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SRNA REVIEW OF DAILY NEWS, Sept. 20, 1996Srpska Republica News Agency (SRNA) Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: Mirjana Petrovic <>SARAJEVO - According to newest data of the OSCE Centre in Sarajevo, the Serbian Democratic Party with 54.4 percent of votes is in the lead in the elections for the House of Representatives of the Dayton Bosnia. In 88 municipalities in the Federation of B - H, the Party of Democratic Action won 54.3 percent of votes, and is followed by the Croatian Democratic Party (HDZ) with 23.4 percent of votes and the Joint List for B-H with 9.3 percent of votes. BANJALUKA - According to unofficial data, the Serbian Demo cratic Party (SDS) won eight seats out of 14 in total which belong to RS for the House of Representatives of the Dayton Bosnia. Two seats belong to Alliance for Peace and Progress, and the Serbian Radical Party and Democratic Patriotic Block won one seat each, while the Party of Democratic Action and Joint List for B-H, both from the Federation, also got one each. BANJALUKA - The Serbian Democratic Party (SDS) for the National Assmelby of Republika Sprska, got 568,281 or 59.11 percent of votes for the RS Parliament, i.e. 49 seats in the Assembly, learns SRNA. The Alliance for Peace and Progress won 120,771 or 12.5 percent of votes, while the next placed is the Party of Democratic Action with 85,392 or 8.63 percent of votes. SARAJEVO - The Serbian Democratic Party for All Serbian Lands (SDS SZ) demands the results to be declared null and void for the voting in absentia in a part in which the counting of votes was finished in the centre for sorting in Rajlovac, due to violation of electoral rules in the process of registration, sorting and counting of ballots. In the complaint to OSCE Centre in Sokolac, signed by the secretary of the SDS Presidency Vlado Vrkes, it stands: "The PEC rules and regulations say that the absentia ballots should arrive to municipal centres for counting of votes and should be mixed with other ballots, following which the counting of the such mixed ballots will be continued". BEOGRAD - The member of the RS Senate and the professor of the Law School in Belgrade, Kosta Cavroski, assessed the victory of Momcilo Krajisnik and Biljana Plavsic as being a result of the political matureness of the people in the youngest Serbian state. In an interview for SRNA, Cavroski stated that the people chose the right people and expressed his belief that Krajisnik and Ms. Plavsic will "firmly and skillfully represent the Serbi an national interests". BEOGRAD - The Serbian National Renewal from Australia con gratulated the victory to RS president Biljana Plavsic and a member of the Presidency of Dayton Bosnian, Momcilo Krajisnik. In a congratulations sent to Ms. Plavsic and Momcilo Krajisnik it was said that "the Serbs from RS and the Serbs round the world gave their support to them which is a guarantee that they will keep the national striving towards an unitary Serbian state, tolerance and the brotherly Serbian understanding, for which many sacrifices were given in this war". /end/Srpska Republica News Agency (SRNA) Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |