwsh toy oti "oi teleytaies dolofonies twn Ellhnokypriwn sthn nekrh zwnh toy Organismoy twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn einai adikes kai aparadektes", anefere o Filip Kristofer, proedros ths PSEKA. "Epishs, xairetoyme th dhlwsh toy proedroy Klinton anaforika me tis "aparadektes edafikes apaithseis" ths Toyrkias, symperilambanomenhs kai ths dhlwshs ths Agkyras oti "to nhsi ths Gaydoy mporei na mhn anhkei sthn Ellada". H synexizomenh loipon anafora toy sthn yposthrijh twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn anaforika me thn epilysh twn problhmatwn sto Aigaio "eirhnikh,xwris stratiwtikh epembash h thn apeilh stratiwtikhs epembashs me sebasmo sthn edafikh akeraiothtato Dieqnes Dikaio kai tis Dieqneis Symfwnies, einai epishs poly shmantika", anefere o Antrioy Aqens, proedros toy SAE kai proedros toy Ellhnoamerikanikoy Kogkresoy. "Opws apodeiknyei ayth h dhlwsh, mesa se mono tessera xronia o proedros kai h kybernhsh toy exoyn jodecei ena poly megalo xroniko diasthma, opws kai thn prosoxh toy se polla qemata, ta opoia aforoyn thn Ellhnoamerikanikh Koinothta symperilambanomenwn: na qesoyn thn Kypro sto dromo ths entajhs sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, to sebasmo ths ellhnikhs edafikhs akeraiothtas sto Aigaio (Imia kai Gaydos), prospaqeies gia mia dikaia kai biwsimh lysh toy Kypriakoy problhmatos, toys agnooymenoys sthn Kypro, to protypo syntagmatos ths P.G.D.M. anaforika me th shmaia, thn politikh kai thn propaganda toy, kaqws kai to onoma (poy htan) enantia sta ellhnika symferonta, toys pente ths "Omonoias" kai alla qemata poy apasxoloyn thn ellhnikh meionothta ths Albanias, thn prostasia toy Oikoymenikoy Patriarxeioy sthn Kwnstantinoypolh, to 7 pros 10 sxetika me th stratiwtikh bohqeia sthn Ellada kai sthn Kypro kai ta 15 ekatommyria dolaria oikonomikh bohqeia sthn Kypro, anamesa se ola ta alla", anefere o k. A. Manatos, proedros ths Eqnikhs Syntonistikhs Prospaqeias. "H dhlwsh ayth toy proedroy Klinton einai poly synephs me tis proswpikes kai lektikes yposxeseis gia megala bhmata mprosta me skopo na breqei epilysh sto apo dekaetias alyto kypriako problhma. Anamenoyme na synergastoyme me ton proedro Klinton kai thn kybernhsh toy, meta tis ekloges ths 5hs Noembrioy, me skopo thn pragmatwsh olwn twn sobarwn qematwn, sta opoia o idios anaferqhke sth dhlwsh toy" anefere o k. Nikos Moygiarhs, antiproedros toy Pagkyprioy Enwshs Amerikhs. H epistolh Klinton-ellhnotoyrkika Thn anagkh eirhnikhs epilyshs twn Ellhnotoyrkikwn diaforwn kai th staqerh stash twn HPA gia parapomph toy qematos twn Imia sto Dieqnes Dikasthrio ths Xaghs ypogrammise se proeklogiko toy mhnyma pros thn Ellhnoamerikanikh koinothta o Amerikanos Proedros Mpil Klinton O k. Klinton, me "anoixth epistolh" pros thn Ellhnoamerikanikh Koinothta, dyo ebdomades prin tis ekloges ths 5hs Noembrioy, yposthrizei thn anagkh eirhnikhs epilyshs twn ellhnotoyrkikwn diaforwn, me idiaiterh anafora ston sebasmo ths edafikhs akeraiothtas, tis dieqneis synqhkes kai ta shmerina anagnwrismena synora. O Amerikanos Proedros, ypogrammizei oti aperrice (kai qa aporricei kai sto mellon) "epipolaies" edafikes diekdikhseis, symperilambanomenhs ths qeshs ths 'Agkyras, opws thn ejefrase prin ligoys mhnes o Toyrkos antiproswpos sto NATO, otan amfisbhthse thn ellhnikh kyriarxia ths nhsoy Gaydoy,poy brisketai konta sthn Krhth. O Amerikanos hgeths ypenqymizei oti ton perasmeno Ianoyario, me parembash toy pros thn Aqhna kai thn Agkyra apetrece polemikh syrrajh, ejelijh h opoia - opws anaferei - qa htan katastrofikh gia ta symferonta twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn alla kai toy NATO. Me thn eykairia, o k. Klinton epanaferei thn protash toy gia parapomph toy qematos twn braxonhsidwn Imia sto Dieqnes Dikasthrio ths Xaghs. "Proswpika epikoinwnhsa me toys hgetes ths Elladas kai ths Toyrkias, me skopo na toys peisw na aposyroyn tis dynameis toys apo to xeilos ths katastrofhs. Etsi, synexizei o k. Klinton, pqospah^sale na peisoyme kai tis dyo xwres na lysoyn tis diafores toys me eirhniko tropo, xwris stratiwtikh epembash h thn apeilh stratiwtikhs epembashs, na sebastoyn thn edafikh akeraiothta h mia ths allhs kai na energhsoyn symfwna me toys dieqnoys nomoys kai tis dieqneis symfwnies". Emfash sto Kypriako O Amerikanos proedros tonise, sth diarkeia synomilias poy eixe sthn Oyasigkton, me ton dieyqynth toy Kypriakoy Praktoreioy Eidhsewn, Andrea Xristofidh "oti qa qewrhse ws proswpikh toy apotyxia thn mh yparjh dikaihs kai biwsimhs lyshs sto Kypriako". H synomilia, diarkeias eikosi leptwn, egine sto periqwrio toy deipnoy poy pareqese ston Amerikano proedro h Eqnikh Epitroph toy Dhmokratikoy Kommatos, sto opoio symmeteixan 19 Amerikanoi epixeirhmaties kai o k. Xristofidhs, enw parabreqhkan o ekproswpos toy Leykoy Oikoy, Maik Makerey kai to melos toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy Asfaleias twn HPA, k. Saliban, o opoios asxoleitai me to Kypriako. O k. Xristofidhs ejefrase ston proedro Klinton thn anhsyxia poy yparxei gia entash ths krishs kai gia piqanothta dhmioyrgias qermoy epeisodioy, to opoio - opws anefere - einai enantion twn symferontwn kai twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn. Apo thn pleyra toy, o Amerikanos proedros anefere ston k. Xristofidh oti einai proswpika desmeymenos kai qa to qewrhsei proswpikh toy apotyxia ean den yparjei dikaih kai biwsimh lysh sto Kypriako. O k.Klinton xarakthrizei ws aparadekth th synexish ths diaireshs ths Kyproy enw anaferomenos stis prosfates dolofonies twn Ellhnokypriwn apo ta toyrkika strateymata katoxhs, qewrei oti einai adikaiologhtes kai tis katadikazei. "Otan yparxoyn piswgyrismata sthn prospaqeia epilyshs toy Kypriakoy, opws oi prosfates adikes kai adikaiologhtes dolofonies Ellhnokypriwn, epidiwkoyme metra prolhchs tetoiwn peristatikwn kai to synexizomeno diamelismo ths Nhsoy", leei xarakthristika kai analambanei th desmeysh na synexisei "na piezei gia mia oysiastikh kai diarkh lysh se ayth thn tragikh diafora". Anaferetai akomh stis prospaqeies gia thn ejakribwsh ths tyxhs twn agnooymenwn kaqws kai sth diathrhsh ths oikonomikhs bohqeias pros thn Kypro ycoys 15 ekatommyriwn dolariwn ethsiws to opoio, opws tonizei, "stoxeyei na dhmioyrghsei megalyterh diakoinotikh epafh sto Nhsi" kaqws kai sth symbolh ths kybernhshs toy sto qema ths entajhs sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh. Oles aytes oi energeies apodeiknyoyn, opws epishmainei, th synexh desmeysh toy na symbalei sthn epiteyjh lyshs "s'ayth th makroxronh krish". [02] SYNEDRIO OMOGENWN ESTIATORWN STH NEA YORKH.Thn erxomenh Kyriakh 27 Oktwbrioy, qa ginei h enarjh toy synedrioy estiatorwn poy diorganwnei to omogeneiako periodiko "Estiator" sto jenodoxeio "Bally 's Grand Resort" sto Atlantik Siti.To synedrio poy qa oloklhrwqei stis 29 Oktwbrioy, eidika fetos, qa einai afierwmeno stis ellhnoamerikanides sto xwro twn estiatoriwn, ajizei de, na ypogrammisoyme oti qa yparxei megalh sulletow^ gynaikwn alla kai pollwn estiatorwn apo diafora shmeia twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn. To Synedrio diorganwnetai me th synergasia toy Syndesmoy Ellhnoamerikanwn Estiatorwn (Greek-American Restaurant Association) poy idryqhke prin dyo peripoy xronia kaqws kai me thn symmetoxh ths Pangkregkorian Neas Yorkhs,Longk Ailant, Boreioy Neas Yorkhs, Neas Yersehs, Konektikat kaqws kai allwn promhqeytikwn organismwn apo to Sikago, to Kliargoyoter kai alles perioxes. Fetos gia prwth fora qa ginei kai mikrh ekqesh proiontwn kai yphresiwn,etairiwn, poy asxoloyntai me ayton ton klado. Thn Kyriakh qa anoijh h ekqesh kai to brady qa pragmatopoihqei h kaqierwmenh dejiwsh. H epishmhenarjh toy Synedrioy qa pragmatopoihqei thn Deytera. Kai qa akoloyqhsoyn diafora epiforfwtika kai plhroforiaka seminaria. Sta plaisia toy Synedrioy qa synedriasei to "Greek-American Restaurant Association" kai qa eklegei to neo Dioikhtiko Symboylio toy.To brady ths Kyriakhs, 28 Oktwbrioy, qa aponemhqoyn ta brabeia toy"Estiator" se petyxhmenoys ellhnoamerikanoys estiatores apo olh thn Amerikh kai qa akoloyqhsei diaskedash kai xoros me ejaireto kallitexniko programma. Proedros toy Synedrioy qa einai kai fetos o k. Tasos Maneshs, proedros ths Pangkregkorian Neas Yorkhs kai Longk Ailant, prwhn proedros ths Omospondias Ellhnoamerikanikwn Swmateiwn Neas Yorkhs kai antikybernhths toy Tagmatos toy Agioy Andrea, toy Oikoymenikoy Patriarxeioy. O k. Maneshs exei eklegei proedros toy Ellhnoamerikanikoy Syndesmoy Estiatorwn kai qa einai to timwmeno proswpo sto geyma toy "Estiator". [03] KENTRO ENDIAFERONTOS NEOELLHNIKWN SPOYDWN H MALAGA THS ISPANIAS- DIDASKONTAI ELLHNIKA SE KRATIKO FRONTISTHRIO THS POLHSKentro endiaferontos neoellhnikwn spoydwn teinei na ginei h Malaga ths Ispanias xarh sth drasthriothta toy metafrastikoy tomea toy tmhmatos neoellhnikwn spoydwn toy panepisthmioy ths polhs o opoios diorganwnei stis 30 kai 31 Oktwbrioy synedrio me qema: "H metafrash toy alloy h metafrash ths Elladas". Stoxos twn diorganwtwn einai h symbolh sth prowqhsh twn qematwn poy aforoyn tis neoellhnikes spoydes sthn Ispania."Mas endiaferei para poly na feroyme ta ellhnika zhthmata sthn kardia twn metafrastikwn spoydwn, sthn kardia twn problhmatwn ths metafrastikhs qewrias. Pisteyoyme oti ayto einai shmantiko gia na bgoyn oi neoellhnikes spoydes apo to panepisthmiako gketo. Gi ayto qeloyme na feroyme ta zhthmata poy aforoyn thn Ellada sthn kardia allwn eidikothtwn toy panepisthmioy" tonizei milwntas sto Makedoniko Praktoreio Eidhsewn o kaqhghths Binsente Qerbantez poy einai kai melos ths organwtikhs epitrophs toy synedrioy.O k Fernantez shmeiwnei oti einai isws h prwth fora poy epixeireitai ena tetoio synedrio sthn Ispania. Oi enothtes toy synedrioy einai "Eikones ths Elladas", "Ellada, Balkania - Eyrwph" "Glwsses ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs", "Ellhnikh taytothta kai Ellhnikh koyltoyra", "H metafrash toy alloy", "O metafrasths , to allo egw toy syggrafea", "Apoceis kai metafraseis apo thn Ellada kai ths Ispania". Parallhla me to synedrio qa pragmatopoihqoyn sto moyseio Kalwn Texnwn ths Malagas poihtikes bradies me anagnwseis neoellhnikhs poihshs metafrasmenhs sta ispanika. Stis bradies aytes qa symmetasxoyn oi Nasos Bagienas, Dhmhtrhs Kalokoirhs, Dhmhtra Xristodoyloy kai Kwstas Mayroydhs enw exoyn kliqei kai Ispanoi metafrastes ellhnikhs poihshs poy qa diabasoyn poihsh Eggonopoyloy, Kabadia, Anagnwstakh kai Xristianopoyloy. Opws epishmainei o k. Fernantez h poihsh twn Ellhnwn poihtwn poy qa akoystei stis ekdhlwseis toy synedrioy qa ekdoqei me xrhmatodothsh toy dhmoy ths Malagas se enan anamnhstiko tomo. "Endiaferon gia thn neoellhnikh logotexnia yparxei edw kai 15 xronia, mexri tote htan elaxisto .Twra fainetai kalytera. Sth Malaga mporoyme na poyme oti h katastash einai poly elpidofora giati exoyme ayton ton neoellhniko tomea sto tmhma metafrastikwn spoydwn. Akomh didaskontai ta ellhnika kai sthn kratikh sxolh jenwn glwsswn. Prokeitai gia ena qesmo poy omoios toy den yparxei sthn Ellada. Einai dhladh san ena kratiko frontisthrio opoy didaskontai jenes glwsses kai sth Malaga didaskontai kai ta ellhnika. Qelw na epishmanw oti kai ta logotexnika periodika deixnoyn poly endiaferon gia ta ellhnika pragmata gia thn neoellhnikh logotexnia", prosqetei o k Fernantez. Ajizei na shmeiwqei oti h pio spoydaia ekdosh neoellhnikhs poihshs poy egine ton teleytaio kairo sthn Ispania einai h diglwssh twn Apantwn toy Manolh Anagnwstakh poy kykloforhse thn anoijh toy 1996. Metajy twn Ellhnwn poy qa symmetasxoyn sto synedrio einai o dieyqynths toy periodikoy "Poliths" A. Elefanths, oi panepisthmiakoi S. Pesmazogloy, J. Kokolhs, Nt. Tziobas, N. Bagienas, o kaqhghths toy panepisthmioy ths Granadas Mosxos Morfakidhs, oi metafrastes toy Kabafh Irigkogien Ramon, Kanigkral Loyis, Pedro Mpadenas enw sthn organwtikh epitroph, ths opoias proedros einai o M.P Torres Palomo, metexei h kaqhghtria toy panepisthmioy ths Malaga I.Nikolaidoy. YSTEROGRAFO: To enhmerwtiko deltio poy prohghqhke einai diko sas, twn apodhmwn Ellhnwn. Kaqe drasthriothta, ekdhlwsh, festibal, k.l.p. qa einai xara mas na filojenhqei sto deltio twn "NEWN THS OMOGENEIAS". Anamenoyme nea sas. Epikoinwneite kaqhmerina me to Makedoniko Praktoreio Eidhsewn gia ta "NEA THS OMOGENEIAS" me ton Alejandro Triantafyllidh sta thlefwna: 30- 31/244-101 (10 grammes). Stelnete ta Deltia Typoy sto Fax: 244-105 kai afhnete ta mhnymata sas mesw INTERNET sto e-mail address: Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at Press Agency Expatriates News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |