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HELLENIC LITERATURE SOC. 1/1/96Events DirectoryFrom: GreekBooks@aol.comHELLENIC LITERATURE SOCIETYA newsletter of Greek literature provided by the H.L.S. A non-profit - P.O. Box 2272, River Vale, NJ 07675Tel. 201-666-7374; Fax 201-664-3402January 1, 1996 - Year: 2, Issue: 17TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST PLEASE E-MAIL OR POST YOUR FULL NAME AND BOTH YOUR ELECTRONIC & POST OFFICE ADDRESSES (HOME ADDRESS PLEASE). SUBSCRIBERS WILL RECEIVE HARD COPIES OF CATALOGS & BROCHURES OF GREEK LITERATURE, AS WELL AS ELECTRONIC UPDATES. THE HELLENIC LITERATURE SOCIETY WISHES ITS MEMBERS A MERRY HOLIDAY SEASON AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTThe Hellenic Literature Society would like to announce the creation of the HLS-Discussion Group. This forum will allow our members throughout the world to communicate with each other, to discuss topics of Greek literature and books by Greek authors or Greek subject matter, to exchange ideas and opinions, and to locate out of print books. We expect to launch this service sometime in January 1996. Notifications and instructions will be e-mailed to all our members. If you do not want to participate in this forum please send an e-mail to saying "Do not subscribe to HLS-Discussion Group". You will remain a member of HLS, and you will continue receiving our newsletter. Special thanks to the administration of the Hellenic Resource Institute for their contribution in equipment and volunteers in making the HLS-Discussion Group a reality. Also, beginning in January, all outgoing e-mail from HLS to its members will be channeled through the Hellenic Resource Institute organization. Incoming e-mail will remain as is, that is to*** 1994 Literary Awards by the Greek Government ***The Executive Committee of the Ministry of Culture decided to award the Greek Government's Awards for the literary activities during 1994 to:Antonis Sourounis: Novel Award for the "Xoro twv Rodwv" Kostas Lahas: Short Story Award for "Asknseis Epi Ammodoxou" Zisis Oekonomou: Poetry Award for "Nea Epoxn" Naso Vagena: Essay Award for "Eirwvikn Glwssa: kritikes meletes gia th neoellnvikn grammateia" Kyriakos Tsakiris: Chronicle Award for "Bourla: n megaln apodrasn" Naso Detzortzi: Special Literature Award for his work in Greek literature. Maro Loizou: Children's Literature Award for "H Mnteroula mou h Rwsia" Nikos Fokas: Translations of Literature Award for his translation of S. Bontler: "Dekapevte Poinmata" *** Distinction Awards ***The Minister of Culture of the French government awarded to:Antonis Samarakis: Award of "Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters" Vasilis Aleksakis: The "Medicis" Award for his book "Mntrikn Glwssa" *** Classical Studies Congress ***The 11th Congress of the International Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece during the summer of 1999. Preparations for the Congress are underway, with meetings scheduled in Greece for the Spring of 1996. Among the important subjects that will be covered at the Congress are history, archaeology and the literature of Macedonia. The gathering will offer a unique opportunity for the presentation and promotion of Greek scholarly work, and simultaneously boost philhellenic spirit abroad. For further information, write to Dr. G. Xanthakis-Karamanos, Professor of Classics at the University of Athens, 11 Karaoli & Demetriou St. 152-37 Philothei, Greece, or fax: 01-529-4482.*** Greece In Print - 1996 ***The Hellenic Literature Society in cooperation with the Hellenic American Educators/UFT announces "GREECE IN PRINT, 1996". This event is the first major Book Exhibit of Greek Literature and Culture in North America. The event will take place on Saturday and Sunday September 21 and 22, 1996 at the United Federation of Teachers Building located at 260 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010."GREECE IN PRINT, 1996" will exhibit a large selection of books (several thousand) printed in both English and Greek. Visitors to the exhibit will have the opportunity to browse and explore a variety of themes such as: art, children's books, classical studies, cookbooks, culture, Greek-American studies, history, language courses, literature & fiction, modern Greek Studies, philosophy, poetry, religion, schoolbooks, travel guides, women's studies, as well as educational and cultural audio and video cassettes and computer software. During the course of this two day exhibition, noted authors and scholars will conduct lectures and workshops on site. This effort will be made a reality through the volunteer efforts of Greeks and philhellenes alike. With the support of all of us the treasures of Greece will be presented for all to share. A lasting gift through the written word. The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Hellenic Literature Society request your support and patronage. We urge you to become part of it. Donations to the Hellenic Literature Society are tax deductible. *** Hellenic Museum Presents New Exhibit ***The Hellenic Museum of Chicago recently announced the upcoming opening of a new exhibition on the 4,000 year history of Greek immigration. The exhibit, entitled "People On the Move" will run from January 19 through April 19.Following the trail of Greek voyagers throughout the ancient Mediterranean, including the myth of Jason and his Argonauts and the historical figure Alexander the Great, and into the New World, the exhibit charts the Greek immigrant experience. Curator: Theodora Vasils. For more information call (312) 726-1234. *** Honorary Degree ***The Reverend C. N. Dombalis, dean of the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Richmond, VA will be awarded a Doctor of Humane Letters degree by Randolph Macon College at its commencement in June 1996*** The Newark Museum Exhibit ***"Heaven on Earth" orthodox treasures of Europe, Asia and North America is an exhibit of 237 exceptional works of liturgical art reflecting the unique character of the Orthodox faith in the United States and Canada. Among the icons, gold and silver vessels, altar coverings, and vestments are works representing the varied constituencies of the Orthodox in America. Greek, Russian, Serbian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Aleut, Eskimo, Tlingit, and Koniag objects are featured. Organized by the Anchorage Museum of History and Art. April 17 - July 14, 1996. 49 Washington St., Newark, NJ. hours: Noon to 5:00 PM, Wednesday through Sunday, (201) 596-6550.*** Statistics from the 1995 Book Exhibit at Pediov tou Arews ***Visitors - 141,715 Age: 99.4% - less than 44 years old. 31.6% - 25 to 34 years old 30% - 19 to 24 years old 18% - 13 to 18 years old 3.2% - less than 12 years old Gender: 57% - Female 43% - Male Status: 83.8% - of married couples had no children 79.8% - bachelors 50.7% - Not gainfully employed Education: 49.8% - Lyceum graduates 27.4% - AEI graduates 6.7% - TEI graduates Information on New Publications: 50.1% - Bookstore browsing 35.9% - Newspaper/magazine advertising 31.4% - Book exhibits 7.9% - Literary magazines Read Foreign Literature: 61.8% - Female 36.9% - Male REVIEW*** "Migthy Aphrodite" by John A. Pyros, The Hellenic Chronicle ***All those interested in further increasing their comprehension of the Hellenic tradition to world culture should indulge themselves in viewing Woody Allen's latest writing/directorial effort, "Mighty Aphrodite." That the film is a pleasant enough experience is a distant secondary consideration to experiencing his ingenious interpolations balancing modernity with that of the classic Hellenic theater. Although with much more of a brilliant and audacious stretch due to the historical and cultural differences created by the chasms of time, Allen utilizes a literary technique similar to that which he did in "Play It Again Sam". reworking his contemporaneous ideas regarding love and romance shrewdly ensconced within unusually clever interspersions of ancient Hellenic tragedy, its stylistic Greek chorus, its divinities; the ironic Teiresias, who though blind, "see," and of course, its immortal Mighty Aphrodite, goddess of love. For all Hellenophiles Allen's film allows a most pleasant professorial recourse to the understanding and experiencing of the classic Greek theater, not only for its valued place during its own time, but as means to perceive its continued pertinence and value right up to now. NEW PUBLICATIONS*** English Language ***CLEOPATRA: GODDESS OF EGYPT, ENEMY OF ROME by Polly Schoyer BrooksCleopatra, last of the Ptolemy, Greek rulers of Egypt, and mother to both Julius Caesar's and Mark Antony's children, inspired countless myths and legends as well as the greatest poets and dramatists throughout the ages. An educated woman and politically savvy ruler, she wisely encouraged her subjects to worship her as the Egyptian goddess Isis, even as she traced her own ancestry back to a Macedonian Greek, Alexander the Great. 151 pages, 6.5x9.2 inches, Cloth, Ages: 11 and up. $ 15.95 THE GOLDEN GREEK: AN ALL AMERICAN STORY, by N. Tsiotos & A. Dabilis HELEN OF TROY AND HER SHAMELESS PHANTOM, by Norman Austin THE MIRACLE: A TRUE STORY, by Leonidas Koumakis VIDEO:LIFE, TIMES AND WONDERS OF ATHENS & ANCIENT GREECE *** Greek Language ***H AGRYPNH TWN OYRANWN, tns Athnvas PapadaknEktn pointikn parousia me efodia apo tnv prongoumevn katathesn tns th "Leaiva tns Bitrivas" Exei afairesei apo tn sullnpsn twv poinmatwv tns tis ameses avafores stnv kath' nmas pragmatikotnta kai trabaei gia ta bathia. Oi lekseis sullambavouv ev ekstasei to orama evos kosmou amathntou, evos kosmou agrammatou. Kai erxetai stigmes-stigmes to fasma tns Kikns Dnmoula. O Dareios me thnluko proswpeio.Govimh suvomilia. Yparxei parthevogevesh? Erwtas uparxei, pointika omolognmevos. (B. Kalamaras) Selides 48, $ 11.25 O ASHMENIOS KATHREPTHS, tns Magdas Nikolaidou DEKA MYTHOI KAI MIA ISTORIA, tou Nikou Papavdreou KAREKLES KAI SKAMNIA, tou Hlia Petropoulou STH GH TOY ERWTA, tou Dnmntrn Deilinou BEST SELLERS IN GREECE - November 15, 1995
GIVE TO YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, UPCOMING EVENTSNovember 5 - January 7 * Baltimore, MD - EXHIBITION. "PANDORA'S BOX:WOMEN IN CLASSICAL GREECE"The first museum show to focus on the lives of women in classical Greece. On display at the Walters Art Gallery, 600 North Charles Street. For further information call (410) 547-9000. November 21 - January 7 * New York, NY - EXHIBITION. "FROM PENTELICON TO THE PARTHENON" December 2 - January 21 * Cambridge, MA - EXHIBIT. "REFLECTIONS FROM SANTORINI" January 5-7 * Seattle, WA - SKI RETREAT January 5-22 * Baltimore, MD - TRAVEL-STUDY COURSE ON THE HISTORY OF CRETE. January 6 * Tarpon Springs, FL - EXHIBIT January 11 * Cambridge, MA - LECTURE January 13 * Tarpon Springs, FL - WORKSHOP / LECTURE January 16 * Cambridge, MA - HELICON SOCIETY LECTURE January 17 - April 14 * New York, NY - EXHIBITION January 18 * Cambridge, MA - DRAMATIC READING January 21 * New York, NY - THE HISTORY OF BYZANTINE ART: FROM ICONOCLASM TO THE CRUSADES January 26-February 10 * Boston, MA - CINAMA FESTIVAL February 3-6 * St. Augustine, FL - PILGRIMAGE February 8-11 * Silver Creek, CO - CONFERENCE NOTES
This newsletter is made possible by the members of the Hellenic Literature Society who have contributed towards its publication, and by the support of: Cosmos Publishing Company - NJ, 201-664-3494: Books of Greek subject matter (Mail order) Foundation for Hellenic Culture - NY, 212-308-6908 Non-profit organization supporting Greek cultural activities. The GreekAmerican - NY, 718-626-7676: Weekly Newspaper (in English) Greek American Women's Network - NJ, 201-944-4127 Provides support, contacts and shared information to women of Greek heritage. Hellenic American Educators - NY, 212-777-7502 Educational organization affiliated with the United Federation of Teachers. The Hellenic American Network - NJ, 201-664-3494: Mail order advertising, reaching over 1,000,000 Greek-Americans and 120,000 Greek-Canadians. HELLENIC LITERATURE SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP - 381 MEMBERS IN 24 COUNTRIESAustralia 13 Israel 3 Belgium 1 Italy 4 Brazil 1 Japan 2 Canada 22 Netherlands 1 Cyprus 1 New Zealand 2 Denmark 1 Norway 1 Finland 1 Slovenija 1 France 6 Sweden 1 Germany 2 Switzerland 2 Greece 19 Turkey 1 Hungary 2 United Kingdom 26 Ireland 1 United States 267 |