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SRNA REVIEW OF DAILY NEWS, Sept. 23, 1996Srpska Republica News Agency (SRNA) Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: Mirjana Petrovic <>BANJALUKA - The vicepresident and acting president of Republika Srpska (RS) Biljana Plavsic, in Banjaluka announced a possibility of withdrawal of her signature giving a consent for the extension of OSCE Mission mandate for the upcoming municipal elections. Dr. Plavsic warned OSCE Mission chief for the Dayton B - H, Robert Frowick, of unallowable omissions with absentia ballots which arrived after September 14 in Rajlovac. After the meeting, Frowick assessed that these were the most complicated elections in the history and certain difficulties were to be expected during the gathering of ballots and counting of votes, owing to a large number of refugees and displaced persons. SARAJEVO - The RS minister of interior, Dragan Kijac, stated for SRNA that IFOR ground forces commander general Michael Walker called upon the Muslims, who forcibly entered the village of Jusici, near Zvornik, to leave the Serb territory by 17:00 hrs. "If the armed Muslims do not comply to general Walker's request, we will ask IFOR to allow RS Police to patrol throughout the village", stated Kijac, adding that the Muslim men in the village are armed with 10 guns, about ten bombs and a machinegun. The RS Police possesses an information that the Muslims who entered the village of Jusici were not prewar village's residents, and until now none of them left the village. AMSTERDAM - The Association of Prisoners form 1991, based in Belgrade, sent a protest to the Hague Tribunal's chief prosecu tor, demanding Tribunal's mediation in the process of releasing of the remaining Serb prisoners held in Muslim prisoner camps. Since Sarajevo is not in possession of any evidence on the re sponsibility of prisoenrs, we request the Hague Tribunal to react in accordance with the international law and the Daytona agree ment, says the Association. UGLJEVIK - The remains of five deceased Serb soldiers from the Majevica area, exhumed form the Kamen mass grave near Glamoc, will be buried in graves in Bijeljina. Twelve Serb soldiers are missing since the Croat Muslim offensive on the western RS from the Majevica area. The fate of five other soldiers is still un known. AMSTERDAM - The director of the Medical Centre in Serb Sa rajevo, Dr. Mirko Sosic, arrived to Holland to set out coopera tion between the RS and Dutch heath institutions. Dr. Sosic, who worked in the Koran hospital during he war, will visit the Gro ningen University Centre and the Amsterdam Institute for the pri mary heath care. A doctor of the Institute is already involved in the project of rehabilitation and reconstruction of the RS heath system. HAMBURG - The German Welt assessed that a wish of the West to revive the multiethnic Bosnia is unrealistic, and warns that such an effort would only mean a manyyear venture with uncertain effect, in addition to high expenses. "The attempt of the West to forcibly impose 'international pluralism' has to fall down, because there are no existent essential political conditions", clams the Welt's analyst, and reminds that the Serbs are opted for a national state, while the Muslims are placing all of their hopes in their leader Alija Izetbegovic. BRUSSELS - The Flemish Radio joined the majority of western media in accusations on account of the Party Democratic Action (SDA) of falsifying the elections results in the CroatMuslim Federation. While pointing that the OSCE does not want to verify the results of the elections due to widerange irregularities noted during the electoral process in the Federation, the Radio claims that he advantage of the SDA candidate for the presidency member, Alija Izetbegovic, over Momcilo Krajsinik, SDS's candi date, is 20,000 but not 40,000 votes. CLEVELAND - The US Washington Post in its latest Sunday's edition reveals that the Viennabased Agency for Aid for Third World, despite the binding UN arms embargo, delivered the arms to Izetbegovic's government in Sarajevo. The paper - which this spring discovered the channel by which, with Whtie House aproval, the Iranian arms reached the Bosnain Muslim stores - says the Agency was formed by a Sudanian, Elfatih Hasenein, with an aim at instigating and helping the expansion of Islam into central Europe and former USSR regions. ROME - A trial and arrest of several businessmen and influ ential persons in the Italian public due to bribe of state func tionaries, involved in secret arms shipments to the Muslim government in Sarajevo, are among the main topic of the Italian press. Several important figures were arrested, among whom the first man of the Italian railways, Lorentzo Necci, and the former candidate for post of minsiter of industry. ZAGREB - Over one thousand Serbs were killed in Croatia after the Croatian army overrun the Republic of the Sprska Kraji na in August, 1995, sstated the president of the Croatian Office of the Helsinki Committee for human rights, Zvonimir Cicak. The accusations followed sharp criticisms sent from the Security Council to the Croatian regime because of treatment of the re maining Serbs in Croatia. /end/Srpska Republica News Agency (SRNA) Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |