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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-16Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] YPEJ - AMMOXWSTOS - EP.ANAFORWN EYRWPAIKOY KOINOBOYLIOYWs monomerh energeia enos sygkekrimenoy atomoy qewrei h Kybernhsh th syntajh toy prosxedioy ekqeshs ths Epitrophs Anaforwn toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy gia to qema ths Ammoxwstoy kai exei hdh probei se kataggelies sxetika me to periexomeno ths, to opoio qewrei aparadekto, dhlwse h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Eratw Kozakoy Markoyllh.``Molis egine gnwsth ayth h entelws aparadekth ekqesh, h opoia bebaiws brisketai se ena poly arxiko stadio kai den prokeitai gia kat` oydena logo gia teliko keimeno. Prokeitai gia ena prosxedio to opoio exei syggrafei ej oloklhroy apo ena melos ths Grammateias ths sygkekrimenhs Epitrophs``, anefere h k. Markoyllh. Anefere pws ``sigoyra diabasame to aparadekto periexomeno ths ekqeshs ayths kai amesws probhkame se para polles energeies me stoxo na akyrwqei ayth h ekqesh``. Opws shmeiwse, oi energeies ths Kybernhshs ginontai toso stis Bryjelles oso kai pros toys Eyrwboyleytes melh ths Epitrophs ayths oxi mono se aytoys poy episkefqhkan prosfata thn Kypro alla kai sta alla melh ths Epitrophs. H k. Markoyllh eipe pws shmera to apogeyma qa exei synanthsh me to Dhmarxo Ammoxwstoy Alejh Galano kai me thn Epitroph Prosfygwn Ammoxwstoy gia na antallajoyn apoceis ``kai na doyme pws qa kinhqoyme peraiterw gia ayto to skopo``. [02] AKRIBOS TSOLAKHS - FRONTISTHS A.PRODROMOY - META QANATON TIMHPragmatopoieitai stis 25 Martioy ston Agro teleth, sthn opoia qa ejaggelqei h idrysh pararthmatos toy Idrymatos Asfaleias Pthsewn Notioanatolikhs Mesogeioy kai qa aponemhqei meta qanaton brabeio hrwismoy, sto frontisth Andrea Prodromoy, thn pio tragikh isws figoyra, h opoia prospaqhse na apotrecei thn syntribh toy Mpoingk 737-300 ths etaireias ``Hlios`` sto Grammatiko stis 14 Aygoystoy 2005.Se dhlwseis sto KYPE, o Akribos Tsolakhs, prwtergaths ths olhs prospaqeias, anefere oti h idrysh toy pararthmatos apotelei ``mia teleiwmenh apofash`` kai oti h apofash gia th brabeysh toy Andrea Prodromoy protaqhke apo ton idio sto mhtriko Idryma Asfaleias Pthsewn (FSF), me edra thn Alejandreia ths politeias Birtzinia twn HPA, eishghsh poy egine apodekth. O k. Tsolakhs, stis dhlwseis toy, eipe pws h olh idea gia thn idrysh toy pararthmatos jekinhse apo ton idio, meta thn oloklhrwsh ths diereynhshs toy tragikoy dystyxhmatos. ``Otan teleiwse h peripeteia me th diereynhsh, eipa stoys armodioys sthn Kypro oti exw proqesh na dwsoyme mia tonwtikh enesh sthn Kypro apo apochs asfaleias pthsewn kai na metaferoyme tmhma toy FSF Southeastern Europe sthn Kypro``, eipe. ``Epikoinwnhsa me ton Proedro Papadopoylo, hrqe o Dieyqynwn Symboylos toy FSF k. Goyiliam Bos sth Leykwsia, synanthqhkame me ton Proedro Papadopoylo kai eipe o k. Bos oti eynooyme na ginei ayto to pragma gia na tonwsoyme thn Kypro kai thn perioxh, giati h Kypros einai sto kentro ths anatolikhs Mesogeioy``, prosqese o k. Tsolakhs. Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |