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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-10-03Athens News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: "Greek Press & Information Office, Ottawa Canada" <>ANASKOPHSH AQHNAIKOY TYPOY THS 03/10/1997PERIEXOMENA
[1] TITLOI EFHMERIDWNAqhna, Ellada, 03/10/1997 (APE)Oi ellhnoamerikanikes sxeseis, o koinwnikos dialogos kai oi ayjhseis sta akinhta einai ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy aqhnaikoy typoy.ADESMEYTOS TYPOS: Misqoi mamoyq se 600 kommatikoys. APOGEYMATINH: H ygeia sto... apospasma. H AQHNAIKH: "Mprabos" o Mpagebits. Espase sto jylo ypallhlo sto aerodromio. H AYGH: Se krisimh kamph o kybernhtikos dialogos. AYRIANH: Pws egine h syllhch ths Mimhs. EQNOS: Oi nees times sta akinhta. ELEYQERH WRA: "Dolofonhqhke" o Kapodistrias me to aparadekto nomosxedio. ELEYQEROS: Nea pagida apo toys amerikanoys. ELEYQEROS TYPOS: Tzogos xwris anasa. Neo Lotto me klhrwseis kaqe 5 lepta. ELEYQEROTYPIA: Pws sthnoyn thn tromo-diplwmatia. H EJOYSIA: Efodos emporwn hrwinhs sta sxoleia. ESTIA: Nean "Madrithn" prowqoyn ai HPA me prwtoboylias dia ta Ellhnotoyrkika. H KAQHMERINH: Ayjhsh-pagida sta akinhta. O LOGOS: Amerikaniko "anfair" gia dhqen anwxh tromokratwn. TA NEA: Timwroyn syntajioyxoys poy doyleyoyn me eisfora, foroys kai plafon. NIKH: "Paizoyn" me th fwtia sto Aigaio proeidopoiei o Akhs Tzoxatzopoylos. RIZOSPASTHS: Baries eyqynes epwmizetai h kybernhsh. [2] Ellhnoamerikanikes sxeseisH ELEYQEROTYPIA grafei oti "Nteb Sol, RKK kai 17N "empleje" xqes se perierges (;) dhlwseis toy gia thn tromokratia sthn Ellada o Amerikanos mesolabhths sta ellhnotoyrkika yfypoyrgos Mark Gkrosman, anapterwnontas etsi, tis prosdokies ths Agkyras, poy epixeirei systhmatikws apo to 1991 na emplejei thn Ellada se drash tromokratikwn organwsewn. To neo ayto "qermo epeisodio" poy epixeirei h Agkyra me thn "tromo-diplwmatia", prospaqei na apofygei h Aqhna, alla to trofodotei "entexnws" to Steit Ntipartment me synexeis dhlwseis toy".O ELEYQEROS anaferei oti "pagida se baros ths Elladas etoimazoyn, gia mia akomh fora, Egglezoi kai Amerikanoi. Pairnontas th skytalh apo to kataptysto dhmosieyma toy "Observer" syndeoyn to RKK me th Der Sol kai th "17N" kai epixeiroyn na dhmioyrghsoyn qema gia ypotiqemenh yposthrijh ths tromokratias sthn Ellada". O LOGOS tonizei oti "me entono tropo antedrase, xqes, h kybernhsh sthn prwtofanh kai akrws ypopth prospaqeia twn Amerikanwn na emplejoyn thn Ellada me tis drasthriothtes koyrdikwn organwsewn poy oi HPA (kai h Toyrkia) xarakthrizoyn ws tromokratikes. H energeia twn Amerikanwn kaqe allo para tyxaia einai kaqws ekdhlwqhke afenos sthn Oyasigkton me dhlwseis toy ekproswpoy toy Steht Ntipartment Tzim Folley kai afeteroy sthn Aqhna, opoy o edw eyriskomenos bohqos ypoyrgoys Ejwterikwn twn HPA M. Gkrosman eqese eyqews to zhthma sthn hgesia toy ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn me thn opoia eixe synomilies". H NIKH prosqetei oti "th drash tromokratikwn organwsewn sthn Ellada xrhsimopoioyn oi HPA ws ergaleio askhshs piesewn se mia eyaisqhth periodo gia thn poreia twn ellhnotoyrkikwn sxesewn kai toy Kypriakoy. O Amerikanos bohqos Yp. Ej. M. Gkrosman, ejiswnontas ta RKK, thn Neb Sol kai th "17N", yioqethse oysiastika ta ypopta senaria peri ypoqalchs tromokratwn sth xwra". Symfwna me thn AYRIANH "piswplato xtyphma kata ths Elladas synistoyn oi prwtofaneis kai ypoptoi isxyrismoi twn Amerikanwn peri yposthrijhs poy parexei h xwra mas stoys Koyrdoys antartes toy RKK oi opoioi symporeyontai plhrws me tis gnwstes aqliothtes poy grafthkan prosfatws sth bretanikh efhmerida "Ompzerber". H ELEYQERH WRA epishmainei oti "me entypwsiaka ypotoniko kai apologhtiko tropo apanthse xqes h ellhnikh kybernhsh sthn proklhtikh ews xydaia dhlwsi toy ekproswpoy toy St. Ntipartment poy epishmws yioqethse kai ejefrase ws antilhci ths Oyasigktwn tis peri tromokratias myqistories toy "Ompserber". Me perissotero prosektikes ekfraseis, alla sto idio mhkos kymmatos to epishs stelexos toy Amerikanikoy YPEJ M. Gkrosman milhse gia thn anagkh ejarqrwshs "tromokratikwn organwsewn". TO EQNOS sto basiko toy sxolio yposthrizei oti "ki ekei poy nomizame oti h istoria eixe teleiwsei kai h toyrkikhs empneyshs kai agglikhs ekteleshs probokatsia den qa mas apasxoloyse allo, hrqe na mas diaceysei h amerikanikh pleyra poy epanefere to qema toy dhmosieymatos toy "Ompzerber". Kati poy, en pollois, qa eprepe n' anamenoyme, afoy einai gnwsto oti, opws allote htan o "kommoynismos", etsi einai, ta teleytaia xronia, h "tromokratia", poy ws lejh kai mono exei fqasei n' apotelei to megalo "mpampoyla" ths amerikanikhs koinwnias". Kata thn AQHNAIKH "se enan kynikotato kai wmo ekbiasmo enantion ths xwras mas proxwroyn oi HPA, xrhsimopoiwntas ws aformh to probokatoriko dhmosieyma toy "Ompzerber", to opoio miloyse gia ypoqalch Koyrdwn tromokratwn apo thn Ellada". TA NEA ypogrammizoyn oti "sthn oysiastikh yioqethsh ths probokatsias toy "Ompzerber" gia th dhqen ypoqalch tromokratwn sthn Ellada proxwrhsan oi HPA, prokalwntas thn entonh antidrash ths Aqhnas. Toso o ekproswpos toy Steit Ntipartment Tzim Folei oso kai o bohqos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Mark Gkrosman, o opoios pragmatopoihse xqes kai proxqes episkech sthn Aqhna, milhsan gia anoxh ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs pros to RKK kai thn organwsh Nteb Sol". O ELEYQEROS TYPOS ektima oti "periergh h strofh yper ths apodoxhs twn anypostatwn kathgoriwn gia yposthrijh tromokratikwn organwsewn apo thn Ellada pragmatopoiei, jafnika, to Steit Ntipartment, thrwntas safeis apostaseis akoma kai apo to Leyko Oiko poy eixe aporricei th Deytera, ws anypostato to dhmosieyma toy bretanikoy "Ompzerber" gia sxeseis Koyrdwn kai ellhnikhs kybernhshs". [3] Koinwnikos dialogosH AYGH grafei oti "me th sysswreysh problhmatwn toso oson afora thn oysia toy dialogoy oso kai th diadikasia poy akoloyqeitai, h ypoqesh toy koinwnikoy dialogoy, dianyei mia krisimh kamph, enw hdh perasan treis mhnes apo thn enarjh toy. Oi basikes proypoqeseis poy egkaira eixe qesei to syndikalistiko kinhma gia dialogo me ypeyqynothta, ajiopistia kai me prospaqeia sobarwn proseggisewn, 'torpilizontai' apo ta 'beggalika' kybernhtikwn stelexwn alla kai apo thn kybernhtikh "biasynh" poy synodeyetai apo spasmwdikes kinhseis kai energeies".O RIZOSPASTHS anaferei oti "oi basikoi kybernhtikoi prosanatolismoi gia ta qemata ths anaptyjhs kai toy dhmosioy tomea ginontai apo toys etairoys apodektoi! Ayto einai to stigma poy dinei h kybernhsh meta th xqesinh synedriash ths Syntonistikhs Grammateias toy 'koinwnikoy dialogoy', apokalyptontas taytoxrona to megeqos ths apaths poy sthqhke se baros toy synoloy twn ergazomenwn, otan oi "eksygxronistes" apofasisan na prowqhsoyn tis nees desmes twn antilaikwn metrwn toys, mesa apo ta apoprosanatolistika trik toy dhqen dialogoy". H KAQHMERINH tonizei oti "arnhtikh paramenei h GSEE ws pros thn kybernhtikh protash gia dynatothta dieyqethshs toy xronoy ergasias, mesw epixeirhsiakwn symfwniwn Wstoso, se antiqesh me tis dyskolies poy antimetwpizei o koinwnikos dialogos gia ta qemata poy aforoyn sthn antagwnistikothta kai tis ergasiakes sxeseis, h oloklhrwsh, xqes, ths syzhthshs gia ton ajona poy afora sthn anaptyjh, xarakthristhke apo synainetiko klima". [4] KypriakoO ELEYQEROS TYPOS grafei oti "epishmopoihsh toy nayagioy twn synomiliwn Klhridh-Ntenktas apotelei h anaxwrhsh toy Kyprioy proedroy gia th Nea Yorkh, xwris na pragmatopoihqei h programmatismenh gi' ayth thn ebdomada deyterh synanthsh twn dyo andrwn. Thn idia wra, h antidrash ths toyrkikhs pleyras gia thn agora twn rwsikwn pyraylwn S-300 exei parei th morfh mazikhs ysterias, h opoia enteinei peraiterw thn hdh epikindyna tetamenh kai ekrhktikh atmosfaira sthn Kypro".[5] Ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseisH EJOYSIA grafei oti "Balkanikh Synanthsh Koryfhs sthn Krhth ton epomeno mhna den fainetai oti qa einai staqmos gia tis sxeseis Elladas-Toyrkias. H Aqhna den epiqymei na metatrecei thn synanthsh ths Krhths se mia ellhnotoyrkikh synanthsh, paramorfwnontas to xarakthra ths diaskechs".H APOGEYMATINH me titlo "Sto proskhnio diabalkanikh me Ellada-Toyrkia", anaferei oti "to endexomeno pragmatopoihsews ths tetrameroys synanthshs koryfhs Elladas-Toyrkias-Boylgarias-Roymanias, proballei twra o toyrkikos Typos. Symfwna me dhmosieyma ths efhmeridas "Geni Gioyzgil", h Boylgaria kai h Roymania prospaqoyn na epityxoyn synanthsh toy Proedroy ths Ellhnikhs Dhmokratias Kwnstantinoy Stefanopoyloy me ton Toyrko omologo toy Soyleiman Ntemirel, o opoios episkeptetai shmera th Barna". H ESTIA tonizei oti "me thn safh apostolhn na dhmioyrghsh tas katallhloys synqhkas dia mian nean "Madrithn", oson afora eis tas ellhnotoyrkikas diaforas, epragmatopoihse ta epafas toy eis Aqhnas o Amerikanos bohqos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Mark Gkrosman kai synexizei me analogoys synanthseis eis Agkyran kai Leykwsian". [6] ANASKOPHSH OIKONOMIKOY TYPOYOi probleceis gia ton plhqwrismo toy Septembrioy, h ptwsh toy deikth timwn sto Xrhmatisthrio, oi nees, symfwna me plhrofories, antikeimenikes ajies twn akinhtwn kai to kostos metaforas ths Olympiakhs sta Spata, einai ta basika qemata toy shmerinoy oikonomikoy typoy.GENIKH Dhmoprasiwn: "Apotomh ptwsh sth Sofokleoys - Sygxysh sthn agora apo thn proqesh forologias stis synallages". EJPRES: "Baria" gia thn O.A. h metafora - Anamenetai na kostisei 120 dis. drx. h metegkatastash sta Spata". HMERHSIA: "Ews 55% panw oi times akinhtwn". KERDOS: "Sto 2% o foros gia tis pwlhseis twn metoxwn - Ayjanetai kata 5 monades h forologia mono stis eishgmenes etairies". NAYTEMPORIKH: "Ekrhktiko kokteil forwn gia metoxes kai misqoys - Megalyterh parakrathsh apo eleyqeroys epaggelmaties kai misqwtoys". [7] Plhqwrismos Septembrioy - probleceisTO KERDOS anaferei oti: "Qeamatikh ypoxwrhsh shmeiwse ton Septembrio o plhqwrismos, kaqws symfwna me oles tis endeijeis, yparxoyn polles piqanothtes na ypoxwrhsei gia prwth fora katw apo to 5%. Se kaqe periptwsh, pantws, den prokeitai na jeperasei to 5%, enanti ryqmoy 5,6%, me ton opoio etrexe ton prohgoymeno Aygoysto".Athens News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |