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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 06-01-17Athens News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] EPISKOPHSH TYPOY THS 17/1/2006H anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos, h griph twn pthnwn kai h aimathrh lhsteia sto kentro ths Aqhnas einai apo ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy Typoy.ADESMEYTOS TYPOS: Tromokraths toy "Epanastatikoy Agwna" o syllhfqeis lhsths. Aimathrh lhsteia sthn Eqnikh ths Ippokratoys. ANW KATW: Xryses doyleies oi tokoglyfoi elew "Teiresia". 5.800.000 Ellhnes einai stis "mayres" listes. APOGEYMATINH: Sta ixnh kai allwn tromokratwn. H prwtofanhs epiqesh sto kentro ths Aqhnas pyrodotei senaria tromoy. H AYGH: Test "eqnikofrosynhs" se omogeneis: Se alloys dinoyn iqageneia, swrhdon, gia alloys anakalyptoyn... elleich "ellhnikhs eqnikhs syneidhshs"! AYRIANH: Epikindynh asfyjia sthn agora. Ayjhqhkan kata 42,8% oi akalyptes epitages, enw ta fesia gia to 2005 jeperasan to 1,64 dis. eyrw. TO BHMA: Anqrwpokynhghto. Arxisan ereynes gia to DNA twn lhstwn. Sikago egine to kentro ths Aqhnas xqes mera meshmeri. H BRADYNH: H monimothta ypo anaqewrhsh. Anoigei h syzhthsh gia rizikes allages sto Syntagma. EQNOS: Lhsteia meta tromoy. Diasyndesh poinikwn me thn tromokratia diereyna h EL.AS. ELEYQERH WRA: Milhsan alla... den akoyge o enas ton allo. Synanthqhkan Karamanlhs - Papandreoy kai syzhthsan gia thn anaqewrhsh. ELEYQEROS: O ypoyrgos Toyrismoy, Dhm. Abramopoylos, kata th syntagmatikh anaqewrhsh proteinei: Baqia tomh sto politiko systhma. ELEYQEROS TYPOS: 3 shmadia tromokratias. Aqhna: Endeijeis oti arxizei na jetyligetai pali to koybari toy antartikoy polewn. ELEYQEROTYPIA: Lhsteia meta tromoy. Maxh sthn kardia ths Aqhnas, eytyxws xwris nekroys. ESTIA: Ta dyo proswpa toy k. Papandreoy. Apekalyfqhsan sthn xqesinh synanthsh me ton prwqypoyrgo. ESPRESSO: Kare - kare oi tromokrates lhstes. Binteo-ntokoymento apo thn eisbolh toys se trapeza. Poia stoixeia toys denoyn me tromokratikh organwsh. H KAQHMERINH: Kleista synora me Toyrkia gia ton fobo toy ioy. Kybernhtikh odhgia pros tajidiwtes. Kai tetartos nekros sth geitona xwra. O LOGOS: Lhsteia alla... tromokratika. Skhnes "Far Oyest" sto kentro ths Aqhnas. TA NEA: Tromo-skies pisw apo th lhsteia. Ston antiejoysiastiko xwro o lhsths leei h EL.AS. H NIKH: Arsh monimothtas. Syntagmatikh aporryqmish sto Dhmosio sxediazei h ND. PRESS time: Xrhmatisths kathgoreitai oti "ladwse" thn Mpoyrmpoylia me 120 ekat. drx. Dikazetai sto Trimeles Kakoyrgiodikeio. RIZOSPASTHS: "Griph twn pthnwn": Oysiastika metra prostasias ergazomenwn kai pthnotrofwn. Shmera STHN ELLADA: Neos Kwdikas: Anwnymes etairies stoys OTA. TRAFFIC NEWS: H symmoria me ta mayra xtyphse sto caxno. H Astynomia caxnei gia giafka tromokratwn. H XWRA: Lhsteia gia to tameio toy Tromoy; Makeleio sto kentro ths Aqhnas. City Press: Aimathrh lhsteia sto kentro ths Aqhnas. Metro: Apagoreytiko gia Toyrkia. Mhnyma Kaklamanh pros toys Ellhnes tajidiwtes. AGGELIOFOROS: Twra trexoyme kai... de ftanoyme gia ton io ths griphs twn pthnwn. EGNATIA: Epixeirhmaties kykloforoyn kai "oploforoyn" ystera apo enoplh lhsteia sth Qessalonikh se baros idiokthth alysidas soyper - market. TYPOS QESSALONIKHS: Qriler me to nero; Skandalwdes "loyketo" sth monada lipasmatwn. Shmeiwsh: H efhmerida AKROPOLH den eixe fqasei sto APE mexri thn wra apostolhs toy deltioy. [02] LhsteiaH PRESS time grafei oti "pepeismenoi einai oi astynomikoi pws sthn eyryterh perioxh twn Ejarxeiwn oi drastes exoyn giafka opoy kryboyn ton bary oplismo toys, alla kai sta xrhmata ta opoia arpazoyn apo tis trapezes".H TRAFFIC NEWS anaferei oti "agrio pistolidi sto kentro ths Aqhnas metajy astynomikwn kai pente drastwn jespase xqes to meshmeri meta thn aimathrh lhsteia sto ypokatasthma ths Eqnikhs Trapezas, sthn odo Solwnos 76". Symfwna me thn ESPRESSO "oi "lhstes me ta mayra" oi eponomazomenoi kai "tromokrates twn trapezwn", htan isws o megalyteros ponokefalos ths Ellhnikhs Astynomias toys teleytaioys 38 mhnes. Me oktw stratiwtikoy typoy epixeirhseis eixan apallotriwsei apo kentrika ypokatasthmata ths Aqhnas perissotera apo 700.000 eyrw". TO EQNOS shmeiwnei: "aytomata, xeirobombides kai maxh me treles sfaires sthn kardia ths Aqhnas. Gnwrimos ths EL.AS. apo ta Ejarxeia o traymatias lhsteies. Ejetazetai kai h sxesh me th dolofonia toy eidikoy froyroy sthn Khfisia" . O ELEYQEROS TYPOS yposthrizei oti "me th xqesinh syllhch toy sobara traymatismenoy enoploy, meloys ths "omadas me ta mayra " poy "apallotriwnei" trapezes sth meta 17N epoxh, h Astynomia elpizei oti brisketai sta ixnh twn tromokratwn neas genias". H APOGEYMATINH grafei oti "to ebdomo ktyphma htan moiraio gia thn pentamelh "symmoria twn 40 deyteroleptwn". Oi koykoyloforoi, afoy katadiwxqhkan apo to froyro ths trapezas, ton opoio traymatisan sobara afhsan pisw toys 49.000 eyrw , dyo ypopolybola oyzi, oktw gemisthres, treis xeirobombides kai synergo toys na xaropaleyei". O LOGOS prosqetei oti "aimathrh lhsteia me treis traymaties egine xqes stis 12.50 to meshmeri, katw apo perierges synqhkes sto ypokatasthma ths Eqnikhs Trapezas sthn odo Solwnos 76, sto kentro ths Aqhnas. Symfwna me plhrofories, stis ereynes exei hdh emplakei kai h Antitromokratikh Yphresias, logw twn idiaiterothtwn toy peristatikoy. Lhsteia trapezas apo omada tessarwn atomwn den einai synhqismenh ypoqesh". TO BHMA epishmainei oti "ekatontades andres ths EL.AS. exoyn apodyqei se anqrwpokynhghto gia na syllaboyn toys tesseris lhstes poy diefygan meta th lhsteia sto ypokatasthma ths Eqnikhs Trapezas sthn odo Solwnos kai th "maxh " poy doqhke sto kentro ths Aqhnas". H ELEYQEROTYPIA ypogrammizei oti "kataigismos pyrwn sth Stoa Qeatroy sto kentro ths Aqhnas metajy pente panoplwn lhstwn trapezhs kai astynomikwn, xwris nekroys! Treis traymaties (o fylakas ths trapezas Giannhs Boytyrakhs) kai abasima, mexri stigmhs, senaria gia sxesh twn drastwn me ypoqeseis tromokratias ths meta 17N epoxhs". Ta NEA prosqetoyn oti "th syndesh twn 5 lhstwn poy aimatokylisan xqes to kentro ths Aqhnas me tromokratikes organwseis, oi opoies drasthriopoioyntai meta thn ejarqrwsh ths 17N epixeirei h ELAS". O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS tonizei oti "mprosta sta melh toy "Epanastatikoy Agwna", ths tromokratikhs omadas poy "diadexqhke" ston stibo toy tromoy thn "17N" pisteyoyn oti briskontai oi astynomikoi". Symfwna me th XWRA "olonyxties ereynes se diamerismata toy kentroy ths Aqhnas kai aqroes prosagwges ypoptwn sth GADA. H Antitromokratikh sto timoni twn ereynwn, afoy ekfrazetai h bebaiothta oti h lhsteia sto katasthma ths Eqnikhs egine gia thn enisxysh toy tameioy toy Tromoy". H City Press shmeiwnei oti "oi drastes fainetai na exoyn ploysia drash kai mallon syndeontai me tromokratikh organwsh. Toys "fwtografizoyn" daktylika apotypwmata se emprhsmoys aytokinhtwn sthn odo Stoyrnarh to Noembrio toy 2004. Hrwikh kai apotelesmatikh antidrash toy froyroy toy ypokatasthmatos ths Eqnikhs Trapezas. Traymatisthkan o froyros, enas laxeiopwlhs kai enas lhsths, o opoios synelhfqh. Efialtikes stigmes sto kentro ths prwteyoysas, me antallages pyrwn kai tromokrathmenoys anyperaspistoys polites". [03] Griph twn pthnwnO RIZOSPASTHS grafei oti "to KKE qewrei oti yparxoyn sobares dynatothtes na apotrapoyn oi arnhtikes proektaseis toy megaloy problhmatos, poy exei prokycei me th "griph twn pthnwn" sth geitonikh Toyrkia, tonise xtes apo ta Giannena h GG ths KE toy KKE Aleka Paparhga, ypogrammizontas ta amesa kai anagkaia metra, ta opoia prepei na parei h kybernhsh toso ston tomea prostasias ths dhmosias ygeias, oso kai s'ayton ths hdh plhttomenhs egxwrias pthnotrofias".Symfwna me thn KAQHMERINH, "h Ellada "kleinei" ta synora ths pros thn Toyrkia kai me diakritikh "odhgia" ths synista stoys Ellhnes polites na apofygoyn tajidia pros th geitona xwra". H METRO prosqetei oti "nea metra eqese se efarmogh h kybernhsh, me stoxo thn kalyterh qwrakish ths xwras apenanti sth griph twn pthnwn. Sto plaisio ayto, to ypoyrgeio Ygeias ejedwse systash, me thn opoia synista stoys Ellhnes polites "na apofeygoyn ta xwris sobaro logo tajidia sthn Toyrkia". [04] MonimothtaH NIKH yposthrizei oti "synqhkes plhroys epaggelmatikhs anasfaleias akomh kai sto steno dhmosio tomea protiqetai na diamorfwsei h kybernhsh Karamanlh, opws prokyptei apo thn protash gia arsh ths monimothtas twn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn poy diatypwnoyn pleon, xwris distagmo, olo kai perissotera stelexh ths ND".[05] Iqageneia"Sta emfyliopolemika sxhmata katafeygei to ypoyrgeio Eswterikwn,opws prokyptei apo ena proklhtiko eggrafo poy ferei thn ypografh toy yfypoyrgoy Aqanasioy Nakoy kai apokalyptei shmera h "AYGH". Gia na aporricei thn aithsh apokthshs ths ellhnikhs iqageneias omogenoys apo th Rwsia, poy menei sth xwra 7 xronia pantremenh me Ellhna polith, katafeygei sto epixeirhma oti den arkei h ellhnikh katagwgh ths , alla ths leipei "h ellhnikh eqnikh syneidhsh".[06] Anaqewrhsh toy SyntagmatosH ESTIA yposthrizei oti "xqes htan mia spania eykairia na katadeixqh oti ston topo mas mporei na yparjh politikh synainesh metajy twn dyo megalwn kommatwn. O arxhgos ths Ajiwmatikhs Antipoliteysews epeskefqh ton Prwqypoyrgo sto Megaro Majimoy gia na enhmerwqh epi twn kybernhtikwn proqesewn sto qema ths anaqewrhsews toy Syntagmatos. Kai h prwth eikona ths synanthsews htan ontws poly qetikh".H ELEYQERH WRA anaferei oti "o Prwqypoyrgos eixe xqes synanthsh me ton Arxhgo ths Ajiwmatikhs Antipoliteyshs, Giwrgo Papandreoy, basika gia thn anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos, alla kai gia to tajidi toy prwtoy sthn Kina. Oi dyo andres, an kai milhsan, gegonos einai oti den akoyge o enas ton allon, giati oi qeseis toys einai antiqetes". H BRADYNH grafei oti "oi plhrofories anaferoyn oti yphrjan diafwnies se kapoia qemata, alla sta meizona kai oi dyo andres symfwnhsan oti oi qeseis toys den einai qesfata kai apoteloyn antikeimeno dialogoy". O ELEYQEROS shmeiwnei oti "baqia tomh sto politiko systhma ths xwras apotelei h protash, enocei ths Anaqewrhshs toy Syntagmatos, toy ypoyrgoy Toyristikhs Anaptyjhs, Dhm. Abramopoyloy, gia kaqierwsh dyo qhteiwn stoys boyleytes, perifereiarxes, nomarxes, dhmarxoys kai kaqe proswpo poy katexei dhmosia qesh plhn toy prwqypoyrgoy, o opoios eklegetai apeyqeias apo ton lao". [07] AgoraH AYRIANH ektima oti "dyskoles meres pernaei h agora logw toy periorismoy ths katanalwshs kai ths elleichs reystothtas poy synepagetai".[08] TeiresiasH ANW KATW epishmainei oti "anqrwpoi poy eggyhqhkan gia 300 eyrw den mporoyn na synergastoyn me trapezes kai katafeygoyn stoys tokoglyfoys. Oi listes toy "Teiresia" einai h basikh aitia poy "anqei" h tokoglyfia kai oi paratrapezes, enw to "spasimo" twn epitagwn eftase to 6-10% to mhna".[09] OTAH efhmerida SHMERA STHN ELLADA isxyrizetai oti "oi Dhmoi kai oi Koinothtes dynatai se synergasia me alloys foreis ths Topikhs Aytodioikhshs na sygkrotoyn anwnymes etairies. Oi etairies aytes qa leitoyrgoyn me bash tis diatajeis poy diepoyn th forologikh kai emporikh nomoqesia ews kai ta idiwtika emporika sxhmata. H dioikhsh qa ginetai apo aireta melh ta opoia qa ekproswpoyn ton Dhmo h thn Koinothta".Athens News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |