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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-16

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [01] GG OPEK - KYPROS

  • [01] GG OPEK - KYPROS

    O Genikos Grammateas toy Organismoy Petrelaioparagwgwn Kratwn (OPEK) Ampntala Salem El Mpantri dhlwse shmera pws oi xwres toy OPEK den qa distasoyn na ayjhsoyn thn paragwgh petrelaioy, ean ayto epiballei h agora, prosqetontas pws o OPEK den qewrei oti ta apoqemata petrelaioy einai xamhla.

    O k. El Mpantri, o opoios brisketai sthn Kypro gia prwth fora, ystera apo prosklhsh toy Emporikoy kai Biomhxanikoy Epimelhthrioy Leykwsias, egine shmera dektos apo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Tasso Papadopoylo.

    O GG toy OPEK synodeyeto, metajy allwn, apo ton Ypoyrgo Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy Antwnh Mixahlidh, ton Dieyqynth ths Yphresias Energeias Solwna Kasinh kai ton Proedro toy EBEL Xristodoylo Agkastiniwth.

    Th synanthsh, poy pragmatopoihqhke sto Proedriko Megaro, apasxolhsan oi ejelijeis ston tomea toy mayroy xrysoy dieqnws.

    Se erwthsh kata poso, enocei ths epomenhs synanthshs toy OPEK thn 1h Febroyarioy, yparxei proqesh gia ayjhsh ths paragwghs, o k. Mpantri eipe oti h Grammateia toy Organismoy qa ypobalei stoys Ypoyrgoys twn xwrwn toy OPEK ekqesh, poy qa basizetai sthn prosfora kai th zhthsh, tis times toy petrelaioy kai to ryqmo ths pagkosmias anaptyjhs.

    ``Eimai bebaios oti oi Ypoyrgoi sth Synodo den qa distasoyn na ayjhsoyn thn paragwgh, an ayto dikaiologeitai apo ta qemeliwdh ths agoras``, eipe.

    Apantwntas se sxetikh erwthsh, o k. Mpantri eipe pws h timh toy petrelaioy ephreazetai apo polloys paragontes, opws h timh toy dolarioy, h krish sta enypoqhka daneia ychloy kindynoy stis HPA kaqws epishs kai apo gewpolitikoys logoys kai ``panw apo ola apo kerdoskopoys``, opws eipe.

    Se allh erwthsh, o GG toy OPEK eipe pws ta apoqematika petrelaioy den einai xamhla.

    Klhqeis na sxoliasei xqesinh ekklhsh toy Amerikanoy Proedroy Tzortz Mpoys gia ayjhsh ths paragwghs petrelaioy logw twn ychlwn timwn toy mayroy xrysoy, o k. Mpantri shmeiwse pws otan h agora dikaiologei ayjhsh ths paragwghs, h kaqe xwra qa akoloyqhsei. Ypenqymise oti apo to 2002 mexri shmera o OPEK ayjhse thn paragwgh kata pente ekatommyria barelia hmerhsiws giati ``nomizame oti h agora dikaiologoyse mia tetoia ayjhsh``.

    ``O OPEK, opws eipa, den qa distasei na ayjhsei thn paragwgh an h agora dikaiologei ayth thn ayjhsh``, katelhje.

    Ejalloy, o k. El Mpantri eipe oti o Proedros Papadopoylos einai gnwsths twn ejelijewn pagkosmiws se o,ti afora to mayro xryso.

    Se erwthsh an o Proedros Papadopoylos toy zhthse kapoia symboylh anaforika me tis drasthriothtes ths Kyproy gia ereyna gia entopismo koitasmatwn petrelaioy sthn Apokleistikh Oikonomikh Zwnh ths xwras, o k. El Mpantri apanthse arnhtika.

    ``Exw plhrofories gia kaqe xwra h opoia epiqymei na exei nees drasthriothtes (ston tomea toy petrelaioy), alla den milhsame sygkekrimena gia thn Kypro``, eipe.

    Meta th synanthsh, o k. El Mpantri ypegrace to biblio episkeptwn sto Proedriko Megaro.


    H Eirhneytikh Diadikasia sth Mesh Anatolh, h Paranomh Metanasteysh, o Mhxanismos Antimetwpishs Fysikwn Katastrofwn, to Kosobo kai h dhmioyrgia ths Mesogeiakhs Enwshs einai anamesa sta qemata poy qa syzhthqoyn sthn 5h Atyph Synodo twn Ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn twn Mesogeiakwn kratwn melwn ths EE, poy arxizei ayrio sto jenodoxeio Aphrodite Hills Resort, sthn Pafo.

    Epishmh anakoinwsh anaferei oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos qa paraqesei dejiwsh ypodoxhs twn symmetexontwn Ypoyrgwn kai Yfypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn. Sth synexeia oi Ypoyrgoi Ejwterikwn qa parakaqisoyn se deipno ergasias sth diarkeia toy opoioy qa syzhthqei h Eirhneytikh Diadikasia sth Mesh Anatolh.


    Pragmatopoieitai stis 25 Martioy ston Agro teleth, sthn opoia qa ejaggelqei h idrysh pararthmatos toy Idrymatos Asfaleias Pthsewn Notioanatolikhs Mesogeioy kai qa aponemhqei meta qanaton brabeio hrwismoy, sto frontisth Andrea Prodromoy, thn pio tragikh isws figoyra, h opoia prospaqhse na apotrecei thn syntribh toy Mpoingk 737-300 ths etaireias ``Hlios`` sto Grammatiko stis 14 Aygoystoy 2005.

    Se dhlwseis sto KYPE, o Akribos Tsolakhs, prwtergaths ths olhs prospaqeias, anefere oti h idrysh toy pararthmatos apotelei ``mia teleiwmenh apofash`` kai oti h apofash gia th brabeysh toy Andrea Prodromoy protaqhke apo ton idio sto mhtriko Idryma Asfaleias Pthsewn (FSF), me edra thn Alejandreia ths politeias Birtzinia twn HPA, eishghsh poy egine apodekth.

    O k. Tsolakhs, stis dhlwseis toy, eipe pws h olh idea gia thn idrysh toy pararthmatos jekinhse apo ton idio, meta thn oloklhrwsh ths diereynhshs toy tragikoy dystyxhmatos. ``Otan teleiwse h peripeteia me th diereynhsh, eipa stoys armodioys sthn Kypro oti exw proqesh na dwsoyme mia tonwtikh enesh sthn Kypro apo apochs asfaleias pthsewn kai na metaferoyme tmhma toy FSF Southeastern Europe sthn Kypro``, eipe.

    ``Epikoinwnhsa me ton Proedro Papadopoylo, hrqe o Dieyqynwn Symboylos toy FSF k. Goyiliam Bos sth Leykwsia, synanthqhkame me ton Proedro Papadopoylo kai eipe o k. Bos oti eynooyme na ginei ayto to pragma gia na tonwsoyme thn Kypro kai thn perioxh, giati h Kypros einai sto kentro ths anatolikhs Mesogeioy``, prosqese o k. Tsolakhs.


    Sto b' gyro toy Aystralianoy Open prokriqhke ta jhmerwmata ths Triths o Markos Pagdaths.

    O Kyprios antisfairisths nikhse 3 - 1 set (7- 6, 6 - 2, 6 - 3 kai 6 - 3) to Soyhdo Tomas Gioxanson ston a gyro toy prwtoy Gkran Slam ths xronias. O agwnas dihrkese pera twn triwn wrwn. O Pagdaths petyxe 16 asoys, enanti 7 toy Soyhdoy, enw eixe 4 dipla sfalmata enanti 5 toy antipaloy toy.

    Sto b gyro, o Pagdaths qa antimetwpisei to nikhth toy zeygarioy Ernest Gkoylpis (Letonia) - Marat Safin (Rwsia).

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