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HELLENIC LITERATURE SOC.12/1/95Events DirectoryFrom: GreekBooks@aol.comH E L L E N I C L I T E R A T U R E S O C I E T Y A newsletter of Greek literature provided by the H.L.S. A non-profit organization - P.O. Box 2272, River Vale, NJ 07675 Tel. 201-666-7374; Fax 201-664-3402 DECEMBER 1, 1995 TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST PLEASE E-MAIL YOUR FULL NAME AND BOTH YOUR ELECTRONIC & POST OFFICE ADDRESSES (HOME ADDRESS PLEASE). SUBSCRIBERS WILL RECEIVE HARD COPIES OF OUR CATALOGS & BROCHURES AND ELECTRONIC UPDATES ON GREEK LITERATURE. (PLEASE SEND YOUR REQUESTS DIRECTLY TO GREEKBOOKS@AOL.COM; DO NOT POST THEM IN YOUR NEWSGROUP.) ANNOUNCEMENTS * Canadian Archaeological Institute * The Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens and its library of Mediterranean cultural anthropology books and articles has moved to a new address: Dionissiou Aiginitou 7, 115-28 Athens Greece; Phone: 722-3201; Fax: 722-8318; Director: David Jordan. * Hellenic Museum-Chicago * The Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center will be temporarily housed in the National Bank of Greece building in downtown Chicago, IL as of December 1, 1995. The Museum will eventually make its permanent home in a new structure that will be built as part of the Greektown Re-development Project. * Greek Book Exhibit * The Hellenic Literature Society in cooperation with the Hellenic American Educators/UFT announces "GREECE IN PRINT, 1996". This event is the first major Book Exhibit of Greek Literature and Culture in North America. The event will take place on Saturday and Sunday September 21 and 22, 1996 at the United Federation of Teachers Building located at 260 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010. "GREECE IN PRINT, 1996" will exhibit a large selection of books (several thousand) printed in both English and Greek. Visitors to the exhibit will have the opportunity to browse and explore a variety of themes such as: art, children's books, classical studies, cookbooks, culture, Greek-American studies, history, language courses, literature & fiction, modern Greek Studies, philosophy, poetry, religion, schoolbooks, travel guides, women's studies, as well as educational and cultural audio and video cassettes and computer software. During the course of this two day exhibition, noted authors and scholars will conduct lectures and workshops on site. This effort will be made a reality through the volunteer efforts of Greeks and philhellenes alike. With the support of all of us the treasures of Greece will be presented for all to share. A lasting gift through the written word. The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Hellenic Literature Society request your support and patronage. We urge you to become part of it. Donations to the Hellenic Literature Society are tax deductible. NEWS * Albanian Authors and Artists * The organization of Albanian authors in Tirana, presented the a collection of poetry by Leta Koutsohera "TOPIA REONTA". The collection was translated by professor Aristotelis Spyrou at Elbasan University. * Alexander the Great Award * The Hellenic Cultural Society of San Diego, CA recently bestowed upon Professor Marianne McDonald the Alexander the Great Award for her trementous work in the areas of classical studies and Greek theater. * Medea * Ms. Lilly Bita, actress and poetress from Philadelphia, PA performed "Medea" in the Festival of Greek Culture in Calcutta, India. The festival was organized by the KYKLOS Greek Club in India and the Indian government. * 22nd Conference of the International Biographical Centre Beatrice Papadiamantopoulou-Benou was the only represented from Greece who attented the conference in Sydney, Australia. She presented a paper titled "Education", read modern Greek poetry, and was interviewed by Australian radio stations and the press. NEW PUBLICATIONS * English Language * ANCIENT GREECE, by British Museum/BBC Find the facts. When were the first Olympic Games? Why did Theseus kill the Minotaur? Did the ancient city of Troy really exist? The Ancient Greeks lived thousands of years ago and have influenced the way we live today. This book digs deep into the past to give to children a remarkable insight into their lives, beliefs and achievements. 48 pages, 7.7x10.2 inches, Full Color, Ages: 8-12, Paper, $ 7.95 BYZANTIUM: THE DECLINE AND FALL, by John Julius Norwich In this, the third and final volume of Norwich's magnificent and moving history, he tells of the dire consequence of the defeat by the Seljuk Turks at the battle of Manzikerr in 1071; of the Fourth Crusade, whose Crusaders hurled themselves against Constantinople, sacking the city and setting up a succession of Frankish thugs on the imperial throne; and of the struggle by the restored Empire against the advance of the Ottoman Turks. The spellbinding account of the city's fall - the last great epic in the history of the Middle Ages - provides a climax to a story worthy of Homer himself. 488 pages, 6.7x9.0 inches, Cloth, $ 35.00 THE GREEK WAY OF LIFE, by Robert Garland This engrossing book is the first investigation of the life cycle of the ancient Greeks from the moment of conception to the onset of old age. The author seeks to establish not only what the ancient Greeks did at various ages, but how social persona was shaped in the process of aging. He works directly from the ancient texts to present a clearly written and admirably balanced portrait of how ancient Greek men and women were born, grew up, and reached old age. 376 pgs, 5.5x8.5, Paper, $ 15.95 THE NAZI OCCUPATION OF CRETE 1941-1945, by G. C. Kiriakopoulos This is the true story of an American youth, Alexander, who was overcome by World War II and the subsequent invasion of Crete while vacationing there. Following his family's assistance to British soldiers and the subsequent execution of his father by the Germans, he banded together with British commandos to form a resistance movement against the Germans that set an example for all the conquered people of Europe to follow. This is a story of stark reality of human endeavor and sacrifice, marked by acts of heroism of which little has been written. 248 pgs, 6.5x9.6, Cloth, $ 56.00 ONE MORE SPRING, by Peter M. Kalellis In the Spring of 1941 the Nazis invaded Greece including the Lesbos, home of young Peter Kalellis. This riveting account of fighting and enduring the occupation is both a memoir of harrowing times and a story of Kalellis and his three idealistic, fiercely loyal young friends, who defy the invading powers and suffer the consequences of imprisonment and torture. It is also a story of the people of the ancient city of Mytilene who cling to the hope of liberation and freedom for three long years. 209 pages, 6.2x9.2, Cloth, $ 18.95 * Greek Language * H ARRABWNIASTIKA TOU AXILLEA, tou Alkn Zen S' eva metaixmio tns zwns tns kai tns prosfatns istorias tns Elladas - stn diarkeia tns diktatorias - n arrabwviastikia tou Axillea, avasurovtas tis mvnmes tns, petradi to petradi, suvthetei to psnfidwto tns triakovtaetias. Proswpa koiva, athelntoi prwtagwvistes h avideoi komparsoi tou dramatos. Avtistash, emfulios, diwkseis. Megala oramata kai diapseuseis, dialush pollwv pseudaisthnsewv. H Ellada, o kosmos. Yparxei tupwmevo kai stnv Agglikn. 374 selides, 5.0x7.7 intses, Paper, $ 20.50 GIA TO KTISIMO THS AGIA-SOFIAS, Xroniko tou Gewrgiou Kwdivou Perilambavetai plousio glwssari me katatopistikes perigrafes orwv, ovomatwv, topwv, istorikwv peristatikwv, pou exouv xathei apo th sugxrovn mvnmn. Sto telos prosferetai kai to buzavtivo keimevo. 80 selides, 6.7x9.4 ivtses, Paper, $ 8.25 LEXIKO ME KINOUMENES EIKONES M' evav eurnmatiko tropo to paidi proxwrei stnv eksoikeiwsn tou me tnv Ellhvikn h tnv Agglikn glwssa. Hlikias: Prosxolikns ews 6 xrovwv. 1. Oi Prwtes mou 100 Ellnvikes-Agglikes Lekseis 2. Oi Prwtes mou 40 Ellnvikes-Agglikes Fraseis 14 selides, 8.8x11.2 intses, Cloth, ekasto $ 18.00 TAKSIDEYONTAS STHN ELLADA, tou S. Paraskeuopoulou Avagkaia kai upothesn xreous eivai gia olous tous veous n gvwrimia me tnv patrida Ellada. Me tnv kathe npeirwtikn gwvia, pou gumvostnthn perpatnse n Doksa movaxn. Ma, pera ap' auta, gia n' avalabeis tis dikes sou euthuves kai va aisthantheis to diko sou xreos gi' autn tn galazia xwra tou oveirou kai tou pveumatos. Hlikias: 10 ews 15. 269 selides, 6.7x9.5 inches, Paper, $ 12.50 TO TRAPEZI THS KYRIAKHS, tns Marias Xaramn Saravta eklekta keimeva tns gastrovomikns filosofias tns geusigvwstrias Xaramn kai tou oivologou Xatznvikolaou pou tha diabasete sto salovi sas, tautoxrova me saravta ugieives kai patroparadotes suvtages pou mporeite va ftiaksete stnv kouziva sas, gia va tis apolausete me saranta idanika krasia. BEST SELLERS IN GREECE 1. H AGAPH ARGHSE MIA MERA, tns Zwgrafou 2. PROBA NYFIKOU, tou Giannakopoulou 3. SKOUFOS APO PORFYRA, tou Douka 4. ME BELOUDENIA BHMATA, tns Bambounakn 5. MIA NYXTA ME THN KOKKINH, tou Gkimosouln 6. XRWMA FEGGARIOU, tou Papadaki 7. KAI ME TO FWS TOY LYKOU EPANERXONTAI, tns Zateln 8. SKISMENO PSATHAKI, tou Papadaki 9. ALFABHTARI, by Nea Synora 10.PALAIOS TWN HMERWN, tou Matesi GIVE TO YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, TO GREEKS AND NON-GREEK ALIKE, A GIFT THEY WILL NEVER FORGET .... A BOOK OF GREEK LITERATURE CALENDAR OF EVENTS November 1-December 3 * Chicago, IL - BEYOND BYZANTIUM...BEYOND DREAMS An exhibition of 14th - 19th century icons presented by Maria Andipa & Son Gallery, London at the ArtiCulture Gallery, 362 West Erie, Chicago, IL 60610; (312) 337-2204. Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00 AM-6:00 PM. November 30-December 1 * Washington, DC - HAWC CONFERENCE The Hellenic American Women's Council will hold their annual conference. Senators Olympia Snowe and Barbara Boxer will be honorary co-chairs of the event. For further information, please call (703) 685-7442. December 2 * New York, NY - CONCERT The Ethnic Folk Arts Center and Greenwich House Arts will present an evening of Greek immigrant songs and traditions. Gregoris Manikakis and Anna Paidousi will be joined by Jim Karas and members of the Aman Amerika orchestra. The concert will take place at Greenwich House, 46 Barrow St. For information and tickets call (212) 691-9510. December 3 * Cambridge, MA - HELICON SOCIRTY LECTURE Dr. Andrew Webb, Professor of Biological Sciences, Wellesly College, will speak on "Genes: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them" at the Greek Institute , 1038 Massachusetts Ave, 3:30 PM. December 3 * San Francisco, CA - DINNER DANCE The Holy Trinity Church of San Francisco will host its annual dinner dance at the Westin Hotel. Admission is $100.00 per person. For information and reservations call the church at (415) 584-4747. December 6 * New York, NY - DINNER DANCE The 26th Annual Athenian Ball to Benefit Athens College will be held at the Pierre Hotel. For tickets and information call (212) 966-2511. December 7 * New York, NY - AUCTION Christie's, 502 Park Avenue, will offer for sale a selection of fine ancient Greek and Roman artifacts. A preauction preview will begin on December 3. For more information call (212) 546-1119. December 9 * New York, NY - RETREAT The Holy Trinity Cathedral Fellowship is hosting an advent retreat from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM at the Cathedral, 319 E 74th Street. The theme of the retreat is "Back to Basics: How do we participate in and apply our faith to our lives." For more information call Marie at (516) 627-7813. December 10 * New York, NY - CHRISTMAS PARTY Hellenic American Educators Association will host its annual Christmas party at Estia Restaurant, 308 E 86th St., at 6:30 PM. Admission $42.00, advance, or $45.00 at the door. Checks should be mailed to Helen Angelos, 130 E 18th St., NY, NY 10003. January 5-22 * Baltimore, MD - TRAVEL-STUDY COURSE ON THE HISTORY OF CRETE. The History department of Towson State University. Involves a trip to Greece. Contact A. Blumfield (410) 830-2911, TSU. Towson MD 21204. January 16 * Cambridge, MA - HELICON SOCIETY LECTURE Professor Ioannis Miaouli, Dean of Engineering, Tufts University, will speak on "Why Girls Shun Science and Math?" at the Greek Institute, 1038, Massachusetts Ave, at 3:30 PM. February 8-11 * Silver Creek, CO - CONFERENCE The Denver Diocese Young Adult League Members will host the seventh annual YAL show conference February 8-11, near Rocky Mountain National Park. Keynote speaker will be Rev. Lou Christopoulos dean of Annunciation Cathedral in Houston. His topic will be "Role of the Laity". For more information contact: Diocese of Denver, Office of Youth and Young Adult League Ministries. (303) 333-7794. September 29-Oct.2 * Melbourne, Australia - MODERN GREEK STUDIES ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE University of Melburn. Papers on Greek culture are invited. Submit 200 word abstracts by Feb. 16, 1996 to Conference Convenors. PO Box 4076, Parkville Victoria 3052, Australia. Phone: 61-3-9344-5672; Fax: 61-3-9344-4161. NOTES * If you would like to contribute feature articles, announce exhibits, events, lectures or any other activities on Greek literature and culture, to be included in this newsletter, please e-mail your material to or mail them to the attention of the H.L.S. * Reviewed books may be purchased through the Greek Book Club of Cosmos Publishing Co., Inc. in cooperation with the Hellenic Literature Society. Members of the G.B. Club are entitled to discounts of 20% to 30% off the publisher's list price without any other obligations. Please send all book purchase requests, or requests for copies of the Greek Book Club's catalog to the H.L.S. * Donations to the Hellenic Literature Society are tax deductible. Funds are used to promote the reading of Greek Literature; to organize Greek literary and cultural events; to endow libraries with books of Greek literature; to create & finance libraries at the schools of the Greek Diaspora; to finance scholarships and fellowships in Greek studies; to assist Greek authors publish their manuscripts; and, award an annual prize for excellence in Greek literature. If we are instructed to direct a donation to the library of a specific institution, books will be inscribed with the name of the donor and will be accompanied by an explanatory letter. * Please advise us if you do not receive the biweekly issues of this newsletter in your private e-mail address, and you wish to continue to do so. We are receiving some "E-mail Undeliverable" notices. We will remove from the mailing list any address for which we receive three consecutive such notices. This newsletter is made possible by the members of the Hellenic Literature Society who have contributed towards its publication, and by the support of: Cosmos Publishing Company - NJ, 201-664-3494: Books of Greek subject matter (Mail order) Foundation for Hellenic Culture - NY, 212-308-6908 Non-profit organization supporting Greek cultural activities. The GreekAmerican - NY, 718-626-7676: Weekly Newspaper (in English) Greek American Women's Network - NJ, 201-944-4127 Provides support, contacts and shared information to women of Greek heritage. Hellenic American Educators - NY, 212-777-7502 Educational organization affiliated with the United Federation of Teachers. The Hellenic American Network - NJ, 201-664-3494: Mail order advertising, reaching over 1,000,000 Greek-Americans and 120,000 Greek-Canadians. HELLENIC LITERATURE SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP - 319 Australia 11 Belgium 1 Canada 20 Denmark 1 Finland 1 France 6 Greece 17 Hungary 2 Ireland 1 Israel 3 Italy 3 Japan 1 Netherlands 1 New Zealand 2 Norway 1 Slovenija 1 Sweden 1 Switzerland 2 Turkey 1 United Kingdom 22 United States 221 |